Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 28: Heavenly Son (Part 1)

The golden light is magnificent, mysterious, magnificent, majestic, boundless and repressive.

The golden light is endless, and the world is magnificent. It has the majesty and will of the way of heaven, as if it were the way of heaven, and verifies all evil.

The figure in Jinguang seems to be infinitely tall, connecting the heavens and the earth, becoming the center of this side of the world, and there is a might of dominance in the future.

Jin Guangyu, like the surging waves, constantly spreads in all directions, the power is endless, and wherever he goes, the purgatory ghosts can't resist all ghost soldiers and ghost generals, and they are directly bombarded and broken It was torn apart, and then, it was broken more thoroughly, like a fan.

Each of the spirits of the Ghost Clan has escaped from the broken bodies of the Ghost clan, and against the wave of violent golden light, they have poured into the body of the Golden Light Center.

There will be ten remaining ghosts. They were horrified and backed away, far away from the golden light. They were not affected. If so, you can see the astonished look on their ghost faces.

Just as soon as it appeared, Jin Guang masterpiece immediately bombed hundreds of ghost clan into slag.

The power of this attack was too terrible and too arrogant, not only killed hundreds of ghosts at once, but also destroyed the fighting spirit and morale of the ghosts.

Originally, the formation of the Terran side had been defeated, and the next step was to harvest and achieve a great victory.

Unexpectedly, the situation took a turn for the worse, and hundreds of ghosts died at a sudden.

The ups and downs were so fast that the morale of the ghosts fluctuated directly, from the peak to the trough.

The figure in the golden light that appears is undoubtedly the human race, and it bears great luck on it.

When Jin Guang converged into the body, looking only within a kilometer of the center of that figure, it seemed to form a vacuum zone.

Stars of battle appeared in the sky above the figure.


The total number of battle stars is nine, which is not unexpected, after all, the power is so powerful.

However, the nine battle stars are all golden.

What does this mean? This means that this person's combat power has reached the extreme of nine stars.

It's hard.

It is really difficult to increase the combat power to the highest level of the nine-star level, even if the innate ghost infernal ghosts want to do this, it is very difficult.

In addition, in addition to all the nine battle stars are gold, there seems to be a faint scent of breath between the nine battle stars, which is related to each other.

In addition to the nine golden battle stars that are almost connected to each other, what is even more shocking is the clear light shrouded in this person.

The clear light of an ordinary practitioner is almost invisible in both eyes, indicating that it is very thin and almost invisible.

Better, just a few strands, if there is nothing, it can be faintly captured.

What's even better is that there are more, which can barely be seen clearly. Those who can reach this step are, at least, peerless.

The top peerless Tianjiao, who generally represents this side of heaven and earth to care for the light of Qiyun, has begun to have a prototype of faint smoke. As long as you work hard and kill a lot of purgatory ghosts, you will quickly become rich.

The better one is that the clear light becomes like thick smoke, and the strands of light become faint, and there is a faint glimmer of water.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu are now at this level.

It can be said that within the entire heavenly sacred realm, there can be such layers of air transport with such clear light, and there are very few, it is difficult to find out a few.

However, now this figure that looks like the center of heaven and earth is shocking with a clear light.

That clear light, like a raging smoke, soars into the sky, and it seems like the waves are surging and surging, it seems to condense the mountains and mountains, and a trace of golden awns are scattered in the clear light, like a magic pen, which outlines the world and the world's shadow, condensing A vast sight.

This kind of care, this kind of luck, is shocking to the extreme.

It seems that it has reached the extreme of this world, and it also seems to carry the greatest care and expectations of this world.

Previously, the luck of the individual was invisible, but it was also because of the invasion of the purgatory ghosts, that the world's will was awakened from this side, and only then changed.

At first, it was only the manifestation of the battle star and the ability to kill the ghosts to gain their essence.

With the victory, the will of this world draws on the will of the ghost to supplement itself, and gradually recovers, and then has more patience.

This manifestation of Qi Yunqing is also one of the changes.

The emergence of air fortune has its advantages, but of course also has its disadvantages.

The advantage is that at a glance, people can see that this person is good. It is definitely not a thing in the pool. If you encounter such a person with strong luck and clear but never cultivated, it is definitely a good seed, rushing for it.

The disadvantages are also clear at a glance, all let people know that it is extraordinary, and it will cause hostility and targeting more easily. It is also true that Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, especially at this time, for the ghosts, the luck is clear. It ’s more like a beacon guide, letting them know which practitioners are more favored in this world.

The killing of those who have great luck will have a more obvious effect on the attack and erosion of the will of this world. It is better than killing hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of ordinary practitioners.

