Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 36: Beauty favor

(I went out to work this morning, so the update is a bit late, the second update, the third update, everyone has a monthly ticket for some support and support 呗)

The red light is rippling, as if the tide is surging and surging, it is constantly impacting, trying to resist Chen Zong's sword.

However, the power of Vientiane? The sword of refining the heart is unforged. It is like tearing a bamboo and tearing everything, directly breaking the heavy red light resistance, and directly hitting the heart.

The sword gas was broken, but the heart was trembling, and there seemed to be a stern sound.

After taking a lot of elixir, he quickly refined it, and Chen Zong once again made a sword.

No matter what, we have to break it.

The sword Qi was shot through the air, and the six young imperial soldiers condensed together, followed closely behind.

The nucleus was extremely tough, but was still broken by Chen Zong into a small fine crack. When the rift appeared, it represented that the nucleus had insufficient defense.


The click sounded instantly, and the fissures quickly expanded and diffused.

The last sword!


This sword penetrated the rift and penetrated directly into the core of the heart. The sword gas bloomed like a silver flower in the fire tree, carrying a terrible power, tearing and running through everything.

There are more and more fissures in the heart, and they begin to rupture and shatter. The entire demonic mother's nest also trembles with it, and a fierce roar continues to sound.

Chen Zong was startled, and he did not hesitate to expand his body style, and turned into a swipe of sword light and flew away.

Only leave before this demonic mother's nest collapses and destroys, otherwise it may be affected and die here.

With full force, Chen Zong was extremely fast, and returned along the way. After a little time, he is expected to rush out of the demon's nest and successfully get out.

Outside, there are more than a dozen second-level Nether demons flying by.

Among the dozen or so second-level Nether Demons, one of them rides a hundred-meter beast with black flames and black armor, and also wears black armor and holds a large black gun, burning black flames. .

The power of that black flame was terrifying, and it seemed to be able to burn everything and distort the surrounding air.

No other Nether Demon dares to get too close to it, lest it be oppressed.

That demonic mother's nest continued to shake, and cracks began to appear on the surface, spreading quickly, gradually collapsed, and collapsed into the interior.

The living Void Demon is also dying inside.


Dead silence!

All kinds of negative and extreme breaths kept coming, and they were crushed, and called Chen Zongwu uncomfortable.

Keep your heart up, stay away with no will.

When he died, Chen Zong flew out of the hole to be broken.

With a bang, the demonic mother's nest behind her collapsed completely, and everything inside was destroyed and destroyed.

A trace!

It was just a slight difference in timing, and he was almost collapsed, and he could only use the power of the Demon Slayer to leave. Then, all the previous achievements were lost.

Fortunately, Chen Zong could not help secretly sighing with relief, when a sudden, a strong sense of crisis swept through the turbulent, erupting instantly.

I saw one side, and a huge figure with a terrifying breath was approaching quickly. The figure that was sitting, riding a heavy armored beast, holding a large black gun, was burning the terrible flames of flames, as if covered with fierce light Peerless red eyes stared.

When he died, as if the blood of the corpse was surging, countless bones were floating up and down, calling himself to sink into the abyss of blood prison, sinking forever.

The big gun suddenly lifted, and the burning flames became more and more fierce, and suddenly stabbed forward.


As if a dark thunder enclosing a black magic flame shatters the vacuum, carrying the terrifying power that destroys everything.

It was only momentarily that Chen Zong's mind was blank. Although he only reacted instantly, he could not avoid it.

No one can deal with the pride of being able to slay the second-level Nether Demon.

Too strong!

This gun is full of destruction, and it is more than ten times different from those of the previous demons in the void.

This is a Void Demon who has reached the peak of the second level and has extremely powerful combat power.

Unless he can reach the second level, he is not his opponent at all.

It was a little bit late, and the thoughts flashed by. The huge black gun had turned into a thick inky thunder, leaving a thick and straight black scratch in the void.

There is no escape.

Vientiane? Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

Chen Zong burst into full force, the illusion appeared, overlapped with himself, the two swords converged, and one sword was killed.

Clicking, the sword light was broken, and the huge dark spear was still carrying the power to destroy everything.

Could it be that the protective power of the demon order can only be used?

Chen Zong is very reluctant to use this power, because once the power of the slaughter order is used, then it is equivalent to being eliminated. Once eliminated, then a large number of void demons that he had previously killed and risked destroying the various achievements of the demons' nest All will be void.

Fei Xue Ge, can not get any ranking.

"I'm sorry Weiyin." Chen Zong could only secretly say.

Although the ranking of Feixuege is important, his life is more important.

It is absolutely impossible to kill yourself because of the ranking of Fei Xue Ge.

In fact, it is considered that he does not use the power of the slaughter order, nor is he the opponent of the void demons, even this gun is difficult to stop.

If you die here, Fei Xue Ge also has no ranking.

