Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 51: Unexpected

Su Luan was brave and fearless, his eyes were brilliant, as if to be generous.

Of course, Su Chao is not seeking his own way. He still has a lot of time and a good future. Under the full power of the secret treasure, it is enough to withstand attacks below the Yuan Ming Realm without breaking, and can last for a period of time.

For himself, I want to use this period of time to temporarily attract the attention of the black scales, so that Chen Zong can take the shot and capture the purple scale fruit. Although he does not know what means Chen Zong will take, he is very eager and longs for Chen Zong Can succeed.

The target of Su Chao is the black scale headed by that. Its strength is the strongest and the threat is the greatest.

The Blackscale tribe was furious, and a stranger came. Now there is a second stranger.

For a time, the remaining black scales' attention was completely attracted by Su Chao, and they shot in an attempt to beat Su Chao into a fan, but under a round of attacks, Su Chao resisted, and was not killed at all. There were no signs of injury.

The anger of a black scale clan rose, and he shot again, and his attention was completely drawn to him.

Chen Zong acted.

Big air law!

One step out, in an instant, appeared next to the altar, reached out and grabbed, immediately grabbed the purple scale fruit, and hesitated into the Nineth Heavenly Circle without hesitation, and the next breath, immediately exhibited the big 遁 air method again, quickly far away I leave.

In the small realm of Dacheng, Chen Zong's current ability can travel a maximum distance of 200,000 meters, but Chen Zong can also control the distance, which does not exceed 200,000 meters.

For example, if you only travel 100,000 meters or 10,000 meters, it will naturally consume less power.

Today, the distance between himself and the purple scale fruit is about 20,000 meters. He stepped out in one step, shuttled in the void, directly obtained the purple scale fruit, and once again performed the Great Sword Method to enter the void and leave, which is directly 50,000 meters.

After 70,000 meters back and forth, Chen Zong still has most of his strength. He then took the elixir to speed up his strength recovery.

All the black scales were dumbfounded.

It was just a negligence, it was just a moment of negligence, and the purple scale fruit, which was catalyzed by hard work, was taken away by an alien.

If there was no negligence at that moment, with the power of Jiuzhuan Blackscale Clan, it would be possible to shoot in an instant and kill the alien.

However, it was such a short time lag that Chen Zong successfully obtained the purple scale fruit and quickly left.

The breathtaking power of the Great Diaokong method is vividly displayed.


Without hesitation, an astonishing force broke out among the black scales and chased away.

As for Su Chao, it was safe all at once.

"Brother Chen really has a good way." Su Luan couldn't help but secretly surprise, and was extremely excited.

The purple scale fruit is in hand, and the next step is to get out of this secret place.

Of course, the premise is to get rid of the hunting of the black scales first.

This is also a difficult point, but I don't know what happened to You Tianming, who led most of the black scales.

For You Tianming, Su Chao's heart is full of gratitude.

This mystery, after all, is the habitat of the black scales, their territory, and they are very familiar. Relatively speaking, Chen Zong is very strange, so he soon fell into the black circle's surrounding circle.

Sadly, Su Chao was also surrounded not far away.

Chen Zong couldn't help but be speechless.

In such a place, the flying boat in the void is difficult to play a role.

No, you can, as long as you open the protective cover, you can resist the black scale attack.

When his body flashed, Chen Zong immediately approached Su Chao and was about to take out the Void Flying Boat. A turbulent atmosphere fluctuated and flew from a distance instantly.

The breath was very arrogant and amazing. It suddenly reached the level of the Seven-Road Royal Realm, which is You Tianming.

"The two are not surprised, I will come too." You Tianming's voice came at the same time, as if the thunder was billowing.

"Alive." Su Luan was relieved, relieved, or else the humanity she owed would be great.

But what about being alive, powerful black scales have appeared in the surrounding channels, blocking all the channels.

In particular, the black scales, who have nine levels of transition, directly occupy a channel and continue to approach.

There are one Nine-turned Blackscale, eight eight-turned Blackscale, and seven-turned blackscale.

It seems that there is no vitality.

"You two quickly retreat." You Tianming's voice passed directly into the ears of Chen Zong and Su Luan, and saw that You Tianming's black gun broke and was shot out instantly, killing the four most powerful black scales with four shots.

The four black scales took the shot and broke the spear, although it was powerful, it was only seven levels of rotation.

Chen Zong secretly surprised.

You Tianming's strength was only five turns before, and the cast of mysteries reached six turns, but now it is seven turns, which is a leapfrog improvement.

But looking at the state of You Tianming, it seems to be burning itself.

But Chen Zong was very puzzled. For the sake of the two of them, did he have to burn himself, be a good person, and not be a part of this, it was beyond imagination.

Time is changing so fast that Chen Zong cannot tolerate too much consideration.

