Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 27: Rival

(I saw in the group that they were trying to make Liu Dao go to the top five, and the mobile phone almost broke down with excitement. Not to mention, I repaired the mobile phone. The first is to be presented first. The battle of the East Emperor and West Saint is about to begin. 2nd later) & 1t; /

The sky is high and the clouds are light and blue. & 1t; /

Chen Zong appeared under the clear sky, and his face was full of surprise. & 1t; /

Last breath, I was still in the depths of the world. Learn about the origins of the world. The yin and yang ideology seems to have a deeper understanding. Become extremely violent, swept by the bombardment, and directly collided with the yin and yang **** wheel being transformed. & 1t; /

It seemed as if the explosion was earth-shattering, as if the stars were exploding, and the sea of ​​Shenzong trembled with the blast of the heart. & 1t; /

A large number of world origins have separated a strand of corresponding origin powers and merged into the sea of ​​God. & 1t; /

But the next breath left the origin of the world and appeared under the immense sky above the vast earth. & 1t; /

"The will of the world." Chen Zong called. & 1t; /

Without a response, the world's will is in a bad mood. If he manifests as a man, his face will be dark and black, just like the bottom of a pot. & 1t; /

Chen Zong's enlightenment is not ordinary. First of all, it was the perfection and optimization of Jian Yuan Gong in the beginning, which consumed some of the power of the origin of the world, but not much, and it was completely within the acceptance range. & 1t; /

The enlightenment of Yin and Yang in the back was completely unexpected by Chen Zong, because he was epiphanyed. & 1t; /

An epiphany, the greater the variables, causing more of the world's original power to be absorbed by Chen Zong. & 1t; /

The world is in pain, but those powers, which have been accumulated in the world for many years, consume some, and it will take many years to recover. & 1t; /

If you consume too much, it will even hurt the root. & 1t; /

Fortunately, Chen Zong's enlightenment and absorption have not hurt the fundamentals yet, but he cannot continue to absorb it. & 1t; /

If he hadn't made a deal with Chen Zong, and let him infiltrate the ghost clan into the purgatory ghosts at the risk of his life, the world's will really wanted to slap Chen Zong. & 1t; /

The premise is that he has this ability. & 1t; /

But having said that, without that transaction, the will of the world would not have allowed Chen Zong to enter the depths of the world to understand the origin of the world. & 1t; /

Enlightenment is enlightenment! & 1t; /

Absorption is absorption! & 1t; /

These are two different things. All in all, Chen Zong is a big profit. & 1t; /

In the sea of ​​God, the long sword transformed by the sword of the heart suppresses everything, but in another place, there is a gray light group rotating continuously, faintly seeing the rotation of the **** wheel, seeing hurricane roar, thunder raging, fire Incineration. & 1t; /

confusion! & 1t; /

It is full of destruction, terrible destruction, destroying everything like it, and disappearing, condensing and reappearing continuously, as if the cycle of life and death is continuous. & 1t; /

Chen Zongxian's own consciousness, completely isolated, cannot penetrate at all, let alone interfere. & 1t; /

All changes are carried out on their own. Only when they don't know when will they be able to complete the changes. & 1t; /

Chen Zong had a hunch that after all the changes were completed, the Yin-Yang Taoism would definitely surprise himself. Perhaps, then, it would not be the top-level Taoism, but the Supreme Taoism. & 1t; /

How difficult it is to achieve nothing. & 1t; /

I can master the meaning of the sword of the Supreme Heart. First, I got the sharpening of the Three Slayers and the Three Slayers. But the ancient Kento Sacred Realm of the Ancient Times was created by the collection of life's painstaking efforts and continued to be perfected to the extreme. It was only passed down, and it was determined to be extraordinary. & 1t; /

Although in the end it was not possible to completely transform the Heart Sword Taoism into the Supreme Sword Meaning, it has laid a solid foundation. & 1t; /

potential! & 1t; /

The three slaying fronts and secrets give Xinjiandao the potential to be promoted to the highest level. & 1t; /

