Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 5: World War Tower

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Inside the Eternal Battle Fortress, there are three battle towers, namely the Eternal Battle Tower, the Void Battle Tower, and the Heaven and Earth Battle Tower, which are located in the area under the jurisdiction of the three main lords.

In fact, the three battle towers are the same, but because they belong to different groups, it is convenient for people from all walks of life to break through.

Following Yang Guan's footsteps, Chen Zong saw a huge tower towering above the earth.

The base of the giant tower is black, but the more it goes up, the black gradually fades away, layer by layer, and the oblique angle is flying. By the fifth layer, the black has become very pale and faint, and there is a faint white diffused, On the sixth layer, there is more false white. By the seventh layer, it suddenly becomes a dull white, and on the eighth layer, the white becomes more prominent.

"The heaven and earth battle tower is divided into twelve floors." Yang Guan said, his eyes gazed at the towering tower of heaven, surrounded by countless black earth and white clouds, straight into the end of the sky. He did not know how many times he had seen it, but every time he saw it At that time, you will feel shocked.

Chen Zong didn't speak. When he looked up and stared, his heart only shook.

Wasteland, vicissitudes, majesty, vastness!

Such words are pale to describe this giant tower.

The majesty of black and the lightness and vigor of white interpret the indescribable mystery.

Standing in front of him looks very small.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Guan worked hard to calm down his excitement and said again: "The first to third layers correspond to the lower level, the fourth to sixth layers correspond to the intermediate level, and the seventh to ninth layers correspond to the It ’s the superior, and the tenth to twelfth correspond to the king. "

In other words, if you want to improve your genius level in the eternal battlefield, you can only push the tower beyond the limit.

Chen Zong, for example, is now a subordinate, but if he wants to be promoted to intermediate, at least he must break through to the fourth floor.

You will also be rewarded for the battle tower.

For example, if you cross the first floor, you can get a thousand records and random rewards. The random rewards may be stealing the earth or martial arts.

Passing the second floor, you can get two thousand records and random rewards.

Break through the third floor and get 3,000 records and random rewards.

There is a difference between the record of the battlefield and the battle of the virtual world. In the virtual world, the record of the battlefield will not be displayed, only the record of the virtual world.

Of course, there is no difference between the two records, they will be included in the total record, but the information in the virtual world will only show the results achieved in the virtual world.

If you break through the third layer and the fourth layer, you will get more rewards, a full 10,000 records and random rewards.

All in all, the higher the number of layers you enter, the more rewards you will get.

"Brother Yang, I'm going to break into the tower." Chen Zong said, and he walked forward, took out the eternal heaven and earth order, and put it into the depression of the tower wall of the heaven and earth battle tower.

Suddenly, a light shone and fell on Chen Zong. Between the black and white flashes, Chen Zong's body disappeared into the giant tower and disappeared.

"I don't know if Brother Chen can break through the first floor?" Yang Guan knew the basic information of Chen Zong. It was really difficult to say whether the youngest of the newcomers and the bottom of the subordinates could break through the first floor.

However, he sincerely hoped that Chen Zong could break through the first floor and get at least a thousand records. If he is lucky, he can also get the best products of the world or martial arts.

In the case of Chen Zong or himself, only the towers of the world can have the opportunity to change and improve. Otherwise, it is difficult to get enough records based on the virtual world.

Of course, it is not easy to get a record in the virtual world, but it can last. As long as you participate in the battle, you can always get it, and you can get less and more, but the tower and the tower are rewarded for one time. Can't get it.

First it was dark and deep, and then it was bright and white.

Black and white intertwine and change, constantly twisting and twisting, and finally condensing into a black and white portal.

Chen Zong stepped forward, stepped into the black and white portal, his eyes changed and widened, and a field appeared under the eyes of Chen Zong's eyes.

It is said that each person who challenges the battle tower in the heavens and earth may not enter the same environment after entering the battle tower.

The opponents appear in different environments are not the same, but one thing is the same, that is, combat power.

The eternal battlefield is dominated by war, and its test is naturally related to battle.


A violent roar suddenly sounded, shaking the eardrums and almost breaking.

Chen Zongning looked and saw a huge black and white portal appearing thousands of kilometers away, and a huge figure stepped out with the roar of roar.


When the stout forelimbs stepped out of the black and white portal, they made an astonishing sound like a giant drum throbbing. A circle of air waves centered on the soles of the feet, spreading out like ripples.


A scruffy head looks like a wolf and a bear. It looks like a wolf and a bear is coming out. The scarlet rays of his eyes are radiating, and an amazing roar is issued at Chen Zong. The sound of horror turns into a wave of sonic storms. This kind of astonishing momentum that smashes all things makes the human soul fly away.

Under Chen Zong's gaze, this giant beast stepped out of the portal and appeared completely.

The limbs, the majestic body, the scruffy head, the black fur and the scarlet eyes all exuding an astonishingly fierce breath.

