Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 3: Shura Sword Demon (1)

Tai Xuan Sheng League!

Taiyuan League!

Genkong Alliance!

This is the three major alliances in the Taixuan Realm today.

These three forces have deep foundations and powerful strengths, and there are many strong players. Naturally, they can afford the first of the three major alliances.

In this regard, Chen Xiu has no opinion.

Now Taixuan Realm, he has to protect Xiuluomen, but he is not a single sword.

Of course, the premise is not to really provoke you.

With the Tailo City boundary as the center, the Void Gate in the Nether Temple among the four large cities radiating in three adjacent directions, the Taicheng City boundary, the Taiming City boundary, and the Taifeng City boundary, have all stopped.

That is naturally done by the Nether Temple.

Although the Nether Temple has always been neutral, under this kind of right and wrong, and although no reinforcements have been sent, the Nether Gates in the four cities are still banned, so that the purgatory ghosts can pass through the Nether Gate and break into other In the city, kill the ring.

This is also beneficial to the Taixuanjie side.

The boundary of Taiyi City is the boundary adjacent to the boundary of Taiming City. There is a million star original between each other. The million star original is vast and thousands of miles wide. If you are in the field, you can see the twinkling stars. , Very magnificent, hence the name.

But now Wanxingyuan, there is no such magnificent beauty, a trace of cold and fiery breath permeated the air, the smell of blood was mixed, and even a trace of death was permeated.

In the field, broken pits and cracks can be seen everywhere, shocking, the blood dries, and it turns into a dark brown, which is deposited in the ground.

The tragic breath was like a gust of wind blowing across the field.

The whimper sounded as if an unjust soul was wandering.

A good place with unique scenery, but it becomes like a battlefield dead, has to make people feel sorry.

In a hurry, two figures flew by at an astonishing speed. One of them was like Dapeng's wings spreading, with a ray of silvery glow, passing by instantly, and the cold and dead air was instantly dissipated.

The other one is like a spirit snake, using the void as a grassland, with a meandering body. Although the speed is a line slower than the first figure, the victory is flexible and it will not be dropped for a while.

However, although the speed of these two figures is very fast, there are some embarrassing shadows that seem to be fleeing in a hurry.

Indeed, they are being hunted down.

And the figure that chased them down was like a black streamer, permeated with ghostly spirits. Vaguely, it seemed that ghosts could be seen, and there seemed to be countless injustices flying, which was the purgatory ghost family.

Moreover, its breath is so extreme that it is a purgatory ghost soldier.

As for the enmity surrounding the enemies, it is left behind by the infernal ghosts who entered the Taixuan Realm to kill. When the number of people killed reaches a certain level, once they activate their own power, a terrible vision surrounded by the enmity will appear. He was horrified at the scalp and scalp.

As for the two people who are constantly fleeing, they are two five-star powerhouses of Taiyuan League. They took the task and crossed the Wanxingyuan to enter the Taiming City boundary to investigate the situation of the purgatory ghosts. However, their tracks were exposed. Hunting.

It was an upper-level ghost soldier who chased and killed them, which was equivalent to a six-star level of combat power, but the real six-star might not be able to win each other in the real battle.

The two of them are just elite five-star levels, and together they are not the opponent of the higher purgatory ghost soldier.


Can only escape!

In fact, there was another five-star who went to perform the task, but was killed by the other party. Only two of them were fled.

However, as long as you cross the Wanxingyuan and enter the Taiyi City, it will be safe most of the time, because it belongs to the Taiyuan League and has strong defense.

Don't say a superior ghost soldier, even a ghost general will die.


Either way, flee back and bring back the detected information.

But the speed of the purgatory ghost soldiers was extremely fast, and they kept approaching, and the terrible cold and fiery breath gradually approached, making the two people chilling.

"Brother Huang, I'll stop him. Anyway, you have to bring the news back." The elite five-star woman with a flexible body like a snake said immediately.

In this case, I am afraid that before crossing Wanxingyuan, the two of them will be overtaken. Even if they join forces, they will not be able to defeat each other, and they will not escape.

Then, only one person can be left, at least to stop the purgatory ghost soldier, and to get the time for the other person to escape.

In any case, we must bring back the information we have discovered, so that Taiyuanmeng is ready.

As for why to choose to stay, of course, there are particularities, because one's body is flexible and most suitable for fighting, while the other person's body is focused on speed, faster than himself, more suitable to get away.

"No, Sister Su, bring the news back, I'll stop him." Brother Huang said immediately.

"Brother, you must bring the news back." The woman with the surname Su has already turned back, as if the spirit snake was out of the hole, and the speed broke out in an instant, like lightning, fired at the purgatory ghost soldiers coming after him.

This type of body is not suitable for long-distance attacks, but it is suitable for short-range outbreaks, which is amazing.

Although she is a woman, she is so fierce.

