Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 59: Take a road that nobody walks on

(Liu Dao's grandmother has stomach bleeding in the morning. Liu Dao just returned from the hospital, and she will give the first one)

The underground chamber seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

In a hurry, two red lights burst out, seeming to shine through the darkness like heaven and earth, full of amazing evil.

After a few breaths, the red light faded, and Chu Shanhe's eyes returned to normal.

Around, a straight corpse has all become air-dried for many years, and the blood-red lines on the ground and on the walls have also become dull. The blood has dried up and precipitated for decades, permeating decay the taste of.

There was a wicked smile on the corner of Chu Shanhe's mouth, and then he breathed out a breath.


As if a storm swept across the closet, a thousand air-dried corpses trembled in an instant, and they were blown down by the storm, fragmented, and turned into powder dust all over the closet.


All turned into powder.


Chu Shanhe's two fists clenched tightly, sounding a crisp sound, the force of the violent burst out, so that Chu Shanhe gave a feeling that one punch can smash the mountains.

"So powerful!" Chu Shanhe could clearly feel the change of his body.

The feeling of being full of powerful power all over and over, surging wave by wave, this power made Chu Shanhe fascinated.

Chu Shanhe affirmed that he did not break through to the level of the Shenjing state, but felt that it was at least many times stronger than the strength of the previous sub-level peak.

"The flesh and blood of the first level can bring me so much improvement. What about the second level?" Chu Shanhe narrowed his eyes and looked evil.

The first level of flesh and blood transmigration requires a thousand demigods, and the second level of flesh and blood transmigration requires a thousand sub-levels.

On top of that, there is a third level of flesh-and-blood reincarnation, which requires a thousand cultivators who can communicate with the gods.

One thousand demigods are the easiest to catch. One thousand sub-gods are very difficult. After all, the original star is only a low-order star. If you want to make up one thousand sub-gods, you will not be discovered. difficult.

As for the one thousand sacred realms, even if it is just the royal realm, it is impossible to imagine.

I don't consider the third level, let's finish the second level.

Chu Shanhe has a certainty. Once he completes the second level of flesh and blood reincarnation, his strength can definitely reach the level of being able to reach the level of divine realm, and not by virtue of cultivation, but by arrogant physical strength.

It is not the cultivation of the psychic realm, but it has the power of the psychic realm. How terrible it should be when you break through the psychic realm.

Think about it, Chu Shanhe was thrilled.

As for the strangeness of the flesh and blood rebirth, Chu Shanhe has not considered it, because he has already set foot on such a path.

"Chen Zong, when I complete the second level of flesh and blood rebirth, it will be your death." Chu Shanhe's heart was full of murderous and hatred towards Chen Zong.

At this moment, Chen Zong was driving the flying boat of the Niaokong and quickly rushed to the next suspected place.

In the flying boat, Chen Zong did not forget to cultivate.

At this time, Chen Zong was trying to use one mind to assist the cultivation of the thirty-three heavens of mind.

Both of them are tactics, and theoretically it is difficult to run them at the same time, but the cultivation of the mind Tiangong is more peculiar. In addition, Chen Zong's sudden imagination is wide open.

In the final analysis, Chen Zong is not an orthodox mind Tiangong disciple. He didn't join the mind Tiangong from the beginning, but because of his continuous cultivation so far, he joined only halfway through. His ideas are more arbitrary.

That's also because of Chen Zong's personal experience, time to time, and time to time.

To assist the casting of the palace with one mind and one mind and one mind, Chen Zong is a pioneer, and Chen Zong does not know if he can succeed.

But if it can be successful, it means that you can cultivate at the same time by using the two methods of one mind and one mind and 33 minds, which will undoubtedly be more amazing and save most of your time.

The idea is an idea, but when Chen Zong actually practiced, he found that the difficulty was very high. After all, it was all skill.

To practice martial arts with one mind and one mind and one mind, Chen Zong can easily do it, but the mind is thirty-three days different, as if there is a kind of barrier.

Chen Zong was not in a hurry, trying again and again and adjusting.

The powerful spirit and understanding, and the superb Kendo realm, etc., gave Chen Zong an even more extraordinary ability.

After repeated attempts, failures, and adjustments, Chen Zong gradually found a little trick, but there is still a big gap between the real mastery and at least the hope, as if pushing the heavy door a little gap. .

With constant experimentation and adjustment, Chen Zong finally reached his destination: Qianguo Xing.

Qianguo Xing is a low-level star. The most powerful force is not yet at the star level, because the strongest person in it is not a god-level, but only a sub-level.

This time, the monk's spies detected the behavior of the owner of the first influence Mo family on Qianguo Xing. Compared with a few months ago, there were some abnormalities, which were not noticed at first. After all, sometimes there were more abnormal situations.

Besides, the other party is just a small force.

However, the unitary education order was issued immediately, and it immediately started to operate. Any abnormalities must be investigated, reviewed, and then reported.

Now, Chen Zong is here.

