Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 36: Great Void Move

The casting difficulty of the second heart palace is indeed several percent better than the first heart palace, but for Chen Zong, it is not difficult.

On the one hand, Chen Zong's mind is very strong, on the other hand, the first heart palace is completed.

In another ten days, Chen Zong successfully cast the second heart to Dacheng and began casting the third heart.

In another ten days, Chen Zong minted the third heart and made it big.

However, Chen Zong did not continue to cultivate thirty-three heavens of mind, but began to cultivate psychic firepower.

As soon as he cultivated, Chen Zong felt like a fish and water. In just a few days, he started to use the firepower and use the power of the heart as a kind of fire to condense into a small flame.

The flame was pale red, like a candlelight.

"Now, I will try the mystery of this heart palace." Chen Zong secretly said.

As soon as the thought moved, the little flame fluttered and entered the first palace of the heart.

In this heart palace, as far as Chen Zong's heart and soul are concerned, he has moved out of the heart palace and is located in the three heart palaces. He is enveloped by the light emitted by the three heart palaces, and has also been stabilized, strengthened and protected.

When that heart of fire entered the first house of the heart, it shook slightly, as if there was a wind blowing, and it swayed slightly, and it seemed to be more vigorous.

A trace of intangible breath surrounded the heart, Chen Zong felt it carefully, giving birth to a very wonderful feeling.

That heart of fire is condensing on its own, as if you are practicing enlightenment.

Of course, its efficiency is different from its whole-hearted practice of enlightenment. Feeling carefully, it is almost 10%.

This is also very amazing. After all, it is equal to the practice of enlightenment all the time, and the overall efficiency is not much worse than that of one's wholehearted enlightenment.

After all, I can't devote all my mind and energy to it.

"That being the case, there are still two in my heart, so I will try the other three magical powers." Chen Zong said to himself, his eyes brightened.

As a result, Chen Zongyi tried Heart Lock and found that it was difficult to get started. Then he tried Heart Cut and it was difficult to get started.

Of course, if you are willing to spend a lot of time and energy, maybe you can get started.

However, Chen Zong gave up for a while, and instead tried his mind.

An imaginary eye condensed by the mind, the eye is pale green, with an indescribable depth and depth, like Shenxiao and Jiuyou.

At the moment when the mind condenses, Chen Zong feels a trace of unique coolness permeating, blends into his five senses, slowly nourishes slowly, and even enhances his perception.

Then, Chen Zong sent his mind and eyes into the second heart, slowly enlightening, practicing, and solidifying.

In the following cultivation, Chen Zong decided to cultivate one heart and soul.

I have an introductory article that I have cultivated myself, so the previous practice should be relatively easy.

And if you introduce Yixinju into the heart of the thirty-three heavens of mind, you can practice it by yourself, just like heart fire and mind. You can undoubtedly save a lot of time.

As long as you get started, you can be assisted in cultivation and promotion by the palace, just like opening a cheat device.

One heart is divided into five realms, which is fivefold.

First: One hearted!

Second: Dedication!

Third: Dedication!

Fourth: Dedication!

Fifth: Dedication!

However, there are five realms in one mind, in fact, there are only the first four. As for the fifth, it is still a theory and has not yet been created.

Chen Zong began to practice first.


It is well understood and relatively well cultivated.

The so-called one-heartedness means full attention, and nothing else, it means incomparable concentration, extreme concentration, and all-out concentration.


Anyone can do it, but the ultimate focus, and the long-term, extreme focus anytime, anywhere, is very difficult.

Most people can only maintain a short period of extreme concentration, and must also have some time to prepare.

With one mind and one mind, once you are trained, you can enter the state of extreme concentration in an instant. As long as the power of the mind is not exhausted or released yourself, you can always stay in the state of extreme concentration.

The state of extreme concentration, whether it is enlightenment or practice, has great benefits.

Chen Zong found that this state of mind and purpose seems to be somewhat similar to the self-conscious state, but there are also differences.

Until now, the experience gradually grew, especially after getting the memory of the owner of the Dongting sword, and slowly sorting it out, Chen Zong only understood a little.

Self-reliance is not something that can be mastered by the vain arrogance, because that is the unique secret of the eternal battlefield.

Before that, I thought that it was a unique state that anyone could understand, but it was a deviation of understanding. Only the disciples of Eternal War Fortress could master it.

After all, as far as I know, those arrogant people who came to the Eternal War Fortress by consciousness first found the opportunity, then passed the test of the chance, and mastered their self-comfort, and then they got the chance, and then they could come to the Eternal Battle Fortress by consciousness.

Chen Zong found that by grasping the mystery of self-comfort, he can better grasp the mind and heart.

In addition, I have already thoroughly completed the introduction of Yixinjue, and now it is not half difficult to cultivate my mind.

