Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 51: Last 10 people

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Of the remaining fifty-eight people, there were several battles, and some were relatively few.

Chen Zong went through more battles.

At first, the three must-have swords, followed by Zhu Qing, and then Mu Lei. The three challenged Chen Zong because they either wanted to teach Chen Zong, or they had conflicts with Chen Zong, and so on.

The fourth and fifth games won, allowing Chen Zong to realize the sword of destruction.

Now in the sixth game, Chen Zong took the initiative to challenge, under the sword of extinction, the opponent is not the opponent, eliminated.

Then this time, Chen Zong chose the fantasy sword stele.

Originally, Chen Zong was hovering around the Stele of Star Sword and Stele of Fantasy Sword, but hesitated to make a decision.

Choosing the Star Sword Stele, you will have a better experience with Star Wars Sword if you have previous experience.

However, Chen Zong chose the Magic Sword Stele.

Because of the swordsmanship method of Chen Yizong, Chen Zong has also been involved, and Chen Zong has a feeling that the sword of the magic road of the magic sword monument has the meaning of change, and it is a little bit different from his previous sword Close.

The sword of the heart, change from the heart, the sword of the imagination, its change can also arise from the heart.

Based on his feelings, Chen Zong chose the Magic Sword Stele, and it turns out that his choice was correct.

The world in the Fantasy Sword Stele is filled with a variety of strange colors, which are spread in whole or broken, in all directions.

The whole world is full of a misty and dreamy atmosphere.

At first glance, Chen Zong seemed to see someone killing him with a sword in front of him. The killing of the sword was terrifying. The sword that he uttered was terrifying, as if he could cut everything in the world.

Can't help, Chen Zong drew his sword and killed it with a sword. The figure killed by the sword broke and shattered in an instant and turned into countless lights and shadows.


It was an illusion, but for a moment, Chen Zong thought it was real.

However, if you really think that it is an illusion and ignore it, once you are injured by the hack, it may become real and really hurt.

This is the power of the sword of fantasy road.

Chen Zong's will is extremely strong. Although the sword of heart is banned, the powerful soul is not affected.

Therefore, Chen Zong's resistance to the sword of fantasy road is very high, and the effect of enlightenment is surprisingly better than the sword of destruction.

After a while, Chen Zong realized that the sword of fantasy road was the first.

Outside, Wang Jun of the Heavenly Penalty Army fought with Bai Yanluo.

"You look good, take your full strength." Wang Jun whispered, an astonishing killing burst out in an instant.

That murderousness is pink.

Sword of Killing!

What Wang Jun is about to cast is the sword of killing.

Of course, what he first realized was not the sword of killing Taoism, which was only later learned, one of the four major swords.

The Heavenly Penalty is the main battle, and it is most suitable to kill the sword.

In the face of Wang Jun's amazing killings, Bai Yanluo did not speak, and remained silent, but in an instant, a terrible and extreme killing intention seemed to be compressed to the extreme and rebounded, like a volcano that had been silent for many years, erupted into the sky, The red breath was like a raging wave, sweeping out.

This kind of murderous intention was extremely violent, and Wang Jun's face appeared with a mistake, and his heart collapsed at this moment.

In the end who is the person of the Sentence Corps.

Why is this person's intention to kill so much stronger than himself, it is amazing.

The young marshal of the Sentinel Corps narrowed his eyes and stared at Bai Yanluo, a rare presence of dignity.

It feels that this man wearing a strange mask may be a rival.

The master of Fenglingmen also showed a solemn look.


At this moment, many people regarded Bai Yanluo as a powerful enemy.

Mysterious and powerful.

In today's monistic religion camp, there are only two people in the contemporary true story, one is the sword of no return, and the other is the true story of Xuan Gong. As for the true story of the previous generation, there are only three remaining.

Finally, I don't know how many of these five people can get one of the ten places.

Maybe two, maybe one, or none.

Wang Jun has a sword. Although the killing intention erupted by the opponent is even more pure and arrogant than him, he is not afraid.

The killing with one sword is pervasive, and this killing is not the killing which is deliberately targeted at, but the killing and traction condensed by the killing sword.

This murder is so amazing and so condensing that it's scary.

At the same time, Bai Yanluo also issued a sword, and the one used was also a sword of killing Tao.

This is the real Bai Yan Luo.

Yan Luo, in charge of life and death, the sword of killing Tao, is undoubtedly the most suitable swordsmanship of Bai Yan Luo.

Bai Yanluo who masters the sword of Dadao is the real Bai Yanluo.

The sword of killing the Dao was displayed under its sword, as if it had been increased, and it became more and more terrible.

Facing the sword's Wang Jun directly, he felt scalp numb, which made him feel incredible.

We must know that the way the sergeant trains sergeants is through constant fighting, constant killing, and surviving in the death toll of life and death.