For example, this clear sky is soaring into the sky, and the luck of the human race is very strong. If any of the ghosts, even the most common ghosts, can kill them, it will be equal to the loss of the world. The graveness has accelerated the progress of the ghostly will to erode the world of this side, so that it has received feedback from the ghostly will, and has suddenly become a ghost family carrying ghostly spirits. Fei Huang Tengda has made rapid progress and left off.

Even one day, it is not impossible to achieve the ghost king and see the realm of ghosts and gods.

The superior generals were very stunned and wanted to get that kind of luck in this person.

However, they were extremely jealous, because the power displayed by this man was too arrogant.

One side of the Taixuan Holy Alliance, especially the people of the Taixuan Holy Palace, especially the leaders of the Taixuan Holy Palace, were all excited, and they were so excited that they couldn't hold themselves and trembled.

This is especially true of the Lord of the Taixuan Holy Palace.

"Tianjin ..." The Lord of Taixuan Holy Palace couldn't help but speak out.

That's right, this one who is extremely powerful, carrying an amazing luck, who is clear and strong, shows the mountains and waters, is the **** Taixuansheng womb.

The presence of Gong Tianshen indicates that he has obtained the opportunity from Taixuan Cave.

For countless years since ancient times, many outstanding people of Taixuan Holy Temple have entered Taixuan Cave, but all died in them.

When the son of Tai Xuan entered, the lord of the holy palace was actually not optimistic, but he could not stop it. He could only have a hint of hope.

But now, seeing the appearance of Gongtian God, the joy of hitting the heart deep into the soul is incomparable.

You know, he is the master of Gongtian God. He was cultivated from an early age. The mentorship is like his own father and son. In his heart, he has no children and has already regarded Gongtian God as his own son.

Everything in the future Taixuan Holy Palace will be passed on to him.

Today, Gong Tianshen not only left Taixuandong alive, but also saw a surge in combat power, which has completely surpassed himself as a master.

After all, the Lord of the Holy Palace is just an ordinary nine-star combat power. The secret method of consuming Shouyuan is at most to reach the elite nine-star, which is the ninth battle star bronze.

Besides, his other eight battle stars are only white and silver.

But Gongtian God is different. The nine battle stars are all golden, bright and dazzling.

It's the one who is fortunate and strong, and extremely amazing.

This kind of luck and clear light will also affect the Taixuan Holy Palace, which will further strengthen the Taixuan Holy Palace. After all, the **** of heaven is the Taixuan Holy Son, which is closely related to the Taixuan Holy Palace.

The visitor is the Gongtian God who emerged from the hole in Taixuan Cave.

After entering the Taixuan Cave, Gong Tianshen found the chance, but was unable to bear it, and eventually passed out, his vitality gradually passed away.

If it hadn't been for that gleam of golden light pouring from overhead, I'm afraid it's dead.

That golden light is a kind of care for this will of the heavens and the earth, a kind of carrying of the atmosphere.

In essence, Gongtian God is the person who carries great luck in this world. Otherwise, it will not be invincible to his peers, or even surpass his predecessors.

Of course, Chen Zong is different.

It bears great fortune in itself, and is further cared for by the awakening of the world's will on this side. Finally, it has survived the crisis of Taixuandong and successfully obtained the opportunity.

That chance, but the big chance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After digesting the chance, one's combat power is advancing by leaps and bounds, and there is a feeling of being invincible.

Out of the mysterious hole, I immediately felt an invasion of an evil atmosphere, and felt a sense of mission diffused, and immediately came to kill the ghost clan.

The pair of indifferent eyes peering like high above the sky made the heart chill.

Seeing those eyes, the excited mind of the Lord of the Taixuan Palace suddenly felt as if poured by a basin of ice water, and the fire of inner excitement also extinguished. There was a kind of anxiety quietly breeding.

Gong Tianshen's eyes gazed across a dry ghost clan, swiping like a blade, and when he was about to make a dry ghost cried unconsciously, chill invaded every part of the body.

"Dead!" When I was stunned, I saw the indifferent Gongtian **** slap his palm like a knife, and the golden light diffused, swirling like water on the palm edge, and he swept away empty.

This move seems simple and unremarkable, but when it comes to a strong nine-star combat power, it contains an indescribable mystery.

Falling in the eyes of a dry ghost clan, they were horrified immediately, only feeling that a golden sword slashed across the sky, and the world was compressed in it. The mighty, magnificent and boundless, the horror was so terrifying that it locked them directly Can't move in place.

Subsequently, Jin Guang was cut off, and most of the ghost clan were cut off.

It was killed in another blow, fluttering, but even more terrible, and immediately killed the remaining ghosts.

In the end, only the ten remaining generals stood as if they were alone in the void.



"Go!" The strongest ghost will not hesitate to immediately turn into a black light and walk away, and other ghosts will follow suit.

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