Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 20: Take care of

Chapter Twenty

I have no thoughts, no thoughts, no thoughts, no invincibility.

When there is fear of fear, fear, and invincibility, the sword can be defeated without hesitation and hesitation.

Heartbeat, Xeon Strike!

This is the sword that the heart is invincible, this is the sword of invincible faith, this is the sword of the Xunwushuang.

One sword, ten thousand swords, ten thousand swords in a series.


The volley of will that those terrible eyes finally turned into was in a flash, and then, from the center, was penetrated and broken, like a bamboo in the forefront.

Tattered Tattered!

A snoring sound sounded as if the bubble burst. The terrible will rushed under the sword, and it was completely defeated and disappeared into the sea of ​​God.

The broken will, gradually dispersed, seemed to be absorbed by his own Shenhai. Invisible, Chen Zong only felt that his Shenhai barrier seemed to flash a faint luster, and seemed to be a little tougher.


The pale complexion gradually recovered the blood color, and returned to the original ruddy, and there seemed to be a layer of hazy fluorescence on the membrane, like white jade Guanghua shining.

Consumed consciousness also quickly recovered. After that will was restored, Chen Zong felt that his will was more tenacious.

Breathing a long breath, cohesion, like a sword sky.

When she did not see the situation, Shen Yejian suddenly emerged from the sheath. When the sword body disappeared, the palm of the hand was the starting point. The black sword-like hairs appeared like arcs, like a black meteor across the sky. Light and agile like flying swallows, they are arranged in a circle from different angles, and they have drawn a parabola with natural trajectories.

Although the trajectories are different, the starting point and the ending point remain in a straight line, the sword speed is amazing, the sharpest is extreme, carrying the power of serial heartbeat, scattered from the starting point, and converging at the end point.

A sword, let the opponent's mind tremble uncontrollably and directly break.

Where Jianguang converges, a little bit of darkness suddenly appears, as if straight through the depths of the void. From that little bit of darkness, it seems that a lightning flash can be seen.

After a few breaths, the dark side closed and disappeared and returned to its original state.

"So strong!" Chen Zong secretly panicked.

The meaning of his own swordsmanship is only the second most important part of the extreme environment, which is to reach the peak of the second most important situation. Only one step can break through the limit and reach the third most important situation, but this step is difficult.

What's more, the state of Taoism is one thing. It is another thing to develop the potential of Taoism into power.

A sword of heart, improvement and promotion to a heartbeat chain, represents the development and application of its own potential.

Now fighting with that pair of terrible wills and eyes in the sea of ​​God, I feel more directly and intuitively the meaning of heart swordsmanship and my own will. My heart beats a series of moves, so I have explored all the mysteries, and really raised to the extreme. .

It can be said that today's mental swordsmanship means the second peak of the extreme state, and the emotional chain is to fully develop the potential of this spiritual state of swordsmanship and its power has greatly increased.

When using this sword, Chen Zong also felt the change of his battle star.

Originally, when Yin and Yang Taoism was used, his battle star was eight gold, and the ninth was bronze. When he used heart sword Taoism, he carried out eight, one black iron.

But now, when the sword of heart is used, half of the black iron-colored war star is turned into bronze, which represents the improvement of combat power.

At the same time, the territories of Tailuo City, the ghost king in that ghost town suddenly shocked, he already felt that his trace of will was broken.

If that trace of will exists, he can perceive the existence of the other party.

However, it seems that it is difficult to capture precisely what is separated.

But now that shred of will is broken, naturally it loses its sense.


An outburst of anger suddenly filled out from the deepest part of my heart, turning into raging anger, ghostly, terrible and abnormal.

All of a sudden, the entire ghost town was permeated, as if dark clouds were rolling in, in line with lightning bursting into air.

Many ghosts, whether they are ghost soldiers or generals, whether they are lower or middle ghosts or higher ghosts, are all shivering and shaking.

It took a while for that anger to converge.

Because no matter how angry it is, it won't help, nor can it catch that people.

Now, since we are still adapting to the rules of this world, we can use our strength to the extreme after we are fully adapted. At that time, it is time to leave, and then, when the world ’s great calamity comes.

As everyone knows, at this moment, Chen Zong once again came to the boundary of Tailuo City.

A previous temptation made Chen Zong more vigilant when he came for the second time.

Because Chen Zong knew and knew, the master of the pair of horror eyes was the ghost king in Chen Xiu's memory, as if he could destroy the horrors of the world.

That kind of strength is definitely more arrogant than the nine battle stars turned into gold, as if they belong to two levels.

Chen Zong couldn't help thinking about it. In the rumors, the nine-star combat power is not the apex of the half-step great saint. On top of this, there is a more powerful level called the invincible half-step great saint.

