Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 31: Unstoppable Demon King

(Autumn is so swollen and broken, wait online, so urgent)


Within a certain range, the savage warriors all burned up where the sword was facing. The lower the combat power, the faster and faster the burning.

When the illusive black demon fire extinguished, from the appearance, the savage warriors were intact, but their eyes were awkward and confused, apparently, they had lost their minds, their souls, and their spirits were scattered. , Leaving only a shell-like body.

Demon Fire!

It was Chen Zong's heart demon, which evolved the magical power of the fire mastered by Chen Zong into a new magical method: the fire of the heart demon.

Fires up, strengthens itself after burning.

The demon fire is the opposite. It burns the power of others' minds and does not increase. It is simply burned and burned out. When the power of mind is burned out by fierce burning, it will also be affected along with the soul. Then, it was also burned, sooty.

The negative and evil will release all desires, and their own power will be exerted to the extreme and become more terrible.

In a face-to-face meeting, just a few short breaths away, hundreds of monster warriors were burned under the fire of the spirits and their souls were scattered.

There are still many savage warriors burning, they are relatively more powerful, and their mental strength is relatively stronger, so they can burn longer.

However, the Demon Fire cannot be contained.

Thousands of savage warriors lost their mind, lost their souls, and died completely.

But within a short period of time, more than a thousand savage warriors have died, and thousands of savage warriors are burning.

Chen Zong in the state of demon is extremely terrifying in scale.

"Kill him!" The demon brave was furious, even with an inexplicable fear.

They have not attacked Chen Zong, but thousands of monster warriors have died.


How could this Terran sword repair be so horrible, many times more terrible than before.


A one-star warrior demon brave, who struck through the air, burst into an extremely terrible power, and came instantly to kill, wanting to kill Chen Zonghong into slag.

Facing this blow, a wicked smile hanged in the corner of Chen Zong's mouth, a sword waved, and the sword light broke.


Although Jian Guang was defeated by that blow, he also resisted for a moment, and obtained time for dodging for Chen Zong.

Such combat power is astonishing. It is very close to the level of Yuan Ming Realm.

The savages felt a crisis.

They didn't know that there was a decisive battle for life and death, because the dragon barbarians used a direct attack on the mystery of the soul, but in the end they released a great demon king.

Even now, even the attack of the demon brave can't kill Chen Zong, this is not the same as before.

The general of the Dragon Dragon quickly rushed to the demon brave.

"Unfortunately, the power of the demon fire is still not enough." Chen Zongxi said twice, the power of the demon fire was limited and could not ignite the spirit power of the demon brave, otherwise they would be burned to death.

But now, the demon warlords are in charge of the great black warlord, ten demon warriors, nine races of some races will deal with the remaining demon warriors.

"It's all miscellaneous fish." Chen Zong smiled, his body flickered, as if he had been cast into a monster army.

In the absence of super-polarity combat power, a super-polarity combat power can be invincible among the soldier-level army, terrible combat power, irresistible, everything will be defeated.

Moreover, the means possessed by the demon Chen Zong are terrible.

Jian Guang is everywhere, invincible, invincible, kill as many as possible.

In addition, the fire of the heart and monsters continued to spread, burning more monster soldiers, giving Chen Zong a little time, enough to kill all the monster soldiers.

This is a unilateral slaughter.

Ten fierce brave warriors were sorrowful and angry while fighting fiercely with the generals of human race.

Butchery, that's all their own kin, but now, like wild weeds, they are reaped wildly.


Heart is bleeding!

"Hahahaha, miscellaneous fish, ants, a group of hybrids." Chen Zong laughed while laughing. The laughter was mad and sharp. It was completely different from Chen Zong.

Chen Zong is calm, but the spirit demon is the opposite. He is a negative collection. Under this killing, he becomes more excited, forgetting the reason, and becomes more mad.

Kill kill!

Endless kill, crazy kill.

"Killing, how wonderful and fascinating." Chen Zong took a deep breath, the **** smell was rolling, the kind of smell that made ordinary people feel extremely pungent, but made him feel very beautiful, as if delicious.

Sharply reduced!

The army of demons fell sharply at an alarming rate. On the contrary, the warfare engraved on the back of Chen Zong's hands continued to increase in strength and broke 10,000 again.

The total combat achievements completely exceeded 40,000.

But that's not all, it's not over yet.

The Terran team was stunned. Chen Zong, how to become so strong, did not recognize it. The terrible combat power, horrifying, terrifying, no one monster warrior can resist.

Kill kill!

Fight alone with one arm!

Tens of thousands of savage warriors have died under Chen Zong's sword.