I saw You Tianming suddenly holding a gun, and the gunman continued to blast out, constantly erupting a breath of breath, for a time, even covered the nine-turn, eight-turn and seven-turn black scales.

Attract firepower.

In the next breath, You Tianming's body was filled with hot red light, as if the volcanic magma was rolling, and it was about to spray out, the breath became more and more high, full of destruction.


At the next breath, You Tianming's body exploded directly, and an extremely horrifying force suddenly exploded, directly impacting in all directions.

The locked black scales are all affected by this terrible force.

First and foremost is the nine-turn black scales, but they were bombarded in an instant, but the sturdy body was also difficult to withstand the blast of lava-like airflow, and the scaled armor was broken in an instant.

The three eight-turn black scales were also torn by scales, and were directly wounded. As for the seven-turn black scales, they were even more miserable.

However, one of the seven-round black scales was far away and was blocked by other black scales. Although it was also affected, the injury was not serious.

Because of the reminder and alert before You Tianming, Chen Zong and Su Chao quickly retreated, and the power of Su Chao's secret treasure continued, and the power of this self-explosive shock did not affect the two.

Seizing the opportunity, Chen Zong and Su Chao left quickly and flew away in a direction outside the secret realm.

Su Luan also made up his mind. After leaving, take care of You's family. After all, You Tianming's sacrifice was great.

Chen Zong's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes were deep and seemed to be thinking.

When Chen Zong and Su Lan left quickly, the other black scales hesitated.

Sudden changes occur suddenly.

I saw that the only seven-turned black scales suddenly got up, a flash of red light flashed under their eyes, and a smile full of evil smiles appeared on their faces. Then, the black scales flickered and their claws turned empty. Grab it out and directly scratch the necks of those black scales who are still alive.

Originally, the three eight-turn black scales and one nine-turn black scales were wounded and did not die. They were cured, and when they could survive and recover, they were killed directly.


Chen Zong and Su Luan quickly moved away and flew away from the entrance to the secret realm. Chen Zong also took out the purple scale fruit and gave it to Su Luan.

"This time, thanks to Elder You and Brother Chen, otherwise, we won't get purple scale fruit." Su Luan sighed.

The value of this purple scale fruit is amazing and it is also useful to the Yuanming Realm strong, it should be the most valuable treasure in this secret territory.

Divine medicine is also divided into grades, and lower-order divine medicine corresponds to the level of imperial realm.

The middle-level divine medicine corresponds to the level of the Yuanming Realm.

High-level divine medicine corresponds to the level of magical powers.

This purple scale fruit belongs to different fruits. At the level, it should belong to the middle-grade divine medicine, and it is not comparable to ordinary middle-grade divine medicine.

If this purple scale fruit can't make himself stand out in the battle of the gods, then there is no way, he did his best.

Even more, he owed a great kindness.

Suddenly, a strong windbreak came, and I saw a black scale race passing by from another passage, with an amazing speed, appearing in front of Chen Zong and Su Chao, and surrounded by seven scale chains With its seven-turn strength.

After the seven-round black scales blocked the way, they did not immediately attack, but looked at Chen Zong and Su Chao.

Chen Zong's eyes froze slightly, staring at the other side, only feeling the black scales in front of his eyes, it seems a bit weird, different from the previous black scales.

Su Luan didn't see it, his face was vigilant, his face was so dignified, and a bit bitter.

That secret treasure's power of protection has been exhausted, that is to say, he has no hole cards to face a strong enemy of the seven-turn imperial power.

If Chen Zong does not have one, the two have only one way to go.

Now, hope can only be pinned on Chen Zong.

But why didn't that blackscale take the first shot?

"You Tianming." Chen Zong suddenly spoke, let Su mess up, at this time what is the name of Elder You Tianming You?

He has blew himself up.

However, the seven-turn black scales on the opposite side seemed to be moving, and the eyes that gazed at them trembled, and a little surprise appeared.

That surprise surprised Chen Zong directly.

"All of this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is your game." Chen Zong spoke again, but stared at the seven-turn black scales on the opposite side, causing Su Luan to be shocked for a while. a feeling of.

"How did you know?" Qizhuan Blackscale clan suddenly said, his voice was hoarse and weird, as if it was the first time to speak, very jerky.

Su Chao's face changed suddenly, his scalp became numb, there was a feeling of being bombarded by thunder, and his mind was confused.

what happened?

What exactly is going on?

Why would Brother Chen say that a seven-turn black scale is You Tianming, and what is the layout?

Why do the seven-turn black scales seem to default?

What exactly is going on?

Su Chao, who always thought that he was savvy and savvy enough, felt very bewildered for the first time, and everything was beyond his control.

But he forced himself to calm down quickly, constantly turning his mind, constantly recollecting the previous scenes, going after everything and guessing everything.

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