Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 51: Attacking Sword Emperor (7)

(The previous chapter should be Chapter 50, and Liu Dao has become Chapter 47. It has been modified. Those who have subscribed normally can look at it without spending money and cause inconvenience. It is the negligence of Liu Da. Sorry)

In the training ground, on the hard ground, it was broken everywhere, collapsed everywhere, and cracks were scattered all around.

The swords fought, and each stroke seemed to be an understatement. It was as light and flexible as a returning wind and willow, but the power contained in it was extremely amazing, and it was dead at the touch of it.

Chen Zong was a little surprised. This Tai Xuan Shengzi was really extraordinary. Over the years, not only did he improve his combat power, he also improved a lot in martial arts accomplishments. He is very clever.

If it weren't for the chance of the Eternal War Fortress, I'm afraid it would still be difficult to confront him, or even fall behind.

Tai Xuan Shengzi was even more shocked than Chen Zong.

The combat power soared, and he became a Tai Xuan. With his strength, he could be invincible and unparalleled in the same level.

In other words, among the elite six-star level, there is no opponent at all in the entire Taixuan Holy Palace.

This is not because someone else gave in and lost it deliberately, but it is true.

Now, even in the same level of combat power, Chen Zong cannot be defeated, or even suppressed.

This sword has unparalleled strength and pushes everything as if to push the mountains and the world flat.

Thunderstorm ... Three Swords ... Destroy the Mountain!

When he died, Chen Zongyi was flat cut.

Tianfeng Taoist, Tianlei Taoist and Tianhuo Taoist all have reached the top of the extreme, and merged with each other. The power after the fusion increased dramatically.

Although at the level of Taoism, these three roads are only high-ranking, and cannot be compared to top-level Taoism, and in polar situations, they are only the first and not the second. However, the power under integration is very high. Terrible, not inferior to the top idea of ​​the second extreme of the extreme.

The Three Swords is the sword technique that Chen Zong consciousness learned from the Eternal War Fortress returning to the ontology, and finally created the sword. At present, it is the same as the sword of mind and the sword of Yin and Yang.

The first move is to destroy the mountains.

Whether it is wind, fire or thunder, all contain terrible power.

For example, the hurricane transits, destroys the city, the fire burns, burns everything, and burns to ashes. The thunder strikes, the wood and the rocks are broken, and even the mountains are broken.

The first type of destruction of the Three Swords is to take the destructive aspects of the three forces and combine them, so that the destructive force has increased dramatically, becoming more and more powerful, more amazing, and more terrifying.

Destroy the mountain!

With one sword, the mountains are directly destroyed and flattened. This is a sword of great strength and a sword of great destruction.

The three forces of wind, thunder, and fire are mingling and colliding, and the breath of destruction is shaking in all directions. In the perception of Tai Xuan, the Son of Tai Xuan is dignified, because the power contained in this sword is extremely powerful and destroys everything.

The sword contacted, and the two types of collisions collided. When the sword was like a mountain, the sword seemed to destroy all the terrorist forces, and wanted to destroy the sword.

Dao Guang was extremely condensed and confronted wildly.

The eyes of Chen Zong and Taixuan Shengzi burst into a strong cold mang, as if the sword fought.



The terrible vigour hits in all directions, wanting to destroy everything, arrogant.

The astonishing sword and sword stalks penetrated the void, and when it swept across the hard ground, it was instantly torn and spread in all directions.

At this scene, the faces of several people who called the spectator suddenly changed greatly.

too terrifying!

Although the level of the elite six-star is exposed, these destructive powers surpass the elite six-star, even if it is an ordinary seven-star.

Chen Zong had to admit that before, he had underestimated Tai Xuan Shengzi a bit. Even if he could enter the eternal battlefield, he would be able to rise and surpass the general genius.

Of course, the general genius of the Eternal Battle Fortress, placed in the heavenly sacred realm of the Lingwu sacred realm, can also become a peerless level of evil.

Peerless evildoers are just a kind of appellation. Among the heavenly sacred realms, within the kingdom of King Wang, there are more than a dozen people on the monument of Jiucai Fengwang.

Among them, Tai Xuan Shengzi is one of the better.

However, I am stronger.

The tyrannical power burst out. Under the collision of the sword, it suddenly collapsed, and numerous ripples swept across.

Chen Zong backed up with Tai Xuan Shengzi and attacked at the same time.

A knife swept across the air, the speed of the knife was amazingly fast.

Gui Taixuan ... Disease!

This weight can be used not only on body skills, but also on attacks to increase the speed of attacks.

The flow of mind ...

Chen Zongyi sword stabbed out straight and took the middle palace directly. Under this sword, Taixuan Shengzi's heart trembled unconsciously, it seemed to be pulled by invisible force. The tremor also caused a blood to suffer in an instant. Subtle effects.

Sometimes, a small impact can have a greater impact.

But Tai Xuan Shengzi's strength was overbearing, and he immediately took control.

The point of the sword and the point of the sword came into contact at the moment, and a bit of cold star bloomed. Then, as if the ring of stars burst, the horrible energy was torn apart, and it seemed to scratch the void.

Chen Zong and Tai Xuan Shengzi's eyes became sharper.

Chen Zong's eyes shone with a dim luster and became dark, as if they could swallow all the light, like an abyss.