Lack of this potential, Heart Kendo intends to transform into supremacy, at least ten times more difficult. & 1t; /

It is also because of the secret accumulation of the Three Robbery Frontiers and the continuous accumulation of Chen Zong himself and the care of heaven and earth fortune, and finally based on this. Under the impasse of the broken heart and sword, the explosion of inspiration inspired him to create the Three Robbery The fourth calamity of Feng Mystery is the last calamity. & 1t; /

Broken! & 1t; /

Broken and robbery. & 1t; /

However, it does not mean that if you break it, you can establish it. The vast majority of them are broken after it is broken, and it disappears. Only with a solid foundation, and even in the face of death and perseverance, do not give up. The persistence of great perseverance and the care of heaven and earth, only a little hope to stand up again after it is broken. & 1t; /

So, after standing up, is it the same as before, or is it true that the limit is broken, it is another question. & 1t; /

All in all, I have mastered the sword, but the difficulties and dangers are difficult to explain. & 1t; /

The current yin and yang Taoism should also be transformed in the direction of Supreme Taoism. This process will be longer and safer than Supreme Jianyi. & 1t; /

Can be considered to have their own benefits. & 1t; /

"The will of the world." Chen Zong called again. & 1t; /

However, there was still no response from the world's will. It was full of grievances and it did not want to answer Chen Zong at all, and it lost a palace **** to him. & 1t; /

That's right, I really lost a palace god. & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

The vastness is deep above the vast earth, and under the clear blue sky, there is a vast golden light flying from a distance. The golden light is extremely magnificent. The 10,000-meter golden straight track, which lasts for a long time, is filled with earth-shaking and overbearing grandeur. & 1t; /

It seems to suppress the world. & 1t; /

Rumble! & 1t; /

When Jin Guang flew past tens of thousands of meters, there was a dull sound, tumbling, like a thunderous thunder, ringing the world, and shivering like Foshan. & 1t; /

At that time, many practitioners in the Taixuan Realm were startled. The breath of Jinguang was too strong and too strong, as if it was above all beings, it made people feel a little bit sensitive, only fear. & 1t; /

Even the strongest of the nine-star combat power. & 1t; /

"That golden light ..." & 1t; /

"That's the Son of Heaven!" & 1t; /

Someone was already in shock, recognizing the identity of that golden light. & 1t; /

After the last battle, Gong Tianshen alone blocked the armies and defeated the army of tens of thousands of ghosts with his own strength, annihilating his army, and letting the ghost king flee, shaking the world. & 1t; /

Tianyuan Shengzi resounds through the Taixuan Realm, and even resonates in the Tianyuan Sanctuary. & 1t; /

The practitioner also knows more mysteries. & 1t; /

Such as the extreme division of demigods and so on. & 1t; /

Prior to the invasion of the Purgatory ghosts, there were no demigods in the Tianyuan Sanctuary. The most powerful one was the elite nine-star level. & 1t; /

Even now, after the invasion of the purgatory ghost clan, although many deaths have occurred, the practitioners who have survived have benefited one by one, becoming more powerful one by one, and have not yet produced a demigod superpower. & 1t; /

Today, there are three demigods that are recognized within the heavenly sanctuary. & 1t; /

Tianyuan Holy womb God! & 1t; /

Sword Emperor Chen Zong! & 1t; /

Sword Demon Chen Xiu! & 1t; /

Any one of them is the most powerful one who can defeat the whole army with one sword, especially the **** of the heavenly uterus and Chen Zong, the emperor of the sword. & 1t; /

Because Chen Zongnai came from the east with a sword, and Gongtian God itself is the Taixuan Son of Taixuan Realm, which is located west of Tianyuan Sanctuary. & 1t; /

Some people even wonder if this can compete with the legendary great holy realm. & 1t; /

After all, the Great Holy Realm Xeon has not appeared for many years. Even this time the Purgatory Ghost Invasion, there is still no Great Holy Realm Xeon. & 1t; /

