Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 12: 1 heart 10 hearts

Hundreds of eight-star and nine-star warrior warriors died of Chen Zong's sword light within a short breath, which was shocking. Today, Chen Zong fights with his own strength Ten ten-star-powered monster warriors are also shocked by several human race teams lurking in the distance.

It can be clearly seen that Chen Zong's combat strength has not reached the level of eleven stars, only ten stars.

Although the same ten-star rating has its strengths and weaknesses, one enemy ten is quite amazing.

The ten monsters were naturally shocked and angry.

A hundred swords of light, like a torrent of turbulence, constant impact, sweeping, flying past, constantly attacking, for a time, ten monsters can only resist.

Chen Zongquan focused his attention, his eyes were flashing endlessly, reflecting a thousand sword lights, as light and agile as the swimming fish in the water, and as fierce and vicious as a goshawk.

After breaking through the promotion of the extremely heartless sword, reaching the level of the spirit artifact, it has more spirituality, and its own ability seems to be a sword and a sword, but only Chen Zong can perform it because it is extremely Fits Chen Zong.



Aura of light flashed out.

Chen Zong's advancement was not fast, but with continuous efforts, he continued to improve from one heart to one heart, one heart, one heart, and then entered the white world.

The white world has experienced for ten years, constant fighting, continuous cultivation, constantly sharpening itself, and constantly improving its heart and soul.


With one mind!

With one mind!

Until the level of wholeheartedness.

After coming to this battlefield, after some fighting and sharpening again, he reached a level of heart and soul.

Now, with the promotion of Jixin Wuxiangjian, as he controls Jixin Wuxiangjian, Chen Zong feels like he has to seize a chance to break through.

Breakthrough, let it be, just as it is.


Chen Zong only felt like he was in the moment, as if he had become ten people.

There are no ten people's bodies, but there are ten people's consciousness. This feeling is very wonderful, which is unprecedented.

The difference between one-heartedness and one-heartedness is only one-hearted, but a qualitative change.

Because one mind is divided into four.

One-heartedness is the first priority, and one-heartedness is the second priority. Since the hierarchy is divided, there is a difference in the realm. Once it breaks through the realm, it is another world.

With one mind, although it is beyond one mind, when it comes to the realm, it is not beyond one mind.

But now, with one heart and one heart breaking to the second and one heart ten moods, Chen Zong immediately felt a strange change, as if his mind was divided into ten neat parts, and each part was as strong as the heyday, like It is copied out of Jiufen in general.

And these ten complete consciousnesses are all under his control.

It was as if he had nine bodies in addition to his own body.

Take control!

A feeling of control.


In a hurry, one hundred swords of light were driven by Chen Zong, and instantly contracted and condensed into a heartless sword.

I saw Chen Zong with one hand, his ten fingers popping up, and the heartless sword flickered endlessly. When he died, it seemed to be divided into two, and then divided into three or four ... until ten.

The ten extremely heartless swords swelled the sword light, permeating the extremely sharp sharpness, as if penetrating everything, the sword pointed to the front, and locked ten ten-star warriors with ten star power.

An eerie sensation permeated the hearts of the ten savage warriors.

They didn't quite understand why one sword suddenly became ten. If it was an illusion, it was nothing, but in the perception, it was not an illusion, but it was real. There were really ten swords.

This is the real mystery of the extremely heartless sword.

Heart to heart, nothing to do!

How wide the heart is, how wonderful the sword is!

Ten mouthfuls of heartless swords are all true, they are a mighty power inspired by one mind and ten moods, a deep mystery.

At the same time, Chen Zong's mental power is continuously consumed at an alarming rate, which is a hundred times as usual, instead of ten times as expected by Chen Zong before. This consumption rate is so amazing that it cannot support it for too long.

Then, quick battle!


With Chen Zong's thoughts moving, the ten sword lights suddenly broke out.

Ten thousand swords return!

Ten sword lights, even exhibited Wanjian Guizong Jianjue first shot.

Second style: Picturesque mountains and rivers!

At the end of the day, ten sword mountains were suppressed, and they were suppressed against ten demons and ten-star warriors. With one heart and ten moods, the area of ​​kendo seemed to be copied.

It is precisely because of this that the consumption of the mind is so horrible and beyond imagination.

But again, its power is even more terrible, and its consumption is equally astonishing.


Third Sword: Nozomi Mori!

Ten sword lights, each of which turns into dozens of trees of more than ten meters, adding up to hundreds of trees, densely packed in a circle, as if transformed into a small forest, ten demon warriors Repression, trapped in it.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Three!

The ten sword lights were extremely condensed, and they were shot through the sky in an instant, directly penetrating the eyebrows of ten demon and ten-star warriors, breaking through the soul.

