Sword God

Vol 42 Chapter 120: 1 return to heart

Dedicated to the main retreat, only to verify Chen Zong and his decades of deductions and simulations, and to seek a breakthrough in one mind.

Chen Zong is waiting while practicing.

In a flash, ten years later, Chen Zong was practicing swordplay in his heart.

The uninterrupted practice accumulated over the past decades has also raised the level of heart swordsmanship and world swordsmanship. Nowadays, the power of each sword has reached the level of middle-class Japanese-level peerless learning, which is simply horrible.

The power consumption of swordplay is far less than that of the absolute skill. It is less than one tenth of it, but the power consumption of less than one tenth is not inferior. Because of this, the improvement of swordplay is so. Difficulties.

Most of the Fifth Realm, the level of power of swordsmanship, is only the level of star-level and month-level skills, rarely can reach the day level, even if there are, they are those very top-level Fifth Realm.

Only in the case of Chen Zong, can sword art be promoted to such a high level, and this step can be reached. In addition to his own understanding and foundation, it is inseparable from one heart.

If you haven't done it all, it's still unknown whether you can upgrade swordplay to Japanese extinction, but it's unlikely.

In addition, Chen Zong is also very clear that the promotion of swordplay is important, but it must not be given up. Swordplay is swordplay, and it is peerless. Even under the same situation of power, Zexue also has advantages that swordplay does not have. .

Such as range, such as distance and so on.

Swordplay is a technique of close combat. If it is pulled apart, it will be difficult to exert its real power. At this time, it is very important to learn nothing.

Therefore, while practicing sword art, Chen Zong never put down his understanding and practice of peerless learning.

In addition, divine magic is also very important. It is a means of hole cards, the same method as a killer, and a way to win a leap.

While practicing, Chen Zong was waiting for the results.

On the day when the tenth year was complete, it was also the tenth year of Master ’s resolute breakthrough. When the time passed, a mysterious and indescribable breath erupted from the depths of the heart of the heart. That breath was not a breath, It is not the breath of the avenue, nor the breath of the spirit, but it is the breath of the power of the mind. It is nothing, as if it is coming from the sky.

"Did you succeed?"

The breath is getting stronger and stronger, like a formless smoke, soaring into the sky, spreading away, sweeping the whole house of one heart.

This breath of arrogance was arrogant and overwhelming, and shocked Chen Zong. At the same time, he was also affected.

Then, a figure appeared, it was the one-hearted master.

"Congratulations, Master." Chen Zong immediately laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha." The devoted heart is full of joy. Originally, he just wanted to explore the way for Chen Zong, his most satisfied disciple, and even had the idea of ​​sacrificing himself, but he did not expect that he finally broke through. .

Of course, the one-hearted master is also very clear that he can break through and be inseparable from this disciple. If Chen Zong returns, he will study the follow-up of one idea together. Many ideas and so on will be combined with his own understanding and deduction. Take this step, or you may not be able to complete the deduction by your own words.

The fifth aspect of this mentality was that Chen Zonghe and the one-hearted Taoist named it as returning to the true. The full name is one-hearted returning to the truth.

Fifth, it's the end of a single goal.

Now, the successful breakthrough of the single-minded master has proved that the deduction and simulation of two people for ten years has not been wasted. Soon, the single-minded master also informed Chen Zong of his various experiences and experiences of the breakthrough.

"Thank you, Master, I should also retreat." After listening, Chen Zong said to the devotee, performed the sword ceremony, and then went to retreat.

Now that the Master has successfully broken through, it is time to break through.

The one-hearted master is assured that Chen Zong went to the retreat to break through the retreat. He took the lead in his own breakthrough. The experience, coupled with Chen Zonggao's talents, can definitely break through.

The biggest purpose of the return is the follow-up of one mind. Now, finally, it has to be achieved. Chen Zong's heart is still a little excited.

Take a deep breath, calm down, and calm down. You have n’t really broken yet. You ’re really excited. Wait until you break through.

The fifth breakthrough of Yixinju is closely related to the 33rd Tiangong of the Mind, and in the simulation of Chen Zonghe's deduction, the fifth Jinyi is actually equal to the essence of the 33rd Tianyi The essence of the top four of one heart is merged to break the limit and truly return to reality.

This is not so easy. It took decades of deductions and simulations. It took another ten years for the master to successfully break through. Chen Zong wanted to break through, and it didn't happen overnight.

However, as long as there is the experience of the Taoist master, Chen Zong's breakthrough will be smoother.

