Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 54: 3 flower consummation

(Second more)




Within the sword, the sword qi naturally emerges, as if endless.

As it is absorbed, sword qi is continually condensed from all directions, with every breath, thousands of sword qi appear.

However, the speed of sword gas regeneration is too slow to absorb.

Time flies, and one day has passed. Chen Zong and Mu Yu are completely covered by sword qi, as if they have become the two wind eyes of the sword qi storm, and they seem to turn into black holes. Pure sword air.

Get back!

Others can only retreat continuously, widening the distance between Chen Zong and Mu Yu, to avoid being affected because the distance is too close, it is difficult to absorb any sword energy.

Lin Weiyin couldn't help but chuckle a bitter smile. In this way, other people absorbed the effect of the sword gas training, I'm afraid it is not as good as imagined.

Lin Zhenglong was iron-clad, his forehead was raised with blue tendons, and he was very angry.

He thought of what he had said to Chen Zong when he was about to enter the Huajian Realm.

What is not good.

This is obviously a huge benefit that can be robbed of the benefits that belong to others.

Mu Yu is a true disciple of the unitary religion. To have this kind of power, of course, it must be so reasonable, but who is Chen Zong, but it is just a dirt from a remote little star.

On what basis?

Why do you want to suppress yourself?

On what basis!

The more I think about it, the more angry Lin Zhenglong is, the more angry he is, the more he cannot meditate, the more he cannot meditate, and the harder it is to absorb the sword energy to temper himself.

Take a deep breath!

Take a deep breath!

Take a deep breath!

Lin Zhenglong forced himself to calm down and turned himself into the sword world for many years. Don't waste this opportunity, but take the time to seize this opportunity, work hard to temper his spirit, and strive to bring Sanhua to a higher level. Only then will it be eligible to impact the second level.

"When I enter the inner door of monistic religion, you will be nothing." Lin Zhenglong told himself this way, and he felt a lot better. Slowly calm down, get rid of distractions, and start to absorb.

However, Chen and Muyu's prestige is quite different.

Chen Zong completely forgot about the others, and immersed himself in the absorption and refining of sword qi around him, in order to sharpen the three flowers of the spirit, and constantly improve his condensedness.

The flower of God has reached 90%, and the next step is 10%, and 10% is complete.

However, there are several small bottlenecks in the condensed flower of the polar world.

From 30% to 40%, from 60% to 70%, and from Jiucheng to 10%, the further back, the more difficult it is to break through this small bottleneck.

Especially from 90% to 10%, it means from unsatisfactory to perfection, and the difficulty of raising it is several times. I do n’t know how many practitioners have been stuck here for a long time.

One day later, the flower of the **** is still 90%, and there is no real breakthrough. There is always a feeling that it will break through but never break through.

Eighty percent of the fine flower and the flower of Qi broke through all at once, and entered Jiucheng.

When both Jinghua and Qihua entered Jiucheng, Chen Zong felt that there was a powerful force in his body. When he passed, the viscera, blood, muscles, and muscle membranes became stronger and more powerful. It seems that the denser and denser of the body contains more vigorous vitality, which can burst into a stronger force in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the Sanhua of resonance seemed to have achieved a consistent frequency, and a certain rhythm was included in the resonance, which was never before possessed.

This occurs when the top three flowers all reach the same level of condensedness, turning into a layer of halo, covering the three flowers, as if it were a layer of protection, blocking all the power belonging to the three flowers Inside, the loop is endless.


When all three flowers were Jiucheng and the resonance frequency was the same, Chen Zong's place suddenly trembled, sounding like the collapse of Foshan Yue, everyone shook, and even the Jianqi storm condensed by Mu Yu also For a moment, there seemed to be signs of collapse.

As for the sword qi condensed by others, it was also affected instantly, and the speed slowed down slightly.

Yan Xiaoxiao stared at Mu Yu while absorbing the sword at will. For her, although the sword sword scene was good, it was not very good. After all, she was a true disciple of Yiyuanjiao and the granddaughter of the second elder sword palace. Enjoying the treatment of various resources cannot be matched by others.

For her, entering the sword realm is not about the effect of cultivation, but the lack of face.

That's it.

Just now, when I saw that Chen Zong was able to be on par with his brother, he was very upset. Now, the momentum caused by Chen Zong is even more vague than his brother.

What to do if you are upset?

Of course, venting, of course, shooting.

The sharp sword came out of the sheath and turned into a bright yellow electro-optic thunderbolt, which instantly shattered countless swords, with extreme murderous power and terrible power, and ruthlessly pierced Chen Zong's place.

Yan Xiaoxiao was completely attentive to what the Lin family said before entering the sword world.

Doesn't matter.

At the same time, a slick light of sword light, like a blizzard of lightness and swiftness, quickly struck from the other side, with a mysterious trajectory and condensed sword energy, hitting the bright yellow thunderbolt.

