Sword God

Vol 39 Chapter 17: Top 4

The trial place under the night is more dangerous than the day, because the evil spirits will emerge in large numbers, and it is very easy to fall into the siege of the evil spirits.

Another point is that in addition to feeling hungry, people here also feel tired and need to rest, it is best to sleep.

In this wasteland, fiendish monsters run rampant. Naturally, it is not a good place to sleep. Naturally, it is necessary to return to the camp.

Chen Zong was not too far from the camp, so he returned quickly.

When the night fell completely, Chen Zong also stepped into the ancient mottled stone bridge, and the fiendish monsters chased after him all seemed to feel something like, unwillingly roaring, and fear.

Chen Zong only knew that this fiendish demon would also feel scared. In the previous battles, the reason why he was not afraid of death was because he was not strong enough to make them afraid.

After crossing the stone bridge and stepping into the camp, all the figures walked around, all of them exuding amazing breath fluctuations, which made Chen Zongji jealous. These figures are the second series of voids and the first series of voids.

To this day, the vagrants in the first sequence of emptiness have been practiced as the first priority in Vientiane, and most of the vain in the second sequence of emptiness have been successfully completed in the first sequence, but the third sequence of vain They have only a few parts.

Especially from the first series of vanity Tianjiao, Chen Zong felt the immense threat, that kind of breath, was more arrogant than himself.

"Did they say that these people have already cultivated the second most important thing in Vientiane?" Chen Zong thought for a moment, and thought of this, it was possible.

After all, on this day, I got 28 trial points, and the first series of emptiness Tianjiao, at least a few days earlier than themselves, practiced Vientiane true power first. According to the test points at 20 o'clock a day, now they should also accumulate With enough trial points, redeeming Vientiane is the second most important thing.

Those who can come here are at least the equivalent of the Yuan Mingjing's extreme level of combat power, the twelve-star level of combat power, recovering 1 / 10,000th and recovering 1 / 1000th, but there is a great difference.

What's more, the first sequence of life in the void has a stronger talent in heaven.

Chen Zong also consulted the Nine Heavens Circle before. The demon barbara and the evil **** race are indeed other sequences of void life, which come from different second sequences of void.

The evil protoss can seize the house, which is very weird. The demon barbarian can burn the power of the totem, and it is very terrible to explode the strongest attack, which is double or even triple.

This is the unique talent that the human race does not have.

So what kind of talents do those races from the first sequence of void have?

Over the two inheritance monuments, Chen Zong saw that Tianjiao, a demon-like human being, was accepting his inheritance.

After returning to his cabin, Chen Zongfang really relaxed and first operated Vientiane True Gong for a few weeks. The evil spirit in this camp was very weak, and the universe's elemental power was clearer and suitable for cultivation.

Although Vientiane's first priority can no longer unlock its own strength, it is a habit to practice cultivation.

Then, Chen Zong pulled out his sword and practiced the first three swords of Jiuzhong True Sword, but he did not instill much power into the exercise. It was purely a sword move, in order to be familiar with and understand the mystery.

The more he practiced the Jiuzhong True Sword, the more Chen Zong felt that this sword technique was not simple.

It seems that each sword is very simple, and it can be directly displayed without any change, but it will only be discovered after real cultivation that the increasing mystery of one sword and one sword has an extraordinary mystery.

After several drills, Chen Zong collected the sword and stood quietly. In his eyes, there seemed to be a flicker of sword shadows. In his mind, many auras flashed and he realized something, but because the level of mastery of the nine true swords was not enough, he could not really Comprehend it.

Chen Zong is not discouraged, as long as he continues to cultivate the nine true swords and master more mysteries, he will certainly understand the mysteries.

After practicing again several times, Chen Zong felt tired, and the sword returned to the sheath, so he took out a big bucket, and took out a piece of Qingshui Dan to dissolve it. Immediately, the big bucket was filled with clear water, clear and transparent.

After repeated battles, my body is not so clean. I do n’t have a chance. Since there are suitable conditions, of course, I have to clean it well to remove all the dirt and make myself clean and comfortable.

Left and right, it is just the consumption of a piece of Qingshui Dan.

Of course, it's not cheap either. A piece of Qingshui Dan is worth a few trial points, which is equal to a ferocious monster.

It's Chen Zong's idea to be nice to yourself. After all, the road to cultivation is not easy. When conditions allow, you should treat yourself as much as possible.

As for food and water, Chen Zong is not worried. Even if there is no redemption, he has stored a lot of food and wine in Jiuzhong Tianhuan, which can completely replace the consumption of Shimizu Dan and Jingdan.

The only difference is that to eat those foods and wines, you need to eat more and take more time, while Shimizu Dan and Jingdan Dan need only be taken instantly.

If you return to the camp, you can eat wine and food. If you are in a trial place, Shimizu Dan and Jingtan Dan are the first choice.

After heating the water, Chen Zong took a hot bath, removed all the dirt, and put on clean clothes. After eating beautifully, he took a good rest and regained energy.

