Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 68: Summit (3)

In the virtual world, Chen Zong caused a new round of shock.

Seventy straight wins!

"It was a seventy-game winning streak." After hearing the information, the knife king who was entering the virtual world first gave a slight stun, and then a smile appeared.

Tianyuan Sword King, he has the impression of this person, after all, he was defeated by his sword not long ago.

It seems that its strength should have improved a lot in this period of time.


Continuing the battle, the 70-game winning streak is not Chen Zong's goal, but a higher winning streak.

The next opponents were all Feng Wang.



It's like a loop.

Streak, can't stop.

seventy one!

seventy two!

seventy three!

All opponents from seventy-one to seventy-nine are the Feng Wang level, but they are all only winning the Feng Wang level less than 80 games in a row, and all are not Chen Zong's opponents.

Eighty games!

This is a crucial game.

The number of people watching the war has reached tens of thousands, not only people in the world, but also people in the void and eternity.

People in the world are very happy, because Chen Zong belongs to the world.

Among the three pulses, the eternal pulse is the strongest.

Because the vein of eternity belongs to the vein of the master of eternity, it is the most powerful master of the eternal battlefield.

Originally, the Eternal War Fortress was named after the Lord of Eternity and became one of the top forces in the void of the universe.

As for the Lord of the Void and the Lord of the Heaven and Earth, they are all descendants to the Lord of the Eternal. They are the geniuses of the Eternal War Fortress. They cultivate from the bottom step by step and eventually become the second and third masters of the Eternal War Fortress. The Lord of Eternity controls the Eternal War Fortress together, making the Eternal War Fortress stronger.

The three dominate the three main veins, and there is a competitive relationship with each other, so that the eternal battlefield becomes stronger in the invisible.

Because there is competition, there can be progress.

There are a lot of Fenghou class and Fengwang class that were defeated by Chen Zong, and they are naturally fighting for the world.

The black cymbals have a white atmosphere suspended above them, like clouds and mists, permeating endlessly.

Chen Zong stood on the ring, staring ahead, and a portal appeared and opened.

It was a black-and-white portal, indicating that the person who was about to appear was a prince in the heavens and earth.

When that figure appeared, Chen Zong's eyes condensed, his pupils contracted, and he was a little excited.

"Meet again." The other side's indifferent face suddenly flashed a smile, and the voice was soft, like a breeze.

King of Knives!

Chen Zong's opponent in the eightyth game turned out to be an old opponent, the King of Swords.

Last time, when he hit 60 consecutive victories, his opponent was the King of Knives. In that battle, he tried his best, but not his opponent.

This time, he will have an 80-game winning streak. The opponent is also the King of Knives. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an old opponent.

But last time, my strength was not as strong as this time.

The streak king's winning streak is still eighty-nine and reaches ninety. It can be seen that the ninety-game winning streak is not so easy to obtain.

"Your strength should be a lot stronger than the last time." The Blade King spoke again, with a smile on his face, but his tone was a bit indifferent, filled with the sharpness of a knife.

Suddenly, the moment the voice fell, the eyes of the King of Blades became sharper and sharper, as if the blade blasted out, tearing through the void and pressing Chen Zong away.

Like a knife, unchanging and unreal, tearing through the sky.

Only momentarily, the King of Knives approached Chen Zong directly, and the long sword at his waist came out of its sheath, and it was cut out with a knife.

The blade of light was pale and filled with a hint of despair, as if to call Chen Zong into the abyss of despair.

Chen Zongrui found that the sword contained in this sword is stronger than the previous one, which indicates that the strength of the King of Knives has indeed been improved in this period of time.

Sure enough, it is not only one person who has progressed, but also other people, especially those top Tianjiao, and in places such as the Eternal Battlefield, it is strange that they do not improve.

However, it would be too boring if only one person made progress.

Not afraid of strong opponents, just not strong enough.

Facing the terrible white sword light, Chen Zongyi sword came out of the scabbard, and Jianguang was extremely domineering, as if smashing and crushing everything.

Jianguang and Daoguang came into contact with each other in an instant, bursting out amazing power.

The unique fighter-class blades and blades collided instantly, and Mars sputtered away. Every point contained terrible power and penetrated the void.

The King of Knives is very fast, each knife is very sharp, as if cutting off everything, permeating an indescribable despair.

Chen Zong ’s swords switch between lightness and domineering, and sometimes become violent and endless. Each sword is not only fast, but also contains endless changes. When it is unfolded, it is unsteady and flawless of.

Just within ten short breaths, Chen Zong's sword collided countless times with the knife of the absolute knife.

Even if the realm of the heart hangs around, even if you can more clearly feel the trajectory of the knife, but it is still not so easy to prepare for.


At the beginning of the battle, neither side did its best, just tentative.

However, both sides soon realized that the strength of the other side was not weak at all.

At least, you have to give it all.