Then, it can only arouse the power of the slaughter order.

As Chen Zong was about to inspire the power of the Tu Mo Ling, suddenly, the Mark of Tu Tu shuddered slightly, releasing a layer of strength, spreading directly, covering Chen Zong's body.

The huge black gunman killed the air and hit Chen Zong directly, but Chen Zong couldn't help it, but he was resisted by the power of the slaughter order.

The next breath, Chen Zong's body quickly faded.

This scene took place in a heavy magic prison.

People such as Chu Shanhe, Lan Yuanmeng, etc., were all covered by the power of the Slaughter Order, and they quickly faded, one after another.

Obviously, he did not have the power to inspire the slaughter order.

Why is this happening?

Is time over?

It seems to travel through time and space. It seems to be a long time in the past, but in an instant, Chen Zong appeared in the large hall of the main city hall.

Eyes gazed at each other, and immediately, an elegant fragrance blew from the right hand side, Lin Weiyin.

"Brother Chen, you are not injured." The ice cold on Lin Weiyin's face seemed to recede, and there was a hint of concern.

"I'm okay." Chen Zong smiled slightly, faintly moved.

A vicious and extremely murderous gaze swept across the sky, as if to pierce himself through tears.

Seeing Lin Weiyin's expression of concern on his face, Lan Yuanmeng's eyes flashed a different color, and immediately, twisting the bee-waist lotus step towards Chen Zong.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hands and hugged Chen Zong's left arm very boldly, and immediately let Chen Zong's left arm fall into a huge soft dang.

"Chen Zong, thank you very much." Lan Yuanmeng's voice was tender.

Her actions were too abrupt, and her voice seemed to be deliberate, so that Chen Zong could not help showing an awkward look.

When was someone so close?

Lan Yuanmeng hugged Chen Zong's left arm and opened her mouth, and then deliberately glanced at Lin Weiyin, clearly with a provocation.

Lin Weiyin couldn't help but look cold, and said, "Lan Yuanmeng, what do you do?"

"What am I doing? Isn't it obvious." Lan Yuanmeng raised an eyebrow and looked at Chen Zong again. The glow in his eyes seemed to melt the iron. "Chen Zong saved me in the magic prison, yes I have a life-saving grace, and I also have a kindness to the Star Blue Club.

In the hall, many people looked at each other and did not understand what was going on.

How come back from the magic prison, I don't know which soil star came from a lonely star.

This Lan Yuanmeng is the founder of the Xinglan Club. He is also known as Lin Weiyin and the second town with a double beauty. Although he usually speaks and behaves boldly and wears hot clothes, he never I have heard who is favored.

Li Jin, a young man in black clothes, had a blue complexion, his eyes flashed with a sharp knife light, and an astonishing chill pervaded from the body, all around, as if tearing everything.

"Lan Huizhu, don't be kidding me." Chen Zong flicked his left arm gently, with a very clever energy, pulled his arm from Lan Yuanmeng's hands.

Chen Zong wanted to pull out his arm, but Lan Yuanmeng subconsciously tightened. In this way, during the extraction process, there will inevitably be some friction. This feeling immediately made Lan Yuanmeng's cheeks crimson and the spring water in his eyes. Rippling, almost overflowing, saw many men's heart beating fiercely.

Chen Zong can't help but feel a little embarrassed. The kind of touch can clearly feel ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But Chen Zongjian's heart is strong, and the embarrassment is just fleeting.

Chen Zong pulled out his arm, Lan Yuanmeng no longer reached out and hugged, his cheeks crimson soon disappeared and returned to normal, as if nothing had happened, but the air was still filled with a strange smell.

It's complicated and a headache.

"Most of you are able to come back alive, the old man is very happy." The old man who had the power of God appeared again, sounded loudly, with an indescribable charm, passed into everyone's ears, and immediately melted the weird breath in the hall. Yu Wuxing: "But it's a pity, because some people will never come back."

Indeed, there were thirty or more people missing and not returning, indicating that they died in a heavy magic prison, and the loss was much greater in the past.

This can not help but cause silence.

"Then, now, actively instigating the killing of the demon to order the protection forces to leave is tantamount to elimination, all records are not counted." After the old man was silent for ten breaths, he said again: "Eliminator, please stand on the left."


Soon, most people stood to the left.

Only a few people did not move, because these people were not the ones who actively motivated the slaughter order to leave for protection.

Such as Chen Zong, Chu Shanhe, Lan Yuanmeng and so on.

Basically, there is one person from the 13th National Congress, and there are some forces that are inferior to the 13th National Congress. There is also one, totaling eighteen.

"The eighteen of you are able to persist in recalling the demon order, which is very good." The old man glanced over and seemed to nod with satisfaction: "Then, now, start to calculate the record of each of you, based on what you have obtained How much the rankings are about rewarding and allocating resource stars. "

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