Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 33: Nether Beast

come down!

come down!

come down!

It was not just a figure that fell, it was also a symbol, as if Tianzhu collapsed.

In the minds of many people, the Son of Heavenly Yuan is a representative, and so is the Emperor of the Sword. No matter who falls, it is the loss of Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, and it is worth the sorrow of all people in Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary.

Gong Tianshen's eyebrows cracked, blood lines spread down, his eyes were dull, the golden flame on his body was completely extinguished, and the onions continued to fall down.

Chen Zong, however, was cut off and retreated continuously under the last sword of Gong Tianshen.

Refining the heart and returning to one sword is the explosion of Chen Zongyu ’s potential in death and despair, and further tapping the potential of the sword of the heart. At the beginning, he was not proficient enough. Therefore, he can only step by step. As long as he is proficient, it can be achieved , Straight out of the sword.

This sword is different from other tricks.

Refining the heart and returning to the sword, both cutting and cutting the heart, or, more directly, cutting the heart first, gives people a feeling of being cut and torn, which affects the body and causes cracks in the body. It's like being cut off.

With the power of the heavenly gods, I can't stop renting a sword, which shows that the sword is terrible.

This is also a sword that is difficult to resist. At least the ordinary means cannot be offset at all, and penetrate directly, because that sword is like an imaginary heart force, which is elusive.

Cut out this sword and exhaust Chen Zong's strength, energy, spirit and even the power of the mind. The whole person has a feeling of being drained, and weakness continues to manifest from the heart and the body.

Although the sword cut out by Gong Tianshen is not perfect, the direct destructive power is not as good as the vacuum breaking air strike in nine days and ten, but it is winning.

Without any evasion, Chen Zong was immediately slashed. Fortunately, there was the protection of the heart-printed Baoyi, blocking the blade of light, preventing his body from being torn and cut off, and weakening the power of Qicheng, leaving only 30% remaining.

The protective power of Xinyin Baoyi can be seen.

Not only does it weaken Qicheng's power, but also sharp swords and other sharp tools, as long as they can't break the heart-print treasure, it is difficult to really destroy Chen Zong's body.

On the contrary, heavy weapons such as axe hammer may be better.

The remaining 30% of the power is also very amazing. Chen Zong can only retreat continuously in order to release the force. The blood can't help but spit out a few mouthfuls, but just exits several kilometers.

Under the stunning golden knife light, he kept retreating.


Only in an instant, Chen Zong withdrew tens of thousands of meters, and the power of the golden sword light was finally exhausted. Chen Zong's body shuddered, highlighting a bloodshot again and looking pale.

Feeling only a few bursts of weakness and a sense of weakness, he quickly took out the elixir and took it, quickly running the eighth heavy Taichu Jianyuan refining.

It ’s just a pity that, to this day's cultivation for strength, it is difficult to find a better elixir, and the recovery effect is very average.

After all, the current Tianyuan Sanctuary has not yet fully recovered, and even if it has recovered, it has become stronger, and there are more treasures of the heavens and earth, and the practitioners need to study more brilliant elixir.

But chat is better than nothing.

Chen Zong intends to restore some strength before returning to Tianyuan Sanctuary.

Otherwise, a few bursts of weakness now come out of the body, very uncomfortable.

In the beginning of the sword, the power of the sword was working, so was the imperial power.

The spirit and spirit continued to recover, and the sense of weakness was being eliminated a little bit. After watching the war, everyone looked at Chen Zong and flew down.

They were going to catch the body of Miya Tenjin.

In any case, Tianyuan Sheng womb Tian Shen is a strong man in the end, the magnificent demon evil, has made great contributions to Tian Yuan Sheng Yu.

We can't simply die, we should give a great funeral, so that the heavenly sanctuary will be remembered forever.

However, Chen Zong planned to wait until he recovered some of his spirits, and then returned to the heavenly realm to build a large tomb for the palace god.

After a while, the refining of elixir disappeared, and Jingqi Shen finally recovered a little, and the sense of weakness disappeared.

Chen Zong stared into the sky without cuckoo. In the distance, there was darkness. It seemed to contain deep mysteries, and it seemed to contain immense danger.

That mystery continues to attract Chen Zong, breeding exploration from the heart, and wanting to act for it.

However, reason has stopped the impulse.

Or not!

Although he is very powerful now, he still needs to explore the void of the universe.

At the very least, it is necessary to break through to the realm of gods, and then you will have real qualifications.

Now, I am still returning to the cultivation of good students in Tianyuan Sanctuary. If the situation in Yuanshengyu has stabilized today, I can go to the Eternal Battle Fortress again to further understand the mysteries of heaven and earth.

In this shorter period of time, I will promote everything to the peak and to the extreme, and then impact that psychic state.

Divine realm, that is the standard for truly breaking through the void of the universe, but it is not so easy to achieve.

