Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 36: Settled

Outside the entrance of Bingshengxu, a deity of Dry Ice Dragon Road and Binghuang Road were present, all waiting.

The contention of Taoism is a major issue, and Taoist respects must be taken seriously, and it cannot be overemphasized.

Since Lan Shuang's first exit, other people have subsequently exited one after another, appearing outside Bingsheng Market. Interestingly, these people who leave after Lan Shuang are basically on the side of Ice Dragon Road. Except for Ao Sheng, those in the four camps.

Listening to them, it seems that the reasons for leaving the game are related to Ao Shengwang's team.

Well, the way of Binglong Road is almost certain, the one who is absolutely stable is King Ao Sheng.

As for the Binghuangdao, Hongfeng is most likely to win Fengjing's position, followed by Huarongrong. The other three have very little competitiveness, especially Yu Nianxin, which is almost impossible.

So, who can get Fengjing in the end?


Only wait!

"Someone came out." Dao Zun's realm was superb and his eyesight was superb. He instantly saw the light at the vortex, which was a sign that someone had left Bingsheng Market.

All eyes stared away.

Yu Nianxin appeared first, followed by Li Jiayin, Wu Qiaoyun, and finally Chen Zong.

Seeing that it was Yu Nianxin and others, the Taoists lost their interest in attention at once. In their opinion, Yu Nianxin and others should be eliminated.

Counting the previous Lan Shuang, all five of Yu Nianxin's lineup left Bingshengxu, while the other four Binghuangdao Taozi did not leave.

Yu Nianxin's lineup was completely eliminated.

There is no longer a chance.


"Yeah, the time is too short. If she is given enough time, the potential and talent of Bingyan Tianhuang's blood will definitely not be inferior to others."

"Well, if you lose, you lose, there is no luck at all." Red Crane Tao Zun sneered.

"Dear Taoists, I have received Feng Jing." Yu Nianxin, who fell to the ground, opened his palm, and a thirty-two-sided crystal emerged. From any side, a complete ice phoenix that seemed to soar wings. .

Yu Nianxin's move immediately called the main road stunned, and it was difficult to respond for a while.

How is this going?

What exactly happened?

But Dao Zun ’s minds were tough, and he quickly reacted and was amazed. As for the Red Crane Dao Zong, his proud sneer on his face solidified directly, and then became very ugly, as if Yu Nianxin intentionally embarrassed her, It was the invisible slap that threw her severely on her face, loud and loud.

"You got Fengjing!"

"how did you do it?"

Even though the main road consciousness woke up, he was shocked, and his heart was full of questions.

Yu Nianxin did not answer specifically.

All in all, Feng Jing is in his hands.

Later, other people appeared from the vortex. Many people appeared this time, all of them left Bingsheng Market.

Yan Zhenxuan and Su Yumeng accepted the facts, but they were reluctant to accept the content, but they could only accept it, but Red Phoenix was very unwilling, strong and unwilling. The eyes seemed to be burning with flames, with an indescribable expression. His anger swept across Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin.

With such a glance, there are some wolverines of bereavement dogs, whether Chen Zong or Yu Nianxin

Did not bother.

Feng Jing was in his hands, the struggle between the Taos, the dust settled.

"You guys, Yu Nianxin's cultivation is so low, not only is there insufficient staff in his team, but also the lowest overall level among the four teams, but he can get Fengjing. Don't you think any of them is tricky?" But suddenly he opened his mouth, clearly not having good intentions.

Chen Zong frowned slightly, but did not speak.

"It can only be said that they are not as good as people." Yu Nianxin said sharply, without fear.

"A disciple was so rude that he blatantly collided with Dao Zun. I proposed that his Feng Jing be confiscated and the position of Dao Zi be decided." Honghe Dao Zun seemed to be annoyed.

"The dispute between Daozi is the rule of Bingsheng Palace over the ages. Is Red Crane Tao Zun planning to overthrow the rules of Bing Sheng Palace by himself?" Yu Nianxin was not afraid of Red Crane Tao Zun, and his words became sharper and sharper. Chen Zong secretly applauded as if the sword was stabbed without hesitation.

Before, as a disciple, of course, we couldn't openly oppose Taoism, that was irrational.

But now, everyone can see that it is not Yu Nianxin who is unreasonable, but Red Crane Daozun, who is entangled with Hu, who wants to get rid of Yu Nianxin's approach.

This approach is very inconsistent and inappropriate, and as her Taoist respect, it is very inappropriate.

Of course, Yu Nianxin's counterattack was very sharp, although it was normal, but there was also a blatant collision.

"Honghe, a lot of years old, don't lose the last face." The cold drink sounded suddenly, full of icy coldness, and with a direct rebuke, the red crane's face became more and more complex. Ugly.

The visitor is Lan Ning Tao Zun.

Originally Lan Shuang left the game early, called Lan Ning Dao Zun very unhappy, unwilling to wait any longer, and left Lan Shuang directly.

What was unexpected was that Daozun summoned her, saying that Yu Nianxin left Fengsheng with Bingjing.

When I first saw it, Lan Ning Dao Zun did not believe it, and he did not believe it. After all, Yu Nianxin's lineup was so weak, and because Lan Shuang's early exit, it was even less competitive. .