"Shimei!" The person with the surname Huang changed dramatically, screaming loudly, but did not dare to pause, because he knew that Shimei had turned to stop the purgatory ghost soldier. The chance for escape was Shimei's death. Whatever you have won for yourself, you must grasp it.

Even if you feel uncomfortable, you must bring the news back.

The purgatory ghost clan has extraordinary means, and the Wanxing has become weird after many wars. It is impossible to use any means of communication and is disturbed. Otherwise, you can find something directly in the boundary of Taiming City. Use messaging to get the message back.

Why bother to give up two lives like now.


With full of sorrow and indignation against the Purgatory ghosts, Huang's middle-aged desperate explosive power, even if it hurts himself, will never hesitate to live up to the sister-in-law's intentions, and must bring the news back alive .

"Sister Shi, wait for me to bring the news, and I will accompany you." The middle-aged surname Huang secretly said that he and Sister Su had known each other for many years, and they agreed with each other, but they never broke through that layer of paper.

But he was firm.

However, within a short period of time, when the middle-aged surname Huang looked back, she saw a pair of nostalgic eyes, which became dark, and her beautiful face also seemed to have gone through the ages, becoming Withered, dead silence pervaded.

Heart is bleeding!

The middle-aged Huang's heart is dripping blood, biting the roots of teeth, preventing tears from falling, and constantly bursting out of her own power. The meridians are broken apart in exchange for faster speed. It seems that this can alleviate the heartbreak Lung-like pain.

However, Su Shimei's desperate effort didn't seem to have much effect. The purgatory ghost soldiers chased up again with the most disgusting weird laughter, and kept approaching.

Even if you overdraw yourself, it is just a matter of raising the speed to the ordinary six-star level, which may be a little faster than the ordinary ordinary six-star, but there is still a big gap compared to the elite six-star.

Wanxing is thousands of miles wide. For a five-star warrior, it is not long and can be crossed in a short time.

However, there have been changes after several battles of life and death. The atmosphere of depression is permeated. Invisibly, it will also affect the exercise of the strength of the practitioners, and the speed will also be affected.

Ten thousand meters!

Nine kilometers!

Eight kilometers!

The distance between each other is shrinking at an alarming rate.

According to this situation, it doesn't take long for the purgatory ghost soldiers to chase up and kill themselves.

Is n’t Shimei dead?


Closer, the cold, fiery atmosphere unique to the Purgatory Ghosts, like a mang on his back.

One thousand!

After a short time, it was shortened to 500 meters.

Soon, it was shortened to one hundred meters, and then approached ten meters.

At a distance of ten meters, the terrible breath was getting stronger and stronger, and the amazing killing was on the way of the mad killing. Numerous innocent souls were roaring, sending out extremely sorrowful mourning, as if full of unwillingness.

"Sister Mei, I'm here to accompany you." Middle-aged Huang looked back. Vaguely, it seemed that one of those innocent souls belonged to Sister Su.

Going to die?

Even if it is about to die, it is necessary to give up the last strength and fight, Fang is not disappointed.

Gathering together a strength, swept across the current, the gap in combat power, it is not useful to shoot ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Only to explode the way to see if you can pull each other back, all together.

Suddenly, a touch of grey sword-mangling penetrated the sky like lightning. The speed of the sword was extremely fast, reaching the extreme, making people appear hallucinating as if dreaming.

In the end, only a faint gray ghost remained in the eyes.

The imaginary shadow was filled with a trace of astonishment, as if the air was frozen, and even the cold and fierce sensen ghost spirit was also dispelled, and it was absolutely overbearing.

When I heard it, the sharp howl of the purgatory ghost soldier sounded in my ear, full of panic.

This purgatory ghost soldier is only a high-level, although powerful, but in the face of this broken sword, how can it not be blocked, let alone dodge, in an instant, a sword smashed countless ghosts, piercing the body directly.

The terrible sword spirit rages, and it is unmatched in domineering power. It directly defeats all its overbearing forces, and then kills them, extinct vitality.

When the purgatory ghost soldier died and fell, Huang middle-aged only reacted. At a glance, he saw a figure wearing a gray sword robe. The sword robe was covered with unique patterns, which seemed to be indescribable. magic.

The appearance of this person is also very young.

"Huang Yue see Sword Demon." After a middle-aged surname of Huang, when she was alive, she was full of excitement, as if it had been watered by a basin of ice water. When she returned to God, she also recognized the identity of the person who came and quickly bowed. Be polite.

This looks very young, it is exactly the famous strong among the Taiyuan League-Shura sword demon Chen Xiu.

This person is the youngest among the leaders of the Taiyuan League, but his strength is very terrible. He once killed many purgatory ghosts with a single sword, and many of them had a median ghost.

There is even a rumor that the invasion of the purgatory ghost clan was first discovered by Shura Sword Demon.

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