Exactly why, no one knows except the will of the world itself. & 1t; /

Maybe it's a rule that doesn't allow them to really shoot, maybe it's for other reasons and so on. & 1t; /

All in all, that's a mystery. & 1t; /

Then, under the Great Holy Realm Xtreme, the most powerful is undoubtedly the three demigods. & 1t; /

Now, where are the three demigods, the celestial gods of the uterus, who are so powerful, and where are they going? & 1t; /

"Perhaps I know." A half-step grand saint-class strong man's eyes flickered, and he said in an unsure tone: "There have been many conflicts between the God of Heaven's uterus and the Emperor Chen Zong. This time, he said Maybe it is against the sword emperor. "& 1t; /

Under the sky, there are no impermeable walls. & 1t; /

The contradiction between Gong Tianshen and Chen Zong has appeared from a very early age. When there is much concern, it is inevitable that people with interest will find some clues. & 1t; /

Even the previous showdown of the main city of Tai Xuancheng was dug up. & 1t; /

"Several conflicts between the Son of Heaven and the Emperor Jian?" Someone was surprised. & 1t; /

"Yes, this is something I learned by accident." & 1t; /

"I seem to have heard it." & 1t; /

"As far as I know, when the Purgatory ghost clan invaded, Tian Yuan Shengzi also fought the sword emperor. That battle was said to have failed to win because of Purgatory Ghost King's shot. Instead, he joined forces to repel the Ghost King." & 1t; /

"Are you both an opponent and a comrade in arms?" Someone brightened his eyes. & 1t; /

"Let ’s go and follow up." & 1t; /

"Yes, maybe, this will be a fate match." & 1t; /

When there is no foreign enemy invasion, the two are opponents, and are destined to make a decision between high and low. & 1t; /

When a foreign enemy invades, the two can become comrades-in-arms and join forces against the enemy. & 1t; /

It is an opponent and a comrade-in-arms. The word "adversary" is the most appropriate. & 1t; /

Rivals Rivals! & 1t; /

The battle of old enemies is the battle of old destiny. & 1t; /

look forward to! & 1t; /

Countless people who know, look forward to it. & 1t; /

The three demigods of the human race are extremely powerful. Relatively speaking, the celestial celestial body of Tianyuan Sheng and the Emperor Chen Zong are more famous. As for the sword demon Chen Xiu, it is relatively weaker. & 1t; /

This is the battle of Xeon. & 1t; /

This is the peak matchup. & 1t; /

prevent? & 1t; /

No one can stop it, even if you want to stop it. & 1t; /

Because this is the battle of fate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Boom! & 1t; /

Just like the nine-day **** thunder, the mightyness is boundless, the hundred feet of golden light is endless, and everything seems to be broken wherever he goes. & 1t; /

Vacuum hentai! & 1t; /

Voidless! & 1t; /

Only that golden light that seems to be eternal is constantly advancing. & 1t; /

Taixuanjie is very big, but Taixuanjie is also very small, everything is relatively speaking. & 1t; /

For ordinary practitioners, if they want to cross the Taixuan Realm, they do n’t know how long it will take, and may even die halfway, but for the top powerhouse, crossing the Taixuan Realm is just a matter of a short period of time. Moreover, no danger is encountered. & 1t; /

There seems to be endless thunderstorms in the void, and there seems to be roaring wind and roar. & 1t; /

After the endless golden light, more and more figures followed, even if they were dropped far away, they continued to follow. & 1t; /

Everyone's heart seemed to be burning with a fire. & 1t; /

They look forward to it! & 1t; /

They yearn! & 1t; /

The golden immortal divine light is like a flame, and the center of the flame is a figure of a mighty shore: the palace god! & 1t; /

Gong Tianshen ’s eyes also seemed to be burning with a golden flame, gazing through the space and time, staring at the front, and at the end of the line of sight was a figure standing between heaven and earth, with a dashing sword. & 1t; /

Sword Emperor! & 1t; /

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