Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 108: That 1 familiar figure (on)

"You and I are one, you cannot seal me." Within Chen Zong's Shenhai and Yuanshen, a weird laughter sounded, seemingly proud and frivolous.

Together with Chen Zong's Yuan Shen's face, a strange look was revealed, but in the blink of an eye, the look returned to calm, and instantly, the look became strange, as if they were alternated with each other.

Can't seal it!

Sealing the curse can't seal the demon at all.

The seal under the heavy curse was easily broken by the demon, as if the seal under the demon himself was easily unlocked.

The demon is essentially not the soul, but consciousness.

His purpose is naturally to devour his consciousness, occupy the soul, occupy the Yuanshen, and control the body, but his luck is very bad. Repeated failures have made Chen Zong stronger.

However, after all, the devil is a huge hidden danger.

But now, Chen Zong can clearly feel that the demon is truly integrated into his own **** and is one.

At that time, the source of the demon and his consciousness entered the Yuanshen together, which is equivalent to saying that the consciousness of the self and the demon consciousness occupied the Yuanshen, and the consciousness of the demon can affect his own soul.

"Give me your body. Only the Demon King is the strongest." The devil smiled again and again, even with the look of the Yuanshen.

"I urge you to leave on your own, lest you be robbed again." Chen Zong responded.

In the current situation, the Devil can't help himself. Similarly, the Devil can't help himself. As for the words that the Devil said, it is undoubtedly a blow to Chen Zong's mind.

To put it bluntly, this is a mouth gun, who can't.

It's just that Chen Zongping does not like to do such things.

This demon is very weird and unpredictable. To some extent, he is one with Chen Zong, so he also knows Chen Zong quite well. Knowing that the will of the ego consciousness is amazing, it is not something he can shake. Even if your own words carry the power of deceiving the soul, it will not help.

"Hey, I can influence you, for example, when you fight against a strong enemy, what will happen to the Yuan Shen? What will happen to you?" The demon is like a child with a bad temper. After saying this, The proud laughter didn't stop.

Chen Zong was condensed.

Indeed, this demon has the ability to influence himself, especially now, when he breaks through, he is integrated into the Yuan Shen, as if he is united with the Yuan Shen, and the impact on the Yuan Shen is more obvious.

As the spirit demon said, if you are fighting a strong enemy, the spirit demon impacts the gods, it will affect your application and exertion of strength, and directly affect your own combat power.

This is not alarmist. Chen Zong is very clear that this unscrupulous demon is acting with impunity, and he is very likely to do so.

But what about it?

Let the body come out?

That is impossible.

Chen Zong, who couldn't think of a way, simply ignored the demon first.

The body flickered and turned into a swath of Jianguang, but after a breath, Jianguang suddenly fluctuated, the speed suddenly decreased, and some crooked.

"Let your body come out, otherwise the devil will keep you from controlling all your powers." The demon shouted threateningly.

Chen Zong ignored his threats and clamors, and it was impossible to give birth, and it was impossible to do so in this life.

But for a while, I couldn't think of any good way to deal with this embarrassing demon. I could only ignore him first, think slowly, and look for opportunities.

Perhaps at some point I will find myself an opportunity to suppress the demon.

As for now, the spirit demon is really impacting his own Yuan Shen, or, by virtue of his ability to combine with Yuan Yuan, **** the control of Yuan Shen. Although the main control is still on his side, he is still being robbed. .

Part of the result of being robbed is that you cannot reach your full strength.

Chen Zong was very helpless to find that the power he was able to exert has been greatly reduced. It is estimated that it is the level of the two-star and three-star combat power of the Yuan Ming Realm. In other words, the impact of the demon on the yuan **** brought him The interference is very obvious.

"Well, it's uncomfortable to feel that power can't be completely controlled." While the demon contended for control of Yuanshen, he continued to speak out and interfere with Chen Zong: "When you meet a strong enemy, you can't exert your full strength. When he was suffocated, it was when this demon king reappeared. "

"Don't scream like a fly, it's very noisy." Chen Zong responded.

"What are you talking about? You dare to say that this demon king is like a fly, and you come in, believe it or not, this demon king directly strangles you ..." It's like a cat with a tail on it, just blasting its hair directly, as if the demon is about to run away Like a vixen who cursed directly into the street, if he is a person, his current appearance may be that he stretches his fingers and points at Chen Zong, saliva splashing.

"Don't scream like a bereavement dog, meaningless." Chen Zong said again, like a fierce cold knife, directly into the heart of the demon, if he has the heart.

Suddenly, the demon had a meal, if it had eyes, it should be bulging at this time, and the next breath, swearing again.

