Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 24: 2 treasures


The barbarian army retreated once again. Despite the reinforcements of tens of thousands of soldiers, the human race side lost ten eleven star-powered men and one general. It was defeated by the barbarian army, and from outside The ring receded all the way to the central ring and nearly back to the inner ring.

On the human side, the casualties occurred far better than the demon army.

Many of the strong human races with eleven-star power have a one-to-two ratio, which can only be difficult to support and difficult to fight back.

However, Chen Zong appeared, and his combat power increased greatly, and his sword attack power was among the eleven-star stars. It can also be seen that the top is the same, as is its defense ability.

Killing ten-star fighters in succession, and then killing eleven-star fighters, made the demons unbearable and had to retreat.

Because if it does not retreat, it is very likely that the ten-star and eleven-star fighters on the demon side will be wiped out by virtue of the combat strength shown by Chen Zong.

At that time, even if it can kill more human race strong, but Chen Zong can't help it, unless the demon brave can be shot.

But unfortunately, there are only ten demon brave braves, being dragged, and being dragged by the nine human race practitioners, they can't get away at all.

It sounds weird, but the fact is that, even if the general is not in the cold tide, the human race side will not be inferior to the demon barbarian in terms of brave level combat power.

Although the demon barbarians have their unique talents, the strong human race also has its own means, regardless of its own wounded outbreak, it is necessary to delay the demon barbarians, so that they can not withdraw to deal with Chen Zong, this is not impossible.

Unless, the number of demon braves is so few.

However, it is very good to be able to have a savage bravery bring tens of thousands of soldiers to reinforce, after all, there are so many theaters, and there are also many theaters that need reinforcements. At the same time, the savages have limited reinforcements.

If Chen Zong had not surged in combat power, this battle, the human race would really have retreated to the battlefield, and with the battlefield's difficult resistance, it might eventually be broken into the battlefield, and the ninth theater was completely occupied by the barbarians.

However, Chen Zong is a variable, deducing the supreme power of Lingwu to the level of great magical powers, combining them with one mind, controlling with one mind, two moods, and turning it into a magical power out of the original mystery. Secret law, for your own use, to enhance combat power, up to eleven stars.

However, in fact, Chen Zong's combat power is still ten-star and eleven-star, but it is brought about by the display of the Supreme Master Wu.

No matter what, this is Chen Zong's ability.

Sword to turn the tide!

Chen Zong has accomplished an amazing feat.

Although the demon army retreats again, it does not mean the end. Sometimes when the war begins, there is only a short break, but there is no real end, unless one side is completely defeated.

At present, the human race has not been defeated, nor has the demonic side been defeated.

This time, the loss of the demon barbarians is not small, and the loss of the human race is even greater.

In the battlefield, the injured practitioners were healing.

The nine generals discussed in the hall of discussion.

The deliberations of this battle and how to deal with them, and so on. In addition, it is the reward.

"In this battle, Chen Zongli turned the tide and made great contributions, and he should be rewarded." Zhanlong Shen said, "I propose to reward Chen Zong for 10,000 battle achievements."

"Ten thousand battles!" The other generals groaned.

"Yes, this battle, if Chen Zongli did not turn the tide, our losses would be extremely heavy, 10,000 battle merit rewards, reasonable." Zhanlong Shen said: "If it is not for our authority, only 10,000 battle merit can be rewarded at once, And more. "

This time, General Yunshe did not refute any more, because Chen Zong's credit cannot be erased.

The generals moved quickly, and General Zhanlong proposed that after unanimously passed, 10,000 battles would enter Chen Zong's war order at the fastest speed.

"Ten thousand battles!" Chen Zong secretly was shocked.

Prior to this, the two wars brought me more than 10,000 points of merit. In this way, I now have more than 20,000 points of merit. This is usable. As for the already used merit, Ten thousand, the total is more than thirty thousand points.

Master devoted himself to 100,000 battles, and now he has completed a considerable part, faster than he originally thought.

In this way, it may not take long to get 100,000 battle achievements.

Chen Zong opened the exchange interface and looked up. The previous ten thousand battles were aimed at redeeming the power of his own world in that eternal battlefield.

Now, the avatar has been refined and absorbed, which has significantly improved itself, whether it is potential or cultivation.

Nowadays, he has more than 20,000 military exploits, and of course he has to use them to exchange some treasures to enhance his combat power.

The most fundamental is undoubtedly the treasure that can be improved. After all, your own strength is the essence.

As for other treasures, on defense, he has a heart-printed treasure, and Chen Zong increasingly feels that the heart-printed treasure is extraordinary. It can not only devour attacks, but also heal injuries and resist attacks. It is a life-saving weapon.

In terms of attack, he has an extremely heartless sword, which is also extraordinary.

Maybe it is not as good as the Yinyin Baoyi, but Jixin Wuxiang Sword, but his own destiny, can continue to grow and strengthen with his own improvement, the potential is infinite.

