Sword God

Vol 42 Chapter 59: Sword Breakthrough

The layers of the universe, the world of the undead, the sky is dark, and the earth is also dark. The void between heaven and earth is filled with endless death. This is the paradise of the dead and the grave of the living.

If Chen Zong enters as a real person, it will be difficult for him to persevere for a long time, and he will be attacked by the vitality here, and eventually transformed into the dead.

After all, the vitality here is endless, but its own power is limited.

Not to mention the fourth realm, even the fifth realm. Only by reaching the level of the sixth realm and mastering the power of the source, can you truly resist the invasion of death for a long time. Six realms are also deadly. In addition, as long as they are living, they cannot stay in the world of the dead, unless they are sacred powers, that is beyond the level of life, it is different.

In this way, the Lord of Heavenly Light will let Chen Zong enter the interstellar universe in a divine way, but he is worried that it is only the divine soul that enters, and it is difficult to survive here, so he uses the celestial pearl as a carrier to condense the body of the Hades and master the powerful .

Chen Zong ran away at a speed, while adapting to the powerful power of this body. With a powerful spirit, Chen Zong was able to harness the mighty power of this Hades body.

After a while, Chen Zong basically adjusted and mastered this powerful power of the body, which is a force completely different from his own nature.

Now, Chen Zong has two purposes, one is to find Jiuye Mingluo Flower, and the other is to find a sharp sword.

What I have learned is swordplay and kendo. There is no sword, even though the strength of this body is ten times more than the body, but relatively speaking, Chen Zong would rather be weaker, but have a sword in hand, which means himself. All the power can be better exerted.

The world of the undead is a world of chaos. Here, the weak and strong food is deduced to the extreme. Their powerful way is relatively simpler, that is, killing. As long as you kill other undead, you can absorb their core strength and strengthen itself.

Therefore, every undead strong is born from an endless slaughter, no matter what race.

Of course, some powerful races not only promote themselves through killing, but also have their own heritage, through which they can cultivate and improve themselves.

Chen Zong has not been inherited from the Hades, because in essence, Chen Zong is not a real Hades, but a human race with a Hades body, a fake Hades.

However, with the protection of the body of the Hades and Tianmingzhu, the spirit of Chen Zong will not be attacked by the dead world in any way.

Not long after, Chen Zong encountered other undead races. They were ugly dogs. Broken flesh and exposed bones could be seen in many places, scarlet eyes, and continuous turbid dripping between the fangs. The drool was covered with decaying stench.

Seeing this ugly canine monster, Chen Zong's mind naturally emerged its message.

Flesh-evil dogs, lower undead, and low wisdom belong to the lowest level of dozens of undead in the undead world.

When I saw Chen Zong, the flesh-evil dog was afraid from the blood, and immediately turned around and left, because Chen Zong's current body, but the body of the Hades, is a high-level undead, and the gap between the flesh-evil dog is Great, with a certain degree of deterrence.

Chen Zong did not intend to let it go, his body flashed, and he immediately chased him up, immediately pointing to a void like a sword.

Although there is no sword, thanks to this arrogant power and the kendo accomplishments carried by his own soul, Chen Zong can still make an amazing attack. The flesh-evil dog is only the fourth level. .

The off-white Jianguang tore through the sky, and directly killed the flesh-evil dog. Immediately, a little gray light flew and fell into the heavenly pearl. Vaguely, Chen Zong seemed to feel the integration of external forces, making Tianming The strength of beads increased a little, but it was too few and too weak, so it was difficult to detect any changes.

With the strength of the body of the Hades of the Fifth Realm, I want to have a more obvious enhancement, unless it is to kill the undead in the fifth realm.

Tian Guangfeng mainly picks the nine-leaf nuphar flower, and naturally tells the growth environment and the specific location of the nine-leaf nuphar flower, which is more conducive to finding, otherwise, it is like a needle in a haystack.

You must know that the undead world of the interstellar universe is extremely large. It may not be as large as the entire superficial universe, but it will not be much different.

In such a vast world, without a clear goal, it is like a needle falling into the sea, and there is no way to find it.

However, even if there is detailed information provided by Lord Tianguangfeng, Chen Zong has only entered the world of the undead now, and he does not know the specific position. It is necessary to understand it first. This requires finding an intelligent undead.

Such low-level undead as flesh-and-blood dogs simply do not have any questioning value and directly kill things.

