Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 22: Will eventually arrive

For Chen Zong, hunting the mantis-snake giant snake, obtaining the star core, and selling the body material of the void monster in exchange for the void burning crystal is the real beginning of a long journey.

The Niaokong keeps flying, maintaining the speed of the high-level Nether flying boat, that is, surpassing the speed of the Yuanming Realm, like a dark golden lightning, low-key and luxurious, flying in the void, flashing away, when the opportunity is appropriate Chen Zong will start a ten-level void shuttle.

Three hundred high-order void burning crystals are sufficient to support the Niankong to carry out ten ten-level void shuttles and shorten the journey of three hundred void years.

Three hundred empty years may sound like a lot, but in fact, some huge star fields, flying at the speed of the imperial realm three hundred empty years, may not be able to cross.

Of course, the flying speed of a high-level void ship is amazing. Its three hundred void years are enough to cross more than one star field, even two.

As for those medium-level void burning crystals, they are reserved.

When the Nuokong ended a void shuttle and entered a stable flight, Chen Zong took out the star core and practiced some magical secrets of the Eastern Court Jianshan Star Academy. Only when he wanted to enter the next void shuttle, did he end the enlightenment and receive Star core.

Because every time the void travels, he must pay full attention to bear the load of entering the depths of the void.

Fortunately, my soul and body are strong enough to switch to another imperial realm. If you want to start a ten-year level of void shuttle, the difficulty will be very great, the load will be amazing, and you can afford it just like yourself.

Such a journey is undoubtedly lonely. Because it is too far, it will have to cross several star domains before it is expected to reach the star domain where the heavenly palace is located.

But Chen Zong did not feel uncomfortable at all.

While hurrying and practicing, I stopped occasionally when I had something to gain, and left the Niankong to try in the void. Right when it was a kind of entertainment and rest in the hurry, sometimes drinking and eating meat in the Niankong.

Liquor is a thousand grass brews gifted by Master Lulu, and the meat is the flesh of a mantis snake. Both are delicious and good for themselves.

Chen Zong slowly improved on the basis of the first round of imperialism, practicing Qi and refining, went on to the second round of continuous impact.

However, the span of the cultivation and promotion of the Divine Realm is even more amazing. I do n’t see Master Lulu and so on. After entering the Imperial Realm for five hundred years, I still have n’t made a breakthrough. If I did n’t find the right opportunity, it would take hundreds of years. Time to break through.

Of course, the talents and potentials of Master Lu Luo are relatively limited. Chen Zong will not, but it is not possible to quickly improve the repair to reach the second turn shortly after the breakthrough, which always takes some time.

In addition to hurrying and practicing, Chen Zong also encountered some crises. For example, the strong men who were fighting endlessly in the void, the strength was extremely high, and the aftermath spread out, which made Chen Zong have a feeling of extinction.

Fortunately, I was in the Niankong, and I opened the high-level protective cover in a timely manner. For this reason, the high-level protective cover did not resist the impact of several aftershocks of power and broke apart.

Fortunately, the high-level protective cover has also won some time for the Niankong, and quickly moved away.

In retrospect, Chen Zong still felt palpitations.

I also realized that even if there is a emptiness number, in this void, I am not absolutely safe.

The two fierce fighting powerhouses are beyond the level of Yuanming Realm, but they are far away and difficult to judge accurately. In short, they are terrible powerhouses who are enough to bring death crisis to themselves in the Void Sky.

In addition, Chen Zong also encountered the Void Beast of the mature celestial order, or the Void Beast that is good at speed. It is terrible, even if there is a Void and a high-level Void Burning Crystal. After Chen Zong's dealings with him, I can't help each other even if it is based on the No.

After all, the Void Beast of the mature body is more than 10,000 meters in size, which is very amazing. Its defense and vitality are far better than the growth body. Medium-level Void bombardment can hardly cause any damage to it, but leaves a faint trace. And soon disappeared.

High-level void shelling can indeed cause damage, but two or three shells cannot bombard it unless they hit their heads.

However, the speed of this mature Void Beast is astonishing, it is like a ghost, it is hard to lock, and its attack is extremely amazing. Only a high-level protective cover can resist it.

To sum up, Chen Zong didn't have much confidence to kill him, so he broke away at a high speed, and then opened the void to shuttle.

The value of a mature Void Monster is amazing, at least it can be worth tens of millions of Void coins, but unfortunately, your strength is not enough to kill it, even if you have a Void number, the success rate is also No more than 20%.

Bacheng will lose, and it may hurt Qikong.

The value of Wukong is not comparable to that of a mature void monster. After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, Chen Zong gave up hunting.

After that, Chen Zong encountered another bandit who was looting and blocked one side of the void. After the void was blocked, the void shuttle could not be carried out.

