Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 9: Opportunity is approaching

(Busy, Liudao will be updated as usual)

Four holy places, hundreds of star-level forces, and many galaxy-level and casual repairs selected thousands of Tianjiao, but in the end, only nine people passed the test.

The probability is horribly low.

However, this is the test, the difficulty is there, helpless, unable to pass, no one can blame, can only say that he is not strong enough, nothing more.

As for those who were wounded during the trial, the injuries healed as soon as they left Gwanghae.

"Give you a month to talk about the aftermath." The voice of the Nether Dragon and Snake passed into the ears of nine Tianjiao.

In hindsight, these two words make them have bad associations.

"After all, when we leave this time, when we can come back, whether we can come back, it is still unknown." Void Dragon and Snake added: "Remember, there is only one month to return here on time. If it times out, it is considered abandonment.

Everyone heard the words and looked stunned.

This is not a joke. If something is delayed and time is missed, it is tantamount to losing an opportunity, and being regarded as a world opportunity by the Taoist ranks and even those who dominate the realm.

Obviously, they have passed the test. They are about to come into contact with that opportunity, but they are lost because of time miss, which will make people regret for life.

In other words, nine people were pushed out of Gwanghae by an irresistible force and appeared outside.

"Little brother, congratulations." Yu Wuzhen smiled at Chen Zong, but Chen Zong found that Yu Zhai's flawless smile was somewhat unwilling, not jealous of Chen Zong, but felt unwilling because he lost this. The pile machine edge is undoubtedly a great blow to the good and strong jade flawless.

"Sister Three Masters ..." Chen Zong didn't know how to comfort her for a while, and she seemed pale and weak even though she had tens of millions of words.

"I'm fine." Jade smiled flawlessly.

"Congratulations," Meng Yuan laughed at Chen Zong, who admired Chen Zong very much.

In a month, in fact, it was not long at all. Chen Zong didn't return to Xintiangong because there was nothing to explain. After all, his sister and respect were here.

After talking with Master, Chen Zong left and went directly to Bingsheng Palace.

The Nuokong shuttled through the void again and again and reached the Holy Palace of Ice at the fastest speed.

This time, Yu Nianxin and Ao Shengwang did not arrive. Perhaps they were still in retreat, but other secrets of the ice holy palace came. Unfortunately, they all failed, and none of them passed the test.

But this is nothing, after all, there are more than ten stars in the top level, but only four of them have passed the test, and the proportion is very low.

That volley was the most surprising. A casual repair that passed the test was really sensational.

At the fastest speed, Chen Zong came to the Binghuang Road in Bingsheng Palace. This time, no one dared to snub.

The last time he came, Chen Zong just stated his true identity, and this time, they already knew Chen Zong's identity.


The third way of Xintian Temple!

This status is even more amazing than the two main streets of their ice holy palace.

Moreover, Chen Zong's own talents are extremely amazing, especially the high-level Taoists of the Bingsheng Palace, but they have all faintly heard some news from the northern front. After all, there are also some people on the northern front against the demon barbarian.

It is because he knows that Chen Zong's horror is clearer.

With status, status, talent, potential, and strength, all in one, where is the Bingsheng Palace qualified to neglect nothing.

Even the Red Crane Taoist, who was very hostile to Chen Zong before, did not dare to show the slightest hostility and dissatisfaction.

However, Chen Zong did not mean to deal with them. The purpose of this visit is to Yu Nianxin. The time is only one month. No, some time has passed, less than one month. When you want to see Yu before leaving Mindfulness.

"Nianxin is still in retreat," said Lan Ning Dao Zun. "After she absorbed Feng Jing, the blood was awakened again. This time the awakening was more thorough, so the retreat will take longer."

In this way, I also took Chen Zong to the retreat of Yu Nianxin, and looked at it without disturbing Yu Nianxin.

Yu Nianxin is indeed in retreat. The whole body is filled with a layer of intense breath, and the breath turns into a frosty white flame, which burns fiercely. Yu Nianxin's breath is gradually being strengthened, becoming more arrogant.

When fully awakened, its combat power will definitely reach a new level.

In this case, there is no doubt that it cannot be disturbed. Once interrupted, it will not only hinder the road to Yu Nianxin, it will even cause harm.

Chen Zong will not be so selfish and interrupt Yu Nianxin's practice.

Just look at it like this, look at it quietly, sometimes it is a kind of happiness.

Three days!

Chen Zong stood here for three days, watching Yu Nianxin, and quietly accompanied her for three days before leaving. Naturally, she also left a message for Yu Nianxin.

After leaving, Chen Zong rushed to that Guanghai again, but did not return to Xintiangong, because there was nothing to explain.

When Chen Zong returned to the Guanghai, only twenty days passed in one month, and ten days remained.

Chen Zong wasn't the first to arrive. Duan Lingkong had already stayed here, or Duan Lingkong was a casual repair. There didn't seem to be any concern, so he didn't leave, but stayed here all the time.

