Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 96: Reunion

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The void is divided into five sides, east to west, north and south.

The vacuum teaching is located in the airless star field, and the airless star field is in the eastern void.

Chen Zong originally came from the Eastern Void. In the Eastern Void, he also had many experiences. The Eastern Void was also the place where he started and rose in the void.

As a Taoist, of course, Chen Zong has the right to use the Void to move directly to the void in the East.

After taking out the astrolabe, Chen Zong took a look at his position, and then looked at the position of the starless star field, and then compared the position of the one-ary galaxy, and found that he could take a detour slightly, first go to the one-ary galaxy. , And then head to that empty star field.

The reason why I want to go to the one-dimensional galaxy is also because there is the first stop I stepped into the void, where I also made a few friends. Now I come to the void in the east, and it ’s not so rush to go to the vacuum teaching, Left and right is just a little more time.

With thoughts together, Chen Zong immediately acted, took out the Void Vessels, and set off directly.

Xiu, in order to reach the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, came to control the Nuokong, which was completely different from before.

At the level of the imperial realm, Chen Zong can only use the speed of the high-level void craft, but at the level of the Yuanming realm, he can fully realize the potential of the top-level void craft of the Void Sky.

When the speed of the top-level void ship is fully opened, it is extremely amazing and extremely fast. Chen Zong, who was repaired in the Yuanming Realm, can not only start the top-level void ship at full speed, but also the top-level void ship-level void shuttle.

This kind of shuttle, once, is a distance of a hundred empty years, so fast, extremely amazing.

Moreover, Chen Zong is now the only one-hearted way to maintain the single-mindedness state of mind, more than the previous single-minded state of mind.

Before that, I was able to keep up my mind strength to keep up with the rate of consumption, and I could maintain it for a long time, even in battle.

After being supported by the demon heart, the power of the heart is restored to double again, and there is a second heart, Chen Zong can open the mind and heart, and the speed of recovery can fully keep up with the speed of consumption.

With one mind and one mind, Chen Zong is like having three independent consciousnesses.

One of them is used to control the Kukong, one is used to learn the tradition of Taoism, and the other is used to learn the tradition of Taixu.

Before getting the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, before leaving Taixu Shenxu, Chen Zong found several Taixu inheritance towers, including three frontal inheritance towers and four instrumental inheritance towers.

However, there are several inheritance towers that are empty, that is, they cannot be inherited.

In the end, Chen Zong got the middle- and high-order lineage inheritance and the low- and medium-level lineage inheritance.

Although it is said that there is no lineage inheritance of the top and super-orders and the lineage of high-order top and super-orders, but it is also enough. After all, Chen Zong's purpose is not to major in line or instrument.

This inheritance allows Chen Zong to have a deeper understanding of the mysteries of the void.

The reason why Chen Zong wanted to get those lineage inheritance and instrumental tradition inheritance was actually because of this. After getting the refining virtual seal, he learned about cultivation, and Chen Zong found that although refining the virtual seal is neither an attacking magic power nor a defense magic power, in short , Belongs to the magical power that can not improve their own combat power.

However, Lianxu Yin directly pointed to the mystery of the empty avenue, not just which avenue mystery, but the general outline.

The cultivation of the false seal requires the formation of the front and the path.

Although he has never refined the front and the qi, Chen Zong understands that the front and the qi are one of the cultivation methods, and the sword and sword are all complete and profound inheritances.

Kendo, knife path, and so on are specializations, and the fronts are considered specializations, but they are more extensive and cover more road mysteries.

Originally, Chen Zong did not intend to spend time on the front and the path, but after he inherited it, he understood that it was good for his cultivation.

Your own kendo is the kendo of the heart. It comes from the heart, and the heart can hold everything.

Front, it covers the mysteries of many avenues. Well, the word cover is not accurate enough. It should be said that the front is like a door. After opening, you can see more mysteries of the avenues.

In addition, Chen Zong also has an idea to integrate the mystery of the front into his own kendo. Whether he can do it or not, Chen Zong is not sure, but it is worth trying.

The road of cultivation is not a trial and error. Unless you follow the cultivation path of others step by step, it is very stable, but the ultimate achievement is always limited, because it is difficult to surpass the predecessors.

The deeper you go along the path of your predecessors, the harder it is to get rid of its influence.

Chen Zong does not do such a person. When he has enough accumulation, Chen Zong starts to take his own path. Of course, it will be difficult, sometimes it is difficult to move in step, sometimes it will go the wrong way and have to readjust. ,wasting time.

However, the way you go out is the one that suits you best and the potential is endless.

Chen Zong's understanding is extremely high, astonishingly extreme. Under the condition of one mind and one mind, it is equivalent to the effect that he does not use one heart and one mind to enlighten himself, which is very amazing.