There was a snoring sound, both of them shattered and disappeared. The sword gas around them suddenly became turbulent. Vaguely, it seemed that the sea was roaring and rolling like a tsunami. There was a sense of destruction and terror, which made people's faces change greatly. Fortunately, they did not. It broke out, but quickly fell silent and recovered as before.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Weiyin pulled his sword to block Yan Xiaoxiao's sword, his eyes were cold and trembling.

"Get out of here." Yan Xiaoxiao glared at Lin Weiyin, his eyes filled with fierce expression, arrogant: "Otherwise your Lin family is over."

"Weiyin, get out of the way." Lin Zhenglong also stopped absorbing the sword's qi, flew towards him, stood on the side of Yan Xiaoxiao, and immediately looked at Yan Xiaoxiao with a little charm: "Sister Yan, if you are in the territory of Huajian If you start fighting, it will lead to the backlash of sword qi here, and the consequences will be serious. "

"Huh, the treasured land of the small family, the sword Qi backwash can do nothing to me." Yan Xiaoxiao disdain, degraded again, but did not shoot again, but closed the sword to the sheath.

Although she said so, in fact, she was also afraid that if it really caused Jianqi backwash, it would not be good for herself or Brother Mu.

Staring at Yan Xiaoxiao for a moment, seeing that Yan Xiaoxiao did not intend to take any more action, Lin Weiyin returned to the area where he had just continued to practice.

The three flowers have the same resonance frequency, and the quenching effect is much better, which is almost doubled.

However, the promotion of the top three flowers is more difficult to train and requires more sword energy.

The next day passed, Sanhua is still 90%, and has not yet reached 10%.

Immediately, the flower of God swayed, an indescribable power and mysterious breath spread, and the halo spread over and over.


The flower of God is perfect and perfect!

When the flower of God reached a perfect condition, it reached the point of no promotion.

In addition, the three-flower resonance frequency is also broken.

The sword qi within the sword territory seemed endless when the crowd first entered, but now it has become very rare, less than one-third of the original.

A large amount of sword energy was absorbed by Chen Zong and Mu Yu, but only a small amount was absorbed by the other eight.

Finally, the flower of fine and the flower of Qi shook together, emitting a heavy halo again, and once again reached an agreed resonance frequency, this feeling is very beautiful and wonderful, it seems to contain infinite mystery, called Chen Zong was drunk.

There is one hour left.

Jianqi, about one tenth of the original.

When Chen Zong was moved, the remaining sword energy was pulled away in an instant, and he rushed to Lin Weiyin and was taken into Lin Weiyin's body.

Lin Weiyin's body shook slightly, and a heavy breath spread like a storm.


Essence of God is perfect.

Although the time has not yet come, there is no sword qi remaining in the entire Huajian territory. Even the thousand sword qi that have just spawned will be instantly divided up and absorbed.

The crowd suddenly fell into an awkward situation where there was no sword energy to absorb.

This seems to be the first time.

Looking at each other.

Lin Zhenglong was so anxious, almost, but only a little bit, that his own spirit, energy, three flowers could be tempered to the first level of consummation, but now he stopped.

Although it is only a little different, it will take at least half a year or even a year to condense in order to truly reach a satisfactory state.

A little difference, it takes more time.

Really **** it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong didn't pay attention to others, but felt carefully the essence of the three flowers that reached the level of ten percent.

The three flowers of Jingqi Shenjijing condensed to perfection. There was a feeling of turning into a substance. The halo continued to radiate, and it carried a perfect charm.

As if nothing could destroy it.

Of course, this may only be an illusion, but this feeling is very beautiful, as if it contains endless mysteries and power.

"The sub-god level is divided into two levels, the first level is called condensed three flowers, and the second level is called three flowers return to one.",

Condensing the three flowers, as the name implies, first condenses the three flowers, and then continually condenses the 30%, until it reaches a perfect condition of 10%, this is the foundation for entering the second level.

The second level of the three flowers is unified, as the name implies, is the essence of the three flowers merged into one.

The essence of the three flowers is integrated into one, which is a barrier for almost all practitioners, which is not so easy to achieve.

That needs an opportunity.

It also takes effort.

Chen Zong carefully felt the essence of the three flowers in the perfect state, looking for the opportunity of the integration of the three flowers.

As long as the three flowers can be initially integrated, it is to break through the first level and step into the second level. By then, the strength will be further enhanced.

To be honest, Chen Zong is also unclear to what extent his current strength has reached.

Before, you could kill the murderous maniac. Now, the strength of the murderous maniac is estimated to be unable to block your sword.

I do n’t know if the true disciple of this Yuanjiao Xi Yu Jian Mu Yu can block his sword?

It seemed that Chen Zong's eyes were noticed, and Mu Yu also looked over and showed a smile.

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