Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 25: Great Celestial Star

In the flying boat in the void, the iron hand stared at Chen Zong, and his heart seemed to fall over the river.

That's right, it's been a day long. During this period, no one was replaced, except that Chen Zong has been driving the flying boat.

What is the concept that one turn of Yudao is better than the nine turns of Yudao.

What's more, during this period, the real hands of the iron hand did not feel any bumps. What does this mean?

This means that within one day, Feizhou had not encountered any attacks.

Could it be said that the Nether Scourge has ended?

not at all!

The consciousness of the real iron hand was released, and I could clearly feel the nothingness outside the flying boat, still with the terrible dark howling wind roaring, the terrible dark electric light raging, the wind and thunder were extremely terrifying.

In the perception of the consciousness, an astonishing wind and thunder swept through, and the howling wind roared continuously, mixed with countless black electric lights raging, as if it could destroy all the bombardment, and directly called the iron hand real person's look greatly changed, Extremely worried.

For a moment, it seemed that he was driving a flying boat, and there was only one thought in his heart, which was dodge ... dodge ... dodge ...

However, it is not that he is driving the flying boat.

Just in a flash, when the horrendous dark wind and thunder that was full of destruction swept through, the moment when the flying boat was about to be hit, the flying boat was as flexible as a bird in the water and in the air, as if living in a flash.

Yes, in the sense of the real iron hand, Feizhou seems to be alive, as if he has spirituality, like a paper kite in the wind, drifting away under that horrible thunderstorm.

As if at that moment, the flying boat lost weight, like a feather.

Avoid it!

An understatement.

The real hand of the iron hand could not help but stare at him, and replaced it with him. Although it could be avoided, it was definitely not so elegant and calm.

And this is done by a young man who has changed the imperial realm.


"Real person, I can probably hold it for an hour or so." Chen Zong's voice passed into the ears of the real hand of the iron hand, which meant to remind the real hand of the iron hand to quickly seize the time of this hour and recover as much as possible. Mind and consciousness should be replaced at that time.

"Okay." The real man in Iron Hand responded quickly and closed his eyes again, but the shock in his heart still existed and it was difficult to dissipate.

Take a deep breath, and for a while, the Iron Man was just adjusted to truly restore peace and accelerate the recovery of mind and consciousness.

An hour passed quickly, the real hand of Iron Hand and Chen Zong handed over, and saw Chen Zong's face turned white, with deep exhaustion deep in his eyes.

"Have a good rest, and I can support it for a while." Tie Tzuzhen's attitude towards Chen Zong became more and more kind.

Chen Zong nodded, immediately sat down, and began to regain consciousness and mind.

In fact, Chen Zong did not reach the point of exhaustion, no matter whether it was consciousness or mind, there was still surplus. Of course, it could not be compared with the iron man, but it surpassed most of the imperial state.

After all, the gap between Yu Dao Jing and Yuan Ming Jing is very obvious. Especially, Yuan Ming Jing is a condensate of Yuan Shen, and there will be obvious improvement in the aspects of consciousness and mind.

But in total, although Chen Zong is not as good as the Iron Man, but in application, it is unique and more subtle, which is unparalleled by the Iron Man.

The reason why Chen Zong wanted to make a very tired and nearly overdrawn look, in order to avoid causing too much shock.

Otherwise, it will be okay to support it for more than half a day.

The consciousness of the iron hand is restored to 50%, and the mind is restored to 30%. In this way, it can be supported for about a day.

After that was the rotation of the Nine-Turn Royal Road, but the support time was not as good as before.

But after a lap, when Wang Xi was still looking pale, apparently he never recovered.

"I'll come." Chen Zong opened his eyes: "I'm born with a strong heart, and I recover faster."

Earlier, when I heard Chen Zong saying this, everyone didn't believe it very much. He was born with a strong heart and where he could be strong, but this time when he heard Chen Zong saying this again, everyone's heart was complicated.


It's really powerful, not general.

Everyone secretly guessed that this man's birth must be very high, at least the birth of galaxy-level forces.

Chen Zong regained control of the flying boat in the sky, this time, a little calmer.

The crowd also took the opportunity to observe for a moment, and found that this person was indeed extremely surprised, as if he was born to be a master of flying boats, so he also rested in peace.

Riding forward in the sky, Chen Zong perceives in advance a huge storm of darkness, like a hurricane that swept the world, which is filled with dense dark electric light, raging like dragons and snakes.

That terrible mighty power made Chen Zong feel scared.


Avoid it!

Suddenly, under the control of Chen Zong, the empty flying boat passed by, but in an instant, Chen Zong also showed a very shocked look.

Because at that moment, Chen Zong faintly saw a figure.

A figure located in the center of the dark storm, innumerable pitches of black light blasted from all directions, as if to crush that figure, but were blocked.

