Sword God

Vol 36 Chapter 80: Savage

(Not to mention that the six roads become lazy, it is indeed the cervical spine and shoulder area that are very uncomfortable, and various occupational diseases have hit, which seriously affects work.)

When Chen Zong opened his eyes, what he saw was a scorched land, as if it was filled with smoke. It seemed to be the remnants of countless wars. There were dark red marks on the cracked ground, as if the blood was drying up. Formed after precipitation.

This feeling made Chen Zong feel familiar. In retrospect, the Demon Demon of the Earth Demon Clan in the blue world seemed similar, and the Void Battlefield of Tianyuan Sanyu against the Nether Demon and so on.

Now, I feel it again. Of course, the breath is similar, but the degree is not the same. The breath of war here is even more violent.

A roar suddenly sounded, full of amazing power and murderous power, and the savage gas was rushing like a tide, and it was intense to the extreme, and instantly caused the tragic breath on the battlefield of ruins to increase more than several times.

This terrible and terrible breath directly impacts the spiritual will of the practitioners, and has a strong impact. It can be difficult to maintain peace and concentration of all minds, and there can be multiple illusions. It is impossible to distinguish between true and false mental disorders.

Therefore, people who are not strong enough in their minds cannot bear it at all, and it is difficult for them to show their strength.

However, Chen Zong is not affected. Whether it is a similar scene or a mental will, Chen Zong can easily withstand this shock.

With the horrifying roar that sounded inhuman, a tall figure also appeared in front of Chen Zong's eyes, rushing forward to kill him, the ground shook under the pair of strong legs, and shattered.

The figure, more than three meters tall, was wearing a short skirt like animal skin, and the muscles on his body were extremely bulging, like rock sculptures, full of amazingly violent power.

Strange patterns surround the sturdy and extreme body. Those patterns are light red, drawn on the body, forming a very strange pattern.

The pattern formed by the light red lines is like a wild bear.

Chen Zong never felt this kind of breath, but the moment when the other party appeared, Chen Zong's heart jumped unconsciously, giving birth to a kind of disgust and murder.

As if a natural enemy!

This emotion is very strange.

The earth is like a drum, and the legs are like drumsticks. It keeps throbbing and makes an amazing sound. The vibration is endless. The vibration quickly hits through the ground, which in turn affects Chen Zong.

However, where Chen Zong stood on his feet, it seemed like a pin of the sea, and the vibration could not be affected at all, as if he had separated different spaces.

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Chen Zong stared at the powerful figure with a breathtaking speed and a terrible breath, charging every movement clearly.

The muscles on the opponent's body continue to vibrate as they run, as if there are hidden volcanoes. The explosive power is extremely extreme. Each muscle is vibrating, contracting and inflating like breathing. The power is always in a state that is about to erupt. In the state of no outbreak, the most arrogant attack can occur at any time and place.

This can not help but make Chen Zong's eyes slightly bright.

Obviously, this kind of power use is quite strange. Chen Zong also sees that this kind of power belongs to physical strength, just like the power of refining the body.

But Chen Zong's instinct felt that it was different from the cultivation method of the human race.

At the same time, Chen Zong also found the light red lines on the other side, like living things.

The opponent's body is extremely strong, like an iron tower. Each muscle contains explosive terror. Its head is similar to a human, but it is immature. It is like a person who has not yet evolved completely and carries a wild animal. Characteristics.

That face is like the union of a bear and a person, ugly and cruel.

Chen Zong couldn't help remembering the flawless words of the three master sister Yu: Uncivilized barbarians!

Although it feels so, its breath is really strong, much more arrogant than the ordinary one-turn imperial realm, and even closer to the ordinary two-turn imperial realm.

Is this the so-called one-star combat power?

Chen Zong reluctantly raised a trace of warfare, because the opponent was not strong enough compared to himself.

However, this is the first time that I have faced the demon fighters. According to the words of the three divisions, when I have extreme combat power, I must also go to the northern front to face the demon savages. Now I am familiar with the means in advance.

Suddenly, the demon warrior approached Chen Zong and suddenly punched out. Chen Zong noticed that when the opponent raised his fist with five fingers and clenched, a fierce punch hit him, and the light red monster strange pattern on his body seemed to live It came as if a giant bear stood upright, raised a giant palm, and fell fiercely.

With a bang, the air seemed to be shattered into countless fans.

This blow was arrogant to the extreme, as if he was going to crush Chen Zong directly.

But Chen Zong did not have the idea of ​​dodging at all, but took the blow directly. Even without pulling the sword, he moved the **** body and punched it out with a punch.

