Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 92: Reentry

The powerful force flows like a torrent in the body, filling everywhere, and permeating, bringing a stronger feeling to Chen Zong, and nurturing the Yuan God, further strengthening the Yuan God.

The Yuanshen grew stronger, and even with the strength of the soul, the upper limit of the mystery of enlightenment Avenue also increased.

But here is not a good time to learn.

The breakthrough of Xiu Wei made Chen Zong's conventional combat capability even further. He directly broke through the ten-star level to reach the eleven-star level, and the ultimate combat power also increased accordingly, entering the twelve-star level.

The power of the sword world has also become more horizontal, and each sword light has become more horizontal, and the power of the sword array has also increased.


The remaining ninety and twelve-star bats were killed by Chen Zong, turned into the power of Tian Jing, and merged into Chen Zong's body.

has it ended?

No, there are another ten celestial beasts, which are also at the level of twelve stars, but they are more powerful than before and the breath is amazing.

The combat power of the ten celestial beasts suddenly reached the extreme of the 12-star combat power.

Before the breakthrough, whether Chen Zong could defeat them was still unknown, but now, it is absolutely possible.

After a fierce battle, ten tianjing beasts with twelve-star extreme fighting power have died, and ten pure and majestic tianjing forces have once again integrated into Chen Zong's body and become Chen Zongzhi.

The sound of whistling swept across all directions, as if there was a storm raging, the endless pale blue breath converged from all directions and turned into a giant beast. The beast was like a dragon and a tiger, and the breath was horrified by Chen Zong. .


A vigorous roar sounded, roaring in all directions, shaking the world, Chen Zong only felt that his sword world was shaking, as if it were about to be broken, and sword lights were swaying with it.

This kind of terrifying breath suddenly surpassed the level of Yuan Ming Realm.

Divine Power!

This is truly a supernatural beast at the level of supernatural powers.

Chen Zong not only didn't have fear, but instead trembled with war.

Can your current combat power fight against Divine Realm?

Know in a war.

Xiao Zhou Tian Jian Zhen!

When the time passed, the sword array surrounded and directly trapped the beast of the level of supernatural power, and launched an attack.

However, when the tyrannical force hit that day's beast, it just broke through its surface defenses, making it difficult to cause obvious damage.

The Tianjing Beast fought back, and under a violent blow, the sword array shook. Although Jianguang was not broken, it was also directly repelled. The entire Xiaozhou Tianjian array shook with it, as if to collapse.


In a certain room of the Terran War Fortress of Moderate War Zone 1, a faint azure atmosphere diffused out of nothing, like a needle thread, quickly weaved into a human figure. When the light dissipated, a figure also appeared. It was Chen Case.

In Tianjing's secret territory, Chen Zong fought with that supernatural beast, and the result was defeat and death.

"According to the law, the fighting power of the beast that day should be a one-star level of magical powers. My current fighting power can't compete with the magical powers, even the lowest one-star power." Chen Zong secretly said.

Sure enough, the gap between Yuanming Realm and Divine Realm was too large, which was many times better than the gap between Yudao Realm and Yuan Ming realm.

Although he was defeated, he died and left Tianjing's secret realm, but Chen Zong did not feel depressed.

Let yourself see the gap between yourself and the Divine Realm.

In addition, I have made breakthroughs in my own practice, both in practicing qi and refining my body.

However, it is only for the breakthrough, but other aspects have not yet kept up. Although the combat power has improved, it has not yet reached its limit.

If all the combat power is promoted to the extreme.

Chen Zong thought about it ...

"Since Xiuwei has broken to the level of perfection, I don't need to hunt down the demon barbarians. Next, I will retreat for a period of time to promote everything to the extreme." Chen Zong secretly said.

However, this is obviously not a good place for retreat. Chen Zong applied to the battle fortress and passed it directly.

In each battlefield, there is a closed chamber. The intensity of the closed chamber is very amazing, and it is closely related to the level of the battlefield.

For example, in this intermediate battlefield, its closed chamber can resist any attack from the Yuanming Realm without breaking.

One of them is even more amazing, it can resist the attack of the magical realm without breaking.

It was Chen Zong's best closed room that was opened to Chen Zong. This was Chen Zong's proper treatment.

The closed chamber was opened, Chen Zong was in it, and the formation was running. Suddenly, a plethora of pure vitality was extracted from all sides by the formation, merged into the enclosed room, and diffused everywhere.

Let Chen Zong's entire person be soaked in this pure and strong void vitality, very comfortable, and, as the formation method runs, Chen Zong also feels a trace of magical power spreading, permeating, letting his own The spirit is in a very clear state, with no thoughts.

With a high formation realm, Chen Zong knew at a glance that the formations laid out here have the formation of gathering and refining the vitality of the void, as well as a double formation. It is used for meditation and contemplation. No small benefit.

After Chen Zong mastered the formation, he had an additional interest in researching formation methods. Therefore, after taking the time to study the two formation methods and mastering their principles, Chen Zongfang was really closed.

