Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 5: Shura Sword Demon (3)

(Fortunately, it ’s humiliating, the second one is under the day and night, and it ’s still finished. Everyone remember to pay attention to the public account: the six roads are sinking, and updates will be released inside, so that everyone has to wait forever)

Wan Xingyuan, starlight is silent, there is no light.

The Allies with their determined determination began to dispatch, and stepped into the Wanxingyuan under the leadership of the leader Yuan Ji and the three elders of the Alliance.

In a hurry, the sound of breaking wind also sounded, and each figure was like a flash of light passing by quickly, and it was the masters of the ghost hunting group that rushed into Wanxingyuan.

The Allies attacked directly and the Ghost Hunting Team flanked to kill each other. Because of this, they have resisted the attacks of the Purgatory Ghost Army in previous times.

Although reluctant, blocking is blocking.

This time, in the face of the purgatory ghost army after receiving support, it still adopted such a strategy.

But it's time to desperately.

The two armies face each other, and the strong one wins.

The Purgatory ghosts never knew what their mercy was, and they were either enemies or killed, or they were swallowed up. There is no third way to go.

There was no half chance in this battle.

Xiao Shou covered his body, full of intentions.

"what is that?"

"Not a purgatory ghost."

However, when he saw the figures in front of him, the flames of murder were almost extinguished.

Once extinguished, even fighting spirit will be affected.

I saw a figure in front of them like a tidal surge, not a ghost of purgatory, but a human-cultivator.

what happened?

All of a sudden, including the Yuanji Alliance leader, all were confused.

"It was a ghost slave, slaved by the ghost clan, and has lost its ego. It is the cannon fodder of the ghost clan, which is used to consume our power." A chilling voice suddenly sounded, with amazing murderous power, permeating everyone's In his ears, it was as if oil was poured on the fire, which made the faint killing power of the crowd ignited and strengthened again.

"Ghost slave!"

"Looking at them with a blue complexion, their eyes were completely unintentional, and their breath was cold like a ghost, which was definitely a poisonous hand for the ghosts."

"Good despicable ghosts, enslaved practitioners to kill our power."



Before, it was evil killing, but now, it is mixed with anger, and under the anger, the anger is raging, turning into torrential killing intention, killing the ghost clan.

"May be rescued?" The Yuanji Alliance's voice also sounded, and he was asking because he knew that the person who spoke was Shura Sword Demon Chen Xiu, and all kinds of information of the Purgatory ghost family were announced by the other party. Several verifications, all of them are consistent and very authoritative.

What's more, the displayed combat power of the opponent is not inferior to himself.

In this world, rationality and irrationality always depend on strength.

Power is strong enough, and words are often more convincing.

"Just kill it!" Chen Xiu answered directly.

This is indeed the memory of the ghost general obtained through himself.

Once eroded into ghost slaves, not only the internal changes of the body, but also the total loss of consciousness, is irreparable.

Ghost slaves will completely obey the ghosts and be enslaved by them.

So the only way to meet ghost slaves is to kill.

Even before, they were human race practitioners. In the face of such great rights and wrongs, they should not be treated with the same race, but after being turned into ghost slaves, they have been separated from the human race.

What's more, if the soldiers show mercy and do not kill, the consequence is to be killed by ghost slaves.

"Kill!" Yuanji League heard the words and ordered without hesitation. A killing word, ringing for nine days, sounded like a thunder blast, shook the void and turbulence around it, ripples and ripples.

As the master of the Taiyuan Hall, he is not a gentle and decisive figure. In addition, the practice of martial arts practiced by the Tai Yuan Hall has always been domineering and domineering, and his temperament will also be affected subtly.

Therefore, if you know that those ghost slaves can't be saved and they are enemies against yourself and others, of course, it is killing.

Kill without hesitation!

In fact, in Yuanji's heart, even if there is any way to save, he may not be willing. After all, if he wants to save, he must pay a small price.

So-called, the answer given by Chen Xiu is only killing, which means that there is no help. In this case, there is no need to hesitate.

"Kill!" The Allies drank together, the killing sound was shocking, the astonishing killings seemed to condense into a substantial shock, as if the cold mist in front of them was dispersed.

There are tens of thousands of ghost slaves, each of which is at least a level of sacred realm. Its breath is extremely cold, and it is assaulted by fearless death. A deep roar like ghosts is emitted deep in the throat. It's terrible and embarrassing.

Entering the holy realm is not a big step for the half step holy, especially the people of the Allied Forces and the Ghost Hunting Team are at least four-star half step holy, the gap is extremely large.

But tens of thousands of ghost slaves into the sacred realm, killing without fear of death, is also very terrible, and will consume everyone's strength.

"Kill!" As soon as Chen Xiu's words came to an end, he immediately killed everyone with the Shura ghost hunting group.

The first sword is like the tip of a lightning, sharp and extremely tearing through the void. After that, it is the King of the Silver Knife and the King of Heaven, and behind it is a master of five-star and four-star combat power of Shuramon.

