Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 75: Purgatory Ghosts (2)

The world of Shenhai seems to be boundless, with two figures fighting fiercely.

The evil spirit's soul seized a spear, which was dark and pierced suddenly, as if piercing the sea of ​​Shen Xiu and piercing the soul.

Tiansha sword tactics: Shaying!

Chen Xiu's soul held a long sword formed by the connotation of Tiansha and Taoism. With a wave of his hand, the sword light burst through the sky and was killed, leaving only an illusory shadow for a long time.

Come first!

This sword hit the opponent first, penetrating the body of the soul. Suddenly, the body of the soul faded a bit.

Jian Tu!

Without mercy, Chen Xiu cut off his second sword.

This sword, the power of Tiansha Taoyi's sword exploded, and it was shocking. It suddenly cut off the spear that was assassinated by the opponent, and also cut its soul body.

Kill kill!

The sword light twists and turns like lightning, and instantly tears up the body of the evil spirit.


Immediately after the ghost's soul was broken, it turned into a little soul light, as if absorbed by a magnet, and poured into Chen Xiu's soul, submerged and absorbed.

The pieces of information, piece by piece of information, were then displayed in Chen Xiu's mind.

The dark earth is endless, dark, with ghosts in the distance, endlessly cold, cold, and lonely, filled with the breath of death and extinction.

The sky was burning red, as if the sky was stained with blood, and it was magnificent, dazzling, dazzling, and shocking.

Wolf smoke rose from the earth into the sky, and it was diffused. At first it was black. When it rose to the sky, it was gradually rendered into red and blood red.

Cold and murky, overbearing!

The breath of endless terror is spreading.

A strong figure with a spiral single horn on his head ran across the dark earth. The two armies confronted each other, killed by life and death, and the horrific charge of thousands of horses fell down instantly, being trampled and shattered.

A ghost with a spiral single-corner extending out of the blade strikes and kills in the sky, carrying a breath of horrible breath, without mercy and fearless death, launching a terrifying collision.

Among the two armies, two lightning bolts burst out of the air, rushing directly through the two armies, tearing countless bodies, and colliding instantly.

Seems like a rock!

As if the sky is falling apart!

Like a big explosion caused by the opposition of two stars, the circles of ripples are like a ring of stars that instantly expands and bursts apart, impacting in all directions.


The terrible momentum, accompanied by the amazing scene of the earth's collapse, quickly poured out in all directions.

Between the shock of that terrifying force, the bodies of all evil spirits in all directions were directly torn and turned into powder.

This kind of prestige, extremely horrifying, is shocking and heart-rending.

Immediately, I saw the two figures collided in countless times, causing the dark earth to collapse and collapse. They were suddenly rising into the sky and constantly colliding.

With each collision, the horrific power bursts out. Countless ripples blast away like explosions of dark stars. In the void, there appear to be numerous cracks.

Vaguely, it seems to be seen that they are two very strong evil spirits with the same spiral blade on the forehead, which is a little longer. The difference is that in their strong bodies, they are dressed differently. Warframe.

Collision, tearing, breaking.

The picture disappeared, and Chen Xiu felt as if he had traveled to another world and watched a war.

However, Chen Xiu was very clear that it was not what he saw with his own eyes, but what he saw after absorbing the spirit of the evil spirit, what the evil spirit saw, and even a battle in person.

The fragment picture and fragment information were continuously absorbed by Chen Xiu, the more it was absorbed, the more shocked Chen Xiu was.

From these pieces of information, Chen Xiu also learned some situations, that is, the origin and race of the other party.

Purgatory ghost!

The places where these evil spirits live are very harsh. As soon as the human race enters, they will not be able to survive. Even a half-step grand sacred power can not survive for long and will be polluted, either dying or losing self.

But for the native race, it was their hometown.

Purgatory ghosts!

This kind of evil spirit exists, and its race is called the purgatory ghost race.

The Purgatory Ghost is a very tyrannical and terrible race. It is not an exaggeration to describe them as fighting races.

Because when the Purgatory Ghost Tribe is born, it possesses a domineering physique and amazing power, which can be equivalent to the power of the terrestrial paradise.

Just think about it, when you are born, you have the power of the transcendental realm of the human race. Once you reach your teenage years, you will have the power to enter the holy realm.

In adulthood, it can have at least one star to three-half steps of saint-level strength.

If practiced, it will be further promoted, resulting in a leap of life level and becoming a soldier-level ghost clan, the symbol of which is a spiral unicorn growing on the forehead.

Becoming a soldier-level ghost clan is the first transformation of the purgatory ghost clan. Chen Xiu secretly contrasted that soldier-level ghost clan's combat power is at least equivalent to a human four-star, but more powerful than ordinary four-star The power they possess is even smarter.

The second transformation of the Purgatory Ghost Clan is that the spiral unicorn on the forehead grows a blade, becoming a rank-level Ghost clan, also known as the Purgatory Ghost General, with stronger physique and stronger strength.

