Sword God

Vol 35 Chapter 65: The last craziness

(Third more, hurry up, monthly passes come and go)

Finally, there is one day left.

Those who have been beheaded and lost all sword marks, are madly searching for the whereabouts of other sword mark imprinters, crazy beheading, and crazy obtaining sword marks. This is the last madness.

"Dead!" Prince Luo Luo killed a sword across the air, directly beheaded and killed, and harvested more than a dozen sword marks.

The chosen identity is very useful at first, but after being beheaded, it will be randomly resurrected elsewhere, which is equivalent to starting from scratch, but time is too late, nothing can be arranged, and it can only be hunted on its own strength.

In the final analysis, what status and status, in the end can not be defeated with a sword.

Strength is the root. Status is the dependency of strength. If you do n’t understand this, you put your status and status more seriously.

Prince Hao Luo thought that he had been granted the title of Prince of the Sword Kingdom at once, took control of everything, put down the Tianluodi net, ready to wipe out all the masters and one net, and harvest a large wave of sword marks, becoming the best of this test.

I did not expect that there was an accident in the end, that is, Chen Zong, and I did not expect that Chen Zong's strength would be so brilliant.


Everything is okay, but in Jianshan of Dongting, there is indeed a kendo that is useful to oneself. Opportunities should not be missed. If you cannot become a sword, you will need to win a place for true biography.

If it is impossible to get even the true biography quota, it will be too disregarding his reputation as the Prince of the Hades.

The thought of Chen Zong's indifferent face, Prince Luo could not help bursting into anger.

He didn't know that before that, there was a man named Miya Tenjin.

Fujian Mountain.

Chen Zong's robe was broken, and there were bruises on his arms and cheeks. Those were the scars left by the crossbow shot.

Even if Chen Zong is very powerful, he can't completely avoid facing the siege of tens of thousands of elite soldiers and the volley of thousands of strong bows and crossbows. It is amazing that he can not be hit by the front.

For two days and two nights, on the Fujian Mountain, Chen Zong was constantly dealing with tens of thousands of elite soldiers. It was a high-intensity battle. There was no time to rest, let alone sleep with eyes closed.

If Xiu Wei is still alive, no sleep for a few days and nights, there is no problem at all, but now, it is only the physical level of ordinary people, even if it reaches the limit of the human body, the energy is more energetic, under such high-intensity combat consumption, Also difficult to resist.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's will is extremely tenacious, otherwise it is estimated that he would have fallen.

Although Chen Zong was uncomfortable, the tens of thousands of elite soldiers were also uncomfortable. They felt that they were facing a monster.

Yes, it is indeed a monster!

The siege of two days and two nights, even if they had undergone rigorous training, were very difficult to support and very tired. Moreover, during the siege of two days and two nights, thousands of people were lost by themselves. Thousands of people were lost under the siege of China.

How amazing.

After a big rock, Chen Zong leaned on the rock, took out a Jingyuan pill and a Yangshen pill, swallowed it, closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing, became slow and long, took a short break, and was able to rest for a breath.

There are two Jingyuan pills left, and one Yangshen pill left. I have to rely on these two Jingyuan pills and one Yangshen pill to survive this last day.

If you are killed here, it is not really death, but the sword seal will disappear, and all the previous gains will be put to waste.

Exhausted and deeply exhausted, Chen Zong wanted to go to sleep with his eyes closed, but did not dare, because he did not know when the chase would happen again.

The followers are also very tired and need to rest.

After a moment or so, with the supplement of Jingyuan Wan and Yangshen Wan, Chen Zong felt that he had recovered a lot, but a deep level of fatigue was located in the deepest part of the body and the deepest part of the soul. That was Jingyuan Wan and Yangshen Maru was unable to recover.

Chen Zong's ears trembled slightly, and he heard a slight voice.

somebody is coming.

It is chasing troops.

The eyes opened when the eyes narrowed, bursting with sharp coldness, killing intent.

However, Chen Zong's figure was silent, slipping over to the other side of the boulder.

When Chen Zong bypassed it, dozens of sharp arrows broke through, and they all crossed a beautiful arc and shot from a distance.

Only moments ago, Chen Zong's original position was covered by arrows, and the sound of Ding Ding Ding kept ringing. It was the sound of the arrows hitting the megaliths, which sputtered countless sparks.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of people scrambled from the front, left, and right, and were murderous.

When Chen Zong's body moved, he immediately ran away on the other side like a cheetah.

My purpose is not to kill these people, but to deal with them and spend time.

But now, the other party is in desperate pursuit, and is simply not willing to stop there.

There were dozens of elite soldiers in front of him. The leader was obviously a soldier with greater strength, but a swordsman with a sword.

"Kill!" This sword-horse-level soldier wielded his sword, killing it immediately, and dozens of elite soldiers also rushed to kill it. Such a terrain is not much to them who are training hard.

Before the wolf and the tiger, they can only kill.

