Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 41: Road to Fire (Part 1)

(Third, I ’d like to show you that Xiaoxie needs more monthly tickets to be the leaves, otherwise it will be dew)

Magnificent Flame Mountain!

This is the name of a top power, a sacred place, and at the same time, it is also a mountain, a mountain that looks dark red. The mountain is extremely huge, standing in the void, standing still, surpassing a star, as if it were countless. The flames were frozen on top, and at first glance, there was a burning sensation.

This blazing is from the eyes, from the heart, from the blazing deep in the soul, as if the whole person burned from the soul from the deepest part of the body.

This is amazing power, which made Chen Zong secretly startled.

Beyond Shenyan Mountain, there is a sea of ​​flames, burning, and spreading thousands of miles, completely surrounding the entire Shenyan Mountain, burning more than just.

The flames of the ocean are red, exuberant, and extremely dazzling. The light shines in all directions. The fiery flames diffuse and spread for tens of thousands of miles.

Such a fiery flame is enough to burn the half-step Great Saint into ashes. Only through the level of the Divine Realm can it resist.

Chen Zong plunged into the ocean of flames, and continued to march toward that huge dark red **** flame mountain that surpassed the stars.




The closer you are, the more you can see the majestic and vigorous oldness of the Shenyan Mountain. It seems to be engraved with countless flame **** patterns, one after another, extremely mysterious and extremely complex, containing the amazing mystery of the avenue. Difficult to penetrate.

Because, that is a whole, a mysterious boulevard pattern near the avenue of void flames, which is an interpretation.

When Chen Zong approached Shenyan Mountain, he was naturally intercepted.

The interceptor is not a disciple of Shenyan Mountain, but a unique life scattered in those thousands of miles of flame ocean: Yan Ling.

Yan Ling is just like a human, with a skull and arms and legs. However, they are not humans, but a kind of intelligent life born in the flame. Of course, when it comes to wisdom, it is obviously inferior to humans. Will execute some set commands.

Yan Ling has a height of about three meters, and the body is red. The body seems to be filled with countless flames. It is constantly burning, diffuses through the membrane, and spreads into flames. It spreads amazing heat and spreads around. .

Yan Ling's hair also burned like flames, swaying endlessly.

Only in an instant, Chen Zong was intercepted by two Yan Lings. Yan Ling's eyes burned with a blazing flame, and the hot breath fell directly on Chen Zong, which gave Chen Zong a feeling that seemed to be ignited.

The breath fluctuations diffused by these two Yan Lings are at the level of imperial realm.

"Human race, what's up with Shenyan Mountain?" Yan Ling asked, his voice was a little dull, as if full of fire. This was their tone and accent.

This is what the people of Shenyanshan let Yanlings do.

And Chen Zong is not a member of Wanyan Shenyanshan, so there will not be the unique breath of Wanyan Shenyanshan, which is a unique kind of flame. Only the people of Wanyan Shenyanshan can have it. Yan Ling can feel it clearly.

"Zhenyi Tiangong Yixingong's fifth true biography, Chen Zong, came by the order of the Lord of the Mind." Chen Zong said positively.

I came by myself, but I want to borrow the Oven of Flames to break into the Yuan Ming Realm. To some extent, this is not only my own business, but also represents the heavenly palace of the mind. Therefore, we must be more formal.

In addition, the Lord of Minds has already greeted the Lord of the Flames, then the Lord of the Flames should be accounted for, and the people of the Mountain of the Flames should also know that they will come.

"Please follow me." Yan Ling heard Chen Zong's self-reported identity, immediately responded, and immediately said, as soon as he turned around, he led Chen Zong.


"Brother Wang, would you do that?" There were two true disciples wearing red flame robes looking at the sea of ​​fire through a round mirror in Shenyan Mountain, and a flaming spirit was in front, followed by a human race behind him. .

"What's wrong, this is what Brother Chi explained, and it must be done beautifully." The other person said disapprovingly, and then smiled coldly: "You don't want to think about it. The best cultivation secret place of Shenyan Mountain, even our true disciple of Divine Flame Mountain, is difficult to enter, and must be qualified after a lot of competition. Now an outsider directly wants to enter the Wanyan Shenyan oven for cultivation. nice."

"This is also the case if an outsider gets a place in the Oven of Flames, it means that we have one less chance." The other person nodded and immediately said, looking indifferent.

"However, the matter was negotiated by the upper echelons. We need to give the other party a chance. Now that the opportunity is available, whether it can be seized depends on his own ability." Then, this brother Wang couldn't help laughing.

"How does Brother Wang arrange it?"