In this retreat, one is to understand the mystery of the sword of the heart and the avenue of the world and master more avenue power, the second is to enhance the power of the sword of the heart and the world, and the third is to improve the sword of refining the heart. And the power of the Great World Sword Technique.

This is not to say that after mastering the sword world, those two sword tactics will be useless. The sword world is finally used as a hole card instead of conventional means.

As soon as Chen Zong encounters a strong enemy, he can directly cast the sword world, and not all enemies are eligible for Chen Zong to open the sword world.

At the high level of Yuan Ming Realm and the high level of Dacheng Divine Realm, Chen Zong ’s avenue area limit was 15,000 kilometers, which was originally 12,000 kilometers. However, after the soul has been replenished, the intensity has increased a bit, so that The ceiling in the avenue area has been further raised.

Nowadays, Xiu Zeng has broken through to the full level, and the upper limit of the avenue has been raised again, but just how much it is, Chen Zong is not clear.

However, the increase in the upper limit of the avenue area is a good thing, which means that your own combat power can become more powerful.

You should know that almost all the practitioners of the Yuanming Realm cannot reach 10,000 meters in the avenue area, that is, they cannot reach the second level, but Chen Zong can, not only, but also reach a range of 15,000 kilometers. It's amazing.

Every kilometer increase in the avenue area increases its own combat power.

Eliminating all distractions, Chen Zong began to enlighten himself and directly opened his heart and soul.

Close here

In the closed room, when the formation is turned on, the magical powers are difficult to penetrate. Besides, Chen Zong also has the magic card as the card for the monastic protection. He is safe and sound, and naturally he must try his best to understand.

Chen Zong, who opened his mind and spirit, did not distract himself from the whole, but devoted himself to the enlightenment of Kendo of the heart. He planned to enlighten the Kendo of the heart first, and then enlighten the World Avenue.

In this way, it is more efficient.

In addition, even if you have to go out of the way midway through any situation, at least you will first understand the sword of the heart to the extreme, and the sword of the heart can also be quickly improved. By then, your sword world power will be even more powerful. Strong.

Cultivation is a breakthrough, the realm is elevated, and it is under the condition of ten hearts and minds. Chen Zong ’s efficiency of enlightenment is very amazing. You can feel that you are improving all the time. Every day, Chen Zong ’s enlightenment is compared with It usually exceeds ten times, even dozens of times.

In other words, it is like the effect of tens of days of ordinary enlightenment.

The mighty Kendo power is constantly mastered by Chen Zong, and it is getting stronger and stronger. For the sword area of ​​the heart, the sword area of ​​the heart is the foundation. The deeper and stronger, the more powerful the sword area of ​​the heart.

Chen Zongyi's cultivation has never stopped, but unfortunately, the further one's cultivation is, the more difficult the cultivation will be and the more difficult it will be to improve.

Although it is better than one mind ten moods, there are still some gaps from the third one.

Chen Zong estimates that at the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, it is impossible for him to cultivate his heart and mind to the third level of heart and soul.

However, even if he can cultivate one mind to one mind and one hundred hearts, Chen Zong can hardly exert it. The mental power to be consumed is too much. It is estimated that as soon as he opens, in a short time, Chen Zong's mental power will be Will be consumed.

The inability to maintain a certain period of time does not help much in cultivating enlightenment.

Time slowly passed, and the first theater of war was also stabilized. Since the theater was recaptured, of course, the human race was unwilling to be reintroduced by the demon barbarians.

In the closed room, after Chen Zong ’s mental power was exhausted, he moved his mind to thirty-three days, and quickly recovered. After recovering to the peak, he opened up his ten hearted mood again to continue enlightenment, repeatedly, and finally the sword of mind See the limit of Yuanming's perfection.

Then, Chen Zong raised the sword domain of the heart.

As the foundation of the sword of the heart, the awareness of the sword of the heart is astonishing.

16,000 kilometers!

17,000 kilometers!

18,000 kilometers!

19,000 kilometers!

20,000 meters!

When the Sword Realm of Mind was raised to 20,000 meters, it stopped, and Chen Zong knew that the upper limit of his Sword Realm at the level of Yuan Ming Realm was 20,000 meters.

Compared with the previous five kilometers, the improvement of five kilometers is very impressive.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Six!

A sword kills ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The sword light is bright and crystalline, if you look closely, it seems to incorporate a lot of mystery, that is the sword domain, which is the 20,000-meter heart sword domain into it, and the power has greatly increased.

Chen Zong also affirmed that his combat power finally surpassed the top 11-star level and reached the 12-star level, that is, the level of extreme power.

And this is only conventional combat power, not extreme combat power.

After a short break, Chen Zong immediately enlightened again. This time, he enlightened on the World Avenue. He also had to enlighten him, so that his own refining combat power would be like practicing air combat power, and he could also reach the extreme. Combat level.

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