Chen Zong is very curious about the strength of the monster barbarian. He wants to know more clearly, and makes direct contact with himself, the simplest and most direct.


Two fists collide.

Chen Zong immediately felt very clearly that the power of the demon warrior slammed along the fist, exploding directly, and he wanted to smash his fist.

That power has physical power, but it is a little different from the power of refining the Tao. It pays more attention to the instantaneous outbreak, and it is extremely unreasonable, unreasonable and devastating. In addition, it also contains a strange power. It is the shock of condensed spirits, which merges with the strength of the physical body, regardless of each other.

So that power, extremely arrogant and extremely violent.

As if possessed by a giant bear and mastered the power of that giant bear.

This power is so amazing that Chen Zong can conclude that it can never be resisted by changing into an ordinary one-turn imperial realm. All the resistance forces will be defeated in an instant, crushing everything.

Even the ordinary second-turn imperial realm is mostly unwilling to resist this attack directly, but adopts a dodging strategy, except for some practitioners.

There is a great conflict between the strength of the other party and your own. This kind of conflict is not an ordinary conflict, but a conflict that is intolerable, just like a natural enemy.

Forcing the opponent's brutal punch, this demon warrior's combat experience is extremely rich, the response is amazing, and the second punch is immediately slammed. Then, the entire large and strong body is shrunk, and the broad shoulders protrude. .

One blow followed by another. Each blow was a full-strength attack. Each blow contained terrifying power. Each blow was to kill the opponent into slag.

This is undoubtedly amazing. Normal attacks require full force to break out. Generally, one hit and two hits. It is possible to explode to the fullest with each hit. It is difficult and difficult. It must be arrogant. Physical fitness and amazing stamina, full of stamina.

From this point it can be seen how amazing the physique and endurance of the monster warrior.

With seven or eight consecutive attacks, each strike has abandoned the gorgeous skills, only pursuing the ultimate killing, and killing the target as fast as possible. It is the best way to kill the enemy on the battlefield without immortality. endlessly.

But such an attack was blocked by Chen Zong, and Chen Zong's footsteps never retreated.

The defensive power and the ability to absorb and decompose attacks in the three-variable world are amazing.

Not to mention that the other side is so attacked, even if it is several times stronger, it is the same as Chen Zong.

The reason why Zong Zong did not kill is to want to know the fighting methods of this monster warrior.

Simple, direct, efficient, and focused on killing, to maximize its own speciality.

If the monster warrior has such a means of fighting, it is indeed very terrible, because most practitioners do not have such a means. Once hostile, they will directly fall into difficulties and be bombarded.

It's like the gap between rookie Xinding and Jie Jing.

Not long after, Chen Zong also mastered the methods of this monster warrior, and immediately counterattacked.

One punch!

With a bang, the opponent's stout fist was directly broken, and the world's body power was exorbitant, pushing the layers and pushing it forward, crushing the opponent's arm inch by inch, whether it was flesh or bone, everything was broken.

Only in an instant, the entire arm was broken by Chen Zongyi's boxing, but the demon warrior yelled, the light red lines on his body shone endlessly, and became extremely bright, as if it were about to burn, as if contained in it The strength was completely detonated, and the extremely strong body shook, and it seemed that something was broken in the body, and his breath became increasingly fierce.

As if the broken arm didn't make any difference, another punch was blown out again.

The power of this fist turned out to be more than twice as strong as before, and its power became more and more terrifying.

Give it a hit!

This is the decisive blow of the savage warrior.

Even if you die yourself, you have to pull the other side as a back cushion and change your life.

However, this doubled power is even more amazing, but for Chen Zong, it is not enough.

Chen Zong is confident that relying solely on the power of the Three World Deities, he will not be inferior to the three-star combat power. If there is better martial arts to exert his power, he will be stronger.


The collision ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is like a star burst, and Chen Zong's fist is like a bamboo shoot.



The savage warrior's body trembled, and it was directly torn apart.

Killing a one-star warrior savage warrior proves that Chen Zong's combat power is at least one-star level. In this way, he can enter the second floor of the battle star tower. The corresponding one is the two-star battle. force.

The environment of the second floor of the Battle Star Tower is similar to that of the first floor, but the atmosphere is more dignified and more violent, but the appearance of the savage warrior is a little different from the savage warrior on the first floor.

The ugly face is not like the combination of a bear and a person, but like the combination of a wolf and a person. Its body does not look so strong and bulky, and it is relatively thin. Of course, it still looks strong compared to the human race.

The light red lines on his body are not the outline of a giant bear, but the outline of a giant wolf.


For an instant, the savage warrior launched an attack like a giant wolf, at an amazing speed.

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