Tiangong is not among them. What he excels at is not combat, but the refiner and the formation method. It is most suitable to guard Shuramon.

At the same time, the Tiangong elderly will also contribute to the Taiyuan League, and arrange some formations to strengthen their defenses, etc. These talents are more than ten times better at the rear than being killed at the front.

Take a shot, never look back, swiping the world with one sword.


The extinguishing evil sword flashed suddenly, the sword light was dim, but there was a hint of light, shining to the extreme.

At the moment when the Doraemon sounded, the sword light had turned into a smashing moon, and the sword was full of strength and strength. It turned into a hundred meters in an instant, like a bamboo.

Even if it wasn't all-out, but this sword was terrible, it was cut and killed, and the void suddenly opened up layers of fine ripples.

It was a vision that was too powerful and had to reach the critical point of space bearing.

The moonlight across the moon was like killing vegetables and melons, killing hundreds of ghost slaves directly.

Although these ghost slaves only entered the level of the holy realm, after being eroded, their bodies became very hard and their defense was amazing.

Otherwise, Chen Xiu will be able to kill more.

The Yuanji Alliance leader launched suddenly, as if pushing a window to look at the moon-like nature, but condensing unparalleled palm strength, it seems to be able to promote the mountains, the momentum is extremely magnificent, and in the void, there will be a dull sound like a thunderous billow. Resounded in all directions.

In a hurry, a green palm print seemed to press the void into a trace and directly bombarded the ghost slave army.

At that moment, we could clearly see that the edges of the green and blue palm prints were tumbling with countless air currents, as if the waves were surging and surging, there was a general trend rolling and crushing everything.

In the center of the palm print, the bodies of dozens of ghost slaves were directly bombarded and torn apart, and as the palm waves rushed and rushed away, hundreds of ghost slaves were also affected, and their bodies flew around, hard. The membrane cracked, exuding countless dark red, stinking blood.

One palm, bombarded hundreds of ghost slaves.

It must be said that the practice of purgatory ghosts who want to consume tens of thousands of ghost slaves to consume the power of everyone is not obvious. At best, it is disgusting everyone.

There is a feeling of killing fellow people.

But had to kill.


The strength of the half-step grand saint is very terrible, and the attack is also very amazing. Even if the bodies of the ghost slaves have been strengthened, they cannot be carried.

A single blow can kill at least a dozen ghost slaves, as many as hundreds.

In just one round of attack, tens of thousands of ghost slaves were killed directly.

second round!

Without mercy, shot again.


Tens of thousands of ghost slaves were killed before they rushed to the front. A broken body continued to fall like dumplings, and a layer was laid on Wan Xingyuan. It was shocking.

"I have already said that this method is useless at all. It might as well be swallowed up." With a complaining and malicious voice, it suddenly sounded and fell into the ears of everyone.

This is not the language of the human race, but the language of the ghost race.

At this stage, although the Taiyuan League's strong men do not speak, they basically understand the language of the ghost clan, because more than a year ago, Chen Xiu compiled the language of the ghost clan and gave it to the Taiyuan league.

It is an obligation to inform the Ghost clan, but to compile the language of the Ghost clan so that everyone can understand it, and sometimes it comes in handy in exchange for a good mountain for Shuramon as the gate of the day.

No matter when and where, Shuramon will always exist and pass on.

If this cannot be achieved ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, then his last wish for King Shura will not be fulfilled, and the heart will be left with regrets, affecting future improvement.

Equal to a flaw.

If there are flaws, they must be eliminated as soon as possible, the later, the more disadvantageous.

Therefore, no matter when, where, Shuramon can not destroy the door, otherwise, he has to re-establish a Shuramon, do not know how much time and energy will be spent, which is greatly disadvantageous.

Now when Shuramon was on the right track, he had to be displaced because of the invasion of the purgatory ghosts.

Even so, it will not allow Shuramon to suffer major damage, and even try to keep the foundation as far as possible and strive to go further.

I have to say that the deity Chen Zong is not here. Everything can only be done by Chen Xiu as a clone. Compared with temperament, it is also difficult for Chen Xiu.

But in the final analysis, although the deity and the avatar are different in temperament, the soul is one, which is nothing.

The purgatory ghost army followed the army of ghost slaves.

The blackness and pressure were astonishingly cold and tyrannical, like the magma after the volcano erupting, and like the waves of a stormy ocean. It was turbulent and endless, with an astonishing shock that was as terrible as utterly extinct.


All of a sudden, the allies and ghost hunting groups were looking dignified to the extreme, only feeling the black pressure in front of them, as if the clouds were rolling, covering the half of the sky, carrying the majestic, like the endless terror of the Nine Secluded Abyss. Let people continue to sink.

"Kill!" The leader of Yuanjimeng danced wildly, his robes grinning, as if being blown by a hurricane, the arrogant momentum poured out of the body without reservation. If the sky was falling apart, the horror sounded like a thunderous sky. Generally burst, awaken everyone.

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