Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 56: The plot of the magic flame mountain

(I wish you all solidarity and happiness in the Mid-Autumn Festival)

the first!

Chen Zong ranked first in the Wan Yan event.

When the essence of Wan Yan in the fire protection order flew out, it filled the sky, one by one, it seemed to turn into an ocean. At the center, it was a white flame, burning more than seven, and there were seven purple flames surrounding it. , There are hundreds of blue flames, and then there are thousands of orange flames, and the outermost, there are thousands of red flames.

"Seven top-level Wanyan essences, goddamn, I don't even have one."

"Look at the white, look at the white flame."

"Super order!"

"It turned out to be the legendary super-order Wanyan essence."

Shocked, all the true disciples were shocked, even the elder.

For many years, there has never been a super-high-level Wanyan essence. I did not expect that a flower appeared this time, which was a surprise.

"According to the rules, Wan Yan Essence needs to be turned in half, whether it is the people of Shenyan Mountain or foreigners." The elder said, immediately waving, one by one Wan Wan Essence disappeared and was taken away .

Crimson Wanyan essence is not one, there are few orange Wanyan essences, few blue Wanyan essences are few, seven purple Wanyan essences are missing four directly, the main thing is that A white Wan Yan essence was directly taken away.

Seeing this scene, Chimei and other disciples of Shenyanshan Zhenzhu were very upset.

A super-high-level Wanyan essence is not only worth 10,000 points, but also its preciousness. It is very rare. It has great help for the cultivation of some skills and magical powers of Shenyan Mountain.

Now seeing the super order Wanyan essence being taken away, which has enriched Shenyanshan's collection, these true stories are also eligible for redemption.

Said to take half, it should be regarded as half of Wan Yan essence, but now taken away, it is regarded as half of the points, meaning different.

The seven top-level Wanyan extracts received four, and the only one super-level Wanyan extract was also directly taken away, supplemented by those low-order intermediate-level Wanyan extracts.

However, in this regard, Chen Zong did not say anything, just take it away, and his purpose is to burn the flame oven of everything, everything else is secondary.

Even if all the essence of Wan Yan was taken away, Chen Zong would not care too much.

As long as you can enter the magic flame oven.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Zong put away the remaining Wan Yan essence, which was more or less helpful for his own Yan Dragon refining method.

"According to the rules of the Wan Yan event, the first three will be given a place to enter the flames of the Wraith God Flame Oven, and when it will be entered, we will be notified separately." The elder looked at Chen Zong and seemed unwilling, but eventually said .

This is the rule, it ca n’t be violated. Of course, if Chen Zong ’s background is relatively ordinary, then maybe it ’s gone, but this is the fifth true story of the heart ’s devotion, and his master is the northern front. Treat it.

Wan Yan's grand event ends here.

"Brother Chen is slow." Yu Xulong chased up from behind him: "Brother Chen is also invited to my Yulong Peak to taste a cup of Jiuhuatianyan wine." Yu Xulong sincerely invited.

"No need, there's nothing wrong with saying anything." Chen Zongbu Xubuji responded.

"Brother Chen, you are so powerful that even a master sister can't compare with you, and it's not a disciple of Shenyanshan. To you, the flames of the flames can only be the icing on the cake." Jade Xu Long was annoyed, but still said in a pinch, "I have reached the bottleneck of my cultivation. I want to break through, and I do n’t know how much time it will take. If I can enter the Oven of Flames, I have 80% confidence. Breaking the shackles and raising the combat effectiveness to twelve stars, I also asked Brother Chen to complete and give me the quota. "

"This matter is free to talk." Chen Zong refused without hesitation. The other party needed the Oven of Flames, even more, how could he let it out.

In other words, Chen Zong no longer cares about the Yuxu Dragon, and his figure flies up into the sky, turning into a sword and going away, returning to Long Yanfeng.

Yu Xulong's eyes stared at the back of Chen Zong's departure, clenching his fists.

Next, Chen Zong stayed in Longyan Cave for retreat, waiting to be notified, to see when he entered the Oven of Flames.

The cultivation has reached the extreme, and of course there is no way to improve it, but Chen Zong can cultivate the Yanlong Refining Method and continuously absorb and refine the blossoming essence of Wanyan to increase the intensity of the purple atlas dragon. .

As long as Zihuanxinglongyan is elevated to the level of the Nine Turns of the Royal Realm, you can once again become your own help and strengthen your combat effectiveness.

Under the essence of many Wan Yan, purple Huanxing Longyan has also been continuously improved.

Not long after, a sea of ​​flames descended into the sky, shrinking in front of Longyan Cave, condensing into a figure.

"Chen Zong's friends are here." Some deep voices rang out and passed into Longyan Cave.

"What happened to the seniors?" Chen Zong asked.

"I am the elder of the flames of the flames and flames, and come here to ask for something." A low voice passed into Chen Zong's ear.

The elder Dignant Flame Peak, but asking for a few words based on something, can not help but let Chen Zong look dignified.

