Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 46: Sword Xeon

(Fourth more fourth more)

Aggression is like fire, speed is like wind, and soil is like mountains.

But it lacks the softness and softness of water.

This is Yuan Chongshan's defect. However, the defect is relatively speaking. If it is against other opponents, it is not a defect, because it can't hold offensives like Yuan Chongshan. Zoomed in and seized the opportunity by Chen Zong.

The sword light is mellow, as if flowing water, like the rivers and waves, surrounding Chen Zong's body, and resisting all the attacks of Yuan Chongshan.

Yuan Chongshan only felt that every shot he tried to blast out. When he hit that Jianguang, he was continuously weakened, offset, and resisted. In the end, Chen Zong could not be hit through Jianguang at all. Inflict damage, let alone defeat it.

It's like hitting the shell of a turtle. It's not only round but also very hard. It can't be broken, which makes Yuan Chongshan very uncomfortable and even tormented.

"Exercise air!" With a low drink, Yuan Chongshan withdrew his right arm, his fist violently vibrated, and his fist condensed between the shocks, and a sudden punch blasted out. The void under his fist seemed to vibrate with it.

This strike is still a ten-star level of combat power. It has not reached the top ten-star level, but it is not an ordinary attack, but a sophisticated attack.

When he hit Jianguang, Chen Zong immediately felt that the opponent's power was very condensed, which was difficult to weaken the transfer resistance, and that power was quickly transmitted through Jianguang in a super fast shock and blasted to Chen Zong.

This technique is quite clever, but Chen Zong is not irresistible.

The wrist trembled, and Jian Guang shuddered along with it. The strength of the invasion was immediately offset, which could not really affect Chen Zong's body.

Perhaps when it comes to rage, Yuan Chongshan is even better than Chen Zong.

When the air was broken, Chen Zong was resolved. Jian Guang suddenly gathered and volleyed, as if to split the heavens and the earth. It was called Yuan Chongshan.

With a slight movement of his legs, he slipped back at a high speed, avoiding the sword cut, but the sword Qi also broke through in an instant to kill.


Yuan Chongshan suddenly rubbed his hands together, and the powerful force burst out, like two pieces of **** gold, directly breaking the sword gas.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Chongshan's breath erupted in an instant. It was not that he lifted his cultivation restrictions, but he urged him to exert his secret method.

What's the best thing about a cultivator?


God body!

The fighting method requires superb skills, but it is also good at crushing people with force, or at the beginning of refining, it is strength, that is, crushing people with force, and dropping ten times with one force.

Juyuan Ziji Hall is even more amazing in this respect.

Therefore, the people in the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall, regardless of their previous body, will gradually strengthen once they have cultivated their heritage, and eventually become a giant with a height of two meters.

Yuan Chongshan is a special case. He has not become a giant with a height of two meters, but is in the normal height. However, his musculoskeletons are more condensed and fiercer. Moreover, Yuan Chongshan also pays great attention to skills.

It can be said that in the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall, his skill is one of the best.

But now I find that with my deep and proud skills, I can't help each other, but not as good as the other.

Although he felt uncomfortable, Yuan Chongshan did not feel frustrated. Instead, he wanted to explode, erupt the secret law, and defeat the opponent with overbearing power.

As long as it is your own strength, as long as you can defeat the opponent, it is enough. What kind of method is not important.

Persevering in style, just pedantic.

"Ju Yuan!" Whispered, but it was like a sulking thunder rolling and roaring in all directions.

Yuan Chongshan's body trembled very fast, as if he had extremely powerful strength, and he continued to swell out in his body, and his strong breath continued to soar.

Strange sounds kept ringing, Yuan Chongshan's body began to rise, and each muscle seemed to be infused with new violent force, constantly bulging, holding up the tight sleeveless suit on his body.

The sleeveless suit was also magical and was not broken.

In just a short period of time, Yuan Chongshan changed his appearance. His body soared to the early two meters, which was the same as other disciples of the giant giant Zijidian, but his size was still not very large. As if cast of steel, it contains terrifying power.

Yuan Chongshan's skin was also red, and it seemed to be iron and steel that had been roasted by the fire. The breath was full of rage and fiery.

The breath billowed like a raging smoke, which was caused by too strong blood.

Bloody sky!

Vaguely, there seemed to be a pale red halo haunting Yuan Chongshan's body.


"Yuanshidi practiced the giant Yuanba body to the second level."

The Taoists from Ziyuan Hall of Juyuan also smiled and were very satisfied.

Juyuanba is one of the highest inheritance of Ziyuan Hall of Juyuan. Cultivation is not easy, requires sufficient talents, and must be supplemented with many precious magic drugs, etc., to get started.

The giant Yuan tyrant body is divided into five layers. In theory, the Yu Dao Realm can cultivate the first, the Yuan Ming Realm can cultivate the second, and so on, and the third corresponds to the supernatural power.

