Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 49: Sword of Destruction (Part 1)

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This is a dark, dead world.

No light, no sound.

What I saw was only dim, but no sound was heard.

I do not know when, a ray of gray breath permeated, as if spreading from nothing, spread silently to Chen Zong.

Chen Zong also felt the gray breath in time.

In this grey breath, there is a sense of death and ruin.

Chen Zong stretched out his finger and touched it lightly. When his finger touched a ray of gray breath, Chen Zong could feel a strong wave of strength from that gray breath.

It was a wave of power of silence and destruction, as if it could destroy everything, and made Chen Zong feel that his fingers might not be reported.

very scary!

It's terrible!

But this made Chen Zong even happier, his eyes brightened.

Because, the enlightened sword of extinction will become more powerful.

Feel it carefully.

The super-savvy began to arouse with all his strength. This is the feeling that I did not have before the enlightenment of the sword of the wind, the sword of the thunder, the sword of the fire and the sword of the golden path.

Chen Zong's swordsmanship is very comprehensive and can be attacked, defended, or contained, but Chen Zong's favorite is still attacking, or the kind of swordsmanship that can directly kill the target.

No way, just like it.

Like, it will often become an advantage. For example, it will be easier to understand the sword of extinction.

Of course, easy and difficult are relative. At least for the sword of enlightenment of Taoism, etc., the difficulty of enlightenment of Sword of Enlightenment is much greater.

More than double!

But it didn't take long for Chen Zong to realize the first.

The sword came out of the sheath, and when the sword was waved, the grey sword flickered, as if everything under the sword was destroyed.

Sword of Destruction, Sword of Destruction.

Terrible swordsmanship.

The pulse of the sword of extinction is the most powerful and terrifying one among the fourteen sword paths of Dongting.

Of course, the other swords of star to sword, sword of killing Tao and sword of fantasy Tao, although the direct destructive power is not as good as sword of destroying Dao, they are better in other aspects.

The first-strength sword of extinction, whose power can surprise Chen Zong, is not inferior or even better than the third-strength sword of wind.

So, what if it is the second sword of doom?

What about the third, fourth and fifth?

What about uprightness?

Chen Zong expressed great expectations.


Full enlightenment!

Enlightenment is full, full power is running, and constant enlightenment.

The second level of enlightenment is much more difficult than the first level, but it is still enlightened by Chen Zong.

The power of the second-strength sword is enough to beat the fourth-strength sword, but not as good as the fifth-strength sword.

So it is inferred that the power of the third-level Sword of Doom will be slightly better than that of the fifth-level Sword of Wind.

And the fourth-strength sword of extinction will completely surpass the fifth-strength sword of wind, but I don't know if it can rival the uprising.

Even if it can't, the fifth heavy sword of extinction should be comparable to the sword of wind.

And if the mystery of the sword of extinction is realized, I don't know how terrible it will be.

Enlightenment Enlightenment Enlightenment!

All external battles have nothing to do with Chen Zong. As long as no one challenges Chen Zong, Chen Zong can continue to enlighten here.

It is also unclear exactly how much time has passed, Chen Zong became aware of the third, and began to realize the fourth.

Unsurprisingly, the power of the third-level Sword of Doom really surpassed that of the fifth-level Sword of Swords by a little.

Outside, Lin Weiyin was inevitably challenged.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Weiyin glanced at the adjacent Jianting, got up, leap, and landed on the platform, facing the enemy.

This enemy, the third town boundary city from the one-ary galaxy, ranks eighth and is very strong.

If outside, with real strength, Lin Weiyin is definitely not an opponent and will easily be defeated or even killed.

Although Lin Weiyin's talent is considered good, his cultivation is just just entering the second level of the sub-god level.

On the second level, the strength brought about by each condensate of the Flower of the Great Polar Realm has been significantly enhanced.

In the top ten of the sub-Gods list, most of the cultivations have reached the second level of the sub-god level, which is 10% complete, and even the poor are 80%.

But here, Xiu was banned, and his extraordinary powers could not be used. His own swordsmanship was also banned. What he could do was either the basic swordsmanship or the swordsmanship learned here.

There is no doubt that the power of basic swordsmanship is far inferior to the fourteen basic swordsmanship of Dongting learned here, and the gap is too big.

Lin Weiyin feels that he has little hope of getting the last ten places, but at least, he can't be defeated and eliminated so easily. If he leaves here, he can win a few games.

Then this is the first game, we must win.

Lin Weiyin's eyes condensed, and a hint of ice and cold breath spread from the whole body, as if to freeze the surrounding.

Sword of the Ice Road!

The Ring Sword Star Lin family is a kendo family, and its various sword techniques are related to ice and snow. The Tianhan Feixue sword cultivated by Lin Weiyin is one of them.

Therefore, on the sword of the ice road, Lin Weiyin learned quickly and thoroughly, which seemed to fit her very well.