The eyes of Tai Xuan Shengzi are permeated with layers of pale brilliance, such as the vast sea of ​​clouds, the waves are strange, containing infinite mystery and murderous power.

In a moment, the white awns in the eyes of Taixuan Shengzi fluctuated, as if the sea of ​​clouds was surging, and the whole person was also rendered by white light at once, and turned into a white streamer, flying far away.

Only a moment later, he distanced himself from Chen Zong.

The overwhelming momentum suddenly exploded from the body of Taixuan Shengzi, like a massive eruption of 10,000 tons of volcano.

Extremely strong white light, as if endless, the impact from the body of Tai Xuan Shengzi pervaded the surrounding, continually condensed behind him.

In a hurry, it was like opening up the world. Behind the Son of Tai Xuan, the outline of a heaven and earth suddenly appeared. Within that day, mountains, rivers, and forests could be seen faintly.

It sounds like a world projection.

In a hurry, the body of Tai Xuan's son climbed up in layers and rose like a tide.

Seven stars!

Just in the blink of an eye, the breath of Tai Xuan Shengzi broke through to the ordinary seven-star level, his combat power soared, and he broke through again to reach the elite seven-star level.


Slashing with a single blade, the pale blade of light tears through the vacuum to kill, and it is much more powerful than the previous power.

This blade of light contains an overbearing and mighty mighty power, sweeping like mountains and clouds.

The Taixuan Shengzi has already exhibited a small magical power of the Taixuan Holy Palace: Taixuan Guiyuan to improve his own combat power and reach the elite seven-star level.

In this case, there is no need to suppress the combat power.


The overwhelming breath suddenly exploded from Chen Zong's body, like a thousand swords arguing, opening up a world, and an imaginary sword shadow condensing behind it. It was a vision formed by the full force of Taichu Jianyuan.

Elite seven-star!

The terrible fighting power raged in all directions, and suddenly all the people watching the war changed their looks and were terrified.

The Taixuan Shengzi is a man of the Taixuan Holy Palace. The future palace master has this method and it is reasonable, but this person also has such methods.

Taixuan Shengzi was also very surprised, but they did not know that this was actually Chen Zong's original combat power. Before, it was just suppressing his own combat power.

He thought that Chen Zong, like himself, used some means, such as some powerful secrets, and even little magical powers.

The Taixuan Guiyuan of the Taixuan Holy Palace is a small magical power that can increase its combat power. It also began to cultivate itself, and when it reached Dacheng, it directly improved the one-star combat power.

If you can cultivate to a successful state, you can not only increase more combat power, but also display a longer period of time. The interval between re-uses will be shorter and there will be almost no side effects.

Every increase in the secret method often has its side effects, but Tai Xuan Gui Yuan does not, it is a well-deserved little magical power.


The elite seven-star combat force was shot, and its power became more and more terrible, more and more arrogant, and more and more amazing. The destructive power of each hit was several times the previous one.

With full combat power, Chen Zong is no longer suppressed and restrained, and his cheerful feeling permeates his body and mind.

Essence is full of energy, as if to exceed the limit.

When suppressing combat power, it will inevitably be affected between shots, but now the combat power is fully open, there is no longer a half-point suppression, and the power of swordsmanship is also fully exerted.

For a time, Tai Xuan Shengzi found that he was gradually suppressed, although it was not obvious.

The elite seven-star strongman who guards Tai Xuan Shengzi also keenly grasps this, secretly shocked.

Under the same combat power, Tai Xuan Shengzi was gradually suppressed, which is incredible.

The flow of mind ...

The speed of a sword kills ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The speed of the sword is extremely fast, and in the realm of the heart, it is extremely accurate, and the long sword of Tai Xuan Shengzi is clicked in an instant, so that the knife he just showed was cut .

Three Swords ... Destroy the Mountain!

The next sword was killed, the power became extremely terrible, extremely violent, destroyed everything, and slashed to the Taixuan Shengzi.

The sword of heart beats the sword speed the most, which is better than the sword of destroying the mountain, but in the direct destructive power, the sword of destroying the mountain is better than the sword of heart.

Each has its advantages.

The sword that destroys the mountains is extremely powerful and violent. The Taixuan Shengzi is difficult to resist. He is directly slashed by a sword and the blood is surged. The shadow of the world behind him is also rippling. Lake surface.


Chen Zong didn't hesitate for a second, and once again hit him with a sword.

The mind rises and the sword moves, the sword hair trembles.

The void retreated under this sword.

Tai Xuan Shengzi immediately dodged, but Chen Zong's sword was like a shadow, and it was difficult to avoid it anyway.

Just moments later, Tai Xuan Shengzi was drowned by Jian Guang.

In the realm of the heart, Tai Xuan, the son of Tai Xuan, also seems to be suppressed.

When Chen Zong's combat power was not suppressed, the gap began to emerge.

The same sword, the power, is completely different.

Hearty and directly suppressed.

Destroy the mountain!

Another sword was killed, and Taixuan Shengzi flew up, spit out blood, and was directly wounded.

"Stop!" The guard's elite seven-star warrior with a strong face suddenly changed his face suddenly, roaring immediately, and at the same time burst into an overwhelming breath, rushed into the training ground and killed Chen Zong.

The Taixuan Shengzi should not be lost, but he is the first genius of the Taixuan Holy Palace, which is very important.

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