The unicorn of Purgatory Ghost General has magical power.

The first power is to bring your own soul and consciousness together, radiate it out, plunge into the other person's mind, and start a decisive battle of the soul. This is the last desperate method under the last resort.

If you win, you are expected to devour the opponent ’s soul and occupy the opponent ’s body. If you lose, you will be swallowed by the opponent in turn.

This approach is extremely dangerous, and as a last resort, ghosts will never do it.

This is a talent that the lower ghosts will possess.

In contrast, the lower ghosts are equal in level to the seven-star combat power of the human race.

Equivalent to the eight-star combat power level, the median ghost general has the talent ability to fight against the soul, but also the talent ability to shoot and destroy the light of destruction with a unicorn, and directly attack the opponent's spiritual consciousness, which is terrible.

As for the superior ghost who is equivalent to a nine-star combat power, his talent ability is to form a soul battle body under the power of a unicorn. The soul battle body has its own 10% strength in a short time, and can perform the final Fighting, powerful superior ghost generals, can even come out and fight side by side with the body.

On top of the Ghost General is the Ghost King.

The Ghost King's combat power is extremely powerful, far superior to the superior ghost general.

For a while, Chen Xiu could not compare the combat power level of Purgatory Ghost King, but definitely surpassed the elite nine-star level.

The purgatory ghost clan with longer spiral horns and armor is the purgatory ghost king.

Seen in the picture, the collision between the two purgatory ghost kings is extremely terrible, the stone is terrifying, and the power of that kind does not know how many times it will exceed the nine-star combat power.


Moreover, this ghost also mentions one point in the soul information, that is, the infernal ghost family of the ghost king level can open the small infernal ghost door to supplement its own consumption and restore the injury.

Obviously, King Rakshasa's transformed purgatory ghost body is not a ghost king level, but can only be regarded as a superior ghost general level, but does not have the talents of a superior ghost general level, but can open a small purgatory ghost door to supplement its own consumption to recover the injury.

Very weird!

What is even more weird is that from the memory of the other party, there is no practice method of purgatory ghost clan. Birth is equivalent to transcendental realm, juvenile is equivalent to entering the holy realm, and adulthood is equivalent to half a step.

Their transformation and ascension depend not on Gongfa, but on continuous fighting and devouring each other's vitality to improve themselves.

Their power is a natural power.

But Chen Xiu can be sure that King Luocha had mastered such powers by practicing certain exercises.

Because of this, I felt weird and shocked.

What kind of exercises is that, it is so terrible, it can make people master such terrible powers, and finally they can transform into purgatory ghosts.

There is no answer, no answer is found in the soul memory of this purgatory ghost general.

What's more, this ghost will remember the body of the purgatory ghost family, and call it the purgatory ghost **** body, because above the ghost king level, there is a higher level, the ghost god.

Purgatory ghosts!

That is the true master of the purgatory ghosts, such as the presence of the dragon and the mountains.

There is too little information to infer, and Chen Xiu can only put it down temporarily.

Among the broken souls of the purgatory ghost generals, there is also a lot of memory. In addition to the information about the purgatory ghost family, there is also information about the language of the ghost family, all absorbed by Chen Xiu.

In other words, as long as Chen Xiu spends some time learning ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he can master the language of purgatory ghosts and understand what they say.

The purgatory ghost will be afraid that he never imagined that the soul-fighting battle of his own death would fail so thoroughly. Not only would he get nothing, but the opponent would have more information about the purgatory ghosts.

From the memory of the other party, Chen Xiu knew that he was just a vanguard.

In Purgatory Ghosts, there are 36 in total, each of which has at least two Ghost King powerhouses, and many ghost generals and so on.

This time the ghost gate of Purgatory was opened, and it was the Ghost Forest Department, one of the thirty-six departments, that led directly to Taixuan Realm.

The vanguard arrived first, inquired about the situation, and the follow-up army stepped in.

The ghost army in the picture is extremely scary.

You must know that the soldiers of the Purgatory ghost army are at least the strength of the lower ghost soldiers, which is equivalent to a four-star combat level.

There are more than 100,000 ghost soldiers alone.

If you enter the Taixuan Realm, it will definitely cause a terrible disaster.

You must stop yourself.

Otherwise, the entire territorial boundary of Tairao City is afraid that in the near future, it will become a dead land.

The time was urgent and the decision was made immediately. Chen Xiu immediately flew at full speed in the direction of Shuluomen.

Along the way, Chen Xiu did not find the trail of those pioneer ghosts before, and did not know where he went, nor did he seek, but returned to Xiuluomen first.

Upon returning to Xiuluomen, Chen Xiu immediately convened all the senior management and explained everything he knew as clearly as possible.

Suddenly, everyone's expression sank, and their hearts were extremely depressed.

Purgatory ghosts!

Soldiers alone have at least four-star combat power. How to fight?

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