Sword God

: Raffle benefits come

Remember [pen ÷ fun ♂ music] in a second, the wonderful novel is free to read without popup!

Our kendo supernatural powers have been selected as the star of the monthly ticket list this month, which is the result of our joint efforts.

Then, after becoming a new star, everyone has a benefit, that is, a lottery.

Each account of Latitude and Latitude has a chance to draw for free once a day. After that, for every 100 Latitude coins that are spent for one dollar, you can draw a lottery once again, which should be unlimited.

This event starts today at 10:30 on June 21 and ends on June 28. It lasts for seven days. It ’s a rare opportunity. Everyone must grasp it. Remember to go to the lottery every day. Maybe you are European. Wong, I won the prize directly.

Do n’t be discouraged even if you are a non-Chief, because you can spend a few bucks and draw a few times again, or you may turn into a black bang, and the non-Chief will become the emperor of Europe, and the salted fish will turn around.

Becoming a rising star on the monthly ticket list is our honor, and it is also a bonus for all book friends. All the prizes are provided by Zongheng.

Remember to go to the lottery every day and try your luck.

The following is a link to the webpage, or it can be found on the homepage of Latitude and the page of Kendo Mastery.

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