"If it ’s the place of the Oven of Flames, please don't speak to the elder." Chen Zong responded immediately, blocking the other party's approach first, or it would be bad if he was spoken and refused.

"My friend, I came here just for the place of the Oven Flame Flame Oven." Although Chen Zong had already refused, the elder seemed to have not heard it, and said decisively: "As long as my friend is willing to give up That quota can make a request to me that is within my ability. "

"Thank you, Elder, for your kindness, but this time I came from the Mind Heaven Palace, just for the Oven of Flames." Chen Zong responded: "Otherwise, the Lord of Hearts will not find the Lord of Flames for this. . "

In the latter sentence, Chen Zong said with a bit of jokes, but it was also an invisible deterrent to the elder of the **** flame.

Involving the Lord of the Mind and the Lord of the Flames, Elder Shenyanfeng did not dare to say anything, even he knew that this was Chen Zong's banner with tiger skin, and he did not dare to refute it.

Angrily, Elder Shenyanfeng could only leave.

"At this point, the attitude is very resolute and he is unwilling to give up the place of the Oven of Flames."

When the elders got together, the elder Shenyanfeng was angry.

"This son is not small, and he can't use tough means to force him to surrender."

"Do not eat hard or hard, hum."

"It's not helpless," said a gloomy elder's eyes, looking thoughtfully.

"What is it?" The other elders asked.

"Isn't the entry time of the Wraith Flame Furnace yet determined? Then, change it and let only one person enter at a time. At that time, you can let them enter in turns. Finally, let Chen Zong enter."

"It makes sense. After the three entered the Oven Flame Flame Oven, the power of the oven will not be exhausted, and there will still be a little bit of residue. When that time, let the Chen Zong enter, and the Chen Zong will not know. The bottom of the Oven of Flames. "

"Also, for our disciples of Divine Flame Mountain, this can only be the case."

Without the knowledge of Chen Zong and others, the allocation of quotas for the Wraith Flame Furnace was fixed.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to be notified. After half a month, he entered the Oven of Flames.

"Half a month?" Chen Zong nodded secretly and continued to cultivate. Now, Purple Huanxing Dragon Dragon has been raised to the level of the Six-Road Royal Realm, and the essence of low-level Wanyan has absorbed the refining, and middle-level Wanwan. The essence of inflammation has also been refined.

But I don't know if after purifying all the essences of Wanyan, Zihuanxinglongyan can reach the level of Nine-turn Royal Road.

Here, after all, it is the Flame Mountain of Wancai, not the heart of heaven. Chen Zong also has nowhere to go but can only stay in Longyan Cave to practice.

After Chimei first entered the Oven of Flames, she was in a state of turbulence. The whole person seemed to be permeated with an amazing flame, almost gushing out, and was in a very unstable state.

But Chimei's whole body was in a good condition, with a smile on his face, he had to be so, because he was so excited, he didn't expect to enter the Oven Flame Flame Oven this time, so that he would get great benefits. It's just one step, and this step is not so difficult to get out, you just need to retreat for a while after you go back, maybe you can break through the trance.

At that time, he will also have a 12-star combat power.

Yu Tianfeng entered the Magnificent Flame Oven for the second time. One day later, Yu Tianfeng walked out of the Magnificent Flame Oven. He was incredibly hot. The whole person seemed to be burning. This kind of eyes are burning, the power is amazing.

This is a relationship where Yu Tianfeng has gained a lot in the Oven of Flames and strengthened his power. For a time, he can't control the relationship, he still needs to retreat.

"When I leave the customs, it will be Yuan Ming Realm." Yu Tianfeng secretly thought of Chen Zong, a previous encounter at Wan Yan Lake, the terrible sharpness, made her raise a kind of difficult Verbal thriller.

However, after breaking through to the Yuan Ming Realm, the combat power surged, and you can fight against this person again and decide the level.

The third ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ who entered the flame oven of Wancai was Yu Xulong. His entry was a little sneaky.

But as long as you can enter it, of course, Yu Xulong is guilty, very guilty, but she is the second true story of the flames of the flames of the mountain, and she enters the flames of the flames like a thief. Furnace, lest it be known to others.

For no apparent reason, Yu Xulong was a little more angry at Chen Zong.

However, Yu Xulong thought that he could enter the Oven God Flame Oven, but he still felt very happy. When he entered and then came out again, the power accumulated by the Oven God Flame Oven would not have much left.

It's a bit useful, but it's like the harvest of the three of them.

This is also the reason that only three people are allowed to enter, and the fourth one is less than half of the others.

Chen Zong did not know this.

When Yu Xulong stepped out of the Oven Flame Flame Oven, the atmosphere of the whole person fluctuated endlessly, like an invisible flame, rising straight to the sky, and there was a terrible coercion falling all around, suppressing everything, that was the force field.

Yuxulong's combat power finally broke through the trance and reached twelve stars.

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