Chen Zong is still very interested in the same level of skill as his first sword name.

It only took three days, and Chen Zong became the most important one, reaching the entry level.

But then Chen Zong was disappointed to find that one mind can not be put into the heart, because one mind is also a skill, and the skill cannot be put into the mind to practice and practice, which is a defect of the thirty-three days of mind. .

However, everyone is willing to accept such a defect, and he is eager to accept it, but unfortunately, only those who are willing to accept Tiangong are eligible.

See you, Master.

Chen Zong immediately left the palace and went to Yixin Palace.

"Tuer, think about it for the teacher and finally remember it, but the time is too long and it is not particularly certain. It can only give you a general orientation. You also need to find it by yourself." Respectfully, handed it to Chen Zong has a compass, a little above it, like a star.

Chen Zong recognized it at a glance, this was an astrolabe.

The star map is used by the void ship, and the astrolabe is used by practitioners to record the position of the star world in the void and so on.

Whether it is a star chart or an astrolabe, the value is not low.

Also, astrolabes are relatively few and more expensive.

"Thank you very much, Master." Chen Zong took the astrolabe, bowed down, and thanked him sincerely.

"What's your practice for more than a month?" Yixin Daozun asked, the value of the astrolabe is not low, but it depends on who it is, and for Yixin Daozong, it's nothing.

"Return to the Master, cast three hearts, start with fire and consciousness, and start with one heart." Chen Zong answered truthfully.

Of course, Chen Zong didn't know what it meant?

In other words, what is the level of such cultivation speed?

The wholehearted respect for the original lightness, but when I heard Chen Zong finished, his eyes widened, staring at Chen Zong, I don't look so deceived like you.

It was only an instant, and the devotee regained his indifference, as if the instant shock was just an illusion.

"Well, this is also good, but remember that cultivation cannot be impatient." Yixin Daozao said meaningfully, and his eyes twitched slightly: "I wait for the Tiangong practice, which is closely related to the mind. If it is not careful, it may breed. The demon, if it appears, is a life and death crisis. "

Listening to the words of the heart, Chen Zong looked stunned.


Instinctively, Chen Zong felt that this demon might be the disadvantage of the mind of heaven.

When you refine your mind and keep strengthening it, you may also breed a demon.

If the merits are immediate, the demon will breed and emerge, endangering himself.

"You don't have to worry, as long as you lay the foundation and improve steadily, the demon is hard to come by." Zhuangdao respectfully spoke sharply, said.

"The disciples remember the teachings of the Master." Chen Zong responded respectfully.

Everybody knows that the devotee at this moment is extremely amazed and very happy, because he seems to have accepted an incredible disciple.

Is this the capacity of the powerful mind?

But his third true disciple is also born with a powerful mind, but his cultivation speed is not so fast.

I was not very relieved, but I checked it and found that Chen Zong's foundation is extremely solid and extremely solid, which is very amazing.

I was completely relieved, but the shock in my heart became stronger.

There is a great disciple in Yixin Palace. I didn't expect that the opportunity left by that time was so good.

Of course, it is only now, how difficult to say in the future, can only say that there is that potential.

"Maybe, Master ’s wish is expected to be fulfilled." With all his heart in mind, he immediately turned to Chen Zong: "Tutor, when will you return to the original world?"

"Return to Master, if you can go now, now." Chen Zong did not hesitate.

Go back as soon as possible, handle the matter as soon as possible, and then return quickly. Xinyi Tiangong has great attraction for myself.

"Yeah, go early and return early, and now you are in the best time to lay the groundwork." Zun Dao nodded.

"The child is saying goodbye." Chen Zong is also an activist. He said he was going to leave, and was going to use the star core. He drove the Niankong to quickly leave the black and white world, shuttled again and again, left the central void, and went to the east void because he himself It is from the east void.

"Wait ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But one hearted Dao Zun called Chen Zong:" I started the Void Movement and sent you to the East Void. "

Hearing that Chen Zong was pleasantly surprised.

Void moves!

There is a record in the memory of the owner of the Dongting sword, which is an extremely clever void array, capable of ultra-distant void shuttle.

If you return to the East Void directly with the Void Array, you only need a few breaths of time to save yourself a lot of time.

Chen Zong was standing in the center of a large array of voids filled with dense and mysterious formations, and a single heart opened up.

The large array runs, countless arrays light up, countless runes condense, spin out of thin air, circle around, and quickly shrink from the outside to the inside.

At the time, Chen Zong was wrapped in a dense array of runes.

The next breath, compressed to a point, disappeared into the depths of the void.

But I saw Yixinzun's complexion suddenly changed. Why is the energy consumption of Void Shift so fast that it is far better than usual.

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