Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 4: Strong


Chen Zong, with three wins and zero defeats in battle, had a three-game winning streak with a record of sixty.

Such a result was directly beyond the expectations of the spectators, and a few more people entered the spectators.

"Continue." Three battles, each of which brought great pressure to oneself, there was a sense of tension and excitement wandering on the edge of life and death. This feeling is already difficult to realize in the heavenly sanctuary.

Three games in a row, despite a lot of power consumption, but the momentum is high, without hesitation, Chen Zong chose to continue to participate in the war.

Only this time, it seemed that the selection of opponents took longer than the previous three games.

A black and white portal appeared opposite, but no one appeared slowly.

Chen Zong's eyes condensed, a faint radiance, as if to penetrate that portal.

People have not yet appeared, but suddenly more people have watched the war, almost one hundred at a time.

"what's the situation?"

"The age of consciousness is ten, the lower level is mortal, the lower level is the lower level, the lower level is the lower level, and the lower level is generally evaluated. This is not only the lower level, but the lower level. Why am I randomly assigned here? Those who knew Chen Zong's information mourned, and decided to quit.

Such a low-level talent is just a reluctance to become a newcomer to the eternal battlefield. It is estimated that it will not be possible to stay here for long and will be forced to leave, there is nothing to look at.

There are also many people with his general thoughts, but at the moment they were about to leave, they saw a figure in the corner of their eyes, stepping out of the black and white portal, and immediately dispelled the thought of leaving.

Xiao Zheng has not entered the virtual world for some time, because in the retreat practice, this time I want to enter the virtual world to see it, maybe fight against some strong enough opponents, fight as a warm-up, and then go through Crush the battle tower and verify the results of your retreat.

He chose to fight instead of challenge, so he matched randomly.

Unexpectedly, it even matched a newcomer, and judging from the evaluation results in the other party's information, it was obviously the bottom newcomer.

For a while, Xiao Zheng was somewhat interested.

Unfortunately, after the opponent is selected, he must either open his own initiative and concede defeat, or defeat the opponent to kill him.

As a talented superior newcomer, Xiao Zheng has his own pride and cannot take the initiative to admit defeat. Although he is disdainful of shooting at the bottom newcomer, he has to do so in order to end the battle as soon as possible.

Chen Zong looked at Xiao Zheng in surprise and looked at each other's information.


This is a Tianjiao tested and evaluated as superior.

The other's conscious age is six, much younger than himself, and his physique is top mortal.

The detection of the opponent's upper part is amazing, the sky is high-level, and the actual combat ability is the top of the sky.

All in all, this is a very powerful person. It is a six-stage soldier. The battle victory is more than 500 wins, three draws, eighty losses, and the highest winning streak is thirteen. It should be used up.

After all, in the Eternal War Fortress, there is a record of consumption in the virtual world, as well as exchange of merit and martial arts secrets, and even weapon elixir, etc. also need records.

When the other's gaze came, Chen Zong was involuntarily tightened, his hair was upright.

It's terrible.


Really creepy!

The voice deep inside was telling himself that he was definitely not his opponent.

But Chen Zong took a deep breath and firmed his mind.

Even if it is not an opponent, then what is it? It is nothing but a defeat.

Then let's see, how strong is this person's detection evaluation.

The information of the two was clear at a glance. Such a huge disparity allowed the audience to choose to stay because they recognized Xiao Zheng.

"I met a rookie as soon as I went out. It seems Xiao Zheng's luck is very good."

"Yeah, maybe this time can break the record of thirteen consecutive victories."

"You are my first opponent after exiting the customs." Xiao Zheng looked at Chen Zong up and down, and seemed to see through it. The easy and free expression in that look was clearly a contempt: "I really don't know if you are lucky or unfortunate. "

"However, this time I should be very lucky, and as they say, this time, I will break the 13-game winning streak."

Chen Zong didn't say a word. Although the other party's words were very relaxed, however, a trace of Qiqi fell on himself, as if on his back, as if to cut his body apart.

It's terrible.

The invisible, colorless, and ubiquitous pressure demands that he must cope with all his efforts, but Chen Zong is not half surprised, and some are just excitement, which comes from the deepest excitement and excitement in his heart.

Powerful opponents have always been hard to find.

Among the peers of Tianyuan Sanctuary, it is impossible to find someone who can give birth to such feelings.

Only here, in the Eternal Fortress.

"Battle!" Chen Zong snorted abruptly, a word low and powerful, decisive and stern, the sword came out of the scabbard in an instant, condensed a force, exhausted everything and killed instantly.

Tian Lingli's lightness and swiftness spurred to the extreme, turning it into a white sword light like a meteor breaking through the sky, approaching the opponent's moment, Tian Lingli was replaced by the earth's elemental force instantly, and its rapid conversion also called Xiao Zheng slightly surprised.

