Sword God

Vol 42 Chapter 112: Sword road mill sword heart

(Second more)

The Baiyu Sword Road is only about the width of a meter and looks straight forward, but it is meandering like a snake. Around it, there is a vast sea of ​​clouds, bottomless, deep and boundless, magnificent.

A figure ran fast, his footsteps passing like a blast, and he kept moving forward on this white jade sword.

I'm Chen Zong!

Full of excitement and expectations, Chen Zong kept running at a high speed. The strong man in the fourth state can fly in the air. The strong man in the fifth state is naturally the same and can be faster, but Chen Zong However, I also found here that I could not fly in the air at all, and could only run forward on this Baiyujian road.


The Magic Sword Code gave Chen Zongqiang the extreme physique and cultivation strength, and was extremely magnificent and magnificent, making Chen Zong's endurance extremely magnificent, and he would not feel tired when traveling long distances. Moreover, his skills continued to operate. Absorb the vitality of the surroundings by yourself, and replenish and restore your own consumption, as long as it is not excessive consumption, you can always be in a cyclic state.

But it did n’t take long for Chen Zong to discover that his power was being consumed, but it was difficult to recover. Even the constant operation of the demon sword can only draw a trace of vitality to recover himself, which is completely inferior to the speed of consumption.

Even if Chen Zong consciously reduces the speed and reduces his own consumption, the same is true. The recovery speed cannot keep up with the consumption speed.

Moreover, once the speed is reduced, Chen Zong will produce a kind of catastrophic disaster. It seems that if he is not fast enough, there will be a terrible giant behind him swallowing himself, but turning his head to look, there is nothing behind him, nothing. No.

However, there is always a strong sense of crisis like a man's back. When he is fast, the sense of crisis will be weakened, and when he is slower, the sense of crisis will be strengthened, urging Chen Zong to maintain a certain high speed.

Save as much power consumption as possible and maintain a certain speed, which requires Chen Zong to further control his own power.

But Chen Zong ’s control of his own power has reached an astonishing height. It is incomparable to countless fifth realms. It is not easy to further strengthen it.

Chen Zong is not panic and calm, and Gujing does not wave. While maintaining a high-speed running, he concentrates his mind and tempers his own power to control. His high understanding and the help of one mind make Chen Zong always There are gains, although each harvest is very small, but the accumulation is small and the accumulation is thick.

Chen Zong also found that the Bai Yujian Road is not straight but curved. For example, Chen Zong can now see the Bai Yujian Road above his head. In fact, he is now head down, but Bai Yujian Road There seems to be a suction so that I won't fall.

Straight, bending left and right, bending up and down, spiral bending ...

The urn was very abrupt, and a storm swept through. The storm carried an astonishing sharpness, which seemed to be composed of sword gas. During the whistling, Chen Zong was locked, destroying the sky and bombardment.

Chen Zong's expression can not help but change, this is the first time in Bai Yujian Road encountered such a situation.

The mighty power of that sword-breathing storm was terrifying, making Chen Zong feel trembling and can only dodge.

For a moment, Chen Zong's body was erratic, and a phantom emerged, avoiding the Jianqi Storm. However, Bai Yujian Road was only the width of the meter, and Chen Zong, who avoided the Jianqi Storm, inevitably left Bai Yujian Road. The body is slightly stagnant, and then it will fall into the endless sea of ​​clouds.

When he was in danger, Chen Zong stepped on both feet, and Hai Jianyuan broke out. Through the soles of the feet, he stepped on the void. The void seemed to become substantial in a moment. With Chen Zong's three consecutive steps, a force kicked back. , Push Chen Zong's body, rushed to Bai Yujian Road, landed on Bai Yujian Road again, and continued to run.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to encounter obstacles again. This time, it wasn't the sword qi storm, but countless sword qi bombarded directly from the front. Each sword qi condensed the terrible power and penetrated everything. Will Chen Zong shatter like.

Chen Zong's look was utterly unavoidable, and the hundreds of sword qi were directly bombarded from the front, covering a wide range, while the Baiyu Sword Road was only a meter wide. In addition to the special environment, Chen Zongzi Paying cannot be avoided. Once the consequence is to leave Bai Yujian Road, it is difficult to return to the air again.

The three steps in which Fang Cai just appeared seemed simple, but Chen Zong was very clear about the difficulty, and those three steps directly consumed a lot of his cultivation power.

If so, cut it.

The footsteps kept going, and Guiyue Sword came out of the scabbard in an instant, pulling up a scorching moon-like sharp sword light, chopped out instantly, the sword was magnificent, and the silvery white sword-mandrum cut into the void, and directly bombarded and killed the opposite. Sword gas collision.

Cut off!

If you do n’t cut or break, you must cut or break, otherwise, you ca n’t pass the sword, and the sense of crisis behind you is constantly approaching.