As for the others, they all left, because the Nether Dragon and Snake had said that they had passed the test. There would be no danger if they stayed here, even if the strong dominated the territory, they would never want to kill them. dead.

"Chen Zong, try it." Duan Lingkong stared at Chen Zong, and directly invited to fight.

As a casual repair, Duan Lingkong's talents are very good, and his luck is also very good. He has gained many opportunities. With these, coupled with his determination to dare to fight, he constantly cultivates and sharpens. Today's achievements have been able to pass the test and get a chance, which is better than countless days of pride.

Duan Lingkong himself, or in the bones, is belligerent, especially when encountering the top Tianjiao such as Chen Zong, he can't hold back the war intentions in his heart, and it will turn into flames of war.

"Okay." Chen Zong did not refuse. This volley can pass the test as a Sanshou body and obtain the qualification for that chance. It is indeed extraordinary. You must know that there are so many top secrets among the most outstanding secrets The disciples all failed, obviously inferior to him.

"I'm going to make a move." Duan Lingkong reminded, as soon as the voice fell, his empty hands suddenly held out, a silvery light flashed instantaneously, and the light was extremely strong. It bloomed in the moment, and the amazing breath also filled with it. .

The silver light was a spear, and with the flash of Duankong's body, the silver spear turned directly into an extremely violent thunder, which instantly burst into the air, killing it with a strong breath, tearing the world and destroying it.

Chen Zong's expression changed slightly. The power of this gun directly reached the level of twelve stars, and it was extremely powerful. It was even more powerful than Meng Yuan's regular combat power.

Sure enough, Duan Lingkong was able to pass the test, not by luck but by real strength.

In the face of this shot, Chen Zong did not evade. Between the wave of his hands, the sharp sword came out of the scabbard, bringing out a sharp and unrivaled sword light, and slashing out like a void.

The gunmang and Jianguang were in instant contact, bursting instantly, the blade and the gunpoint directly opposed, and Mars sputtered, just like the starman, and the mighty force also oscillated in all directions, and swept into layers of ripples.

Duan Lingkong looked cold and cold, his eyes were like thunder raging, his hands trembled, and the gun body spun suddenly, like a poisonous dragon with a mighty thunder force that passed through the void and crossed the sword body, again blasting towards Chen Case.

However, Chen Zong's swordsmanship was superb and extremely exquisite. His wrists trembled slightly, and the sword body shook slightly. He immediately slammed on the gun body, and the gun body was slightly disintegrated. The sword also broke out in an instant, turning into an arc of light. , Cut to Duan volley, called Duan volley look changed.

The power of this sword is very arrogant and amazing, terrible, so that Duan Lingkong gave a feeling of being cut off.

Suddenly in danger, Duan Lingkong's long gun fluttered, and he swam like a dragon in his hands. The tail of the gun swept across, blocking Chen Zongyi's slash and making a sudden pick. After the gun body was bent, it suddenly exploded and bombarded again.

At a sweep, it was as strong as a mountain.

Chen Zong still did not evade, with a sword in his hand, extremely flexible and powerful, blocking the blow and killing again.

Close me!

Neither of them broke out with more powerful forces, but instead launched close combat with swordsmanship and marksmanship.

With one shot in hand, Duan Lingkong interpreted the marksmanship to an astonishing extreme, mysterious to the extreme. The shot came to life like a thunder dragon, and it was extremely horrible and anomalous, which shocked Chen Zong.

Sure enough, this volley can come to this step, and it is indeed very strong.

That marksmanship, I don't know how much Tianjiao is better than that.

But Chen Zong's swordsmanship is also very strong, even stronger.

The more fighting, the more fierce, the more power erupted. In the end, both of them took out 10% of the regular combat power, and the fierce battle was endless. A dozen of them were spent most of the day, and all of their power was consumed before they stopped. ~ Www. wuxiaspot.com ~ This battle is not for the sake of life and death, nor is it a victory or defeat, it is just a matter of discussion.

"It hasn't been such a brisk battle for a long time." Duan Lingkong had a spear in his hand, his hair was flying, his breath was still arrogant, and a silver Leman surrounded his body, laughing.

I fought the scorpion monster before and tried my best to win, but that kind of battle is different. The mystery of marksmanship has not been shown to the extreme, but the battle with Chen Zong is to show the mystery of marksmanship to the extreme. It is an indescribable experience.

Rest and recover. After that, the two tried again. This time, they used swordsmanship and marksmanship to discuss, without using too much power.

Speaking of which, this volley age is much better than Chen Zong's. The time for practicing marksmanship is several times that of Chen Zong.

Fight, rest, and so on until time is up.

The other seven Tianjiao who passed the test also arrived one after another. No one was late, at least two days ahead of time, waiting, waiting for the so-called world opportunity.

When the time came, everyone's heart was fiery and looked forward to it.

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