Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 16: He is my identified lover

It was a finger, a finger that seemed to be burning with a subtle blue flame. The blue flame looked like a candlelight swaying, and looked very weak. It seemed that the wind would burst when it was blown, but it was extremely tenacious, even if it was broken. Nor can it affect the cent.

的 The fingers under the blue flame are as clear as blue crystal gems.

An understatemented finger, clicked through the void, and shot with a voice full of anger and murderousness. This finger seems simple, but at the moment of clicking, it seems that the time and space around it have stagnated.

It ’s very fast, very fast, because it ’s so fast that everyone ’s sight, perception, and so on can't keep up. A kind of perception distortion that appears to stop in time and space.

其实 But in fact, before that step, time and space are still passing and still running. The force needed to make time and space truly stagnate is too strong and too strong.

Chen Zong only felt that for a moment, he was imprisoned by a terrible force, imprisoned in the void, unable to move, the omnipresent coercion suppressed his body and even the Yuanshen from all sides, even the spirit was imprisoned, thinking Ability drops to the extreme.

I want to dodge, but I can't dodge, my body doesn't seem to be my own.

If he wants to fight back, he cannot do it, because he cannot mobilize his own power.

The next breath, he will be penetrated, his body will be broken, the Yuanshen will fall apart, the soul will be destroyed, and his death will disappear.

However, Chen Zong was not half afraid and nervous. He stared at the old man who broke through the air with a calm eye. This calmly called the old man secretly surprised and did not stop.

This is ... a blow from Taoism, even if you do not use all your strength, you still reach the level of Taoism, powerful and overwhelming, you can easily kill the supernatural powers, even if it is a powerful 12-star superpower The person can't resist it, let alone a Yuanming Realm.

指 That finger pointing to Chen Zong's brows, without mercy, is to defeat Chen Zong's Yuanshen.

Suddenly, between a flash of light and shadow, a god-like body appeared in front of Chen Zong, and his right arm was gently waved forward. At that moment, a dark blade of light appeared as if it was tearing out of the void.

An underplayed blow, but the moment it collided with that finger, directly burst the blue flames burning on the finger, and there seemed to be a sharp golden iron symphony between the vaguely, like a ripple under the surface of the void. Spread away.

It was Chen Zong's conclusion of the demon's heart that Xun shot to intercept this finger.

After intercepting that finger, the magic heart did not continue to shoot. He was very sensible. This is the boundary of the ice holy palace, and his combat power can only be played to the four-star Taoist statue. Even if it is desperate, it can explode. Some can't exceed too much.

In Binghuanghuang Road, there are a lot of Taoist strong men. If a fierce battle really erupts, it will definitely attract more Taoists.

"Who are you?" The old man didn't shoot again after being frustrated with a finger. Instead, he stared at the demon heart with a cold look and a cold look. He was stunned. She felt that the figure in front of her looked as if it were not a person, but also a person. The strength is a bit strange, elusive, and invisible.

But it is certain that the other party is also a Taoist level.

Once the martyrdom battle broke out, the damage will be very amazing.

"My name is Devil Heart, and I am the protector of Chen Zongzhi, a disciple of true mind Tiangong." Demon Heart replied, but this sentence is not entirely true, but he does not need to say it in detail.

"The true intentions of the heavenly palace!" Lao's eyes stared at him, secretly shocked.

Zhixin Tiangong is the first holy place in the void, the most powerful force, but the number of disciples in it is not as many as the forces, because it is too difficult to become a disciple of Xinyi Tiangong.

For this reason, Xinyi Tiangong attaches more importance to true disciples than other holy places.

At this point, there is a Taoist strong man as a protector, which shows that his status is in the true story of the Mind Heaven Palace, and it is certainly not low, and even very high, the higher the degree of attention by the Mind Heaven Palace.

If it was really killed before, I'm afraid that the Heavenly Palace of Mind will not stop there. For Binghuangdao, it is not a good thing, and it is not a good thing for itself.

The conversation between the two of them was not covered, so all the other disciples of Binghuangdao heard it, and they were all shocked.

The true story of Tiangong Temple!

The Mind Heaven Palace is the first holy place in the void. It is much stronger than the Ice Palace, but it has fewer true disciples, but it is less and less than many astral-level influences, making each true biography more prominent. .

He is also more difficult to see because of the relatively small number of true stories of the Mind Heaven Palace.

I did not expect that there will now be a true intention of the Tiangong Temple, and, showing an extremely powerful strength, the master sister Hongfeng was defeated at once.

This is undoubtedly shocking to a disciple of Binghuangdao.

"It's him!" There was a faint coldness in the eyes of Bai Songdie, with a hint of hatred.

What happened in the ancient ruins of Xunming is still vivid, in her opinion, it is a shame.

"Why is the true biography of the Mind Heaven Palace coming to my Binghuang Tao?" Although the old lady was surprised, she didn't lose her posture, but she looked cold and cold, showing that she was unwelcome and refused to stay thousands of miles away.

