Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 15: Fierce monster

The test place, also known as the fiendish wasteland, the sky is dark red, just like the color of dried blood, which can make people feel terrified.

It's a feeling that directly strikes the soul and deep inside, it's not that simple.

The violent fierceness turned into waves of wind and swept through.

"Is this the so-called fiendish demon?" Chen Zong's eyes were condensed, as if substantive, staring at a figure directly in front of him, which was an upright figure about two meters high, covered with blue and black, with a rough film. It seemed to be covered with finely divided crickets, looking tough and abnormal, just like the toad's membrane.

Its skull is scary, like a wolf and a bear broken together, a pair of eyes glowing with scarlet light, full of violent bloodthirsty, teeth crisscross, dense, as if it can bite everything, two arms It is very long, it hangs directly on the ground, each arm has only four claws, it is sharp and abnormal, and on its legs, the muscles seem to be very developed and full of explosive power.

The fiendish demon also found Chen Zong, and the muddy drool flowed in the dog's staggered mouth, as if he found something peerless and delicious. When he kicked his legs, the leg muscles trembled, and an outrageous force erupted immediately, pushing the body. , The electric light flint-like assault came.

The fierce atmosphere was directly shocked, as if to crush Chen Zong.

A sense of thriller emerged from the depths of the body. It was a sense of crisis as if encountering natural enemies. It was not directly related to strength, but more to the essence of life.

Born hostile!

Cosmic monsters, fierce names, violent bloodthirsty, human race and all other creatures are considered to be food-like existence, and cosmic monsters cannot coexist.

You die i live!

When Chen Zong found the evil demon, Jiuzhong Tianhuan also gave a hint.

Ironclaw demon, soldier-level juvenile.

When the iron claw demon rushed towards him, the two iron claws were sharp and abnormal, tearing into the sky, grabbing directly to Chen Zong, violent and cruel, fierce and fierce, once faced, Chen Zong was torn directly, and then Eat it.

Eating flesh and blood will make the monsters grow, which is the main way they become strong.

Chen Zong was standing still, his eyes gazed at the iron claw demon, capturing every move.

The Iron Claw Demon has a strange way of running, but it exerts all of its strength and speed, approaching, and the sharp claws break through to the air. Chen Zong's figure flashes and quickly avoids.

The attack method of Iron Claw Demon is very simple and direct, but it is very efficient. It does not waste a trace of extra power. Everything is just right, just like a master of martial arts who returns to normality. Every move exists only for fighting and for killing.

Because the speed is extremely fast, the claws are spread in all directions, and the densely packed Mahjong Chen Zong is completely wrapped up and down, as if to tear Chen Zong completely.

But Chen Zong was in it, constantly wandering, constantly dodging, even if he couldn't avoid it, he would pull out his sword to resist, and unleash his strength.

After about a dozen breaths, Chen Zong explored the levels and methods of the Iron Claw Demon.

The attack of this iron claw demon can not be described as inscrutable, but it is very simple, but it is as simple as it can be, and it is like returning to life. It is abandoning all useless gorgeousness, leaving only the most fundamental and pure killing skills, everything, only Born to kill the enemy, this is the most terrifying.

The iron claw demon of this juvenile body has a combat power level of three stars in Yuanming Realm, but even if it faces ordinary four stars in Yuanming Realm, it can still fight a battle.

The cosmic monster is born with amazing fighting ability and is terrible.

After exploring all the ways of Ironclaw Demon, Chen Zong directly countered.

The first sword of nine real swords.

Sword light is sharp, like a flash of light flashing through the air and killed instantly, as if a mark of a sword left in the pupil of the eye, has been cut to the iron claw monster's body.

The extremely heartless sword is Chen Zong's destiny artifact, and it is also limited by the laws of the universe. Its power is greatly reduced. Only one tenth of a million makes the sword's power reduced a lot.

A sword was cut, and Chen Zong's look changed slightly. This sword couldn't cut off the iron claw monster's body, but just cracked its rough and tough film.

"So amazing defense!" Chen Zong could not help but startled.

It's just a juvenile, but it has a three-star power in Yuanming Realm, and it has an amazing attack, combined with terrible defense, even if it is facing a four-star Yuanming Realm, it can also compete against one or two.

Such a life is blessed with nature, and it is really terrible.

Fortunately, there is not much wisdom in the cosmic monster. If you have deep wisdom, it will become extremely scary and unstoppable.

A sword failed to perform, and the claws of the iron paw demon were also killed instantly. It was terrible. It directly tore the figure of Chen Zong, but there was no blood splash. The torn one was just a residual image. Chen Zong had avoided it. .

The second sword was shot.

The second sword of nine real swords!

Following the sword marks cut by the first sword, the second sword cut directly into it, and once again encountered obstacles. This iron claw demon is not only tough in the film, the defense is amazing, the internal body seems to be very tough, and it is extremely resistant to the sword. Sharp.

However, the power of the second sword is twice as strong as the first sword, and there are original sword marks, which are cut directly.