The life and death torment that his Wang Jun experienced, there were not thousands of games but hundreds of games.

Now, in the face of the killing of the other party, you will feel horrified and frightened, as if you have a feeling of being young.

Young commander, that is the strongest of the younger generation of sub-god sergeants in the Heavenly Penal Forces. Its status is like the master of Fenglingmen.

How can this person be compared with the young handsome.

It is unimaginable.


However, with three swords, Wang Jun was killed and defeated.

"Abominable, next time, I want to challenge him." One of the Sky Criminals was full of anger, his eyes filled with Morin's murderous eyes.

"You are not his opponent." The young man suddenly said.

This man suddenly froze. He seemed to want to refute, but did not know how to refute, because the young man's vision was very accurate, and his judgment has not been wrong so far.

In other words, he is really not the opponent of the white mask man.

Really unwilling.

"How about you, young master?" The person thought about it, or asked.

"Here, I will not take the initiative to challenge him." The young man's answer was not half hesitant.

In a word, the eyes of the other members of the Tianming Army contracted.

What the young commander said was simple, but the content it contained was amazing.

The first meaning of not taking the initiative to challenge is that if the opponent challenges himself, he will fight. The second meaning means that there is no absolute certainty to defeat the opponent, and even the outcome is 50-50.

Obviously the other party is not a galaxy-level person, but so extraordinary, it is really uncomfortable to think about it.

As the battle continued, personnel decreased.

Fifty people!

Forty people!

Thirty people!

Soon, there were only twenty people left.

Then, the attribution of the last ten places is about to appear.

"It's really boring, do you want to add some more?" Over the sky, where everyone can't see, the white light and shadow pinched his chin humanely, his tone was full of jokes, and he immediately rejected the idea because he felt that if he Adding a bit of material is tantamount to a violation.

The consequences of violations are terrible.

Forget it, look at it, although it is a bit boring, but it is the last moment.

Chen Zong also fully comprehended the sword of fantasy road and grasped its meaning.

Looking at this situation, it seems that it is impossible to comprehend all the sword steles.

To this day, there are only a few people who are considered unselectable opponents.

The young commander of the Heavenly Penalty Army, the master brother of Fenglingmen, Bai Yanluo, the major general of the Heavenly Penalty Army, the second true biography of Fenglingmen, the first true biography of the previous generation of monism, Chen Zong.

These seven people are listed at the end of Chen Zong. After all, Chen Zong's battles seem to be relatively mild, but they are terrible, and they can only be realized when they really fight.

It was a feeling that could only be understood.

Excluding these seven people is equivalent to directly receiving seven places, and the remaining three places are still available for competition.


Will it be so simple?

Of course not, Chen Zong also wants to continue to enlighten the sword stele, and other people have the same idea.

So, take the initiative.

To win a game, Chen Zong chose to enlighten him is the sword of killing Tao.

The seven people who were determined to be non-challengable challenged each of them and eliminated seven people in succession. The remaining 13 people.

This means that three more will be eliminated.

No one challenges Chen Zong, Chen Zong is completely immersed in the world of sword steles of the sword of killing Dao, and constantly enlightens.

The sword master killed, long ago, Chen Zong had this realization.

In addition, Chen Zong's killings are no less than others. Even the practitioners killed by the young commander of the Heavenly Penal Army are far less than Chen Zong.

After all, Chen Zong cultivated from the lowest end and went through a lot.

The more you kill, the faster your enlightenment of the killing sword will be.

An amazing murderous power, condensed under the sword, this is an application.

Soon, Chen Zong realized the first priority of the sword of killing Dao, followed by the second priority.

The first sword of killing Dao could not fully consolidate Chen Zong's murderous intentions, which was too majestic.

The second-large Sword of Doom couldn't do it either.

Thirdly, it is still impossible.

Fourth ...

Fifth heavy killing sword, only then included Chen Zongyi killing intentions completely.

Chen Zong had a feeling that the fifth-strength Dadao Sword would be stronger than the fifth-strength Dadao sword under his sword.

Not that the sword of killing Tao is stronger than the sword of destroying Dao, but because there are too many murderous killings and killing energies gathered from several worlds of Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is hidden and difficult to apply. All were condensed by the sword of killing Tao and transformed into the power of the sword of killing Tao, which directly increased it to a terrible level.

Then the next step is to understand the mystery of the sword of killing Tao.

If you realize the meaning of the Upanishads, it may become the most powerful sword and the most terrible sword that you have now mastered.

Fully enlighten.

When Chen Zong began to feel and realized a little mystery, suddenly, the world was collapsing.

Chen Zong's consciousness returned to the ontology.

Almost, just a little worse, I can successfully realize the mystery of the sword of killing Tao, that is a little difference, causing myself to get stuck, only slowly afterwards.

Chen Zong quickly adjusted his mentality.

The final ten places came out.

In the entire East Court Sword Garden, only ten people remained.

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