Chen Zong quickly searched, and finally locked two treasures, that is, two magic drugs.

One is the qi medicine for practicing qi, and the other is the qi medicine for refining body.

The supernatural powers promoted by Chen Zong are based on a two-hearted mood to promote the show. What is required is that the practice of qi and refining must be balanced to be effective, which is also a limitation.

If Qi training and body training are imbalanced, it will affect the performance of Supreme Master Wu.

Therefore, it is best to promote both at the same time.

The magical medicine for practicing qi is called the Void Yuanyuan Fruit. It is the fruit of the Void Holy Tree Yuanyuan Tree. It only has a result every millennium. Each result lasts for nine days.

The exchange of one Yuan Yuan fruit requires 10,000 battles, which is very amazing. Of course, the effect is also excellent.

As for the refining medicine, it is called red dragon blood, it is not real dragon blood, it is just a name. Red dragon blood contains amazing and extremely pure sheer blood power, which is most suitable for refining. Treasures that belong to the same level as Yuan Yuanguo, therefore, also need 10,000 battles to be exchanged.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong paid 20,000 battles to exchange for Yuan Yuanguo and Red Dragon Blood, and then found that both of these treasures were gone, that is, that was the last stock.

Of course, there are better treasures than Yuan Yuanguo and Red Dragon Blood. It only takes 50,000 battles to be exchanged, which is amazing.

One is 50,000 battles, and the other is 100,000 battles. Although the speed of obtaining battles is not slow, it also takes a lot of time. It is better to exchange for Yuan Yuanguo and Red Dragon Blood to enhance your own strength.

Only when the combat power is stronger, can we obtain better combat performance.

Treasures are not stored in the battlefield, but there is a receiving formation in the battlefield. Therefore, through that receiving formation, the exchanged treasures will be transmitted and arrived at the fastest speed in the shortest time.

From the beginning of the exchange of Chen Zong to the delivery of two treasures, it was only one hour before and after.

The Yuanyuan fruit is blue in color, with a little bit of starburst. It has a magnificent feeling, it seems to contain a majestic and powerful elemental force, the void elementary force, which is a high-level power that is useful for the power of God.

As for the power contained in the Void Coin, although it is also useful for the Tongjing Realm, if you really want to cultivate with the Void Coin, you will have to consume a lot at a time.

Especially the higher the depth, the weaker the role of the Void Coin.

Red dragon blood is a piece of crystal, red, as if the blood is slowly rotating, pervading breathless fluctuations.

After a few glances, Chen Zong first took Yuan Yuanguo and began to refine.

Yuan Yuanguo was smashed under the eleventh heavy Taichu sword Yuan Gong, and it turned into a pure and majestic force that surged out like a wave, which was endless and endless. It must have swept the whole body.

Chen Zong's practice of Qi cultivation was at the beginning of the Seven Turns of the Royal Regime, and under the mighty power of Yuan Yuanguo, he began to quickly rise.

At the eleventh time, the refining speed of Jianyuan Gong in the early period was astonishing. Before long, the breath of Chen Zong's body swelled and burst out.

Mid-seven rounds of Yudaojing!

However, Yuan Yuanguo still has a lot of powerful power, and it is exciting in the body.

Ten thousand battles are so amazing. The yuan yuan fruit that can be exchanged for ten thousand battles is certainly not the same. It is impossible to enhance only a little cultivation.

The second breakthrough.

The Seven Turns of Yudao Realm!

Not long after, Chen Zong ushered in a third breakthrough, the peak of the Seven-Road Royal Road, reaching the limit, and stopped.

Yuan Yuanguo's power was not completely exhausted, and there was still surplus, but Chen Zong could not continue to break through, because the next breakthrough required enlightenment, and enlightenment on the main road before he could make a breakthrough.

Yuan Yuanguo enhances cultivation, not avenue.

However, as long as his own practice breaks through the Eight-Road Royal Realm, the remaining power of Yuan Yuanguo will be absorbed by refining, strengthen the practice, and go further.

The next step is to refine the red dragon blood and improve the cultivation practice.

Breaking the surface of the crystal ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong smells an unspeakable fishy incense, which makes his own blood flow constantly and speed up.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong swallowed red dragon blood into the mouth and swallowed it, turning it into a hot stream of heat, which quickly spread and spread in the body.

Chen Zong felt as if he had swallowed a magma flow. It was extremely hot. The entire body was heated from the inside out, and the skin was rapidly red. All around.

The whole body seemed to be burning, and the power of the red dragon blood was continuously integrated into the body.

Chen Zong does not have the practice of refining the body now, but the power of the world's deities can fully absorb the power of the red dragon's blood, transform it into himself, strengthen himself, and thus improve.

Mid-Seven Deities Realm!

The Seven Changes God Body Realm!

Peak of the Seven Deities!

Seven Change God Body Limit!

Breakthrough, stop here, and the Eight Divine Realms require Chen Zong to have a deeper understanding of the World Avenue.

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