Xun Yijian cut it out, unknowingly. It seemed that Jingqi Shen was immersed in it. The sword light cut out became even more arrogant.

After cutting the sword, Chen Zong stepped forward. His figure was as sword-like, but as flexible as a swimming fish. He easily penetrated through the gap between the sword and the sword, without touching other swords. Gas was not attacked.


There is an intangible threat behind him. Chen Zong does not know what kind of crisis he will face once his speed slows down or even stops. It is impossible to speculate whether the crisis will really threaten his life. Things, I can't go to luck.

If the blog fails, the consequence is death.

This kind of thing that has no certainty, Chen Zong will not go to the blog, nor do he want to go to the blog, but to fight for the first-line vitality for himself, this vitality is constantly rushing forward, constantly running.

Just, how long is this Baiyu Sword Road?

See no end.

A short time is okay. If the time is long, but there is no end, it will be enough to affect people's minds and eventually make people collapse, even Chen Zong is no exception.

Now, Chen Zong is constantly running, his eyes are sharp and firm.

Xun Jianxiu, when there are no thoughts, when there is no going forward.

Time is slowly passing, Chen Zong has been running, and his power is constantly consumed, less than half.

From time to time, a variety of sword qi will strike, bringing threats to Chen Zong, so that Chen Zong must deal with it, or dodge or face it, break the obstacle, and continue to move forward.

宗 Chen Zong is in a state of inexplicable tension. The tension of spirit and spirit, the tension of the mind, such tension helps to mobilize and apply his own strength.

Hold a sword heart, clear and transparent going forward.

Obstacles and calamities are sharpened.

This seemingly endless sword path is also sharpened.

宗 Chen Zong told himself this way, but after a long time, his heart still inevitably raised a trace of irritability, why hasn't he reached the end?

The previous voice should not be a hallucination, but the purpose of traveling to Taihao Mountain. Although the time has passed, and as you continue to cultivate and improve, the purpose has not been so strongly desired, but the original purpose Chen Zong still didn't forget.

What's more, that's a Kendo saint.

If you can meet a swordsman and get his guidance, it will be a great opportunity.

In order to obtain such an opportunity, he left his arduous adventure from Ten Thousand Island and was hunted down by the Emperor of the Heavens during the battle. He almost died, and then died in a crack in the space. After crossing the chaos, he also encountered a lot of life and death crisis. Finally, he came to Taihao Mountain, passed the assessment, and became a disciple of Taihao Mountain.

All of this is not done in vain, and there are gains, no small gains. These gains are equal to your own wealth and your own accumulation.

If you have a support, you wo n’t be confused if you have no roots, do n’t know where you are and if you have no direction.

When you have a goal, you will become more and more determined, the more determined, the more elite.

Unconsciously, without Chen Zong's own awareness, a sword heart has been sharpened time and time again, and it has become more tough and transparent over and over again. Bewildered by things.


Wu Jianguang became more and more condensed without knowing it, each sword seemed to be able to cut everything, and all powers such as spirit and spirit were condensed on it.

Every sword cut out carries an astonishing power, but the strength in each sword is all introverted, extremely condensed, and not leaked. In this way, it is more difficult to detect the power contained in the sword, and it is more difficult Be prepared.

All this seems to be done in the unconscious, Chen Zong himself didn't pay attention, because at this moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong keeps going forward, waving his sword, repeating the same thing constantly, the whole person All of his mind and will are immersed in a wonderful state.

He squinted his eyes and stared at Chen Zong, taking all his actions into his eyes.

Those eyes, like the eyes of a god, stand high, peeping through everything.

Unconsciously, Chen Zong did not notice the passing of time, but suddenly a figure appeared in front of him. The figure seemed to be transparent, but opaque. Holding a sword, he stood standing in front of him and stopped Chen Zong. Forward.


There was no hesitation. Chen Zong's arm trembled and his wrist spun. At that moment, the sword light with an unparalleled sharpness pierced through the sky and killed him instantly.

In the air, there seemed to be a shrill sound of extreme sharpness, but it was very subtle, so subtle that it was hard to hear with both ears, but the sound of the sword whistle sounded, it seemed to be everywhere, and it hit the godlike .

I was just a sword. The sword-bearing figure in front of me was defeated before he could react.

Immediately, a second sword-bearing figure appeared and was defeated by Chen Zongyi.

One after another the sword-bearing figures appeared, but were defeated one by one by Chen Zong, but the more sword-bearing figures appeared in the future, the sword skills became more superb, and the strength became more arrogant. Chen Zong could no longer use them. A sword defeated, but fell into a hard battle.

Hard work, but also sharpening, just like a sharpening stone, constantly sharpening the blade, making it more and more sharp.

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