Ten kills with one sword!

The ten unbelievable ten-star warriors looked unwilling, and even the power of the totem couldn't burn, and they couldn't make a final hard blow.

This scene, also called a few human race teams lurking in the distance to the extreme.

What does this mean?

What kind of swordsmanship is this?

Extreme horror, really terrifying.

Obviously it is a ten-star combat force, but it is unheard of to be able to exert such terrible means.

At the same time, Chen Zong quickly withdrew from his heart and soul, regained his heartless sword, and reunited them.

The body was unconsciously stunned, a strong dizziness swept over, the heart suddenly contracted, and an unspeakable tingling sensation came out, as if pierced and cut by an invisible sharp blade, as if by an invisible and powerful palm Tightened.

His complexion was pale, and his eyes were full of exhaustion. I felt like he wanted to fall down and have a good sleep.

Chen Zong knows that this is a relationship that consumes too much mental power and is a sequela.

When the ten-hearted mood is opened, it is mysterious and very amazing, as if it were ten selves, even the kendo realm will be duplicated to tenfold, but the price is the consumption of mental power, not ten times as previously expected, but hundred times. .

With all one's heart, there is no such ability.

Although he felt extremely exhausted, Chen Zong did not dare to rest, but forcibly felt uncomfortable. He quickly took out the elixir to restore his exhausted power, and immediately set off and resumed his mind. Recovery of power.

In the beginning, the operation of the mind-thirty-three heavens was extremely difficult, because the power of the mind was too much, and the feeling was really painful, and the speed of the whole person could not be mentioned at all, very slowly.

Fortunately, killing hundreds of savage warriors all at once can also be regarded as temporarily alleviating the pressure.

Hundreds of eight-star and nine-star monster warriors are undoubtedly amazing in combat performance, and they are thousands of points at once, plus ten ten-stars, and two hundred points more. Gradually approached 10,000.

This speed of harvesting military power is simply sensational.

"Let's go!" The lurking Terran team was shocked, and seemed to think of something, their faces changed greatly, and they lurked away immediately.

Hundreds of savages died here all at once, and more and more savage savages would surely be attracted. At that time, maybe they would also be found. That is a dead end.

But they were very envious, and they got thousands of battles at once. In their place, thousands of battles, a team didn't know how many times they had to take risks to get them, walking on the edge of life and death.

But that's strength. I can't be envious. It's better to flee first, so as not to lose our lives.

The flight of Chen Zongxi, with the operation of the thirty-three minds of the mind, gradually restored the power of the mind, the elixir was dissolved, the repair was gradually restored, and the speed gradually increased.

It didn't take long for a ray of light to fly through the sky. In a blink of an eye, it flew from a distance. The ray of light revealed a very strong body, like a steel cast iron casting, exuding terrible waves.

This is an ape-barbish brave, his eyes glanced over, and when he saw the hundreds of corpses suspended, his eyes suddenly burst into a scarlet light, the breath of horror fluctuated suddenly, and from the steel cast iron body suddenly It exploded, as if a fiery flame of terror was burning, burning fiercely.

"Human race ... Sword repair!" The roar of a horrific horror full of horror and slaying sounded suddenly, shocking the world in all directions.

Murderous, as if the volcano erupted.

This time, they sent out and chased down the Terran Sword Xiu, but did not expect to be killed hundreds of warriors, including ten ten-stars, angry, extreme fury.


That human sword repair must die, it is not bad to die a hundred times a thousand times ten thousand times.

The overwhelming breath swept away, permeating all around, carefully sensing all the breath remnants in all directions. The demon brave is equal to the terrestrial element, and the combat power is more powerful, and the sense of breath is naturally more acute.

Under the influence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sure enough, I feel the residual breath of some human races.

However, this demon brave man ignored the remaining breath of those Terrans, but locked one of them, which is the breath of the sword repair of that Terran.


In any case, he could not let the Terran Sword Xiu leave alive.

It can be sensed through the remaining breath fluctuations that the combat level of the Terran Sword Repair is ten stars, not eleven stars. With such a level of combat power, it can kill so many barbarian races. From the wound, Were killed at the same time.

Moreover, there are ten fighters with ten star power, which is incredible.

That sword repair must be the ultimate arrogance of the human race, the level of the evil spirit, the talent and potential are very amazing, if you let him grow up, it is definitely not a good thing for the monster barbarians.

Not to mention later, it is now that no small damage has been done to the monster barbarians.

The demon brave speed is amazing, but in an instant, he flew across the sky, without any shadow, and the direction of his pursuit was just the direction that Chen Zongfei left.

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