Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 8: Complete

(Second more)

Keep fighting!


Regardless of victory or defeat, there is no fear.

After a continuous battle, Chen Zong's information on the virtual world also changed a lot.

The battle victory became thirty-two wins and five losses.

The highest winning streak turned into a seven-game winning streak.

The record also increased to more than 500.

This is a visible gain, but an invisible gain, but it is a more advanced application of the Ninth Strike.

After all, among the opponents he encountered, there were also people who practiced the Ninth Strike of the Heavenly Spirit, and there were several powerful people who were very amazing.

Fight fiercely with the right opponent, you can better tap your own potential.

Leaving the virtual world and returning to the pavilion, Chen Zong began to practice on the first floor of the pavilion.

Heavenly Nine Strikes!

Understanding Wushu by yourself is a road, and fighting with others is the second way, and the third way is to watch others fight, and the fourth way is to purchase some videos of martial arts based on the record.

However, Chen Zong felt that the nine hits of Tian Ling are not that high, and he needs to consume his record to buy images to watch.

Even the other way round, after you have eaten Tian Ling Nine Strikes thoroughly, you can also make an image and put them in the Shadow Wud Temple for others to buy, so as to earn a record, but at least you have to wait until you have cultivated Tian Ling Nine Strikes to a complete state. Only OK.

It is not enough even to achieve the perfect state. After all, in the entire eternal battlefield, there are many people who have cultivated the Heavenly Nine Strikes to the perfect state, and some of them are very famous.

Most people want to buy it, they will definitely choose the famous person's video martial arts to observe and enlighten.

I don't want anything else, let's concentrate on the drill.

The performance of sword after sword, split one by one.

The dozens of continuous battles in the virtual world have deepened his understanding of the Nine Strikes of the Heavenly Spirit, and he has faint experience.

The Dacheng realm has been fully grasped, and upward is the realm of perfection.

This time, it is to complete the impact.

Once Tianling Nine Strikes has been cultivated to a successful state, its own combat power will be further stimulated. By then, fighting in the virtual world will get more records.

In the imaginary world, in order to achieve a high record, a winning streak is very important.

One win is ten, two consecutive victories are twenty, and three consecutive victories are thirty. The higher the winning streak, the more amazing the record of defeating the opponent.

If you can win ten games in a row, you can get a hundred records at once.

Moreover, if you do not continue to participate in the battle during the winning streak, then you will continue to fight the next time you enter, and you will still maintain the winning streak, and the record will not be calculated from the beginning.

Only by losing, the record will start from the beginning.

A sword is drawn out, the sword light is like water, the water light is passing by, it seems that the ripples are swept away heavily, and a small amount of energy sweeps across, each strand of energy represents a change.

Nine Strikes!

Eighty-one style!

729 changes!

Suddenly, Jian Guang gave a meal, and Chen Zong maintained the posture drawn by the sword, as if moving into a sculpture.

Countless auras of light emerged, and inspiration came out of my mind.

Collision, convergence!

"I seem to be stuck with the form." Chen Zong suddenly realized.

"Nine hundred and twenty-nine variations, one for every nine variations, one for eighty-one variations, and one hit for every nine patterns. I used to think that the nine variations were fixed into one pattern, and the fixed nine patterns were one. Strike, but it's not. "


"The core mystery of Tianling Nine Strikes lies in change."

"The seven hundred and twenty-nine variations, the eighty-one style and the nine strikes, are all changing, not fixed."

"Any nine changes can be turned into one form, and any nine kinds of changes can be turned into one blow, everything, change as you want."

Thoughts together, suddenly bright.

However, Wu Guiwu still needs cultivation.

In theory, any nine of the 729 changes can be transformed into any one of the 81 styles, but the facts are not so simple, there is always a distinction between suitable and inappropriate, and Chen Zong needs to choose from them. Find the most suitable one to show the power of the Nine Strikes to the extreme, and it will be complete.

In this way, the ninth strike of the perfect heavenly spirit of different practitioners will lead to differences.

After all, the 729 variations, the 81-style, and the nine strikes represent many combinations and possibilities.

Chen Zong couldn't help but think of Xiao Zheng who had defeated himself before. When he called out, it was Jiudao Jianguang who killed him like a cage and broke his own Liangyi sword world.

That should be the nine spirits of the heavenly spirit that Xiao Zheng came to realize.

So, what should the Tianling Nine Strikes of his own perfection look like?

After returning to the sheath, Chen Zong returned to the second floor of the pavilion to sit still, get rid of all distractions, meditate consciously, and use mind to simulate in his mind to find the best combination.

The more he got involved, the more Chen Zong felt that the spirit of the Heavenly Nine Swords was far-reaching and very unpredictable. When he saw his face, he realized that it was not the true face, and it was hidden.

As if contained in an endless landscape.

Chen Zong's constant deductions and constant overthrows are only to find the best combination.

