Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 79: Kendo

A word of truth is worth more than ten thousand books.

If it weren't for the mentioning of the heart, Chen Zong himself didn't know how long it would take before he could realize, perhaps short, or long, it would be hard to say.

Next, Chen Zong plunged into the mysterious ocean of the path and the front.

The idea of ​​using jidao and jindao to assist kendo is very straightforward and very good, but it is definitely not that simple. It is not something that can be accomplished in one sentence. It takes time and energy to study and try before it can succeed.

There will be no pie in the sky. All successes are the result of many efforts.

Chen Zong was fortunate to have the inheritance of the Taoism and the Formation of the Taixu Shenmen. Although not all, he also laid a solid foundation for studying the Taoism and Formation.

In front of a huge oven, a figure was swinging a hammer, smashing it again and again, and hitting a red-hot soldering iron. Each hammer was lifted and dropped with a uniform speed, just like countless exercises. Trajectory, a more natural feeling.

When the hammer hits the red-hot soldering iron, there will be finely broken Mars spattered away, and the red-hot soldering iron is also cast a little bit to remove Wu Cunjing and slowly form.


The virtuosity of Taixu Shenmen is so clever. Naturally, it will not be such a primitive way to refine the implements. However, Chen Zong started from the most basic way. In this way, we can grasp the mysteries in depth and accurately .

If you don't do it, you must do your best, and this is Chen Zong's standard.

A long time ago, Chen Zong was still a teenager, a teenager who had just set foot on the road to cultivation. He had once learned the art of forging, but it was only a period of time that he did not consider it as the main direction. Chen Zong laid a good foundation.

In the subsequent cultivation process, I have had more or less contact with it. In the sea of ​​lost light, we have received the corresponding inheritance, which has further improved the foundation.

Because of this, Chen Zong was able to better accept, understand, and master after he had received some ceremonial inheritance from the Taixu Shenmen.

Today, Chen Zong regains his grasp, starting from the most basic and primitive way.

The sword robe on the body was replaced, the upper body was naked, the muscles were crisscrossed, the head was not large, and there was a delicate and robust beauty. When combined, it could burst out amazing power.

When the hammer is lifted and dropped, the muscles flow like water, which is amazing.

Soon, the sword embryo was formed, and soon, a sharp sword was cast by Chen Zong, but it was forged with ordinary steel, but a good sword was forged, at least, far better than the essence of the material.

After a few glances, he set the sword aside, and Chen Zong continued to forge it.

After forging hundreds of sharp swords in a row, Chen Zongfang stopped and found an accurate feeling. The next step is to really study the way of Taixu Shenmen.

Chen Zong didn't plan to go far on the path. Today's inheritance is enough, just need to eat it thoroughly and integrate it into the sword world to cast a stronger sword light.

That means that during the battle, your own consumption will be reduced, which means that each sword light is more tenacious, which is equivalent to increasing the power of the sword light in disguise. In short, there are many benefits.

From the beginning of casting swords with solid materials, slowly transitioning to casting swords with the sword energy, turning into a mighty sword light.




Try again!

Fail again!

Try again!

Repeatedly, Chen Zong did not care how many times he failed and how many times he tried, because after every failure, he could feel the improvement, although it was only a slight improvement.

Chen Zong is totally immersed in it, it is wonderful, forgetting everything.

After being promoted to the extreme, Chen Zongfang only went out of the customs, and found another hearted respect.

During this period of time, the single-minded Daoist should give good instructions to Chen Zong's cultivation.

Without opening the sword world, Chen Zong directly condensed a sword light in an intelligent way, and instantly formed, flying to the heart of the heart.

After Yixin Daozun took it, he gazed carefully, and then the next breath, that Jianguang shattered again.

"Yes, the strength is increased by three times, but it is still not enough, and you can continue to optimize it." Yixin Daozun said, but he was secretly shocked. It was only a few days, and Chen Zong even tripled the toughness of Jianguang And, the upper limit has not been reached.

As for Qi Dao, Yi Xin Dao Zun has also studied it.

In addition, there is also a tradition of instrumentalism in the heart of heaven.

Chen Zongnai is the third way. What he wants to inherit is very simple.

The Taoism of the Mind-Heart Temple and the Taixu Shenmen's Taoism have confirmed each other, inspiring Chen Zong and bringing more inspiration.

Jianguang recasting, just like the forging of the Excalibur, becomes more tough with each recasting.


Once again, every time when consciously ascending to the extreme, Chen Zong will find Master and comment.

ten times!

In the end, Chen Zong increased Jian Guang's tenacity by ten times.

The original sword light was very strong, enough to be comparable to ordinary heavenly artifacts. After ten times the strength, it was enough to be comparable to a powerful top-level artifact.