According to Chen Zong's knowledge, there have been more than 100,000 years in the Tianyuan Sanctuary today, and no great holy realm has ever appeared.

It was as if a fault had occurred.

Exhale a long breath deeply, but that breath turns into nothingness in the void.

Void, but there is no heaven and earth vitality and air. Fortunately, practitioners of Chen Zong's level can survive even if there is no air, otherwise they will suffocate and die.

Retracting his eyes, Chen Zong turned around and planned to return to Tianyuan Sanctuary.

The battle with the God of the Palace was very fierce, and he couldn't help tapping away from the heavenly sanctuary, more than 100,000 meters. Chen Zong also found that in the void of the universe, his own flight speed is far worse than in the Tianyuan Sanctuary.

It feels like the void in the universe doesn't feel any restraint, but there is some kind of suppression, which is very strange, not something I can see through now.

Suddenly, a dark figure flashed in front of Chen Zong's eyes, as if flowing.

Chen Zong couldn't help but gather his eyes and pupils to stare away. He could vaguely capture a figure and was approaching quickly. At the same time, an extreme sense of crisis loomed at the same time.

The sword of heart gives Chen Zong a stronger mind, and at the same time, makes Chen Zong's sense of crisis more acute and stronger.

That seems to be a void beast, a kind of horrifying beast that lives in the void of the universe. It is born with a huge body and powerful forces. It is very scary. It is one of the omnipresent sources of danger in the universe.

The strong sense of crisis made Chen Zong realize that it was bad and calm, and also made Chen Zong realize that he must go and take care of him.

At the fastest speed, in the shortest time, return to Tianyuan Sanctuary immediately.

As long as they return to the Heavenly Realm, the Nether Beast will not chase itself.

Void beasts will only inhabit the cosmic void and will not break into the world of life. That will suppress them, leading to a drastic reduction in combat power, and if accidentally, they may be killed by siege.

It was a memory that was passed down from generation to generation in the blood of the Void Beast.

Therefore, as long as you enter the Heavenly Realm, this void monster will not pursue.




Even faster.

But the distance of tens of thousands of meters seems to be extremely distant.

Especially when their own strength has not been fully recovered.

However, there is self-reliance.

Under my own self-confidence, as long as I still have the strength, I can use it to the utmost. However, it does not last long. I hope I can rush back to the heavenly sanctuary.

Chen Zong's idea is beautiful, but the reality is very enlightening.

The speed of the Void Beast is significantly faster, because it has reached the level of being able to communicate with God.

Only momentarily, there was a flash of black light in front of Chen Zong's eyes, and the void beast intercepted ten thousand meters away.

Chen Zong had a quick meal and stared away, almost unable to maintain his realm of freedom.

It was a black snake with a whole body, his head was triangular, a pair of huge eyes were black, and the center of the pupil was glowing with extreme scarlet, radiating a terrible light, extremely cold, being stared, Chen Zong felt himself His body was chilling, the chill of his own body emerged from the deepest, almost freezing his body and soul.

The snake is 10,000 meters long and over 100 meters thick. The black body is covered with scarlet lines, crisscrossed and very complicated. Just looking at it, Chen Zong has a sense of dizziness.

Amazing breath is constantly emanating from that huge body, pouring out overwhelmingly, even if the universe is so vast and vast, Chen Zong can clearly feel it.

It is as heavy as the ancient Montenegro, crushing it, making it hard to move, and it seems that the black ice is frozen, stiff, and blood stagnates.

Such a breath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is terrifying.

Although in the eternal battle, Chen Zong also encountered some powerful gods, but they deliberately converged their breath.

Now, the void beast did not condense its own breath, but sent out wantonly, suppressing all directions.

From the huge eyes of the Void Beast, Chen Zong saw a touch of drama.

It's like a cat teasing a mouse.

Void beasts are not only possessing superb power and huge manifestations, but also possessing superb wisdom that is not inferior to the human race. They are not comparable to monsters and the like.

It can be said that the void monster itself is a powerful high-end race.

How to do?

Chen Zong's thinking is turning madly, to exceed the limit, but can't think of any way.

At the next breath, I saw the void beast opened its mouth of blood basin, and an astonishing absorption was permeated, like a vortex countercurrent, covering everything in front of it.

Chen Zong couldn't resist at all, and directly followed that amazing suction, quickly flew away from the void monster's mouth, but in the blink of an eye, Chen Zong's figure fell into the void monster's mouth. Disappear.

The Void Beast closed its mouth, and its cold eyes swept across, and then the body flickered with a tail and flickered into a black light, and flew away quickly.

In Tianyuan Sanctuary, a figure keeps falling, penetrating the sky mine layer, the sky fire layer, and the wind howl layer. It is as if it is about to burn up.

Over the sky, one figure fell quickly, and rushed towards that figure to catch it.

For a while, a golden light seemed to swept out of nothingness, engulfing the body of the God in the palace, and disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

(What does the last name mean to the black snake?)

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