However, this kind of thing should not be used as a joke. Those who are familiar with her Lan Ning personality know that no joke can be made, and even she is a person who does not like to make jokes.

In this case, it may be true. As for the true and false, if you look at it for yourself, you will know that it will not take much time and energy.

Just when I arrived, I heard the words of Honghe Daozun and Yu Nianxin's sharp response, and he was certain that Yu Nianxin received Feng Jing. For a time, Lanning Daozun had an unspeakable shock in his heart.

The people who are least likely to get Feng Jing have got it. What could be more shocking than this.


But that's the truth.

And Yu Nianxin, but the next generation of his sister and sister, is considered a generation of his own nephew, to a certain extent, belongs to her veins, can get Feng Jing to become the Tao, that is the supreme glory of this vein.

In this case, of course, we must maintain it and do our best to maintain it.

"The ice holy palace has the rules of the ice holy palace. The dispute over the Tao has long been settled. Now, if you are a red crane, you want to overthrow the palace rule. Maybe you intend to violate the palace rule and violate the ancestor's legacy?" Lan Ning Dao Zun's second sentence directly put a big hat on Red Crane Dao Zun.

Meaningful words are different in meaning from Yu Nianxin's mouth and from Lan Ning Tao Zun's mouth.

Yu Nianxin said, she

They can not pay attention, but Lan Ning Dao Zun said that they must pay attention to it. One is careless and has a great impact.

Once passed out, what was lost was the face of Bingsheng Palace.

"Well, the palace rules have palace rules. The contention of Taoism is Fengjing. Whoever can bring out Fengjing will be eligible for the Taoism." Binghuangdao first respected Bingjidaozun finally spoke, his voice Indifferent: "There is no need to argue about this."

She is the most prestigious and oldest in the current Binghuangdao, and it is not comparable to either Lan Ning Taoist or Red Crane Taoist.

Even if Binghuang Daozun was alive, he did not dare to say that he was Bingji Daozun's opponent.

Strength, to a great extent, determines status and right to speak.

Therefore, as soon as Bingji Daozun opened his mouth, Lan Ning Daozun said nothing, even though Honghe Daozun was unwilling, he still shut up.

Originally, her plan was to force Yu Nianxin to surrender Feng Jing, and then win that Feng Jing for her disciple Hong Feng and become a Taoist.

Once Hongfeng became a Taoist, Honghe Daozun also benefited. Maybe you can't see anything in a short time, but there will still be benefits in time.

Basically, becoming a Taoist can become a Taoist future.

Once Hongfeng became Taoist, she had another Taoist in this vein, which was a decisive force.

Now everything is empty.

An annoyed glance at Hongfeng, Honghe Daozun turned away without a word, and disappeared instantly.

"Congratulations to Nianxin for winning Fengjing, and it will become the Tao of Binghuangdao." Wang Aosheng said suddenly, and walked over with a smile: "Fool brother is not talented, but also won Longjing, as the ice dragon Tao child."

"Lan Ning Dao Zun. Since ancient times, Bing Long Road and Bing Huang Dao have been companions. Now I am Bing Long Dao Tao and my heart is Bing Huang Dao Tao. It is a match made in heaven, and I hope Lan Ning Dao is complete ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ Wang Aosheng looked to Lan Ning Tao Zun, and stated his true purpose.

Since repeatedly rejected by Yu Nianxin, King Ao Sheng changed his way and hit his mind on Lan Ning Tao, because Lan Ning Tao was Yu Nianxin's uncle.

If Lan Ning Dao Zun agrees, then Yu Nianxin also has to consider Lan Ning Dao Zun's opinion.

Hearing the words of King Ao Sheng, Lan Ning Tao Zun moved.

There is no doubt about the talent of King Ao Sheng himself. He will definitely become Dao Zun in the future. Moreover, Ao Gu Zun himself is also a powerful Dao Zun. If King Ao Sheng and Yu Nianxin are princes, it will further strengthen the momentum. benefit.

"Brother Ao, it is my personal choice to choose a priest. Please do not cause trouble to Uncle Lan Ning." Yu Nianxin immediately spoke, rushing to respond before Lan Ning Dao Zun opened, so let Lan Ningdao I'm not good enough to speak again.

"It's a bad thought, and now you will become the Taoist of Binghuangdao. Choosing a priest is no longer a personal matter." Ao Shengwang was as sticky as a dog skin plaster.

"I repeat once again, my future prince is definitely not Brother Ao." Yu Nian stared at Ao Sheng Wang verbatim, saying in a word, the tone was firm and unquestionable, even if the mountains collapsed, it could not affect the slightest, and should not be shaken. .

King Ao Sheng's complexion suddenly turned blue. He felt that his face was being shaken vigorously, and he was hurt very much. Moreover, he himself was sent to be beaten.

Ao Guzun's expression remained unchanged, and he could not see the mood, but his eyes were dark and very dangerous.

"Go." Ao Guzun only said a word and stayed, but it was just a shame.

With a rage of murderous anger, Wang Aosheng gave Chen Zong a cold look. He believed that everything was due to the appearance of Chen Zong.

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