The so-called best combination is not necessarily how powerful it is, but it must be the combination best suited for you to play, so that you can show your strength and advantages to the extreme.

However, there are 729 variations, 81-style and 9-strike. There are totally many combinations, ranging from hundreds to thousands, and it is not easy to promote performances that are truly suitable for you.

Some people do not make the deduction completely, but make a choice when the deduction is about.

But Chen Zong has always done nothing, and to do it, he must be perfect, so that he will not leave any regrets.

Sometimes, a slight difference may affect the improvement at some time in the future.

In practice, Chen Zong has never been ambiguous, never arbitrarily, and strives for excellence.

There is no doubt that the time and energy involved are amazing.

Every day, Chen Zong spends his thoughts almost exhausted.




Deduction again!

Formed a cycle.

Unconsciously, after this month, Chen Zong's complexion was slightly white, which was caused by the constant consumption of ideas.

However, it was completely deduced, and more than a thousand combinations, all of which were clear to the chest.

The next step is to find the combination that suits you best, and promote the Nine Strikes to perfection.

After resting and regaining his energy, Chen Zong closed his eyes and began to realize.

Seeing is quiet, drawing swords is moving.

The most suitable combination of dynamic and static!

A few days passed, and suddenly, Zong Zong stood up and gave a long laugh.

"Why am I stuck with a combination."

"Heart swordsmanship means it comes from the heart, moves from the heart, spreads out from the body, and appears in the sword."

"No matter how many combinations of Tianling Nine Strikes are, I control it wholeheartedly, and do whatever I want, under the sword." Chen Zong's eyes became brighter.

The way of his sword was originally related to his own heart.

If the mind is, the sword is there, if the mind is moving, then the sword will move, if the mind is converging, then the sword will stop.

Heart first, then sword.

In this way, with the heart, how can we not achieve it.

Enlightenment suddenly filled, like a **** thunder across the dark void, opening up the world, and looking cheerful.

Others may only have one or several combinations, but they do not have to do so. They can master and apply any combination derived from them, how to perform them, and all depends on the fighting situation.

Different combinations will have different wonderful things.

"It's a new month, and you can break into the battle tower again." Chen Zong received his sword, restrained in an amazing atmosphere, and left the hall.

Yang Guan's pavilion was tightly closed. I didn't know if he had gone out or what, and couldn't find anyone. Chen Zong went to the heaven and earth battle tower by himself.

Enter the first floor of the Heaven and Earth Battle Tower again.

This time, it was the fierce beast wasteland.

If Chen Zong did not break through the first floor and enter again, it may be another fighting environment, but if he has already broken through, it is tantamount to being fixed.


With the appearance of a black and white portal, a powerful beast stepped out.

But this time, it was not a giant bear, but a majestic black giant lion.

In the last challenge, the giant lion was among the nine fierce beasts, but now it appears as a vanguard.

The giant lion's fierce eyes stared at Chen Zong, and rushed straight away, with an astonishing horror like the Beastmaster, and the roar seemed to shatter Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's eyes were slightly frozen, and he took a step forward. If the clouds flowed smoothly, the long sword came out of the sheath, bringing a touch of white sword light, like a light and agile smoke, but it was condensed with an amazing sharp edge.

The Ninth Strike of the Perfect Realm brings not only changes and improvements in swordsmanship, but also a deeper level, it is actually a brilliant application of its own power, which can be used not only in swordsmanship but also in steps. In law, there is something to learn from.

In an instant, Chen Zong passed by with the black giant lion ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The sword is sheathed!

After the black giant lion rushed hundreds of meters forward, it seemed to be unable to stop the momentum. His limbs were soft and it seemed to lose its strength. .

All its eyes were penetrated, and its brain was completely destroyed.

One sword!

It's just a sword. Compared with the last challenge, the gap is obvious.

Then, nine black and white portals appeared, and nine beasts appeared.

Great ape, black wolf, goshawk, giant bear, giant tiger, giant python, giant crocodile ...

The last time, facing the nine fierce beasts, Chen Zong felt pressured, but this time, he was full of confidence.

Take the initiative!

His body flickered, his footsteps sprinting into a white shadow, as if the white foal had a gap, the sword came out and the sword became one, and the sword penetrated the void silently and killed the giant ape directly.

One to nine!

Without fear.

With the sword in hand, Tianling's nine-strike eighty-one style 729 variations can be seen in the chest and controlled by heart.

The sword moves when the mind starts.

Chen Zong took these nine fierce beasts as the object of sword training, and struggled under the siege of nine fierce beasts.

It may seem dangerous, but the mystery is only clear to Chen Zong himself.

It's a treat.

When fighting becomes a treat, there is no fear.

Sword came out and died.

The nine fierce beasts were in Chen Zong's sword and could not support them for a long time. They were quickly killed one by one.

Chen Zong was not in a hurry to enter the second floor. Instead, he stood in place to regain the consciousness of the battle. He had a deeper understanding of the heavenly spirit's nine-strikes.

The second floor is here.

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