Although it was only for a moment's sake, Chen Zong's inexplicable look at the demons was so anxious.

What nourishing qi, meditation, calmness, etc. have nothing to do with the demon.

The demon is agglomerated by one's own negatives. It gathers all kinds of desires and is easily provoked.


"Ice wing hits the sky!" With a slight whisper, a bit of frost and white cold light suddenly flashed, like a wing of a white phoenix, swept through the air and shot down in the air.

This is Jian Guang, a sharp and exquisite sword.

This sword condenses strands of ice-cold strength, and when it appears, everything around it is frozen, even the diffused qi is affected, and it is frozen by a bit of frost debris, floating in mid-air. In between, faintly, there seems to be a sharp and extreme scream that runs through the world and runs through everything.

Jianguang rushed through, like the ice and lightning, traversing the void, killing directly to a ghost-shaped beast like a giant ape.

The Wraith Beast was unavoidable, and was directly hit by Frost Sword Light, and the fumes on his body were immediately penetrated, extremely sharp.

"Sister Li, get out of here." Bai Songdie Jiao sang, her arms trembled in the air, and a white light burst into the air when she was in a hurry. It was a white whip covered with feathers. With the shaking, the feathers seemed to expand. , Amazing chill and horrible cold light, extremely sharp.

A whip, as if throbbing thunder, as if countless fine and shriek sounded, as if many birds were screaming and crying, all the white bird shadows about the size of the baby's palm appeared and condensed. The appearance of the small white phoenix flew towards the giant ape and the beast with a whip drawn.

Baby-faced Li Shimei is also very cute

With a drink, the hands in snow-white gloves seem to pass slowly in front of them, and a faint strand of white exudes an astonishing chill, as the drawn hands are drawn in the void, as if to draw a Mysterious pattern.

"Bing Phoenix breaks the mountain!"

Suddenly, Li Shimei's body moved, stepped out, carrying an amazing power, her arms suddenly stretched out, and she pushed forward and backward, as fast as lightning, countless white spirits exuding an amazing chill, reduced to a few meters in size The white phoenix struck across the air with a sharp tweet.

The three men joined forces to do their best. The power of these three attacks directly reached an astonishing level.

The giant ape and the beast roared, all the power broke out, but they still could n’t withstand the three people ’s attacks. All the qi was frozen, and the frost spread quickly on their bodies. The combination of the terrible power and the power of ice combined them. Kill and fall to the ground.

"Huh, finally killed." Baby-faced Li Shimei wiped her forehead, as if sweating, and she was relieved.

The wraith's combat power is amazing and it is difficult to deal with. If they are one-on-one, none of the three of them is an opponent. Even if they are teamed up, they are going through a difficult battle. Yu Shimei is the main force, and the other two are assisted jointly. And finally killed it.

In this way, the three also consumed more than half of their power.

The qi is strong and cannot be absorbed, so you can only take the elixir to restore the strength of your own consumption.


Suddenly, an amazing roar sounded and came from a distance, making the three of them look greatly changed.

It was the roar of the Wraith.

The power they have consumed has not been recovered. Now, there is a ghostly beast again. Listening to the sound, the grand and magnificent momentum is amazing. Combined with the turbulent breath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is enough to judge that this is approaching quickly The Wraith Beast will not be inferior to the Great Wraith Wreck Beast which was only jointly killed by them.

The rumbling voices kept coming, and the ground was shaking like a giant drum throbbing. It was like an onslaught of hordes of troops.

A huge shadow approached quickly.

Great ape!

Suddenly it is another giant ape. Looking at its size, it is even higher than the giant ape just killed by their joints, and its body looks much stronger.

The larger the Wraith, the stronger the combat power.

In other words, the giant ape that had just approached was more arrogant than the giant ape that had just died.

The giant ape was just born, and the three of them manually used 10% of the power to consume more than half of the power before they killed it. Then how can this more powerful giant ape beast?

Their strength has not yet recovered.

The goliath giant ape approached, and saw the corpse of the giant ape that fell to the ground, and uttered a scream of grief and indignation. His eyes were scarlet in a flash, as if blood was dripping and staring at the blood eyes, carrying terrifying murderous power, let three The complexion suddenly changed, and the heart jumped irresistibly.

"Two sisters, go." Bai Songdie said without hesitation.

But as her words sounded, the giant ape screamed with violent screaming, slammed with energy, suddenly leapt forward, with an extremely violent posture, and the surrounding atmosphere was turbulent, like a landslide, countless swashes of energy, carrying fearful Extreme power, spin shock.

One punch!

The giant ape and the beast raised their thick arms, and muscles bulged in an instant, sending out amazing and violent power.

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