"I have already ordered the Road of Blazing Fire, and let Yan Ling take him to the Road of Blazing Fire." Brother Wang revealed a bit of praise: "If he can't go through the Road of Blazing Fire, it means that he is not qualified to enter our flames. Mountain, then you can only leave slumped, and what qualifications of the Oven of Flames has nothing to do with him. "

"If he fortunately crosses the path of fire to enter our Divine Flame Mountain, there will naturally be more challenges waiting for him." Brother Wang hummed a few times.

Chen Zong is not aware of these things, but since he is here, he can only do whatever he wants.

Divine Flame Mountain does not dare to really hurt itself, otherwise, the Lord of Flames cannot explain to the Lord of Hearts.

Moreover, the Lord of the Flames will not order it.

That flame of spirit continued to deepen in the ocean of flames, the temperature kept rising, and Chen Zong also continued to deepen. Such high temperature is actually nothing for Chen Zong, and it can be resisted, but it is enough to rely on the world **** ,easy.

Even if this temperature is increased a few times, it is the same as Chen Zong.

The world gods at the limit of the Nine Transformers are very arrogant, not to mention the defense and weakening of the Heart Seal Treasure.

Finally, Yan Ling stopped and pointed to a fiercely swirling flame vortex hundreds of meters away in front of Chen Zong: "Human race, to enter Shenyan Mountain, you need to enter the Flame Door."

Chen Zong glanced at Yan Ling, who was an expressionless business official.

Turning his thoughts, Chen Zong nodded and thanked Yan Ling, after all, the other party showed his way.

Flying forward, Chen Zong saw the continuously swirling flame vortex door, which seemed to be taller and taller, and when he kept approaching, he could feel a terrible and direct breath, permeating and brewing in it, As if it would erupt at any time, burn everything and destroy everything.

As if, as long as you enter it, you will be strangled, destroyed, and burned to ashes by the terrible and direct flame vortex.


Thrilling horror!

Extreme horror!

It seems that the flame vortex contains the terrible power to destroy everything, which is irresistible.

How did Yan Ling bring himself here?

Chen Zong showed a hint of doubt, but that Yan Ling had already left and could not ask.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong's mood calmed down, his eyes gazed at the door of the Flame Swirl in front, his eyes were sharp, and the power of the Kendo of the heart was pervaded, and all the illusory and deterrents were eliminated, and all evils would not invade.

Suddenly, as if smashing some kind of illusory, the feeling of death was gone.

The flame vortex, still the flame vortex, has not grown large and is not so terrible. The previous feeling was just an illusion.

In the next breath, Chen Zong stepped forward and walked directly into the flame vortex, stepping into it, the fierce flame swept through suddenly, like a few fiery tongues of fire, Chen Zong's body disappeared.

"It went in."

"The disciples of this mind are a bit capable."

"Huh, it's nothing. The mind of the disciples of the Tianyi Temple is originally strong, and it is not surprising to be able to break through the illusion. However, the road of fiery fire is not an illusion, and the power of the mind is also useless." Brother Wang sneered: " Without sufficient strength, it is impossible to cross the path of fire. "

"I just hope he doesn't get too embarrassed." The other laughed.

The road of fire, but that is a dangerous path that many true disciples in Shenyan Mountain can't completely follow.

Among the current true disciples of the Flame Mountain Master of Wancai, less than one-tenth of those who are able to cross the path of fiery fire at the level of imperial realm.

This is still because of the unique relationship between the flames of the flames of the mountain and the mountain, and the heart of heaven does not have the flames of the flames of the mountain and the path of the fierce fire in the heavens is already inferior.

After all, the high temperature in the road of fire is very terrible. Without the unique method and flame of the flames of the Mountain of Flames to resist absorption, it is difficult to persist for long.



Amazingly hot!

This terrible high temperature is pervading, spreading, raging, as if to destroy everything.


Chen Zong saw that at his feet was a road, a red road, just like the road formed after the magma had dried up and solidified. It kept winding, and did not know where it was leading. Its surface was full of uniqueness. The flame pattern of ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The road is wide and narrow, with fiery flames burning on both sides, sometimes burst suddenly, rising to the sky, and the astonishing fiery flames exploded and turned into a fiery flame. Storm swept in all directions.

At the same time, Chen Zong only felt that Zihuan Heixingyan was lurking in his body, but he felt a fear of not appearing.

Zihuan Heixingyan is a heavenly fire, and its level corresponds to the level of entering the sanctuary. Although it has been improved, it is at most a level of half-step saint.

Today, Chen Zong is in a state of magic.

The gap between the half-step Great Holy Level and the Tongshen Realm is separated by a semi-god and a sub-god.

What's more, even if it is a sub-god level compared to the supernatural state, there is still a sky deep.

And the flames here are so amazing that Chen Zong estimates that at least it has reached the level of an ordinary transition to imperial realm. In contrast, Zihuan Heixingyan naturally looks very weak, very weak, and there is nothing comparable.

Even if you want to absorb the flame power here, you can do nothing about it. If you force the absorption, you will collapse.

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