Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 11: Rise of the Sword (1)

(Please note that Nine Strikes in Chapter Six were six negligences that I forgot to update yesterday. Now it is a supplement that connects the Chapter 5 Heaven and Earth Battle Tower and Chapter 7 Warcraft, causing inconvenience to everyone. Please also forgive me. If it still does n’t work, send me the blade. As for this chapter, it ’s the fifth one today.)

In the second floor of the double-storey attic, Chen Zong looked at the five black and white elixir suspended in front of him, thinking silently.

The five top-ranking stealers for the earth are the extra rewards obtained by crossing the second and third floors of the heaven and earth battle tower. As for the extra rewards when they cross the fourth floor, they are a basic martial art: Di Yuan hit.

In addition, the record rewards are 23,000 and 10,000, respectively, with a total of 15,000, plus more than 500 points obtained from participating in the virtual world, and the total is more than 15,000 records.

Chen Zong is thinking about how to use these records to improve himself.

Chinese fighters can increase their power by 20%, and they need 10,000 records to be exchanged. However, relatively speaking, Chen Zong is more inclined to exchange for the fourth place.

Gongfa is the foundation of itself. Continuous improvement will be more helpful to your own cultivation. That kind of improvement is all-round, and the improvement of fighters is only part of it.

Therefore, the fourth decisive exchange is imperative.

If you want to gain a foothold in the Eternal War Fortress, and go further and climb higher, your fundamental strength is very important, otherwise it will be like a rootless duckweed.

In addition, if you break into the fourth floor yourself, you can choose a basic martial art for free when you can upgrade your genius level from lower to intermediate.

What we have to consider now is whether to take these five substandard pills.

Five capsules of lower grades may not be enough for you to upgrade your physique from lower mortal body to intermediate mortal body, but it can also enhance your own heaven and earth qi, which is also beneficial.

However, the other method is to sell the five top-quality stealing dandelions and sell them for the record. You can make up to 10,000 by yourself and directly exchange one Chinese top-ranking stealing dandelion for your own physical fitness. Intermediate mortal body.

As a result, the results obtained will be almost exhausted.

"There is something for everyone," Chen Zong said secretly, a smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

What is the role of the record?

Exchange and upgrade yourself.

Then the purpose of obtaining the record itself is to better improve itself, where there is no reason to get the record but not use it.

While thinking, Chen Zong didn't know, because he, some high-level leaders of the world held a small-scale collective discussion.

"The test result is a subordinate. It seems that when it is the bottom of the subordinates, Ming Jiang, is this what you want to show us?" A tall, extremely low voice like Foshan Yue with a little dissatisfaction.

"After reading," said the other person, who was also huge and whose voice was a bit spring-like and gentle.

"This kind of test and evaluation is indeed the bottom-most subordinate, but this person's performance is extraordinary, but in just a few months, he can achieve such a result, even most intermediate-level geniuses are difficult to match." The third voice was a little cold, as if a icy wind was blowing, with a little surprise.

"So, is it possible that there was an error in the detection?" The first loud voice sounded again.

The test, if there are no errors, then the practice improvement after evaluation after the test is basically in line with that level of progress.

Unless there is some deviation in the test.

After all, the test is not 100% sure, but most of them are positive, and there is rarely a possibility of deviation, which has also been done in the past.

"Look at the inspection images on that day," the second voice suggested. "But this requires the joint consent of at least three managers."

"That's why you came to us."

"Yes," Ming said with a smile. He happened to be managing the Heaven and Earth Battle Tower during this period of time, so he knew about Chen Zong's breakthrough and felt a little surprised.

"I agree." A cold voice sounded.

"That being the case, I agree." The low voice seemed helpless.

Soon, a video was shown.

"What is this kid doing?"

In the video, Chen Zong did not practice at first, but remained motionless for a long time before he started practicing.

"Is he threefold before he enters the world?"

This may exist completely, and some people do, but it was a long time ago, and it has been told a few times since it happened.

Why do you still make such mistakes?

If not enlightenment, what are you doing?

The images continued, and all of Chen Zong's performances were seen by the three, and he gradually had a judgment in his heart.

"Perhaps he missed the training time three times before he decided to go to the world of heaven and earth. From the point of view of the speed of cultivation, it was really good, but the age of consciousness must not be fake, and his constitution is very ordinary."

"Age is too old and average, but his performance is quite good and has potential."

"Ming general, do you mean, could it be retested?"

"Yes, I don't think this is normal." Ming Jiang pointed at the figure in the video, smiling slightly.

"Retesting is not that simple. It has a lot of implications. I don't agree with retesting now."

"I don't agree with the re-test. Although this son's performance is good, it can only be regarded as good. If he can reach the seventh floor in the next year, I agree to re-test." The low voice sounded, his tone Firm and unquestionable: "No, I will apply for in-depth inspection in the name of the Lord of the First Palace."