This is the ultimate that Chen Zong can improve.

After all, the realm and cultivation are limited, and the higher-level artifact is the mysterious artifact, which corresponds to the supernatural power, and there is a great difference between the supernatural power and the supernatural power, like the Yuanming state and the supernatural state. The difference between them is a greater improvement.

Of course, if we talk about the toughness alone, the mysterious artifact will not exceed the spiritual artifact much, the focus is on the mystery and power.

Suddenly, Chen Zong thought of a point, that is the heartless sword.

Ji Xin Wu Xiang Sword is his own destiny artifact. Today's level should reach the level of top spiritual artifacts, and Ji Xin Wu Xiang Sword has the ability to differentiate into sword light.

So, can Jianguang differentiated from Jixin Wuxiang Sword be merged with Jianguang of the sword world?

If it can, it means that Jianguang will become stronger and more amazing.

Worth a try.

Sword World!

Chen Zong directly opened the sword world, then took out the extremely heartless sword, and instantly split into a thousand sword lights.

In total, there are 2,000 Jianguangs appearing all around, but the power of Jianguang differentiated by Jixin Wuxiang Sword is not very strong. After all, it is only the power of Jixin Wuxiang Sword, and it is not integrated into Chen Zong's power. Is not very strong, and can not be compared with the sword world condensed from the sword world.


Chen Zong did not directly merge one thousand ways, but first tried to merge one.

Sure enough, the process encountered no resistance, and the integration went smoothly.

After the fusion, the sword light suddenly changed.


It seems as if it is truly transformed into substance. In the past, it was used to describe the degree of condensedness as if it were the essence. Now, it is as if it were truly transformed into an entity, and its strength has increased a lot.

Chen Zong found another respectful Dao.

After careful study of Yixin Daozun, he did not break it down, but nodded, showing a smile: "Very good, today's intensity, the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, no one can damage it."

But it is not absolute. Who knows if there will be those who possess terrible power at the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, such as Chen Zong.

Of course, even if there is such a person, it is rare and difficult to meet.

In this way, using the Tao to assist the sword world, even if it is completed, at least the current stage is completed. The next stage, naturally, is to wait until Chen Zong becomes more powerful, which is not the time to consider.

Then what Chen Zong has to do next is to do battle, integrate the mystery of battle, into the sword world, and better control the sword light.

Compared to the Tao, Chen Zong's lineage inheritance of the Taixu Shenmen was more and more profound.

Among the lineup traditions, Chen Zong's enlightenment from time to time has already been completed. Among them, there is not much about the formation method, and more about the mystery and basis of the lineup.

This means that Chen Zong has a solid foundation. No matter which kind of formation he studies, he can learn the mysteries in a shorter period of time and master it to a great level or even a higher level.

Although there are not many formations, and they are not very suitable for you. After all, you have to control Jianguang cloth formation. The most suitable formation method is sword formation.

Fortunately, there are also lineage traditions in the Mind Heaven Palace, and there are many lineups to learn from.

Chen Zongnai is the Tao, which is not only a name and a title, but also has a substantial effect.

In the hall of the Mind Heaven Palace, Chen Zong accepts the lineage inheritance from it, and confirms with the line of the Taixu Shenmen, accelerating understanding and rapidly improving.

Chen Zong is completely immersed in the ocean of the front and forgets everything.

The wholehearted mood opens, allowing Chen Zong to realize the mystery and master it in a shorter time.

It's like a dry sponge, absorbing water insanely to enrich itself, becoming fuller and thicker.

Every moment, it is improving. Although such an improvement has not directly and obviously increased its own combat power, it is a potential accumulation. Once applied, www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After integration, What it brings is a great ascension, and even an essential ascension.

Before and after, it took Chen Zong a full month to fully grasp the part of the lineage of the Mind Heaven Palace. As for the mastery of all, it is not necessary, because Chen Zong did not continue to study in one of the formations and took it as the master. The intention of repair.

You must know that one way is like one way and sword. It is profound and profound, and it never reaches the end.

Continue to study, what is the limit?

It almost consumes a lot of time and energy, even if it is supported by a tactic.

This will undoubtedly delay the cultivation and improvement of Jian Yidao.

A month later, Chen Zong went out of the customs, and he retired in the hall for a month. It was boring and tired, not physical exhaustion, but mental and spiritual exhaustion. Chen Zong returned to his palace. , Take a good rest, after a good night's sleep, Mei Mei and enjoy a meal and wine, in this way, to relax yourself.

After that, Chen Zong practiced sword practice again. During the month of enlightenment, he did not move, he felt a bit uncomfortable, and practiced sword, already deep into the bone marrow.

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