Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 1: Ancient road starry sky

Above the head is a boundless starry sky. The stars are densely packed, like stars and stars. Looking up, it makes people feel refreshed and infinitely high, as if it contains endless deep mysteries.

I can't help but want to rise into the sky, stand side by side with the stars, and explore the endless mysteries contained in it.

At the foot, it is a dark avenue, extremely wide and thousands of meters. It looks like potholes on the surface. It is filled with numerous pits the size of fists. It is wide with one finger, which is filled with the mysterious atmosphere.

This mile-long avenue is dark and deep, simple and unparalleled. I don't know how many years there is, as if it were as old as the ever-changing starry sky, immortal, uncorruptible and unbreakable.

Looking forward along the dark and deep ancient road, my eyes seem to penetrate the void, looking at distant endless places, but I cannot see too far. The farther away, the more blurred, I can only see at the end total darkness.

Extremely deep darkness, like the mouth of an ancient **** and beast, devours everything, and it seems to contain endless mysteries.

Starry Sky Old Road!

This is the name of this dark and deep ancient road and the ancient sky of Wudi.

To Chen Zong's surprise.

It was originally thought that the opportunity mentioned by the Ming General was an opportunity within the Eternal Fortress, which could cause the spiritual body to slowly transform and eventually transform into the Tao.

But when Chen Zong got this opportunity, he realized it wasn't.

Starry Sky Old Road!

This is a cosmic mystery left by a powerful man named Star God many years ago.

Today, the ancient paths of the starry sky are controlled and jointly owned by those powerful forces in the cosmic void.

After all, one of the main functions of this ancient path of the starry sky is to improve physical fitness and then transform.

Physical fitness or bloodline is of great help to practitioners.

A strong person does not necessarily have a person's physique or blood, but if he can have a person's physique or blood, it will become more powerful.

And with a strong constitution or bloodline, the chances of becoming a strong person will be greater than that of ordinary practitioners, unless it is bad luck or unmotivated.

In any case, no one will refuse to have the opportunity to obtain a stronger constitution or bloodline.

Since this ancient road in the sky is controlled by the powerful forces of the universe, the general forces and ordinary people, of course, have no chance to enter here.

Moreover, this ancient road to the sky is also very interesting, and it can only be entered from below the level of God.

In this way, it became the place where the younger disciples of the powerful forces in the universe can enter.

However, not any disciple is qualified to step in, because to get a place to enter here, it takes a lot of resources, like a sacrifice to the ancient path of the starry sky, so as to get a starry sky ancient order, relying on the starry sky Ancient orders can step into it.

In other words, to obtain the ancient order of the starry sky, great resources must be paid.

It is also because of this that the powerful forces of the cosmic void can only lead a small number of disciples into the starry sky, and all have set a standard.

Those who do not meet the criteria are not qualified.

After all, cultivating a true dragon is much better than cultivating a group of pythons, and the gap is incomparable.

Even if it is the power of consent, some people can only play 50% to 60%, some people can play 70%, some people can play 10%, and some people can play 12%.

This is the gap.

Sometimes it's a gift, sometimes it's the hard work of the day after tomorrow, but whether it's innate or acquired, it's a kind of ability.

Competitive selection and advancement.

Unless there is a pit in the forehead, do not choose the best disciples to cultivate, but choose the next best.

Being able to stand in the vanity of the universe does not fall. Of course, those high-level forces are not fools, even if there are some people with different hearts, they dare not make trouble in this kind of right and wrong.

It is for this reason that so far, only seventeen talents are eligible for the Starry Sky Ancient Order to enter the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Chen Zong is the seventeenth.

Now, Chen Zong has just been attracted by the strength of the ancient sky and stared into the ancient sky and looked at the surrounding environment.

Deep, mysterious, boundless, ancient!

The feeling here is very old and deeply mysterious.

But I don't know how powerful the ancient star **** is.

In the ancient path of the starry sky, there is an endless ancient mysterious mysterious breath. The breath is soft and soft, like the silent spring rain of the moisturizing substance. It permeates the body, gently wrapped around it, and penetrates into the body a little.

This feeling is really wonderful.

Chen Zong can clearly feel that his spirit body is being nourished and nourished, and gradually, he is moving towards a higher level.

It turned out that this is the mystery of spiritual ascension, and finally transformation into the Tao.

Chen Zong could not help thinking.

However, the speed of this nourishment and promotion is extremely slow, just just a little faster than in Qianwang Mountain. If it is only to this extent, when you don't have to spend a lot of resources in exchange for a starry sky ancient order, that kind of approach Cost-effective.

Here, there must be other mysteries.