Ming Ming shook his head slightly and reached out his hand, and the image suddenly disappeared as if it were a mirror of flowers.

It is amazing that a lower-level person who has been tested and rated as the bottom of the sub-level can break through the first floor of the Heaven and Earth Battle Tower for the first time, and pass through the fourth floor to the fifth floor the second time.

Even many middle-level geniuses are difficult to achieve, superior geniuses have hope, and Wang-level geniuses are not included. After all, it is a level that directly surpasses the three levels of upper, middle, and lower levels, with almost essential differences.

Any genius who has obtained a king-level assessment is very relaxed in the first six floors of the Tower of Heaven and Earth. Starting from the seventh floor, it is a little difficult, but it is only a little difficult.

There is a big difference between passing through the fourth floor and passing through the sixth floor for any lower-level intermediate genius.

Many intermediate geniuses may take ten or hundreds of years, and they may not be able to break into the sixth floor, let alone pass through the sixth floor.

This son needs to pass through the sixth floor within one year to be eligible for retesting. No doubt, the hope is slim and almost impossible.

Even giving him ten years is difficult to achieve, but if you relax the time to a hundred years, you have some hope.

Not to mention, there are so many geniuses in the Eternal War Fortress, and this one is not bad, unless the other party has the potential of the king level, otherwise, if you only reach the superior level, you will not be able to make too much effort.

A small set of discussions also came to fruition, and that was the conclusion.

Although it is said that as long as Chen Zong crosses the sixth floor of the Heaven and Earth Battle Tower within one year, he can be eligible for re-testing, but that is almost even impossible.

To say is to say nothing.

However, it is a fact that Chen Zong broke into the fourth floor and even broke through the fourth floor to the fifth floor. It cannot be ignored. As the manager of the heaven and earth battle tower, Ming will need to improve Chen Zong's genius level and treatment. Soon, Arrange this matter.

In the pavilion, Chen Zong has done his work.

In the hand, there is a pill of elixir. On that elixir, there are two black stripes and two white stripes, staggered in sequence, filled with a light fragrance, and the atmosphere of heaven and earth in Chen Zong's body fluctuates. general.

Zhongpin steals the world!

It only takes one to go down, and one's physique can be promoted to intermediate mortal body.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong began to take Chinese products to steal the world.

Once the elixir entered the body, it instantly turned into two black breaths and two white breaths, which quickly diffused and penetrated into the body.

What the Stealth of Heaven contains is the heaven and earth two qi, and it is the refined heaven and earth qi, which has wonderful effects on the constitution of heaven and earth.


The heaven and earth two qi continuously poured into the body, the black earth qi merged into the musculoskeletal membrane and viscera, while the white weather merged into the bone marrow blood meridians.

Then, intertwined with each other.

Chen Zong felt that his body seemed to be constantly torn, constantly being infused with new power, and had a jerky feeling, as if to be exploded, but not really burst.

This is the power of Stealth Changing Land to transform and enhance its own physique, strengthening it.

Among the mortal bodies, the level of the hierarchy is closely related to the atmosphere of heaven and earth contained in the body. The more the body, the higher the physical level.

But if it reaches the level of the spiritual body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is a kind of metamorphosis, but the spiritual body is far from Chen Zong's current constitution.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Zong felt that his swelling and jerkyness gradually reduced. Until the end, when the strength of the Zhongpin Tiansha Dandan was exhausted, it was replaced by a comfortable and comfortable body.

Chen Zong felt that his body seemed a lot heavier than before, but it seemed a bit lighter, which was very wonderful.

Immediately, Chen Zong tried to operate the world and decided to take the third place.


Tiandi decided the third most important operating speed, which turned out to be the previous 30%.

Then, try to mobilize the strength of heaven and earth and the strength of earth and earth. Once the movement, the concentration of forces and the speed of operation also increase significantly.


It has also increased by 30%.

The 30% increase in speed surprised Chen Zong secretly.

This means that the speed of your own cultivation will be increased by 30%, and the speed of strength recovery will be increased by 30%. You can better seize the opportunity in the battle.

The increase rate of 30% is overall, and it has played a very obvious role in its own cultivation and fighting.

"Then, then, I began to enlighten the fourth place in the cultivation of heaven and earth." Chen Zong said with a smile on his lips.

The first to the third of the heaven and earth decision can only be regarded as the foundation, and to the fourth, it is the manifestation of the true essence and power of the heaven and earth decision.

The fourth place is very different from the first three places.

In the same way, it is not easy to determine the fourth level of enlightenment from heaven and earth. Compared with the third level, its mystery is more than doubled. If Chen Zong's understanding is very deep and the foundation of the first three is very solid Nor can it be realized in a short time.

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