As the night fades and day falls, it is the fourteenth day.

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen, I finally practiced Vientiane for the first time." Duan Lingkong was very happy.

"Congratulations," Chen Zong smiled.

Others also practiced the No. 1 Vientiane true strength one after another, and recovered one-tenth of their strength.

Nine people, Chen Zong and War Demon first became the first, and seven people were stimulated by a day.

"Brother Chen, have you killed the evil demon," Duan Lingkong asked, "how is the evil demon?"

Chen Zong said it in simple words, Duan Lingkong's face was suddenly calm.

The difficulty of this fiendish monster is beyond imagination.

"Brother Chen, why don't we join forces?" Duan Lingkong suggested.

"Okay." Chen Zong had no objection.

Together, the speed to kill fiendish monsters will be faster, and the trial points will be faster.

As for how the trial points are distributed, there is naturally a charter to join hands to kill the fiendish monsters, and the trial points are divided equally. If they are killed alone, they are owned by the individual, and the trial points can be transferred.

In this way, you can have more accumulation in a shorter period of time.

Joining forces, that's a trend, whether it's the first sequence of vanity Tianjiao or the second sequence of vanity Tianjiao, they will do it.

Of course, joining hands is not enough.

In the end, Chen Zong and Duan Lingkong joined forces, Yuan Chongshan and Li Xianyun joined forces, Fire Calamity and Wu Kongming joined forces, Luo Wusheng and Zhen Ye joined forces. As for the war demons, I didn't know what the reason was and refused to join forces.

Whether to join forces is entirely based on personal wishes and will not be forced.

"By the way, we just heard a rumor that someone has become the third most important player in Vientiane." Duan Lingkong said.

"Third!" Chen Zong was suddenly surprised.

I haven't redeemed the second weight, and someone has become the third weight, which is simply sensational.

"Is that the four races?" Chen Zong asked.

"Yes, Morogu of the Devil's clan, Holy Heaven of the Tianren clan, Wangmang's rock of the Giant clan, and Wuyu of the ancient beast clan, are called the Four Strongest in Dongying." Duan Lingkong said that as a casual repairman, He is very good at inquiring about news.

"Four strong!" Chen Zong repeated, with an unstoppable surprise in his heart.

It's amazing!

In just a few short days, it has become the third most important thing in Vientiane's true strengths, which unlocked 1% of its strength. Such a speed is unimaginable.

These four people should be the earliest ones who practiced Vientiane first.

This understanding, this kind of talent, is really amazing.

"Let's go and strive to exchange for the second most important thing in Vientiane as soon as possible." Chen Zong's mood returned to calm and said to Duan Lingkong.

"Yes, they are not as good as they are now, but sooner or later, they can be surpassed." Duan Lingkong grinned, confident.

What people are most afraid of is that they have no confidence. It is one thing to succeed, but if they don't have confidence, they are finished.

With Duan Lingkong, Chen Zong stepped into the trial land again. Today, more people step into the trial land, because more people have become the first priority in Vientiane true merit.

Cross the ancient mottled stone bridge, step into the trial land, and move quickly.

Today ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong has an idea, or a plan, is to join forces with Duan volley to find the murderous monster of the soldier-level growth body to kill and get more trial points.

But before that, you need to get the young body fierce demon to let Duan Lingkong practice his hands and get familiar with the cooperation of the two.

Encountered a sharp-blade demon, let Duan volley shoot out and fight with one another, it took a while before Duan volley killed him.

The marksmanship used by Duan Lingkong, named Jiu Zhong Jue, is also a martial art inherited from the camp.

"Nine heavy guns and nine heavy real swords seem to be different." Chen Zong watched Duan Lingkong's battle secretly.

Duan Lingkong used two styles of guns, each with their own differences. Unlike Jiuzhen True Sword, Jiuzhong True Sword is better than one sword, and the second sword is the reinforcement of the first sword.

However, the first and second shots of Jiu Jue are different. The first shot is faster and the second shot is more powerful.

After fighting fiercely with the three young fiendish monsters, Duan Lingkong owns all the trial points, because he killed them alone.

"Brother Duan, time is important, we are now going deep into the wasteland, looking for the growing monster." Chen Zongdao.

"Okay." Duan Lingkong was upset after taking Dan medicine to restore strength.

As a casual repairman, he has grown up to this day. He doesn't know how many life-and-death battles he has gone through. From the bottom of his heart, he has no half-exclusion fighting, but he looks forward to it.

The difficult and fierceness of the fiendish demon gave Duan volley a profound experience. At the same time of fear, he seemed to ignite a **** body, and the war intention was boiling.


Nothing but death!

The two did not hesitate, and immediately went to the center of the ferocious wasteland.

The deeper it gets, the more powerful the demon monsters are, especially in the central zone, where the demon monsters are all intact, and each one is extremely powerful.

(= Easy to read novel)

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