There are strong and weak warriors, more powerful ones can have nine stars, and the weak ones are two stars and three stars.

There are high and low military achievements, but the accumulation is huge and amazing.

Ten thousand!

Twenty thousand!

Thirty thousand!

The summoned savage fighters killed by one side of the Terran clan are not as good as Chen Zong alone.

Whether it is a three-star, nine-star, or ten-star power, it is impossible to stop Chen Zong from any blow.

forty thousand!

fifty thousand!

The martial arts soared and made a rapid progress.

When the savage warrior was almost killed, Chen Zong turned his eyes and looked at the ten savage warriors. He stared at one of the one-star savage warriors. The dark inside Chen Zong ’s eyes was like a swirl. Rotating, it is extremely deep, as if it can devour all light and all vitality.

The next breath, as if an unreal black flame was burning.

Demon Fire ... Do your best!

The one-star warrior brave brave immediately shuddered, feeling only a trace of burning heat in his heart, and the burning heat spread quickly, and it seemed to burn, making him feel a sense of unexcusable heart palpitations.

This heart palpitation made the star-strength brave brave man unable to completely control his own power, and the combat power was affected.

The general of the human race who fought with it immediately seized the fleeting opportunity, killed it with a full blow, and immediately wounded the demon brave.

Demon Fire!

Chen Zong once again performed the mysterious magical magical magical method, hitting the one-star-strength warrior brave brave, and in cooperation, he let the warrior brave be more injured.

"Dead!" The demon brave was wounded again and again, and immediately burned the power of the totem, sending out a life-threatening blow, to end up with the general of the human race.

However, the fire of the demon heart attacked again, causing the burning of the demon brave totem's power to be affected, slowing down a line.

With a bang, the demon brave was blasted to death and wounded, vomiting blood and flying out.

Jianguang flashed suddenly, filled with a trace of darkness, shrouded, and directly cut off the star demon brave brave, a sword cut off.


The last sword, shot for Chen Zong, killed him and gained two hundred battles.

The Terran General shot out empty-handed, and immediately killed another demon brave, two-on-one, and suppressed it.

"That human race, you haven't shot yet." The barbaric brave man suddenly roared.

In a word, everyone was shocked.

What does it mean?

What exactly does the phrase "Wagongzu" mean?

Is it true that among the human race, there are still treacherous people who have not been captured.

"Human race, don't do anything now, but what time will it take."

Suddenly, all eyes looked at the nine human race generals.

Is it that even the generals of human races have become traitors?

If so, how terrible it should be.


"Don't panic, this is the trick of the demon barbarians." The general of the dragon dragon roared immediately, calming the army.

Indeed, this may be a scheming plot of the demon barbarians. It was deliberately spoken out, making people clan suspicion and disturbing the army.

Of course, it may also be true.

However, no one responded to the words of the brave brave.




This is the last burning, the burning of despair, the last fight of the demon barbarians, even if dead, you must pull a back.


The war ended with the death of the last demon brave man. There were corpses of the demon people everywhere. Of course, there were also some people's bodies, but relatively speaking, the human bodies were much smaller.

This is the first time in the 9th theater. The human race suffered the least losses. In the past, the losses between the demons and the barbarians were basically half. Where this time is, this is completely crushing.

Even the ten demon brave men were killed.

At the same time, in the absolute darkness there was a flash of brilliance, extremely fierce, like the light of the scorching sun, the next breath, tearing the darkness, and flying out at an amazing speed.

It was that savage warrior who could not defeat the Dark Lord, and finally broke out with all power, burning the power of a totem to break the darkness, and fleeing with all his strength.


The evil barbarians completely failed.

Originally ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As the battle of life and death failed, they lost the bet and lost the No. 9 theater, but the demons were unwilling and unwilling to abide by the gambling contract and the war broke out. The end result was death.

But for the barbarians, it is actually the best result, because even if they leave the 9th theater, they will be severely punished.

Rather than die here, fight well.

A warrior is born to fight, and he dies.

The darkness converged, and the dark black warlord appeared, glanced over, his eyes condensed, but Chen Zong was not seen.

Chen Zong, has disappeared.

The demon is very clear. The Dark Lord is very terrible. He is not an opponent at all. Of course, he must take the opportunity to leave quickly, otherwise he may be captured. At that time, he will be suppressed again. That's not okay.

"Well, the era of my demon king is here, the hybrids of the barbarians, tremble." Chen Zong, who was leaving quickly, hung a wicked smile, his eyes blinked endlessly, sharp It seems as if it is going to devour everything, and behind it, there seems to be a terrible darkness spreading quickly to cover everything.

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