However, Ming Jiang didn't say much, just wait until he enters here, and then experience it in detail.

Then, let yourself experience it carefully.

In addition to infiltrating the body like a moist breath and quietly improving his physique, Chen Zong also felt an invisible bond.

This **** seems to limit his power in general.

As soon as the steps were taken, Chen Zong knew what level of restraint was achieved.

The power in the body has been weakened a lot, but the power carried by the subordinate spirit body itself has not been affected.

In the outside world, physique is mainly reflected in cultivation. It is only an aid to fighting, but here, Chen Zong feels that the power of physique is amplified.

Moving forward, moving forward, Chen Zong felt that the more he moved forward, the more obvious the repression.

But at the same time, the breath that infiltrated the body became more intense and the effect became more and more significant.

Chen Zong can feel his physical fitness, gradually become active, every minute and every inch is full of vitality.

Sure enough, this place has great benefits for physical fitness.

Originally, Chen Zong also felt that the ancient starry road was only a few kilometers wide. With demigod strength, it could be crossed in an instant, but this invisible suppression made Chen Zong clear and impossible.

However, Chen Zong didn't bother too much, but kept striding forward, constantly immersed in the feeling that his physique was slowly nourished and a little bit improved.

The further forward, the more obvious the pressure on the feet to rise and fall, the more difficult it is.

But now, still unable to stop Chen Zong's progress.

Walking and walking, about a thousand meters away, Chen Zong stopped suddenly, only feeling a burst of strong breath swept and rushed, much more violent than before.

It's like changing from the silent drizzle of the moist to the pouring rain.

Chen Zong's body was trembling slightly. When he died, a large amount of breath poured into his body, his bones seemed to tremble, and a thunderous sound like a tiger and a leopard trembled.


This is a kind of metamorphosis.

Of course, it is not the spiritual body that is transformed into the Tao body, but the lower-level spiritual body that is transformed into the middle-class spiritual body.

How difficult it is to transform from a subordinate spiritual body to a Tao body. Without proper opportunities, how much it is difficult to improve in life, it is simply impossible.

Inferior, intermediate, superior, top!

A total of four levels.

If you want to transform into the Tao, you must go through three stages of the intermediate spirit, the higher spirit, and the top spirit. No, it should be regarded as four stages, because there seems to be a level between the spirit and the Tao. , More pseudo Taoism.

Pseudo Taoism, which is a kind of physique that is higher than the spiritual body and does not reach the level of the true Taoism, is considered to be an incomplete Taoism.

The endless breath returned to calm, from the pouring rain to the moist drizzle, and Chen Zong's body stopped trembling, a more powerful feeling emerged.

Intermediate Spirits!

Chen Zong can be sure that his constitution has changed and he has been promoted to an intermediate spirit.

The mystery and power contained in the middle-level spirit body is better than that of the lower-level body, which makes Chen Zong feel the suppression around him, which seems to weaken a little.

The reason why the body can break through to the intermediate spirit body in such a short period of time, in addition to the inexplicable atmosphere of the starry sky, it is also because the seventh place of heaven and earth has been cultivated to a perfect state, so that Chen Zong's subordinate spirit body is also upgraded. At the peak, you can make a breakthrough just by one line.

Otherwise it is not so easy.

But anyway, the lower level is upgraded to the intermediate level, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. For itself as a whole, com is not only a small increase, but its strength has also been improved. After it returns, the little retreat adapts and can improve the overall strength of 20% to 30%.

At the level of Chen Zong, the improvement of 10% has become difficult, let alone 20% or 30%.

The change brought by the improvement of physical fitness is really amazing.

In this case, go ahead and see if you can improve your physique to a higher level spiritual body as soon as possible in a short period of time, which will give you greater benefits.

However, the situation is not as simple as Chen Zong imagined.

The more you move forward, the more pressure you find, even when you're standing still, the pressure will increase a little bit, as if you don't plan to stay here for long.

At this time, Chen Zong felt a change in the air, immediately hesitated to look up, and saw that among the endless starlight, some of the stars suddenly flashed. At first, it was very slow, but within a short period of time, Become violent.

In a hurry, all the stars fell from above, very fast, carrying a terrible breath of power, relentlessly running through the sky.

Chen Zong immediately discovered that those falling stars were coming towards himself, each carrying a terrible power, as if running through the heavens and the earth, giving birth to a hint of silence and destroying everything.


Without hesitation, Chen Zong flashed aside immediately.

The starlight hit the ground, directly smashing the hard ancient road into a full-sized pothole.

Chen Zongcai was very surprised how the potholes on the ancient road came from.

I tried it before, and with my own strength, I couldn't destroy the old road at all.

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