Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 7: Seize

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The dragon of Wanhua Shenbing was finally defeated, and a body more than 1,000 meters long exploded in an instant, impacting in all directions, all groups of different colors but exuding a source of pure and extremely fluctuating magic soldiers, also mixed in countless Among the magical soldiers, it sputtered around and looked like a shooting star.

Everyone is excited.


One after another, reaching out to the impact of the Shenbing and Shenbingyuan.

In particular, the source of Shenbing is the object and target that everyone pays close attention to.

People who have not yet received the source of the magic soldier urgently need the source of the magic soldier to refine and absorb to give birth to the soldiers of the gods, but those who have obtained the source of the soldiers of the soldiers need the source of soldiers to shorten the incubation time of the soldiers.

As for the magic soldier, although it has great value, it is still relatively attractive.

Of course, everyone will collect it smoothly, after all, it is very valuable and very useful.

Chen Zong grabbed the left hand in the void, and immediately put the two magic soldiers into the Nineth Heaven Circle. The right-handed sword was circled one by one. Directly, the sword cleverly encircled a group of magic soldiers, quickly drawn closer and absorbed into the body. .

As soon as the Shenbing source entered the body, it immediately entered the inner world and was absorbed by the Shenbing source inside, which shortened the incubation time of the Ming soldier.

At this time, Chen Zong did not go to check how much it was shortened because of time constraints.

Everyone is chasing the mysterious soldiers and the mysterious soldiers who are splashing out in all directions. Before that, everyone was a partner who fought side by side. In a blink of an eye, they became competitors, even if they were brothers of the same division. .

"Get off!" Someone swept out with one leg, and the leg shadow was bombarded like a mountain, carrying the terrible force, pushing the opponent back, reaching out and grabbing, and immediately seized a group of soldiers.


"Don't retreat."


The scene was chaotic, with dozens of people fighting over it.

Chen Zong avoided an attack from behind, quickly copied, directly copied the source of Shenbing, quickly submerged into the interior, and was quickly absorbed by the source of Shenbing.

The man's gaze was cold and full of murderous gazes at Chen Zong, which meant that he was saying, "I will remember you and wait to clear this account later."

Chen Zong was not afraid.



As the sacred soldiers and the source of the sacred soldiers spread away, getting farther and farther, the people had to disperse and chase quickly.

At the moment when the Wanhua Divine Dragon exploded, at least two thousand outer divine soldiers flew out at an astonishing speed, as though the source of divine soldiers was not as many as the outer divine soldiers. As many as hundreds.

Chen Zong's eyes were sharp as a sword. He stared at the two groups of **** soldiers, his body flickered into a sword light, and in a flash, he copied the two groups of **** soldier sources into his hands and absorbed them into the inner world.

Then, along with the three foreign soldiers also received nine days.

Figures crisscrossed all over the place, and everyone broke into the speed limit, and even those who were injured before did it, even if their injuries had not healed.

The speed of the sprites from the outer **** soldiers and the **** soldier sources is amazing, but everyone's response is also very fast.

Scramble and **** without hesitation.

Jian Guang turned out of the sky, Dao Mang was shocking.

Bai Mei's fierce and violent punch punched one person back directly and collected the group of soldiers.

No one despises her because of her petite figure.

Although everyone responded very fast and shot very fast, half of the foreign soldiers and soldiers still flew away.

Once these foreign soldiers are given some time, they will recover their strength, and then they can be transformed again. As for the source of these soldiers, as long as they find a suitable environment, they can be bred into foreign soldiers again.

Almost a dozen regiments of soldiers and twenty or so foreign soldiers were collected. Chen Zong stared at the sources of soldiers in the same direction of the three regiments and a dozen foreign soldiers.

"It's all mine." A knife swept across the air, killing Chen Zong as if he hadn't done anything, as if to cut Chen Zong from the waist.

Chen Zong didn't speak, but he was killed with a sword.

This sword, the sword light is dark golden, but extremely condensed. A sword left a clear scratch in the void, and after directly defeating that sword light, it was like a bamboo shoot.

The face of the man suddenly changed, and he quickly held the sword to resist, and the dark golden sword light hit the blade body, sending out an extremely powerful force. This force, highly condensed and extremely strong, seemed to penetrate everything in the void, even more Contains an incredible heat, burning everything.

The Xueliang's blade trembled in an instant, centered on the sword light, and a touch of red was spreading quickly, spreading at an alarmingly high temperature, and roasting in all directions.

The terrible sword air seemed to penetrate the obstruction of the sword body and hit the opponent's body in general.




The power of this sword is too strong and amazing, it is difficult to resist, and it can only be pulled back to open the distance to avoid the opponent's sword again, at the same time to unload the terrible power contained in this sword.

Chen Zong did not issue the sword again, because it is more important to collect the source of the magic soldiers and foreign magic soldiers.

At the end of the day, Chen Zong was collected and absorbed by the three regiments, and more than a dozen foreign soldiers were also included in the Nine Heavenly Circle by Chen Zong, and the harvest was amazing.