Qiukong flew at full speed at the speed of the top-level Voidcraft, and cooperated with a hundred-year-old Nether shuttle, Chen Zong rushed to the one-element galaxy in the shortest time.

This speed, in summary, completely exceeds the full speed of the ordinary Taoist class, and it will not take much time to reach the one-ary galaxy.

Void, the first time you see it, you will feel deep and boundless, vast, the stars in the distance emit a little light, very magnificent, unusually charming, but after watching it many times, you will feel bored.

Finally, the Uranus flew into the one-element galaxy.

Chen Zong immediately sent a message to Su Luan and Lin Weiyin, and then to Li Wenhe and Bai Mei. Li Wenhe and Bai Mei had been fighting side by side, and they were friends.

Soon, Chen Zong received a reply. It happened that all four were in a one-ary galaxy and had time.

Of course, when Chen Zong returns, they will squeeze out time even if they have no time.

Don't ask why, because this is Chen Zong.

The gathering place was naturally in the second town boundary city. That was the first stop after Chen Zong stepped into the void, which was quite memorable.

Moreover, it was still in the small courtyard of Chen Zong, which was given to Chen Zong by Su Zan at that time and belonged to Chen Zong. Although Chen Zong left, the hospital was empty and no one else lived in.

Su Luan is now a candidate for the leader of the monarchy. After his cultivation has broken through to the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, he can formally take over the position of leader. Today, he is also the leader of the second town boundary city. Chaotic ability.

To be the master of one religion and to dominate the one religion, of course, you must have sufficient strength, but you must also have a certain management ability. If you do not have management ability, you will not be able to become a marshal. A general responsible for the charge.

Although the small courtyard is not very large, it still seems very accommodating to accommodate five people.

Chen Zong brought out some fine wines and a lot of delicious food, which were never eaten by everyone. After all, after becoming a disciple of the mind, Chen Zong's identity is different, especially as a Taoist. Want to get Some fine food and wine are not difficult.

Although they haven't seen each other for many years, their appearance has not changed much. After all, they are all genius-level practitioners.

In addition, the cultivation of Su Luan is not the original second round of imperial state, but has reached the level of the fourth round of imperial state, and he has become a leader candidate, and he is entitled to enjoy more cultivation resources in the monarchy.

As for Lin Weiyin, Bai Mei, and Li Wenhe, they all successfully broke through. Nowadays, they are all transformed by Yudaojing.

Four of them, all of them powerful in the realm of the gods, are truly qualified to break into the void.

"Good wine, good wine." Li Wenhe sighed with a sip of fine wine. Although the other three did not whine so much, their faces were hard to hide.

"By the way, Chen Zong, in the past years, what is your current practice?" Su Luan wanted to refrain from asking, but he couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart.

The true story of the Mind Heaven Palace is its own amazing talent. Over the years, your own progress is not small, and the other party ’s progress is estimated to be even greater.

Although he knew he would be hit hard, Su Chao still couldn't bear his curiosity.

They say curiosity kills cats.

However, Lin Weiyin, Li Wenhe, and Bai Mei all put down their glasses together. UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked at Chen Zong. They were also very curious. What level has Chen Zong reached?

How many rounds of Royal Road?

Even if you know that you can't compare with Chen Zong, you still want to know.

In fact, Chen Zong didn't want to talk about this. After all, I felt that it was a bit of a hit, but now I've been asked. It's not good to say something in secret.

"Just broke through to Yuan Ming Realm shortly." Chen Zong said with no thoughts, turning lightly, without deliberately showing it.

Of course, Chen Zong didn't think there was anything so obvious about this. After all, his own experience let him know that the Royal Realm and Yuan Ning Realm are actually not so powerful in the whole void.

However, Su Lan and the other four felt different.

Yuan Ming Realm!

That is the level above the imperial realm, and for the unary galaxy, the underworld is the strongest.

After all, in the unitary religion of the ruler of the unitary galaxy, the deity of the leader is the cultivation of the elementary metaphysics, that is to say, the strongest person in the unitary religion of the galaxy level is the elementary metaphysics.

Now, how many years have passed, they have all been promoted to the level of the imperial realm, but Chen Zong has already surpassed the imperial realm and reached the level of the Yuanming Realm directly, which is equal to the level of the monarch.

Moreover, Su Chao knows a little bit, and Chen Zong's combat power is far better than Xiuwei. This is the case in the Royal Realm, reaching the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, and most of the same.

Well, it is hard to say whether it is Chen Zong, the new Yuan Mingjingqiang or the monarchist, the old Yuan Mingjingqiang.

All in all, the four people in Su Luan were almost scared and stupid, as if stunned, as if they were turned into stone people, motionless.

In this regard, Chen Zong can't help but feel a bit crying.

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