The intensity of this breath made Chen Zong look slightly dignified.

A terrible breath, as if it was a peerless beast.


The third roar sounded, the sound waves rolled, and the bear-like beast suddenly charged violently.


The wasteland earth roared continuously under the limbs of the beast, shaking, and the sand and rocks shook endlessly.

The momentum was violent and fierce, forming an astonishing coercion, as if to tear Chen Zong and crush it.

Taking a deep breath and calming down, Chen Zong's eyes flashed a cold light, extremely calm.

Staring at each other, Chen Zong was not deterred by the terrible momentum of the fierce beast.

Step forward.

The distance of kilometers is as close as possible, but it is momentary. The beast of the beast lifted up and slammed forward, as if shot down by a mountain. The blackness was diffused, the sky was covered by the sun, the coercion of terror seemed to make Chen Zongbang Broken to kill into slag.

Only momentarily, Chen Zong's figure turned into a white light and disappeared, the sword came out of the sheath, and one sword swept across the air.


The ground was bombarded by that palm, trembling endlessly, and instantly collapsed, the aftershocks of terror spread away, crushing the boulders and the sand, and cracks spread quickly.

At the same time, Chen Zongyi sword crossed the side of the ferocious beast, only to find that Jian Feng could not tear the opponent's fur.

How to fight this defense?

The beast's body is huge, the power is majestic and overwhelming, and it is extremely amazing. If it is hit with one palm, it will be shot directly. The reaction speed is also amazing. Hurricane roared, fierce bombardment came.

The wind was so heavy that Chen Zong was almost suffocated, only to feel that he was shaking under his palm.

Stepping and turning, under the power of heavenly spirit, Chen Zong reached the extreme speed, avoiding dangerously.

Since Jian Feng has difficulty tearing the opponent's membrane defense, he can only start from a weak point.


The most direct.

Celestial power was poured into the feet, Chen Zong's body became extremely light. Under the control of his strength, he was extremely flexible and constantly avoided the violent attacks of beasts. It was like a flat boat in the stormy sea. It will be destroyed at any time.

Among the dangers, Chen Zong himself was very clear and very stimulating, but this stimulus put Chen Zong into a state of high concentration of energy and spirit.

Perception was raised to the extreme, and his eyes stared at the scarlet beast eyes.

That is where the weakness lies, and where the sword can directly stab.

Opportunity came, driven by the power of the heavenly spirit, a sword swept across the sky like a white meteor and assassinated.

Very fast!

A sword full of all efforts.


A sword penetrated directly into the left eye of the ferocious beast, submerged into the half body, and terrible power invaded the body, agitating the ferocious beast's mind, and brought intense pain.

The fierce beast under severe pain became more violent, and continuous bombardment almost broke Chen Zong.


Opportunity to move, again out of the sword, penetrating the other eye.

The eyes were abolished, the sword energy was intrigued, and the pain was extremely extreme. The fierce beast was mad to the extreme, destroying everything in all directions, crushing it, as if it were a ruin, and was about to collapse.

Chen Zong retreated, staring at the ferocious beast, and gradually, his movements became slow and weak. Chen Zong knew that the other party was about to die.

Make up another sword.

Seize the opportunity ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A sword, pierced into the eyes again, straight into the hilt of the sword, Di Yuanli pierced his mind through the blade body, and the amazing power instantly shattered the already broken mind.

The beast trembled for the last time, and a wailing sound was heard. After the sound of the sound, the beast collapsed and died completely.

Chen Zong could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This fierce beast is indeed very strong. In terms of strength, it completely beats itself, and the speed is not slow. The only thing that is not as good as itself is the fighting skills, or that his combat talent is more brilliant before he can defeat and kill him.

In this case, it should be through the first floor of the World War Tower.

Immediately, Chen Zong's eyes widened and contracted like a needle in an instant.

Another black-and-white portal opens thousands of kilometers away, and then there are the third and fourth ...


This time, a total of nine black and white portals opened and surrounded themselves in all directions.

Roar roar ...

A different but seemingly violent roar sounded among the nine portals, turning into a sonic storm rolling in and out, as if it could shatter everything.

Chen Zong's expression could not help but change greatly, and became more dignified.

A fierce beast has brought so much pressure on itself, so what about the nine fierce beasts?

Is the forthcoming nine beasts as powerful as the first beast?

It's not clear, but it will be known soon.

A five-meter-tall black body with bulging muscles on its body and a giant ape full of explosive power stepped out of the portal. Immediately, a huge black tiger with tails full of sawtooth also stepped out of the portal, and a huge giant with extremely strong physique. The black wolf stepped out of the portal ...

The nine beasts are different from each other, but the body of each beast is filled with extremely amazing breath fluctuations, extremely fierce, stirs all directions, and immediately brings extremely strong pressure to Chen Zong.

(37 Chinese)

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