The star bandit apparently also stared at the Niankong. In desperation, Chen Zong could only control the Niankong with the star bandit to start a fierce battle.

Fortunately, that star bandit only has one medium-level void ship and two low-level void ships. In addition, most of the star bandits are sub-level gods, and three of them are at the level of gods. .

Chen Zong took control of the Qikong and directly launched a high-level void bombardment, which broke the shields of the opponent's intermediate-level void ship and the shields of the two lower-level void ships.

All three void ships were damaged to varying degrees.

Afterwards, the three enemies of the Holy Spirit enlisted to kill them. They were very flexible in unfolding their movements and moved constantly at high speed.

However, these three deities are all in the level of imperial state, one is the imperial state, one is the imperial state, and the most powerful is the imperial state.

Such strength, even if joined together, Chen Zong is not afraid.

Take one to three!

Chen Zongyi sword attacked the three imperial realms and launched a fierce battle.

When the other party realized that Chen Zong had just turned to the imperial realm, he was very happy, but then he couldn't be happy anymore, because they were suppressed, and one face to face fell directly into the wind.

Chen Zong took these three imperial realms as the object of the trial, and directly exhibited a magical sword technique of Dongting Jianshan Xingchen Taoist Temple, which was cultivated by the star core as the root of strength.

Big Alchemy Sword of the Sky!

This is an extremely powerful magic sword power of Xingchen Taoyuan. It is also a very special magic sword power, because it can also be regarded as a secret magic power, so it is called a secret sword, which is equal to the combination of sword power and magic law. .

The level of the Great Alchemy Mystery Sword is very high. It is only the first level, which is the level of supernatural power, and the second level is the level of supernatural power.

With the memory and experience of Dong Ting's sword master, plus Chen Zong's strong perception, and the help of star power, in a short period of time, Chen Zong Lian became the No. 1 master of the large-scale secret star of the sky. Second.

In this way, Chen Zong is tantamount to mastering two heavenly powers.

A sword rises, and the sword light becomes extremely bright in an instant, as if there are countless starlights converging from all sides, melting into a dazzling star.

The stars are empty!

The three star bandits of the imperial realm were suddenly suppressed by an astonishing heavy pressure. For a time, they felt difficult to move, as if they were suppressed by the force of a star. The power of the empty secret sword.

Cut off!

The impact of one sword directly killed the three royal states, and their bodies were torn apart.

Feeling the power consumed by himself, Chen Zong could not help but breathe out. The consumption of celestial power was still amazing. When he turned to repair the imperial state, he directly consumed 30% of his power.

But its power is also amazing.

Next, it is natural to harvest.

Although two low-level void ships and one middle-level void ship are damaged, they still have good value. In addition, it is the wealth of the star bandits, especially the wealth of the three royal road star bandits. There are millions of void coins.

In this way, under the dangers of practice over and over again, Chen Zong constantly crossed the star field, and also went to some high-level trade stars to sell some resources, in exchange for void coins, and then purchased high-level void burning crystals.

In this way, Chen Zong did not consume the power of the nucleus, he crossed several star fields, and finally reached the Sacred Heart star field.

The Sacred Heart Star Field is not the star field where the Mind Heaven Palace is located, but it is adjacent to the large Tian Xin Star field where the Mind Heaven Palace is located.

In other words, as long as he crosses the Sacred Heart Star Field and crosses the void zone between the Star Fields, Chen Zong can really enter the Great Heaven Heart Star Field and go to that Heart Heaven Palace.

It's close!

Finally, it was very close.

For a time, Chen Zong had an unspeakable excitement.

However, when Chen Zong reached the edge of the Sacred Heart Starfield under the control of the Nuokong, and was about to enter the void zone between the Sacred Heart Star Field and the Great Heavenly Heart Star Field, an accident occurred, causing Chen Zong to have to descend on the On the nearest star to the nothingness belt.

This is just a low-level star, and it is usually sparsely populated. Although practitioners have ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, they are not strong, the most powerful is the second level of the sub-god level, and there is no even a god.

But now, more practitioners have gathered, and they are all sacred.

Soon, Chen Zong inquired about the news. It turned out that the void zone between the Sacred Heart and the Great Celestial Heart appeared a crisis.

A once-in-a-millennium disaster occurred in the void zone, and the danger was very high. The low-level void ship entered it, which was basically a direct destruction. As for the intermediate-level void ship, it was difficult to support it for a long time.

Only the high-level void craft can resist, but the protective cover must always be opened.

In this way, the consumption of high-level void burning crystals will be very amazing.

The void zone between the star field and the star field is very wide. Depending on the speed of the high-level void ship, it will take at least half a month to cross it.

That means that in the absence of any danger and calm conditions, if there is any disaster, the time will be extended.

Therefore, according to preliminary calculations, at least a few thousand pieces of high-level void-burning crystal reserves are needed to pass by, only just hope.

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