When his body turned, Chen Zong immediately adjusted his direction and chased away the other soldiers.

The more it reaches the end, the fewer foreign soldiers and soldiers will be, and the competition will be more intense. Some people will start a fierce battle for a group of soldiers.

"Brother Chen is sorry, this is mine." Xi Yu Jian Mu Yu was a lot closer to that group of **** soldier sources, and quickly shot. The sword was surrounded by silk, immediately encircling the **** soldier sources and quickly drawing closer. Grab it and disappear.

Looking back, Mu Yu smiled at Chen Zong slightly.

However, Chen Zong ignored Mu Yu and did not shoot at him, but glanced at him, adjusted his direction again, and flew away to the nearest foreign soldier.

There are only a few hundred soldiers. I have received nearly twenty regiments now, and it is a good harvest. As for the other soldiers, most of them have fallen into the hands of others, and there are not many, and they are a little far away from myself. Already.

In this case, it is better to collect foreign soldiers from a short distance first, and then compete for the source of soldiers, so as not to miss the opportunity.

Mu Yu's body moved quickly, turning into a ray of sword light, and it seemed like a drizzle of shuttles came out. He also followed the foreign soldier.

Suddenly, the sword air drifted towards Chen Zong like a drizzle, which caused Chen Zong to raise a feeling of being covered all over his body. It seems that the drizzle is actually the sharpest sword energy. Once hit, it is bound to be wounded. .

A sword is slashed, and the sword light is subtle and imperceptible, as if it does not exist, but all the drizzle-like sword gas is directly isolated and crushed.

"It's mine again." Mu Yu smiled slightly, stretched out her hand, and grabbed at the foreign soldier.

Unexpectedly, the external soldiers seemed to be wise, but they moved in the other direction, but it was Chen Zong's shot, using the invisible sword gas as a thread-like pull.

Falling into the hands, quickly earning money inside the Nine Dragons.

"It's for you." Mu Yu's eyelids twitched slightly, but smiled.

However, Chen Zong still ignored, sharp eyes swept across all directions, and then locked the target.

This rain, it seemed that Chen Zong was carrying the same, and chased again, out of the sword.

A trace of sword air appeared like drizzle all over the body, swaying gently as the wind blew, and when accumulated to a certain degree, they flew along the rain with swords.

Just a moment, there was a squeak sound like rain hitting a banana in the void, and the drizzle turned into a torrential rain. It seemed to lack the softness and lightness of a bit of drizzle, but there was more violent violent storm And power.

This is a more lethal sword. The rainstorm and qi of the storm blasted at Chen Zong as much as possible, as if to pierce Chen Zong.

Chen Zongfu came to his heart, a sword waved, and between the turning of the wrist, the sword light drawn a circle, the circle was first small and large, as if it were a black hole, turning all the strong sharp rainstorm swords Encircled as many breaths as possible, constantly absorbing and absorbing.

From big to small, it instantly compresses to a point, turning into the most extreme sword qi, and shoots out immediately, leaving marks in the void.

Mu Yu's face suddenly changed, and she felt only the radiant sword energy, which contained terrible power, as if she could penetrate everything, making herself feel irresistible.

The extreme sharpness, the sharpness that runs through everything.

At that moment, the sword qi suddenly exploded and turned into countless storm-like sword qi, covering all directions and poles, blasting towards Mu Yu.

The slight smile on Mu Yu's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a horror, the ultimate horror.

what is that?

The sword that was clearly launched by him was just like a heavy rain.

No, it is not that sword, but it is stronger than that sword.

It feels like the other side absorbed his own rainstorm sword, reintegrated into his own strength, and returned to himself.

What terrible sword trick is that?

Too late to think about it, Mu Yu stepped back immediately and kept waving his sword, because he could hardly dodge.

Swinging the sword, crushing every storm of sword qi, every storm of sword qi sent out an amazing power, making Mu Yu's sword body tremble.

Seizing the opportunity of a moment, Mu Yu immediately turned from the gap into a drizzle of sword-light, and at the same time, Chen Zong had already put the outer **** soldier into the nine-day sky ring, and did not see Mu Yu. At a glance, Chen Zong immediately rushed to other foreign soldiers.

"Interesting ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mu Yu, but this time, he left without chasing, because Chen Zongfang's means made him have a sense of seeing through, but he was not sure.

The eyes narrowed slightly, and a gleam of cold light passed by in the depths of the eyes, which was a trace of murder.

Chen Zong relives the feeling of Fang Caifu coming to his heart to show the sword. It must be transformed into a brand-named memory in his heart. After that, he will come to the enlightenment, which will be another good sword. trick.

As for now, the main thing is to compete for foreign gods and a few sources of gods.

"I'm sorry Brother Chen." Li Wenhe quickly collected a foreign soldier, while apologizing to Chen Zong.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Zong smiled slightly and responded, but his body didn't stop for a while, and flew to the other side again.

In this case, even a well-connected teacher and brother will become competitors, not to mention other relationships.

(First, the situation is critical, brothers, come for the monthly pass, rush up, so as not to always be pulled down)

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