Thirty-three days of mind, casting thirty-three heart palaces, and at the same time allowed Chen Zong's physical and mental strength to continue to grow, far outweighing those who are equally cultivated.

Now the first step to break through is to smash the heart, smashing all 33 hearts. The original power of the mind stays in the body, and then guides with a single mind, gathers it and masters it, so as to hit the limit and break through.

It is simple and straightforward to say, but it is very difficult to really do it. Smashing the heart, the pain is abnormal, it is difficult to bear and must bear, it is like crushing your own heart.

In addition, there are many issues and details that need attention, which are not clearly described in words.

Hearts after heart were shattered, and Chen Zong shivered unconsciously, his complexion turned pale, but he withstood it.

Not long after, the thirty-three heart palaces were completely shattered, and a huge force of mind was flowing in the chest.

The heart built by the power of the mind is directly solidified and cannot be used, but now it is crushed and then turned into a group. It is controlled by Chen Zong with great perseverance, merges with each other, and integrates into himself Within the huge power of the mind, the number of times suddenly increased.

The power of the mind seemed to be transformed into a lake of mind, rolling up heavy ripples and purging all directions.

Dare not to pause and hesitate, Chen Zong immediately started to work with one mind, and at the same time, opened up a thousand thoughts.

If you want to break through to the fifth level, you must do this, break through, and then return to normal.

Chen Zong has never really opened his mind since he practiced the One-Thousand Artistic Conception, because it is too exhausting to open the One-Thousand Artistic Conception. Furthermore, in all the situations he encounters, he never needs to start one Thousands of artistic conceptions to cope.

It is also at this point that why the apprentice and the apprentice finally gave up the fifth-level deduction after one deduction.

One-heartedness is the follow-up of one-heartedness, which is like an improvement from one-heartedness to one-thousandness, which is a quantitative improvement.

However, now that Chen Zong has opened up his mind and heart, with the great power of his mind before, he can only support the time of breath. If he opens the mind and heart, he can persist in the power of mind for less than ten days. Will run out.

Of course, with the improvement of Chen Zong's cultivation, the power of the mind will also increase, but even if it continues to increase, the one-hearted mood can't last long.

After all, up to now, Chen Zong has no other way to improve the power of the mind, and can only passively ascend by the improvement of cultivation.

If it is truly deduced to the fifth level of mindfulness, then when it is opened, the consumption of its mind power is undoubtedly amazing. With the total amount of mind power of Chen Zong ’s fifth state, it is simply not enough to open up. It is impossible to insist on the time for a breath. In other words, after Chen Zong must break through to the sixth realm, the power of the mind increases again to be able to open the ambience of perseverance. As for the time of holding the breath after opening, it is not clear.

All in all, it would be impractical to deduce the ambition as the fifth priority.

In the end, we made a breakthrough and deduced another direction: return to one's heart.

This will be the qualitative change ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will also serve as the end point of a single goal.

With one heart and one thousand hearts, Chen Zong's mental power is consumed at an alarming rate. Fortunately, the current mental power has multiplied several times and can support more than 20 breaths of time.

Under the mood of one thousand minds, Chen Zong's feeling is very wonderful, as if there are thousands of consciousnesses operating at the same time, being able to think in different directions, seeing everything and mastering everything, this feeling is truly beyond description. clear.

All the mysteries in the mind seemed to be penetrated and grasped by Chen Zong. The power of the mind was continuously consumed, and eventually it was exhausted. Chen Zong also had to withdraw from the state of one mind and a whole heart and restore the power of the mind.

Once, twice, three times ...

After the revival of the spirit power, Chen Zong opened a wholehearted state of mind again, to carefully and comprehensively perceive its mystery, repeatedly looking for that opportunity, allowing him to break through.

The reason why the Master devoted himself to taking ten years to make a breakthrough, most of the time, was spent on the search for that opportunity, and it took more than nine years to find it, and then make a real breakthrough.

The one-hearted master also told Chen Zong his experience, so that he can save most of his time. After all, ten years, at least five years, the one-hearted master was used to explore, and it was not until five years later that he found the right one. method.

Even with the experience of the Master, Chen Zong did not find that opportunity so easily.

At the 100th time, Chen Zong finally found that wonderful wave, like a wave of singularity, just like the beginning of the universe, it seemed the chaos where the world opened up.


Suddenly, the power of the mind and body vibrated at an alarming rate, and the powerful spirit and spirit were also guided and started to work, and began to shrink inside the chest cavity.


Come on!

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