Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 70: Forbidden Airspace

Void, boundless, deep, mysterious, do not know how much mystery it contains, nor how much danger and crisis it hides.

A flying boat was flying at an alarming speed, and the next breath, the ripples and ripples of the void, the void flying boat plunged into it, like a whale rushing into the water, disappearing into the depths of the void.

Void Shuttle!

Not long after, ten years of void space, ripples and ripples also swept away, a void spacecraft shuttled from the depths of the void, and the speed gradually decreased. This was a buffering process.

When the speed drops to a certain level, it will rise again. As long as it reaches the extreme, you can start the Nether Shuttle again.

This Void Flying Boat is precisely the Void.

After the Chushan River incident, Chen Zong stayed in the yuan galaxy for a few more months, but I do n’t know why. Then, he did n’t find the trace of the evil protoss. I do n’t know if it is gone, or if there is a situation, it lurks. Woke up.

In this way, Chen Zong also filed his resignation, left the unitary religion, and prepared to return to the Heavenly Palace of Mind.

There are three purposes for returning to Mind Temple.

One is the demon. How to deal with the demon. I do n’t have much experience. I can ask the teacher to respect him before I can know.

The second is the evil protoss. Chen Zong always feels that this evil protoss is unusual and must be taken seriously. When he goes back, he intends to report the matter to the master, and then informs the Mind Heaven Palace. And of course there is a connection.

The third is cultivation. The battle with the evil **** king made Chen Zong realize that his strength is still not enough, and he needs to be stronger, but he actually joined the mind heaven palace, but he had to pass the tactics and general magical power to return in a hurry. The Lingwu Holy Realm and the Canglan World left, and now of course to go back to borrow the resources of the Mind Heaven Palace and so on.

To reach the black and white world from a univalent galaxy, it takes a lot of time to cross many galaxies, but there is no way but to do so.

Fortunately, this time, I have enough reserves of Void Burning Crystal, so that I won't have the distress and distress like the last time. Of course, I just hope that I won't encounter any Void Scourge, otherwise it will delay time and be dangerous.

Today, under the rush of time, Chen Zong has already crossed many galaxies, stepped out of the star field where the one-ary galaxy is located, and entered another star field.


Keep flying!

Fly out of the range of the second star field, into the void zone between the star fields.

The void zone between the star field and the star field is very wide. It takes more than ten days to cross at the speed of the extreme high-level nether airship flying in the spacecraft, and it is impossible to use the nether shuttle.

However, based on past experience, under normal circumstances, the Void Belt is safe.

Therefore, Chen Zong let the Wukong fly on its own, and he became enlightened and practiced, and he would never go out of style at all times, but he must seize every minute and no waste.

Nowadays, the practice of qi and body training has just broken through to the level of three revolutions and three changes. It is also difficult to improve in a short time, but it can be used to cultivate other.

For example, one mind and one mind and two moods are used to cultivate the mind and mind in the thirty-three days of casting the heart of the heart and the application of kendo kendo.

The field of kendo is very clever, and many imperial realms cannot be mastered, even many Yuanming Realms have not mastered. Although Chen Zong mastered it and walked in front of many practitioners, his application in the field of kendo remained at a superficial level.

However, Chen Zong has a superb and amazing understanding, as well as the memory of Dongting Sword Master.

Although the master of the Dongting Sword did not master the kendo field at the sub-level, he also mastered the kendo field in Yudaojing, and studied for many years. The application of the kendo field has reached an amazing height.

In short, Chen Zong ’s understanding and mastery of the kendo area is compared with the master of the Dongting Sword, as if the power level possessed by a small ant is compared with the power level of the true dragon.

But that's only temporary.

Before, Chen Zong didn't pay attention to the field of kendo, but didn't have that much energy and time to study. After all, he needed too much to cultivate.

The battle between the spirit demon and the evil **** king called Chen Zong to see the amazing potential of kendo.

Yiyi cultivates the mind and the thirty-three days of casting the heart, and Yiyi combines the memory and experience of the sword master of Dongting to enlighten the field of kendo.

The casting of the sixth heart is very slow.

After all, the thirty-three minds of the mind finally cast thirty-three heart palaces. In theory, on average, the first realm of the sacred realm should be the casting of six heart palaces, which will kill seven.

Of course, it is not calculated like this, the lower the realm, the more difficult it is to cast the heart.

Like Chen Zong, it is extremely rare to start casting the sixth heart palace only after three turns to the imperial realm.

Compared to the difficulty of casting in the sixth heart, the efficiency in the kendo field is very amazing.

One is because of Chen Zong ’s superb understanding, and the other is based on the memory and experience of the sword master of the East Court. Chen Zong feels that he has mastered the field of kendo and has straightened up.