Chen Zong did not hesitate.

Suddenly, Chen Zong crossed the soldier, and the soldier rushed forward slightly, but the sword to be cut stopped in the air, motionless.

Chen Zong's body was like the wind, rushing into the dozens of elite soldiers, as if he were a tiger.

However, within a short period of three breaths, Chen Zong has rushed out of the encirclement of dozens of elite soldiers.


Dozens of elite soldiers, all died.

Although they have good strength, they have undergone very rigorous training, and they cooperate very well with each other, but in the face of absolute strength, everything is false.

Of course, if dozens of people become hundreds of people, it is impossible for Chen Zong to kill them without paying some price, and it will never be so simple.

It seemed as if they were riding on a dust. When hundreds of followers arrived, they saw exactly one figure falling down.

That is their colleague.

Although this is not the first time in the past few days, I still feel angry and murderous, and I feel a scalp tingling.

Tens of thousands of soldiers besieged one person. Not only did they not kill the other party, they could not even do serious injuries. That's it. Instead, their own side paid more than a thousand lives.

Chen Zong did not go down the mountain, because the more he went down, the more troops he pursued, so he went up the mountain.

Time is passing slowly.

Chen Zong took another Jingyuan pill to supplement the consumption. As for that one Yangshen pill, he has not taken it for the time being, because it is not yet that time.

At a critical moment, this is a life-saving thing.

However, the elite soldiers of Fu Jian Country are also desperate to die with Chen Zong.

Never, they have never had such a big loss.

In order to help the sword nation's honor, for their face, no matter what, they must kill this person.

With half a day left, Chen Zong once again killed and killed hundreds of elite soldiers, and his own power consumption became more intense.

Five hours!

Four hours!

Three hours!

Two hours!

An hour!

When there were less than an hour left, hundreds of dead souls were added under Chen Zong's sword.

Those elite soldiers also seem to be getting crazy, killing the fearlessly and bringing great trouble to Chen Zong.

Although hundreds of elite soldiers were beheaded, Chen Zong himself hit a single arrow.

Pulling out his arrows, Chen Zong crushed the Jinchuang Pills and sprinkled on them, and a burst of hot tingles spread out, stopping the blood.

It is really very troublesome. Prince Mingluo is almost exhausted. Even if he is killed by himself, he still has such a big trouble.

Fortunately, it is less than an hour, otherwise it would be really difficult to do it for a longer time, and it is very likely that it will be killed here.

Take out the last Jingyuan Pill and Yangshen Pill, and restore the almost exhausted strength.

The last moment is the last madness.

After a moment, Chen Zong felt that his strength had recovered a lot, and his body was full of vitality, but a kind of exhaustion originating from the depths of his mind had aggravated a bit.

This deep feeling of fatigue made Chen Zong feel very weak, and he was a little irritable about the unclearness of the road. The irritability caused Chen Zong to want to vent it.

How to vent?

Only kill!

Breathe ... breathe ...

Chen Zong breathed slowly, through his breath, to restore his strength.

A quarter of an hour!

There was only a quarter of an hour left, and thousands of elite soldiers came in from all directions.

This time, Chen Zong did not intend to avoid it.

At the last minute, the inner irritability was more intense, and it was hard to restrain the time when it seemed like a volcano was about to erupt.

In this case, fight.

Right when the last crazy.

With his right hand clasping the long sword, Chen Zong got up, his eyes became sharper and sharper.

The sword leaves on his body have already been used up, and the rest is the sword in his hand.

In one step, the whole person flew out like a blast, with a low figure, making the speed to the extreme, the wind whispered in his ears, whine, Chen Zong felt like he was about to fly up, The inexplicable pleasure permeates from the deepest part of the heart.

The inner irritability seems to have eased a little.

The arrows were broken, as if Chen Zong's range was to be honeycomb, but Jian Guang flashed and rolled, but he shifted the arrows and shot them down.


Like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, continuous beheading continues, the body flashes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ one step at a time, blood flows everywhere.

"Kill him, at all costs." The generals of this elite, the eyes of the general who possessed the master of Kendo, were red.

It was very uncomfortable to watch my men being killed constantly.

In such a mountain, the battle array is very difficult to arrange and its power is limited. If it is changed to flat ground, it will definitely not be so.

Kill kill!

The killing unfolds, and the inner irritability also kills, and it continues to dissipate, an unspeakable feeling, quietly condensing out, gradually, as if there is something to break out of the cocoon.

This feeling turned into motivation, urging Chen Zong to keep out his sword, as if all tiredness didn't matter.

The elite soldier only felt that there was a flash of sword light in front of him, an indescribable killing, like a volcanic eruption, and it was instantly bombarded and killed.

This murder made him creepy.

However, you cannot retreat, clenched the roots of the teeth, the blue tendons on the forehead, the general condensed the strength of the whole body, exhausted all the strength, and killed with one sword.

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