The exquisite knife king burst out with an extremely strong breath, and converged in time, condensing into the long sword. The horrible white blade of light condensed into a razor piercing. Mark of.

This breath is so desperate that it makes people fall into the abyss and sink forever.

Chen Zong also broke out with the great power of yin and yang in the heavens and the earth, a very unique breath fluctuation, which suddenly diffused and turned into a black and white storm sweeping in all directions.


The hurricane was whistling.

The breath has endless heights, vast expanse of yin and yang.

Absolutely ... Blood Front!

At the end of the day, a blood-colored luster permeated the edge of the long knife, spreading rapidly like a stream of water to the tip of the knife, showing a terrible and direct sharpness and blood, tearing the sky and beheading Chen Zong.

The power of this knife is indeed a little stronger than the last time.

Chen Zong was also killed with a sword.

Heavenly Nine Strikes!

Nine Roads of Jianguang are incessant, hitting the differences of Blood Blade Daoguang, and then they were immediately defeated.

The King of Knives was slightly surprised, but he did not expect that his knife was so cracked. Last time, the other party did not have such means.

Sure enough, there is no small improvement.

The King of Knives wasn't angry or upset by Chen Zong's improvement in strength. Instead, he was only excited.

Because the King of Knives has the heart of a really strong man.

What is a strong person?

Is the person who holds great power the strong one?

not completely!

Only those who possess great strength and transcendental character can be regarded as truly strong.

What is mindfulness?

Kindness, viciousness, treacherous ...

Or something else?

Neither, the mind has nothing to do with whether it is good or evil, and it has nothing to do with whether it is good or bad, it is only related to whether the individual's will is tough enough, whether it is open-minded enough, and whether it is clear enough.

Those who are worried about being surpassed, and once someone is stronger than themselves, they will feel uncomfortable, even bored, and even have a bad intention. Such people are definitely not good. Such people are also destined to be unable to achieve much on the road to cultivation.

Such a person is not really a strong person.

Obviously, the King of Knives is not the kind of person, and Chen Zong becoming strong will only make him happy and excited.

This is a battle between the real strong.

Perfect knife ... crack the ground!

Raising a knife high, the horrible white knife light exudes indescribable coldness, and the breath of despair spreads out.


The knife light broke into a pale white moon.

In the last battle, the knife light cut by the King of Blades was black, but now it is white. This is not only a change of color, but also an increase in power.

With a slash on the ground, it split instantly, and the ring was split by the moonlight of the moon at an instant, like a broken bamboo, causing Chen Zong to grow cold.

Diyuan collapses!

Three steps were taken out in an instant, and the momentum was elevated to the extreme. The great power of yin and yang in the heavens and the earth also burst out, with a sword, with extreme power, instantly broke through the sky and killed.

This sword, with its incomparable lightness and agility, was filled with incredibly magnificent power and domineering after being killed.

This sword was after Chen Zong realized all the Nine Strikes and the First Yuan Strikes into the realm, then extracted the essence and merged them into one sword.

The power of this sword is very overbearing, it is pure offense.

Sword of Heaven and Earth!

This sword not only has the speed and change of the Ninth Strike, but also the constant and overbearing of the Yuan Yuan Strike.

That sword light, in the midst of change and invariability ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ seems to break the void.

Going forward, majestic.

Last time, he was defeated and killed by the slashing sword of the King of Knives.

So this time, will it be the same as last time?

The majestic sword light is in contact with the terrifying moonlight that tears the earth.


The incredible breath exploded, turning into countless sword lightsaber qi, tearing in all directions.

Heaven and earth are seventh, and there is no fixed number. Different people will often be different.

For example, Chen Zong, the strength cultivated by the seventh is not the true power of heaven and earth, but the great power of yin and yang in heaven and earth. In addition to the true power of heaven and earth, it also incorporates the mystery of yin and yang.

King of Heaven and Earth is the seventh most important thing. In addition to the power of Heaven and Earth, it also incorporates the power of despair, which is an emotional force that can directly impact the consciousness of the soul and the mind and mind.

Under the collision of swords, Chen Zong could clearly feel that the tyrannical power was advancing, but was blocked by his own power, and was dissolved under the mystery of yin and yang power.

It's as if the mystery of a small part of the yin and yang sword wheel is included.

However, there is an invisible force directly impacting his own Shenhai through the sword body, directly attacking consciousness.

For a moment, Chen Zong was shrouded in a breath of despair, only feeling inexplicable pessimism permeated quietly, affecting his mind.

However, the heart and swordsman's intentions were launched, directly crushing the desperate breath.

Heart swordsmanship is a kind of swordsmanship, a swordsmanship that moves from heart to heart, and is more powerful than ordinary swordsmanship and can better resist the invasion of external evils.

Seven emotions and six desires are an external evil.

The power of despair belongs to the seven emotions and six desires, and naturally also belongs to the external evil.

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