Looking for a suitable sword, looking for the wisdom of the undead to explore the location of the nine-leaf hawksbill flower, Chen Zong traveled along the way. In addition to the flesh-evil dog, he also saw another low-level undead, such as the hawk, sounds and haunt The tribe all have a dark character, but the dark crow is indeed a low-level undead. The most powerful is the fifth realm, and it is still very few.

The fifth crow is basically the level of the crow king. Most of the crows are the fourth crow, often in groups.

In addition, Chen Zong also encountered another low-level undead called the Skeleton, which is a skeleton. This is a very strange low-level undead. The weakest is the level of the fourth realm, but its potential is amazing. It can break its limits and rise to the sixth and even seventh levels.

The skeletons in the fifth and fourth realms do not have much wisdom, but the skeletons in the sixth level have good wisdom. If Chen Zong meets the skeletons in the sixth realm, he runs as far as possible. far.

Undead, but there is no kind heart, only the killing heart.

When the wrist turned, a sword waved out. When it turned out, the gray-white sword light broke into air, and the mighty power was condensed into it, tearing the earth directly and chopping the sky, but the next time, the bone sword was broken directly. There was only one rough hilt.

Chen Zong discarded the hilt covered with cracks and was speechless.

Along the way, he kept searching. Chen Zong did not find any good swords. Instead, he made some bones and made them into swords, but the problem was that the strength was so average that he couldn't bear the mighty power of the Hades body.

Along the way, when Zong encountered his opponent, he turned his arrogant power into a sword and killed the enemy. The fourth realm was basically not his opponent. However, when he met the real fifth realm, he looked dwarfed.

After all, the body of Chen Zong ’s Hades is only the basic strength reaching the fifth level, but it is not on the avenue. It is still the level of the fourth level. In summary, it is equivalent to the pseudo fifth level, but because the Hades are powerful, Its basic strength is stronger than the average fifth-world undead, and when combined, it can still fight the ordinary fifth-world undead.


"Finally reached the limit." Chen Zong secretly flashed a hint of joy in his eyes.

I don't know what the principle is. One mind is able to operate on the body of the Hades, but the effect is weaker than the body, but it can also maintain the normal opening of the heart and soul.

Another thing that surprised Chen Zong was that the speed of understanding various avenues was much faster than the body, and soon Chen Zong knew what the reason was, because this is the body of the Hades of the fifth realm, which is equal to He came to realize the avenue of the fourth realm with the realm of the fifth realm.

The realm of the avenue is the corresponding realm. The fourth realm is Xiaocheng Dacheng, and the fifth realm is Dacheng Dacheng.

Comparing the fourth realm to a few years old child, then the fifth realm is a teenager.

The fifth realm to come to realize Xiaocheng Avenue, the feeling is like asking a strong young man to lift a few pounds of things, it is easy, but for a few years old children It is said that a few pounds is not so easy to mention, and it takes a lot of effort.

With the realm of the fifth realm, to understand the avenue of the fourth realm, the feeling is really relaxed and free, if there is divine help, all the mysteries have been resolved, not only in the progress of continuous improvement, but also in the application It seems that the potential contained in it has been continuously tapped out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Nowadays, Chen Zong feels that his kendo has reached the extreme of the fourth realm, and his sword meaning has also reached the same. The limit, although limited by the relationship between the realm of the realm, the avenue cannot break the limit and break through to the level of the fifth realm, but the sword intention can.

Of course, it is not so easy for Jianyi to break the sorrow of the great realm, but now, Chen Zong feels that his sword intention seems to be able to break the limit and break to the fifth level.

Once Jianyi breaks through to the fifth level, his strength will be improved again.


Fully enlightened, Chen Zong constantly urges his sword intentions, urges it to the maximum extent, continuously works with one mind, fully comprehends the mysteries, and cooperates with the supernatural effect of the fifth realm with the tenth realm. , The speed of enlightenment is extremely amazing, and it is improving every moment.

The whole body is shrouded in a terrible sword. The sword, unparalleled, seems to be able to pierce and tear everything. The ground has been torn into sword marks, crisscrossing the air. Among them, it is also full of invisible sword-like generals, cutting wildly.

A gray long hair danced in the air, each hair was permeated with an astonishing sword, as if piercing the sky, terrible, and Chen Zong's eyes permeated with awesome light.

For a while, as if something shattered, the area covered by the invisible sword sharply multiplied several times, and the power of the invisible sword energy also suddenly increased.

Jianyi broke through, finally broke the limit, and elevated to a higher level, its power and even more arrogant.

Chen Zong couldn't help but send out a long howl, which carried the sword meaning after the breakthrough and penetrated the sky like a golden cracked stone, as if to break it.

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