Under heavy resistance, Chen Zong's sword was cut into more than half, causing great damage to the Iron Claw Demon.

Draw a sword!


With a stream of black-red blood smelling, the iron paw demon's body was shaking, and it was painful.

The soldier-level cosmic monsters don't have much wisdom, but it doesn't mean that they have no consciousness. They will still feel pain when they are injured. Especially after being cut into half of the body, the sword is pulled out, and the cutting pain is straight through the soul.

The iron claw demon under the severe pain became more and more crazy, and the sharp claws blasted to Chen Zong, each of them was condensed with black and red vigor, fierce and smashing.

Chen Zong kicked out quickly, struck the iron claw monster with a strong force, and with a kick, the sword was pulled out at once, bringing up a puddle of black and red stinky blood, his body flew back, and the sharp claws just caught in front of him. , Tearing the afterglow of Chen Zong's back.

Falling to the ground, a little toes, the power broke out again, the whole person rushed forward, slashed with a sword.

The second sword of nine real swords!

It is not that Chen Zong does not want to exhibit the third sword, but that he has not yet mastered it.

This sword cut into the scar with great precision, like a broken bamboo, if the streamer breaks off, finally the iron claw monster's body is cut off.

Cut off!

The iron claw monster's body broke into two pieces, but he didn't die immediately. He still waved his claws and fiercely counterattacked. He would kill Chen Zong and kill them all.

Unfortunately, the iron claw demon who had been severed lost his ability to move, and he could only swing his claws in place, struggling to death.

After half a quarter of an hour, the iron claw demon's two claws fell weakly, and Chen Zong waved a sword. This iron claw demon didn't react at all, and there was no vitality.

Get a few trial points.

Chen Zong could not help but smile.

The juvenile soldier-level cosmic monster is so difficult to kill. This battle almost consumed one tenth of his strength in training, but in the end, he only got one trial point. In total, he can only exchange one piece of Qingshui Dan or A grain of lean Dan is too inefficient to maintain the basic consumption of a day.

Considering that Vientiane ’s true power is the second most important, it requires one hundred trial points to be redeemed, which means that it must not be easy to kill and kill one hundred soldier-level juvenile cosmic monsters.

"Nine days, are the soldier-level juveniles cosmic monsters so powerful?" Chen Zong asked.

"Yes." Jiuzhong Tianhuan's tone is very affirmative: "Also, different fiendish monsters have different strengths, such as iron claw demon, a pair of sharp claws is extremely sharp. With your physical strength, once caught, you will directly Torn. "

Chen Zong heard that, he couldn't help but startled, and suddenly thought of a question, he couldn't help asking again: "So what about the growing monster?"

"Equivalent to the six-star combat power of Yuan Ming Realm. It can compete with the ordinary seven-star one or two. The mature monster is comparable to the nine-star. It can barely compete with the ten-star one-two. Power, can fight the top eleven-star, completely fierce monster, is directly twelve-star level of combat power. "

Chen Zong could not help but take a breath.

This fiendish monster is too fierce.

Chen Zong knew very well that one-on-one can win. One-on-two can also win. If it is one-on-three, it will not be easy.

In the final analysis, I just cultivated Vientiane's true strengths first, and adapted my strength to unlock one-tenth of a million levels.

If you want to unblock it further, you need to practice Vientiane's true power second, but you need to have one hundred trial points to redeem it.

Where does the trial credit come from?

Kill the fiend!

Or kill other trialers!

Either way, it's not that simple and there is great danger.

This is an endless cycle that you have to do. Even if you only want to get a first-class evaluation, you must go out of the camp to fight. At least you must ensure that you can live without starvation or thirst.

Dignified Tianjiao is the top Tianjiao of one void. If you are starved to death or thirsty here, you will be humiliated in the void and can be laughed at for thousands of years.

Take out a pill of elixir brought from the void, and quickly refine it with Vientiane's true power. Chen Zong found that the ten percent of his energy he had consumed for his strength did not recover much.

The conversion rate is too low ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The power under the rules of the void and the power under the laws of the universe are indeed different in nature. To make up, you must use the amount to fill.

Fortunately, there are many elixir stockpiled by Chen Zong in the Nine Heavens Circle. If one is not enough, then there are two, and if not, there are ten.

Originally, this practice of qi training required only one capsule of elixir to fully recover. Now, Chen Zong has fully refined one hundred pills of elixir to recover.

This is not to say that the strength that Chen Zong can use now is a hundred times stronger than the previous strength, in fact it is not much different, just because of the difference in rules and rules.

It would be okay to absorb power from the outside to recover, but the atmosphere here is dominated by the evil spirits. Absorbing more is not good for you.

The best way is naturally to redeem the corresponding elixir from the camp, which requires trial points.

Breathing a long breath, although feeling a lot of difficulties, Chen Zong did not lose any confidence. Instead, he was fighting spirit, boiling blood, and trembling with swords. This feeling is really a long absence.


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