Upon arrival, Chen Zong immediately acted. There is nothing to visit and not to visit. Facing a sub-level, it is not necessary to waste time.

Converge and dive directly into the Mo family to find where the Mo family's owner is.

The owner of the Mo family is resting with his eyes closed.

However, when Chen Zong arrived, the owner of Mo's eyelid trembled, but there was no other reaction, and he was still resting.

However, the eyelids were trembling and captured by Chen Zong.

The other party is only a sub-god, and he is a psychic state, but he has also condensed his breath, and replaced with another cultic state that is almost the same, and it is impossible to feel his arrival.

The Mo homeowner seemed to be aware of it.

Is this the right time?

Slowly approaching, Chen Zong opened his mind and shrouded the owner of the Mo family, feeling carefully.

The distance is not enough.

At least it is close to the range of about three meters, so that I can feel more confident.

Chen Zong is also confident that with his own ability, he will not be found by the other party within three meters of a sub-god from behind.

However, just as Chen Zong entered the three-meter range of the opponent, the owner of the Mo family who had not been moving suddenly opened his eyes. The pupils condensed in an instant, as if they had become vertical pupils like snakes, cold and ruthless, extremely evil.

But the mob's left hand twisted and changed in an instant, and the sleeve of the robe cracked, flying out like a butterfly.

The original arm changed dramatically in an instant, turning into a weird monster-like arm, covered with dark blue large tendons, as if without half the fat, as if the steel bars were twisted, and the five fingers became extremely hard and sharp.


Just moments later, the owner ’s left arm turned into a sharp claw, tearing the void directly and grabbing Chen Zong fiercely.

The power of that claw was so terrible that Chen Zong's scalp felt instantly and felt like he was going to be torn.

Evil Claw!

The universal martial arts of the evil protoss are also very powerful martial arts, with characteristics that tear everything apart.

At the same time, Mo's right arm swelled instantly, fully exploding the sleeves, and became very stout. His fists were covered with crack armor, as if wearing a glove.


With the blow of the evil god's claw, the arm of the evil **** suddenly clenched his fist, and blasted out fiercely. The amazing air pressure came and the sound of gas explosion whistled. It was like Foshan collapsed, and it was necessary to punch Chen Zong Shattered.

No need to say anything else, this person was taken away by the evil protoss.


Jianguang lights up suddenly, killing instantly.

Perhaps it is because of the relationship between the looters, that the Mo family's strength is much worse than the seven-turned Blackscale tribe in the secret territory, but it can also be considered to reach the level of the gods.

However, in the face of Chen Zong, there is no advantage at all.

The sword light flickered, and the evil **** claw and the evil **** arm were cut off and flew up immediately.

The purpose of Chen Zong is to catch each other alive.

Grab the other person and take them back to the trial, forcing them to ask for more information.

In this way, it is more conducive to action.

However, the evil protoss is unwilling to do so, and will directly explode.

This is also the desperate move of the evil protoss.

And this self-explosion, Chen Zong found himself unable to suppress it.

Then, it can only be beheaded.

A sword decapitated.

But it's not over yet, the spirit of the evil protoss turned into a ghost image, directly rushed out of Mo's decapitation, and shot at Chen Zong.

Very fast!

However, Chen Zong was well prepared.

Refining virtual **** eyes!

The force of the overbearing divine spirit suddenly radiated through the eyes, directly hitting the divine spirit of the evil protoss, causing it to tremble, its speed suddenly reduced, and a scream sounded.

The spirit that lost the protection of the body was directly exposed and relatively vulnerable, and it was hit by Chen Zong's eyes of Da Lian Xu Shen. The consequences were naturally very bad, and some parts were directly damaged.

When Chen Zongzheng planned to take another note of the Da Lian Xu Shen's eye to crush it, the dark shadow that had been hidden for a while appeared again.

Extremely fast and unexpected, a roll of instantaneous, directly take away the broken spirits of the evil **** family.

"Come out!" Chen Zong suddenly became angry.

"Kill, kill some more." The weird voice suddenly sounded in Shenhai, echoing continuously, and after a few breaths, it was silent and disappeared without a trace.

Chen Zong looks extremely dignified ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I feel that compared to the evil protoss, the dark shadows lurking in Shenhai make him even more daunted.

What the **** is that

Chen Zong didn't know, but it was clear that the dark shadow was deeply malicious to himself.

Maybe there is no action just because there is no confidence, and it is always lurking. When it is sure, it is estimated that it will start directly and start working on its own soul.

Just because I couldn't find where the other party was lurking, I couldn't find it after searching all over Shenhai, and was in a very passive position.

Chen Zong didn't like this kind of passive, but he was helpless.

Nowadays, it is constant vigilance and vigilance against the action of the shadow, that is, at the moment of the other party's action, they can immediately react to meet the other party.

Unfortunately, if you can find the opponent's location, you can take the initiative to kill it.

Exhaling a breath, Chen Zong glanced at Mo's body, flickered, and quickly left.

Subsequent closings have nothing to do with yourself.

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