After all, his proud disciple was severely wounded. As a master of nursing, how could he not be happy.

"Return to Red Crane Taoist, this person came to Yu Nianxin's sister." Bai Songdie preemptively said: "This person's relationship with Yu Nianxin's sister is not ordinary."

The tone of the white pine butterfly, accentuating the three words "not ordinary", seems to be a metaphor.

"Sister Yu Nianxin and I have worshiped in the same sect a long time ago." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said that Chen Zong had some knowledge of the rules of the Ice Holy Palace, in order to avoid letting Yu Nianxin Embarrassed, Chen Zong gave this statement, which is also true.

"Yeah, I don't see it as simple as the past brothers and sisters." Bai Songdie's voice became sharper, and Yu Nianxin had to be placed in the Jedi.

"Yu Nianxin, is his statement true?" Red Crane Tao Zun suddenly looked at Yu Nianxin, his eyes implied oppressively, and his voice questioned coldly.

"Returning to the Red Crane Taoist, I and Chen Zong are indeed from the same relationship." Although Yu Nianxin was somewhat oppressed, he did not shrink back or fear, and even faintly determined: "Now, Chen Zong is my identified accomplice. "

"Excessive!" As if angering Tianwei, Honghe Daozun was furious, and the horror burst suddenly burst out. There was a horrible and extremely high-pitched vocal sound rising into the sky, as if tearing the sky. To shred everything.

"What a bravery." Hongfeng had already stood up, and when her teacher Honghe Tao came, a pure force poured into her body.

Suppressing the raging sword qi in the body and then crushing it. Now, the red phoenix taking the elixir has recovered a little, with Master ’s fury, his face is full of expression: "Our ice holy palace has strict rules and regulations, The disciples of Binghuangdao can only choose from the inside of Binglong Road. They cannot choose outsiders. You are just a true biography, and you dare to violate the rules of the palace. "

In a word, Yu Nianxin was pushed directly to violate the rules of the palace, as if he was going against the law.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes seemed weird, as if full of accountability, making Yu Nian's face pale.

"Come here, take Yu Nianxin back, imprison a hundred years of imprisonment, and do something special." Red Crane Tao Zun immediately gave orders, the tone was extremely cold.

"Bing prison imprisonment for 100 years!" At the time, all Binghuangdao disciples' faces changed greatly.

Bing prison, that is the place where Bingsheng Palace is used to punish those who violate the rules of the palace. It is like a prison, but it is more terrible than the ordinary prison.

In the ice prison, one's self-cultivation will be suppressed, and he will be tortured by the bitter cold at any moment, and it will be able to withstand it for a short time. As time goes by, he will be very uncomfortable. Can't hold on, can't hold on, and seeks short-sightedness.

In short, if he was imprisoned for a hundred years in jail, it would basically be void.

Yu Yu Nianxin's complexion became paler.

"Slow." A chilling voice, with a sharp sword-like sharpness, seemed to pass through the sky like a frost sword, and it was approaching instantly. The amazing frost sword meant everyone seemed to be frozen and pierced. .

Especially the disciples who were about to take Yu Nianxin's hands were all chilling, as if the ice sword was suspended. It seemed that as long as they continued to move, the sword suspended above their heads would fall, pierce them and kill them directly.

I heard that the two words sounded, and the look of Red Crane Tao Zun also changed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ secretly angry, but did not do other actions.

A deep blue sword light approached, and a figure appeared in the sword light, and the sword light filled the endless cold and cold, but it was like the magnificent magnificent power of the sun, not forever.

This person is wearing an ice-blue warframe, which looks like a blue phoenix, transformed into her beautiful figure, with a phoenix crown on her head and a cold face. Frost's eyebrows are like swords, his eyes reveal an endless sharp ice, and at a glance, it seems to be able to pierce the heart.

I look young, but not young.

"Yu Nianxin just decided that he was a candidate for a priest, not yet a priest, and did not violate the rules of the palace." Feng Guanfeng Jia's voice filled with endless sharp chill.

Disciples, even Master Hongfeng, dare not refute the slightest.

"If there is a seed, it means that it may appear." Honghe Taoist Zun stared at him: "Lianning Taoist, what do you think?"

"There is, there is, there is no." Lan Ning Tao Zun's eyes are extremely sharp, as if the sword is broken, staring at the Red Crane Tao Zun, as if to penetrate it, immediately looking at Yu Nianxin: "Nian Xin, Tell her, yes or no. "

"Back to Lan Ning Tao Zun, not yet." Yu Nian said in his heart, and then silently added: "But I only identify him."

"It's all gone." Lan Ning Dao Zun glanced away, and a group of dry Ice Phoenix disciples left.

"Hum." Lengheng hummed, Honghe Daozun took Hongfeng and left quickly, after all, Lanning Daozun came, and she continued to stay. It didn't make much sense.

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