However, this is not the case. Most of the imperial realms cannot cultivate giant Yuanba body at all, because it is not enough to support the consumption of cultivation.

Yuan Ming Realm can often only be practiced as the first priority, and Shentong Realm can be practiced as the second priority.

However, not all people in Juyuan Ziji Hall can practice Juyuan Domineering. Anyway, that is one of the highest inheritance. If they really make a significant contribution or are loyal or special to Juyuan Ziji Hall And so on, and moreover, you don't necessarily have the talent to cultivate the giant Yuanba body.

Yuan Chongshan practiced to the second level at the level of Yuan Ming Realm, which is undoubtedly amazing.


Amazingly coercive, overbearing, violent and unrivalled, constantly escaping from the body of Yuan Chongshan, impacting in all directions.

The muscles on Yuan Chongshan's arms were like strips of dragons, very scary.

Cultivation is still a high level of Dacheng Deity, but the breath is completely beyond.

The eyes seemed to spit out a fiery flame. Yuan Chongshan stared at Chen Zong, and immediately brought extremely strong pressure to Chen Zong. At the next breath, I saw Yuan Chongshan step out.

With a bang, the whole ring was shaking and seemed to be shattered.

Yuan Chongshan fell with his right foot, bent, and when he suddenly exhaled a strong force, the muscles on his thighs were as tight as the extreme dragon's tendons, bursting into a sudden speed.



It's like a savage charge, but its speed is like lightning, turning into a horrifying thunder that destroys mountains and mountains.

Shoulder hit!

Yuan Chongshan's left shoulder protruded, like a chariot, and blasted directly towards Chen Zong. Under the amazing strength and speed, he completely crushed the air and repelled it, forming a vacuum.

Chen Zong immediately felt an astonishing coercion coming, as if to crush himself.

Even with his extraordinary perception, Chen Zong was able to feel that this collision was not just a blow. Whether he evaded or resisted, there would be subsequent changes. It should be elbow and boxing.

The shoulder and elbow fist directly formed a triple combo, and a terrible continuous blow broke out.

This continuous pursuit will undoubtedly be terrible. Even if it is hit by its own defense, it is absolutely uncomfortable, and the injury is certain.

Is Chen Zong willing to get hurt?

Of course not.

Since the other party is showing the secret method, so should he.

Burning, burning!

Lingwu Supreme!

Suddenly, Chen Zong's breath soared, as if there were swords slamming, ringing in all directions, shaking, an invisible sword light seemed to be rising into the sky, breaking the sky.

Under the condition of no change, Chen Zong's combat strength also skyrocketed.

Eleven stars!

It is the same as that after Yuan Chongshan casts the second-largest giant Yuanba.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Five Swords!

When a sword is killed, Jianguang condenses into one point, the ultimate point, and breaks through the sky.

The extreme sharpness, even the Taoist level is surprised, as if everything will be penetrated.

When the time passed, Jianguang was broken, but Yuan Chongshan's collision was also blocked. The subsequent combos not only failed to show, but also felt a terrible sharpness. It seemed to penetrate his shoulders, making him feel pain. .

This is an incredible thing.

Because when the giant Yuanba body is cast, especially when it reaches the second level, it will give birth to a layer of red light protection, which greatly weakens the pain and can also resist the bombardment of powerful forces ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The knockback will not even be interrupted.

In this case, the opponent ’s sword not only interrupted his offensive, but even made him feel the pain throughout. It was simply terrible.

One sword failed, Chen Zong issued a second sword.

Jianguang burst out one after another.

Although today's kendo area is more than 10,000 meters, Chen Zong has not yet closed his retreat and incorporated it into swordsmanship. Therefore, Jianwu is the strongest sword.

Under the blast of sword light, Yuan Chongshan continued to resist, punching and punching, and constantly breaking the sword light, but each time he broke the sword light, his fists would send out a burst of pain, even more Be constantly blocked from moving forward.

The power of the sword in the beginning!

Chen Zong inspired the final strength and merged into the sword, which further enhanced the power of the sword.


Yuan Chongshan's pupils shrank like a needle, and he felt that the sharp edge of this sword would not be able to resist him.

"Ju Yuan Hun Tian!" At a critical moment, Yuan Chongshan exploded again, his arms moved in front of him, and he displayed a defensive tactic. The strong power was integrated into one, as if the extreme violentness was compressed in it. It was like a vortex, so that everything could not be escaped.

When Jian Guang struck, he fell directly into the round vortex, as if swallowed, and a continuous explosion of sounds continued to sound.

"Burst!" A loud drink sounded, Yuan Chongshan's arms suddenly pushed forward, and the continuously exploding muddy vortex instantly turned into a meteorite, blasting towards Chen Zong at an astonishing speed.

Inside, not only has the power of Yuan Chongshan, but also the power of Chen Zong's sword light, the power is terrible. At the same time, Yuan Chongshan's legs shook, the power broke out, and the speed was fully open, following that one. After a round vortex, it approached quickly.

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