This ghost king is the level of the invincible half-step saint.

If so, this invincible half-step sacred level is too amazing.

This time, Chen Zong re-entered the boundary of Tailuo City, but instead of going to the ghost city of Tailuo City, he continued to fly forward to the boundary of Taiming City.

Along the way, Chen Zong was also paying close attention to the movement of the ghost clan. Once a few ghost clan were found, he immediately took out his strength and immediately killed it, and obtained the essence of the source to make up for his lack of refinement.

With the continuous consumption of the essence of the source, Chen Zong can feel that his lack of refining is constantly being filled and completed, and it seems that it is not far from complete completion.

The deity Chen Zong and the soul of the separated Chen Xiu are not far apart. Therefore, the memory information in the souls of both sides is also clear.

Therefore, what kind of crisis the deity encounters is clear, and in spite of horror, I can't help feeling a little grateful.

In addition, Chen Xiu knows the movement of the ghost clan, and Chen Zong will know.

The purpose of going to the boundary of Taiming City this time was to intend to attack the front and back.

In addition to saying that the deity is the same thing as the deity, feel free to find an excuse, such as deity and the sibling are siblings, etc. As for believe it or not, it is a matter for others.

What if you do n’t believe it?

Such a combat power, when it can run through this realm and join forces with avatars, in this realm, the great sacred realm cannot come out, and who among the peoples can truly threaten themselves.

What's more, with the patience of the deity and the avatar, even if the most powerful man in this world appears, it is difficult to see through reality.

In addition, Chen Zong has the protection of the eternal heaven and earth order, a half-step battle at the level of the holy level, the eternal heaven and earth is indifferent. Vegetarian.

Not only will they protect themselves, but they will be able to fight back.

Strength is the source of faith.

With stronger power and faith, everything becomes impossible.

Because Chen Zong firmly believes that as long as he works hard, he can climb the peak and keep surpassing.

So, with today's strength, why hide and show.

As soon as it appeared this time, it was very close to the boundary of Taiming City, and its body was silent, as if scattered between the presence and absence, looming, as if ghostly.

If anyone sees it, they may think it is an illusion.

This is a new body form created by Chen Zong, based on the yin and yang meaning.

This body style extracts all the mysteries of the previous body styles and integrates them into the whole, taking the yin and yang meaning as the root.

Yin and Yang are boundless!

This body method is called Yin and Yang Wujian, which takes its righteousness. Being between Yin and Yang seems to be like nothing, if there is nothing, it seems to be here, as if it is on the other side.

Of course, Chen Zong is just a start-up now, and it is not yet perfect. Therefore, after the show, it can only be achieved. If it is silent, it will not be possible to achieve the kind of inscrutable state that is not here or on the other side.

Even so, this body method is much better than the sky wind body method or thunder light.

Under the cleverness of Yin and Yang, Chen Zong silently entered the boundary of Taiming City, but was not found.

There was no one in the entire city of Taiming, but Chen Zong saw countless dead bodies everywhere, just like the bones and ruins.

At the boundary of Tailo City, Chen Zong did not enter Tailo City ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ so it is not clear, only some dead bones scattered outside can be seen, but there is no such shocking feeling in front of the corpse.


An anger, for no apparent reason, surged from the deepest part of the heart, turned into horrific murderous power and intention, and shook all directions.

This killing intention came so suddenly, but so naturally.

That was not arrogance, but a kind of enemies spurred by seeing the same family being slaughtered by the ghost family and the corpses running across the wild.

What's more, being in this world is closely related to this world, especially your talents are extremely outstanding, and the more you will be favored by this disaster, the more shocking these scenes will be.

Invisibly, Chen Zong has a little more murderous power against the ghosts, which means he must kill.

Such a race, so cruel and fierce.

With the sword in my hand, I will slaughter the ghosts who invade this world.

Invisible, silent, but Chen Zong made a vow in his heart.


As if feeling the anger and conviction in Chen Zong's heart, a thunder sounded from the air, rolling, and invisible, a ray of almost transparent light golden color also permeated, descended from the sky, and poured into Chen Zong's body from the top.

Only in an instant, Chen Zong felt that his mind seemed to become clearer. Within the entire Shenhai, there was a touch of golden light like ripples and ripples in spring water. Between the waves, the barriers of Shenhai seemed Constantly reinforced.

The spirits seemed to be cleared up, and became clearer and clearer.

Under these pale golden ripples, all kinds of thoughts seem to render a layer of shimmer. It looks more vivid and flexible, as if given vitality.

Without knowing it, it seems that I have gained nothing, but I can't feel what the benefit is.

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