Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 56: Alone

(First, please take the rice)

Ring Sword Star, a 100-meter spacecraft took off and headed out of the sky, the speed continued to increase.

The spaceship, Mu Yu stood back at the stern and looked back, looking at the ever-decreasing Lin family, the smile on his face was restrained and replaced by a dignity.

Void marks!

I was here, and I saw a genius who left marks in the void. According to his knowledge, there is only one disciple who can make marks in the void in the monastic sword sword palace. He is regarded as a master who does not return to the sword. Godson of the next generation.

Godson, what kind of status is that? It is a peerless genius who can compete for the leader. If it is a failure, there is also great hope to become the master of the palace.

Within the unitary religion, the leader is the respect, followed by the three main palace masters.

"Brother, that person will have talent, ordinary origin and environment, and eventually will be astonished." Yan Xiaoxiao rarely said something reasonable, making Mu Yu slightly surprised.

Immediately, Mu Yu smiled slightly: "Sister Mei makes sense."

This sentence is not a consolation, but it is somewhat agreeable.

It is difficult to raise a true dragon in shallow water!

Truth is everywhere and there are enough talents, but if there is no proper heritage and resources and environment, in the end, it will shine like a meteor, then dim and extinguish, and it will be out of the crowd.

And oneself, but the true story of the unitary religion, at least in the future can become the elder of the sword palace, is it possible for the other party to meet.

Fortunately, the other party did not promise to become the second sword guard of Brother Xiefengjian. Otherwise, once entering the sword palace, his talent might be valued. At that time, he will inevitably climb to the sky one step ahead of himself.

Mu Yu couldn't help but feel grateful.

"Brother, this person can't be spared." Yan Xiaoxiao was praised by Mu Yu, and was very happy, and then showed a fierce look, and said murderously.

Before, the other party almost killed himself with a sword. Despite the facts, Xiao Xiao knew that the other party could not kill himself, because he had the means left by his grandfather.

But the feeling of facing death directly is terrifying.

I have never experienced this thrilling feeling since I was young.

"Sister and sister rest assured that he will die, but now it is more important to return to teaching first, and the mystery of the magic soldier will be opened soon." Mu Yu laughed.

Once in the secret territory of the magic soldier, as long as you can get the appropriate soldiers, your strength will be improved. If you can get the soldiers to give birth to the soldiers, it will be even more amazing.

At that time, pack this person away.

No matter how talented you are, you can't afford it.

Absolute power is suppression.

Lin's family, Chen Zong stared at the 100-meter spacecraft leaving, and there was a killer in his eyes.

The words Xiaoxiao arrogantly shot at himself, he will not forget, but because there is no chance to start.

As for Mu Yu, the battle of swordsmanship did not distinguish between victory and defeat. After realizing that Chen Zong's swordsmanship left marks in the void, Mu Yu closed the sword.

Obviously there is no certainty to deal with Chen Zong.

Similarly, Chen Zong also couldn't figure out Mu Yu's strength.

Besides, this is the Lin family. If you kill Mu Yu and Yan Xiaoxiao yourself, it will only cause great disaster to the Lin family.

Others, they can leave it alone, but Sister Lin Weiyin can't. At least, they are their friends and they can't put their friends in danger.

Then, I can only wait for other opportunities. Chen Zong has a feeling that maybe it won't be long before he will meet again.

At that time, it is victory and defeat and life and death.


"Brother Chen, are you leaving?" Lin Weiyi looked dismayed.

"Not counting, just travelling around the ring star." Chen Zong laughed.

The purpose of Chen Zong is to travel around the sword star, look at the customs and customs here, look at the mountains and rivers here, feel the change of the sun and the moon, and use this to gain insights and gain opportunities to make his own cultivation break through To the second level.

Three flowers return to one!

Sanhua reunification is not something that can be achieved by simple cultivation. It requires enlightenment and an opportunity.

Sit tight, a rare opportunity, only to go.

Walking around the world, mountains and rivers, and the mystery of the natural way, may be the opportunity.

Exactly, this is a planet, and Chen Zong feels very new. Take a look and see, maybe you can find an opportunity.

"It will be one month, and three months, I will come again, because then I will use the heavy front to go to the second town boundary city." Chen Zongwei smiled.

Although Lin Weiyin was a little bit reluctant, he did not stay.

Cultivators, swords travel thousands of miles, accompanied by swords, measured the earth with both feet, and walked the world, that is a pleasure, and no one can take it away.

She practiced swords, so she understood.

"Farewell." Chen Zong held his fist in a sword, turned and strode away, the wind blew through, and the clothing tricks fluttered like a god, making Lin Weiyin momentarily lost.


Over the mountains!

Chen Zong did not perform physical exercises, did not fly in the air, but walked on his feet as if walking in a leisurely court.

When the two feet are stepping on the softly-paved mountains, the sound of the broken leaves sounds, and as the breeze is introduced into the ears, there is a certain indescribable charm.

When the feet flowed over the stream, the soft whistle was like a moving piece of music, flowing in the heart, washing the dust.