"The solid foundation of the exercises and the application of its own strength are truly extraordinary, but unfortunately, your opponent is me." A sharp voice sounded in the ear, as sharp as a sword, directly through Chen Zong's eardrum .

Creepy, Xiao Zheng's sword was still unsheathed.

This sword has a different shape from the one used by Chen Zong. It looks more slender and sharper. A sword stabs out and the white sword is diffused. The speed of the sword is beyond ordinary and beyond description.

If the sword streamer!

Too fast, beyond imagination, even if Chen Zong's consciousness is stronger than many of his peers, he can barely catch a blur of light and shadow.

The sharpened subconscious horror erupted between life and death many times, his head was slightly shifted to the side, a blur of white sword light instantly passed, and a sound of suspicion came from his ears. It seemed to him that he was able to avoid this. One sword.

Surprised and surprised, Xiao Zheng is a peerless monster in a big world. He is talented and has experienced countless battles. He is extremely rich in experience and responds very quickly. The sword he stabs does not stop, but it changes quickly.

The flat cut out, the amazing sharp sharp seems to be able to tear the sky and the earth, but was avoided by Chen Zongxian dangerously.

Two swords in a row couldn't even kill a newcomer at the bottom. Xiao Zheng was even more surprised and a little annoyed.

It stands to reason that the gap between the other party and themselves is not big, and there is no comparability. When it is a sword that ends the other party, it is unexpected. Under the two swords, the other party is not wounded, and there is no harm.

"Nine swords of the heavenly spirit!" With a low sigh, Xiao Zheng directly exhibited the swordsmanship and martial arts in the vein of the heavens and the earth.

Dodge nowhere!

Even though Chen Zongyin could feel anything, he couldn't fully react, which made Chen Zong further realize that he was short of body.


Liangyi sword world!

However, this time, Liangyi Sword Realm didn't do its utmost, but after blocking the Six Swords, it was broken by the Seventh Sword, and the Eighth Sword reached the whole body.

Although he was defeated and perished, Chen Zong did not have half regret, and some were just excited and yearning.

Such a strong opponent also means that you can also become so strong and even surpass it.

In addition, Chen Zong is more eager for martial arts in the world.

He lost his life and appeared in the original void. This time, Chen Zong did not continue to participate in the battle, nor did he challenge. Four battles, three wins and one loss, made Chen Zong fully aware of his shortcomings and disadvantages. Understand your own advantages.

Chen Zong's several battles were like a small stone falling into the water. After splashing a small area of ​​waves and ripples, he quickly fell silent, and everyone forgot it. Even if it was Xiao Zheng, he felt that he was fighting. Surprised, after the killing, Chen Zong was left behind, after all, in his opinion, it was just a newcomer at the bottom.

They may forget or may not care. Qianlong is dormant, and one day it will rise up.

After leaving Tian Jue Dian and converging with Yang Guan, they left for the battle tower.

Along the way, Chen Zong and Yang Guan talked casually, while secretly pondering their own shortcomings.

On the level of cultivation, it is not inferior to the ontology, but the level of combat power is actually inferior. Although the various morals and martial arts mastered by the ontology can also be used.

However, because of the relationship between the physical constitution and the practice method, not only the martial arts of the ontology cannot show its full power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ also has defects and flaws.

Another point is that consciousness is limited.

For a long time, his own soul has become stronger, making his consciousness and divine thought stronger. Coming here is also a strong consciousness, but limited by the commonness of this body, he cannot release all the power of his consciousness. Come out, just part of it.

In other words, it is caused by the incomplete coordination of the consciousness and the body, which leads to the fact that although one's consciousness can feel the other's offensive, the body is slower than a line and it is too late to react.

The solution is either to actively weaken one's own consciousness and be in line with the body, and then it can fit, but this method is only a temporary measure, but it is self-harm.

The other method is to strengthen the body, which is eventually balanced with the strength of consciousness, so that it blends perfectly.

The first is the method of self-harm, but it is easier to do, and the second is the orthodox method, but it is more difficult to do.

Shortcuts and the right way!

There is no doubt between the two, Chen Zong will choose the latter, take the right path, and set aside short cuts.

So how do you strengthen yourself?

Is promotion cultivation?

Perhaps, but instinctively, Chen Zong felt that it should not be so simple, and more importantly, to improve his physique.

In other words, if you are now a subordinate mortal body, if you promote it to intermediate or even superior or even top level, it may have effect. As for whether or not, you need to verify it yourself to determine.

In the vein of heaven and earth, there is a panacea called stealing heaven and changing earth, and taking it can strengthen one's heaven and earth, and then improve physical fitness to a higher level.

But unfortunately, even if it's just a good idea to change the world, it still needs a thousand records to be exchanged.

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