Suddenly, the speed of Wukong dropped sharply, and finally stopped, motionless, surprised Chen Zong, and immediately disengaged from the enlightenment, and the divine thoughts were then released.

Wukong was blocked by an inexplicable force. Vaguely, Chen Zong's thoughts could see that the arm-thick chains locked all the Wukong.

There was a silver light on the chain, flowing like water, and it was a mysterious rune.

Under many chains, the Kuangkong was completely unable to move, and even when its power was terminated, it could not trigger shields and shelling.


Chen Zong secretly was shocked, and when he was thinking like lightning, he suddenly trembled violently.

Was attacked!

The material of the Niaokong is astonishing and extremely hard, but in the absence of a protective cover, it can't withstand multiple attacks from the Royal Road.

If the material of 遁 kong is enough to completely resist the attack of the Tao and Yuanyuan Realms, at least it is the material of the spirit artifact.

How precious are the magical artifacts. If you want to cast the Niaokong Feizhou, the cost of the materials is unknown. It is not at least ten times what you can buy with tens of millions of empty coins.

After all, the real defense against attacks is the shield.

Boom boom!

The Kuankong is under constant attack and trembling.

In a short period of time, it can be carried, but it will be damaged and then destroyed a little longer.

The divine thoughts passed by, and Chen Zong also found nine people attacking the Flying Sailboat, with a cold look and a murderous light on his eyes.

The breath of the nine practitioners is all in the level of imperial realm, with a scarlet flash in their eyes and pupils, and a figure standing in the distance, the breath of the whole body is restrained, as if the black hole devours everything, terrible , Is definitely stronger than Yudaojing.

Chen Zong couldn't help but sink.

More directly, the scarlet evil **** mark on the soul is flashing constantly, as if passing something.

"Evil Protoss!" Although he did not approach, although he did not perceive it carefully, Chen Zong affirmed the identities of these practitioners.

Evil Protoss!

They are all cultivators of the human race who have been looted by the evil gods.

As for why they intercepted themselves here, they should have sensed the breath of the evil god's mark, and with the aid of some information, they finally ambush themselves in this void zone.

Thinking like lightning, Chen Zong suddenly found out the means to deal with the flying boat in the void from the memory of the sword master of Dongting.

Feng Ling Forbidden Airspace!

This is a secret.

The essence of this mysterious treasure is the formation method. When the forbidden spirit array is refined into the secret treasure, when it is triggered, a forbidden space is formed. Its role is to block one side of the void, to prevent the void from shuttle, and even to bind the void boat All means to live, terminate the flying boat in the void.

Just as it is now, the Niankong is as if it has been abolished. It can only passively meet the attack, and even the protective cover cannot be opened.

The strength of Jiuzun Imperial Realm is very strong, and under constant bombardment, the Kongkong began to be damaged.

If you continue to do so, the Kukong will collapse.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong appeared in a flash, and immediately put the Nuokong into the Nineth Heaven Circle.

Fengling forbidden airspace is mainly aimed at the Void Flying Boat, which will terminate everything and become unusable, but will not block the practitioners, otherwise it will be destroyed directly.

Of course, the effect of forbidden air exists, making the void more solid and difficult to shuttle.

The reason to choose this void zone is also to consider that the effect of the forbidden space is only incidental, not so important, and I am worried that the void ship is too strong and breaks through.

In any case, in order to deal with Chen Zong, this group of evil protoss has done everything and done everything possible.

Of the nine royal states, Chen Zong is certainly not afraid. The only one named Chen Zongji is the terrible strongman above the royal state.

With no choice, Chen Zong could only get out of the Niankong and appeared in the forbidden airspace of Feng Ling, facing these evil gods.

"Looks like, your development in this star field is somewhat unexpected." Chen Zong glanced over, said.

"Don't dare to destroy the saints' schemes, and oppose the saints, you will die."

"Stop talking nonsense and kill him."

Several evil protoss suddenly became angry and shot instantly.

The cultivation of these nine imperial realms is not low-level ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as few as seven turns, as many as nine turns, the strength under the joint is terrible, and immediately brought strong pressure to Chen Zong.

But the biggest pressure was the evil deity who surpassed the imperial realm. He didn't take the shot, but stared at Chen Zong with cold and ruthless eyes, which caused Chen Zong to have a thrilling sense of crisis and thriller. To the extreme, tense.


The big crisis struck and surrounded itself.

Facing the nine royal states, Chen Zong's blood seemed to be boiling.


Then fight, if you want to kill yourself, you must be prepared to be killed by yourself.

Right now the evil protoss who transcends the realm of the realm have no intention to shoot. This is a good opportunity for them to kill the nine evil protoss strongmen in the shortest time in order to destroy them, and then take this opportunity to escape.

As for whether he can get away, Chen Zong doesn't know, but he only has a little chance and he won't let it go. Even if there is no chance, he must create the opportunity himself.

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