When lying high on the top of the mountain, there is a majestic static stone underneath, eyes fixed on the sky, white clouds drifting thousands of miles, everything changes, the heart is high and the sky is wide, the state of mind is infinite.

The sun and the moon rotate, black and white alternate, Chen Zong forgets the exercises, the swordsmanship, the secrets, and the cultivation. He seems to forget that he is a practitioner.

Wind, frost, snow, rain, black and white.

Wanli was alone and did not know how long it had been in the past. He had a few weeds in his hair and stubble appeared on his chin. The whole person seemed to be ten years old.

But Chen Zong's eyes were not half exhausted, but became brighter and brighter, like a mountain stream, shining brightly, like a big sun and the sky, shining on the heavens and the earth and everything in the world.

However, it is still a little worse.

The difference in that point is not endless.

Chen Zong was not in a hurry. He continued to walk with time.

One month later, Chen Zong has gone a long way.

I forgot to cultivate, and thirsty to drink dew. The morning dew is sweet and refreshing.

Hungry to eat wild fruits, some wild fruits are red, but they are very sour, some wild fruits are sweet, and some wild fruits are golden, but they are not bitter.

No matter if it is sweet, bitter, or bitter and salty, Chen Zong eats it like a glutton, chews it carefully, and slowly tastes, as if he is tasting life.

Two months passed.

Three months have passed.

Chen Zong seems to have forgotten to return to the Lin family.

Lin Weiyin couldn't wait for Chen Zong to return, and because of something wrong with Fei Xue Ge, she could only take the Zhongfeng to leave the Ring Sword Star and go to the second town boundary city. It doesn't help much.

Four months!

Chen Zong was suddenly agitated.

Why, we haven't found a breakthrough yet.

The three flowers of Jingqishenjijing have always been the first level of success, and there is no sign of integration.

Opportunity, where is it?

Or did you go the wrong way?

Suddenly, Chen Zong appeared self-doubt, and the sword of his heart trembled.

With a bang, the horrible sword gas suddenly exploded, blasting from all sides of Chen Zong's body.

Just moments, within a kilometer of Chen Zong's heart, all were punctured and torn by sword air holes. Whether it was grass, trees, or even the earth's soil, it was instantly shredded into powder dust, and endless dust filled the sky.


The sword light suddenly lights up, as if it shines like a big sun, and it is instantly killed. Throughout the world, the sword light is extremely bright.

As the sword passed, the ground shook, and the roaring sound shook the world, as if destroying it.

A kilometer-long sword mark suddenly appeared on the ground, several meters deep.

Sword out Sword out!

Dozens of swords in a row, all within ten thousand meters were completely destroyed, Chen Zongfang only received the sword, exhaling a long breath.

After venting for a while, I just felt that my inner irritability had completely dissipated. Looking at the surrounding area like a ruin, Chen Zong could not help showing a bitter smile.

It seems that the mood is still not enough.

There is still a little time left and right, then, return to the Lin family. Regardless of whether you have broken through to the second level, you will have to return to the second town boundary city.

His body flickered and Chen Zongyu Kong left.

Not long after, all the figures flew from a distance, paused in the air, overlooking the ruins of 10,000 meters below, one after another looking dignified.

"So terrible sword air."

"What is the strong fight?"

"There should be no fighting. There is only one breath here. Someone shot."

"Why did you shoot?"

"It's not clear, but I'm sure ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This person's strength is terrible and cannot be provoked."

"Let's go, there is nothing to look at right or left."

Suddenly, someone left quickly, seemingly afraid of causing any serious trouble.


Walking for several months in a row, you can walk a long way, like walking slowly.

However, at the speed of Chen Zong's Royal Air, it didn't take long to be able to leap over several months of walking distance and return to the Lin family.

Flying and flying, Chen Zong bowed his head and looked down, his expression suddenly moved, and he landed without hesitation.

It was a large pond, and the pond was full of lotus leaves.

This is a natural lotus pond, not artificially planted, so it looks like the lotus leaves are scattered and some lotus leaves are about to wither, sparse and scattered, without any human intervention.

The season is not yet here, so there are no lotus flowers.

But it is just a natural lotus leaf, it is a beautiful scenery.

Chen Zong stood by the pond, sitting unconsciously, his eyes gazed at the lotus leaves.

The wind blew, the lotus leaves swayed, the ripples of the pond swayed, and unknowingly, Chen Zong's eyes closed, and in front of him, there was a darkness and a sudden light, and the lotus pond was like a reflection in the heart.

The wind blows the leaves, and my heart is light.

Meditation, meditation, gazing ...

I closed my eyes, but my heart reflected the world.

I don't know when it will be dark, not dark, but dark clouds spreading from a distance, and a little rain fell.

There seemed to be a crackling sound, and the raindrops fell on the lotus leaves, and they suddenly splashed away and turned into three drops, each falling on three lotus leaves close to each other.

In Chen Zong's heart, the lotus leaves reflected in the lotus pond also dripped with raindrops.

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