Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 14: Profound lesson

In the Binghuang Road, Yu Nianxin has already turned all the potentials of Tianming Fruit into cultivation skills, and his breath is a little stronger than before.

"When looking for an opportunity to re-enter the ancient ancient ruins and pick up more Tianming fruit." Yu Nianxin secretly said: "I don't know what happened to Chen Zong now, is he still in the ancient ancient ruins?"

I think of it this way, my thoughts are emerging like tide, which is difficult to contain. Yu Nianxin has an impulse, and immediately sets off to the ancient ruins to find Chen Zong.

By chance, when I left Baiyun Mountain and entered the void, and worshiped as the disciple of Binghuangdao in Bingsheng Palace, Yu Nianxin didn't know when he would see Chen Zong again. There was only one thought deep in his heart, but since soon When I really met Chen Zong again, I wished I could accompany him for a long time.

That is a kind of nostalgia from the heart, a dependency that is also from Baiyun Mountain.

In any case, she and Chen Zong are most familiar with the entire Baiyun Mountain and even the entire Lingwu sacred realm. This is also true in this void.

But Yu Nianxin also knew very well that his cultivation was insufficient and his strength was still weak. He continued to stay in the ancient ruins with Chen Zong, but it was just a hindrance. It would be better to return to the Binghuang Road first, practice well, and try his best to improve his strength.

The awakening of dozens of Tianming Fruits to their own blood veins can indeed help. Although it is not as good as the awakening dan of Bingsheng Palace, it still awakens its own blood veins a little, and with the blood veins awakening, it is repaired In order to grow with it, the strength has been further improved.

I was planning to go to the entrance of the ancient ruins to see if I could meet Chen Zong's Yu Nianxin when he stepped out of his cave house. A few figures came forward, headed by Qi Yuxuan Ang with a deep blue dragon robe. A handsome young man, his eyes seem to be twinkling with stars, his breath is profound and majestic.

"I've seen Brother Ao." Yu Nianxin slightly bowed to her salute.

In the Bingsheng Palace, Yu Nianxin's status cannot be compared with that of King Ao Sheng.

"Nianxinshimei, you are here to meet me." Wang Aosheng, who did not **** off to others, didn't even look at his eyes, said to Yu Nianxin with a smile, his eyes twinkling inexplicably The light, staring at Yu Nianxin, was faintly indescribable.

This kind of gaze made Yu Nianxin uncomfortable. However, this is also what many Binghuangdao female disciples pursue and envy.

"Brother Ao misunderstood." Yu Nianxin did not feel happy, excited, and honored, but responded very seriously: "Also, please Brother Ao to call me sister Yu in the future, sister and I have things to do, leave first. Now. "

After he finished speaking, Yu Nianxin passed Ao Sheng Wang who was stiff and full of face, and quickly went out.

King Ao Sheng did not look back, but his eyebrows were slightly raised. An indescribable anger almost burst out. His eyes were flashing with an incomparable fierce light, and a horrible breath was also from the body. To burst out.

But only in a moment, the breath converged into the body, and there was no outburst, and the embarrassment and fierce look on King Ao Sheng's face were like hallucinations, never appeared, and restored the seemingly personable but not overbearing Majestic look.

"Brother Ao, are you here for me?" On the face, a figure appeared like a butterfly, gracefully falling in front of King Ao Sheng, his figure was graceful, and his pale pink clothes perfectly set off the tall figure. Comes out, the waist limbs are gripped, the body seems to sway in the wind, as if full bloom.


"No." Ao Sheng

There was no smile on the king's face, and he responded with two words in a blunt tone. Immediately, ignoring the beautiful woman, he turned directly and left with his hands striding away.

The beautiful smile on the face of the beautiful woman, like the bright smile full of flowers, instantly freezes, turning into a cold like chill.

Who is she? She is the first secret biography of Binghuangdao, the most powerful competitor of Binghuangdao. Once the Tao campaign begins, she has 80% or even 90% grasp of the Tao.

In the Ice Dragon Road, I don't know how many admirers of heaven admire her and want to be her acquaintances to explore the mysteries of the avenue, but she doesn't care for any of them because she loves King Ao Sheng and has also indirectly He expressed his admiration for King Ao Sheng, hoping to explore the mystery of the avenue with him.

But unfortunately, Wang Aosheng was euphemistically shoved.

一次 This time, it was so direct, so blunt, so indifferent.

"Yu Nianxin, it's all you." The sound of hate, like the cold wind blowing from Jiuyou, freezes all around.

In fact, she just saw some of the scene just now. When Yu Nianxin left, she happened to arrive completely. The reason for this coincidence was that when King Ao Sheng entered the Binghuang Road, someone sent a message to inform her that she quickly ended the cultivation. Come here to create a chance encounter.

What a wonderful encounter, but it turned out to be annoying.

He is the one who caused all this, no doubt the person named Yu Nianxin.

Uh ...