"I didn't read it wrong!" Chen Zong secretly said, and it was definitely not his own illusion.

Really, there really is a figure in that storm light.

Some memories of the owner of the Dongting sword emerged, which made Chen Zong more certain that it was true.

For many practitioners, the Void Scourge is a disaster, a devastating calamity, and they dare not touch it, but for some particularly powerful ones, it is a sharpening.

Some strong men will indeed use the power of the Void Scourge to sharpen themselves.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Zong also calmed down and continued to control the flying boat in the void, moving forward.


After taking turns again and again, only Chen Zong calmly, because each time Chen Zong will not exhaust his mind and consciousness, and he will recover more than several times faster than others. This is the advantage of Chen Zong.

Twenty days passed, and finally, the Void Flying Boat also crossed the Void Zone and approached the Great Heaven Heart Star Field.

Everyone was relieved.

It's close!

It is about to enter the Great Tianxin Star Field, as long as there are no more accidents.

Fortunately, there were no accidents, and the Void Flying Boat steadily flew into the Great Tianxin Star Field.

At this point, the talents are truly relieved.

At least, it's safe, and you don't have to worry about it like before.

Thinking about the past twenty days, I spent all of it in my tremor. Fortunately, there is Chen Zong. Otherwise, it is difficult to get here.

For a while, everyone was very grateful to Chen Zong.

Of course, gratitude is revealed on the surface. It is hard to say whether this is really the case.

Now that we have entered the Great Tianxin Starfield, this journey is over. On the nearest star, the flying boat landed, and everyone stepped off the flying boat.

"You, I say goodbye, brother Chen Zong, fortunately this time you helped to turn the tide, otherwise I don't know if I can get through, thank you." The middle-aged man in Jiuzhuan Yudao showed a smile and looked around, then looked He said to Chen Zong that his appearance felt kind of kind.

In the end, the nine-turn Yudaojing grinned at Chen Zong, waved his hand, and turned away.

Others also left.

"If the little friend is not in a hurry, it is better to wait for a few months and wait for me to finish the work, then I will send you to your heart and mind." Tie Tiezhen said to Chen Zong.

One is because Chen Zong's previous performance made him grateful.

Second, I want to pay Chen Zong well.

A naturally powerful Tianjiao must have a bright future. Maybe there is a great hope to pass the test of the Xinyi Temple and become a true disciple of the Xintian Temple.

By then, your status will rise.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I'm really anxious." Chen Zongwei smiled.

This is the truth, not that Chen Zong is not close to humanity, otherwise Chen Zong would not have to risk crossing the nothingness.

After all, it's only a dozen days or a month, and you can take it easy, but for a few months, it's a little longer.

"It's okay, then I wish you a successful victory and become the true story of the Heavenly Palace of the Mind." The real iron man smiled a little, despite some regrets.

"Take the truth from the real person." After Chen Zong held his fist, he turned and left.

Wang Ye, who left with him.

"Brother Chen, I have a mid-level void ship, and I also have a lot of mid-level void burning crystals. If continuous void travels, we should be able to reach the heaven of mind within one month." Wang Yan laughed.

If Chen Zong takes out the Void Void, the speed will be faster. Unfortunately, Chen Zong no longer has high-level void burning crystals, and there are not many void coins.

If you use a star core as an energy source, it is indeed possible, but it is too extravagant.

Left and right, it's just a little different.

"Exactly, I also have some intermediate-level void burning crystals." Chen Zong laughed, and the two went together.

Soon, the speed of the mid-level void ship was increased to the extreme, and the void shuttle was started.

The Great Tianxin star field is very vast. In the entire void, it is also one of the largest star fields, even ten times more than some small star fields.

However, Chen Zong and Wang Xun's intermediate-level void burning crystal reserves are very sufficient ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Under the continuous opening of the void shuttle, each year, they continue to shorten the distance and keep approaching.

In particular, the two also took turns driving the Void Vessels without any pause.

The stars are thrown behind by the Void Flying Boat, and the Void Flying Boat keeps moving forward, crossing the galaxies one after another. In fact, most of the time, it is used to cross the Void Belt.

Fortunately, the nihilistic bands between galaxies are shorter, otherwise it will take longer.

If you exclude those galaxy void zones, it is estimated that it only takes about ten days to reach the galaxy where the Celestial Palace of Heaven is located under a continuous void shuttle.

Celestial Galaxy!

This is the most central galaxy in the Great Celestial Galaxy, and the galaxy in which the Celestial Palace is located.

Chen Zong knows a lot about Xinyi Tiangong, of course, because of the memory of Dongting Sword Master.

Unlike other great forces, the Mind Heaven Palace is not located on the stars, but in a huge world on one side.

The world on that side is called the black and white world.

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