Especially after being taught by Chen Zong, Lin Weiyin's swordsmanship became more solid and solid.


A sword, like an ice spike, burst out of the air in an instant.

What the other side understands and masters is the sword of fire.

Fire and ice are the opposite of two extremes.

The fire was raging, as the sword waved out, it continued to spread, as if to burn everything into ashes.

This is a sword-to-sword confrontation, but also a fire-to-ice confrontation.

Lin Weiyin tried his best, the battle was very difficult, and he looked at risk. However, Lin Weiyin's belief was strong and supported, and the other party also exerted his full strength.

A tough battle.

Lin Weiyin seized the opportunity to exhibit the mystery of the sword of the ice road.

When a sword was killed, ice and snow came, and frost spread out in an instant, covering everything in all directions, and the amazing chill was overwhelming.

Snow and ice!

It seems to turn into a snow and ice world.

"A good trick." Someone nodded secretly.


Lin Weiyin won the first victory in a difficult situation and got a chance to see the sword monument.

Without hesitation, Lin Weiyin chose the sword of wind.

One more mastery of swordsmanship means one more method.

At least in combat, it can change and cast, making the enemy more difficult to prepare for.

Although Lin Weiyin is not half confident about getting one of the ten places, he can win one more game.

In the world of the Sword of Extinction, Chen Zong came to realize that the Sword of Extinction is the fourth most important. Its power is indeed better than the fifth of Sword of the Exaltation.

From this point of view, the fifth-strength sword of extinction can be as powerful as the mystery of the sword of wind.

When Chen Zong came to realize the fifth weight of the sword of destruction, really, its power had surpassed the mystery of the sword of wind, at least more than several percent, and the power of destruction was very terrible.

Then the next step is to understand the mystery.

In order to understand the mystery of the Daoist Sword, it is only a prerequisite to understand the top five, and it is also necessary to master the top five to reach the foundation.

Chen Zong wields the sword again and again, and he constantly drills. There are no specific moves. He just wields the sword constantly, and each sword carries the power of destruction.

Rather than the basic swordsmanship of Dongting's Fourteen Kendo, it is more appropriate to use the method of strength.

But it is not so easy to master the sword of extinction. The more advanced, the more difficult it is.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's consciousness burst for a while, and the world in front of him disappeared.

Get out!

Chen Zong broke away from the Sword of Extinction and returned to his consciousness.

Just before, just entered the world of sword stele in a conscious way, and realized the mystery of the world of sword stele.

But now, the reason why Zong Zong is out of the world of the Sword of Extinction and his consciousness returns to the body is because someone challenged him.

The challenger is from the Guiyuan galaxy adjacent to the unary galaxy, the second place in the second town boundary city ranking, and the first place is not Jianxiu.

This person is not considered a younger generation, but has begun his youth and entered his prime.

Practitioners have very long lives, and have been reborn and transformed into extraordinary people. Although they are human, they have been distinguished from ordinary people. In the eyes of ordinary people, they are like immortals.

In this way, the division of life stages is naturally different.

Those under one hundred years of age are considered to be youth, and those between one hundred and three hundred years of age are considered to be young adults.

The practice time between one hundred years and one hundred years is still very different, especially for geniuses.

Moreover, what this person has learned is not the sword technique of nine small sword monuments, but the sword technique of four large sword monuments.

Star Sword!

When the sword came out of the sheath, it turned into a starburst, like a meteor. It was extremely fast and extremely fast.

Chen Zong only felt that the starlight was flashing in front of him. The starlight was very faint at first glance, and it was inconspicuous at first glance. However, he became extremely strong and dazzling in an instant, and even directly shone, making the surroundings seem to be dark and difficult to see clearly.

But Chen Zong did not panic, calmly, the sword came out.

Although the sub-lists of the major towns and cities are also high or low, the gap is generally not too large.

Therefore, the strength of the opponent should be similar to the second place in the second town of the first-ary galaxy, but it is generally strong in the first three.

Seeing this man's sword technique, everyone also opened his eyes and stared.

Star to Sword!

The sword technique of the four large sword monuments ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is the first time.

What kind of mystery it contains, now you can take a look.

Facing the sword of the Star Road, Chen Zong immediately felt the extraordinaryness. The star horn seemed to be subtle, but it contained amazing power.

Sword collision!

What Chen Zong cast is not the sword of extinction, but the sword of thunder.

A sword is like a thunderbolt shot out to break everything.

At the moment when the two swords collided, the starburst burst, and an extremely powerful force burst directly into the shock. The power it contained was astonishing, as if it was dying and smashing, as if it could break everything.

The Thunder was crushed in an instant.

"It's really strong!" Chen Zong secretly said, his own sword was the second most important sword of Thunder Road, but he couldn't stop the opponent's star power.

The second sword also hit instantly, like a shooting star.

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