Take out the mid-level void ship, Yu Nianxin is about to enter.

"Wait." A cold drink sounded suddenly, and immediately, Yu Nianxin saw a pink streamer, rushing through the sky, extremely fast, incredibly fast, making herself difficult to evade, but after the extremely fast, There is an indescribable mystery.

The moment the voice came, the figure flew to the front.

"I've seen the Master Sister." Yu Nianxin took a quick look and saluted quickly.

"Yu Nianxin, Yu Sister, you are very good." Hong Feng's arrogant breath permeated directly to Yu Nianxin, faintly condensing into a phantom of a red wing of a butterfly wing, suppressing all around, there was both the suppression of cultivation and the realm The suppression of the awakening blood.

Yu Yunian's mind did not change consciously, only feeling double pressure to suppress it, as if to destroy herself, she could not help biting her silver teeth, mobilizing her whole body for strength, and even mobilizing the power of blood that had not yet fully awakened to fight.

However, Hong Feng ’s cultivation is in the middle level of the Yuan Ming Realm, and his blood is fully awakened. In terms of cultivation and blood, it is not comparable to Yu Nianxin ’s. He has a heart to learn from. The pressure is unimaginable.

Tong Hongfeng's face was gaunt, his eyes twinkling with cold light, his breath was filled with madness, and he kept on rushing away, just like the shocking waves of the shore followed by the heavy ones.

She did not directly burst out all the breath of strength, but strengthened it one by one, in order to give Yu Nianxin a profound lesson, so that she understood what is irresistible and what is despair.

Of course, she did not dare to kill Yu Nianxin directly, because this is in the Binghuangdao and Bingsheng Palace, and it is impossible to kill other true disciples by hand, even the elders, even for any reason.

Furthermore, the potential of Yu Nianxin's bloodline is good. It seems to be the bloodline of Bingyan Tianhuang, but it is even more high-end than his own bloodline. The potential is stronger. It has already caused the concern of the strong men in Binghuangdao.

Note that once their blood is awakened, it will receive more attention.

The breath, strong and heavy, exceeded Yu Nianxin's tolerance, making Yu Nianxin feel that it was difficult for him to support it, as if he was about to be defeated, extremely uncomfortable.

"Master, why?" Yu Nianxin closed one of his eyes unconsciously, and the other eye barely opened, asking hard.

There was no conflict between myself and this Red Sister Fengfeng, and even there were very few meetings. Why was this the case when the other party came?

He is almost like treating himself as his enemy.

Unable to understand!

"Why?" The smirk on Hongfeng's face became more and more obvious. His eyes were as cold as a monster, and it seemed that Yu Nian's heart was to be pierced and torn.

She Yu Nianxin's silver teeth were almost bitten. This terrible power seemed to destroy her body.

"I won't give you a profound lesson, I don't know the heights and heights of the earth." Hong Feng said again, his voice became sharper and faint, there seemed to be a sharp chirping sound of the bird, exaggerated, it seemed to pierce Yu Nianxin Eardrum.

This breath, without concealing it, spread quickly, and soon shocked the other disciples of Binghuangdao, one after another.

"what happened?"

"Isn't that Master Hongfeng?"

"Who is the other one?"

"It's Yu Nianxin."

"Why did Master Sister hit Yu Sister Yu?"

The disciples of Binghuangdao were astonished.

"Hmm, I must have offended the master sister by myself." Bai Songdie sneered. Since the last time the three entered the ancient ruins in distress, she has left the two sisters to resist the danger, and herself took the opportunity to escape, although she still used the A reason to move the soldiers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But, there is nothing convincing.

Wu Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin are very obvious. They just don't believe what they say. Besides, the reason is just an excuse. They don't even believe it.

Since the face is so torn, there is no need to pretend to be in good shape, of course, it is going to go down.

Huh, Bai Songdie's mind turned sharply. She also knew about the attention of a high-level powerhouse in Binghuangdao, but now it is because the power of Yu Nianxin's blood has not been fully awakened. The attention is relatively small. Once awakened After that, the attention has greatly increased, and his identity will be significantly improved. Maybe at that time, he needs to look up at the other party.

In the current situation, looking up at the other person, the feeling will make her feel uncomfortable, so it is best to find an opportunity to devalue the other person, and make it fall, it is best to let the other person's blood never be awakened, never be Let the top powers really pay attention to it.

I heard Bai Songdie's words, and some disciples who usually had jealousy secretly also joined together, as if it really happened.

Everyone speaks of gold. Sometimes hurting people doesn't need to move, just move their mouth.

These voices did not cover up to the ears of Hong Feng and Yu Nianxin. Yu Nianxin's heart was very uncomfortable. Hong Feng's expression became more and more cold, and his eyes were a little proud. Her purpose was very obvious. That is to create enough movement to attract everyone and notice here.

And she didn't really do it, just the momentum was suppressed, in order to give Yu Nianxin an unparalleled profound lesson.

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