Sword God

Vol 43 Chapter 15: Sky Blade Fighting God

The sword rushed into the sky, breaking through the sky, and under that amazing sword consciousness, the void of the universe seemed to oscillate, as if it was about to burst, and there were direct ripples.

Withdrawing the sword, Chen Zong couldn't help showing his face.


Jianyi broke through.

Originally, his sword intention has reached the top level of the fifth realm, which is the limit of the fifth realm. It is only a thin film away from the sixth realm, but the gap between the fifth and sixth realms is extremely large. A qualitative change, it is extremely difficult to break through.

In the case of general practitioners, cultivation is a breakthrough first, and other areas make breakthroughs, but Chen Zong is the opposite. Cultivation is still the fifth realm, but Jianyi breaks through to the sixth realm first.

The reason why it can be broken is that Chen Zong used the power of Kendo many times before, which made his sword intentions temporarily break through to the sixth level, leaving traces in his heart.

This second point is the most important, Xilong Sword Art.

Witnessing Xi Zong ’s peerless and overbearing body that traverses the universe with Chen Zong ’s touch, beyond description, the overbearing meaning made Chen Zong ’s accomplishments in Xi Long ’s sword skills soar, and then affected the world ’s sword skills, making the sword Intention to break the limit, and to drive the sword of mind to make a breakthrough.

Nothing is indispensable.

Sword intention broke through to the sixth level, Chen Zong's strength has been further refined, and the world swordsmanship has also broken through. Beyond the heart swordsmanship, his power has risen to the level of superb Japanese level.

With one mind in mind, Chen Zong's mind constantly appeared all the actions of Xilong tearing the space into the cracks in the space. It was extremely subtle, the ultimate sense of dominance and power was vividly explained.

I always realize that Chen Zong's Xilong swordsmanship is constantly improving, and even the world swordsmanship is becoming more arrogant and mysterious.

The way of space is broad and profound, but it is the top of many avenues. If it is developed to the extreme, it is incomparable.

Working with one mind, Chen Zong continued to hurry while he practiced while enlightening.

The planetary belt with thousands of planets, because of the existence of Xilong, formed a unique force field, making its space strength more than ten times that of the outside world. It was strong and abnormal, and Chen Zong could not start the void shuttle, but now with As Xilong awoke, the planetary belt was completely destroyed, and the cosmic dust was gone. The strange force field also disappeared, no longer exists, and Chen Zong could no longer be blocked.

As soon as his body moved, Chen Zonghua flew out again as Jian Guang, and his speed seemed to be a few tenths faster.

When the speed was completely increased to the extreme, Chen Zong planned to shuttle in the void, and Fulin was so happy that he thought of Xilong's indomitable posture, and his heart moved slightly. Immediately, his body mimicked the appearance of Xilong, his arms extended forward. Out, the five fingers seemed to grab the cosmic space, tearing to the left and right suddenly.

The sound of Dora sounded, the space was really torn by Chen Zong.

Immediately, Chen Zong's feet swayed, and between the swings, the wonderful and overbearing power was stimulated, spreading and spreading inch by inch. Through his legs and waist, the whole man looked like Xilong's overbearing posture, and directly penetrated into the shallow one. Space crack.


After a few breaths, Chen Zong rushed out of space from the other end 300,000 meters away.

Twice as much!

Compared with before, this distance is doubled

, Has become three times the original.

After the surprise, Chen Zong also knew what the reason was. The first reason was the improvement of the way of space, and the second reason was to simulate the attitude of Xilong.

Xilong's overbearing attitude contains the ultimate mystery, and it is also a profound application of power. It is extremely powerful and has inspired Chen Zong.

Like a child who loves toys, Chen Zongle tried again and again.

Imitating Xilong's arrogant and extreme attitude, he repeatedly shuttled in the void. When the power of the space was exhausted, he hurried away at his own speed. After recovering, he continued to simulate and became proficient.

In the end, Chen Zong can tear the shallow space directly without any preparation, and shuttle into it for 300,000 meters. It is faster, more calm, and consumes less power.


At the deep level of the universe, bursts of white-gold light are raging, as if a sharp blade breaks through time and space. The light is extremely sharp, overbearing, and pervades the endless sacredness. It breaks through the limits, finally breaks everything and descends to the outer universe.

The white and golden light is endless, condensing into a figure of 100 meters, as if the gods are extraordinary, pervading endless power.

A pair of white-gold eyes swept past, seeming to see through all the mysteries of the universe. At the same time, there were countless powers converging above the white-gold figure, turning into a huge and whirlpool, emitting a terrifying horror Coercion, suppression.

"The reaction speed is fast." The platinum figure swept away, staring at the huge vortex that quickly condensed and seemed to be transformed into a huge one-eyed eye, exuding terrible coercion. This platinum figure was crushed and crushed. Then, the huge one-eyed eye condensed out, and Tianwei endlessly shot down a terrible light, hitting the platinum figure directly.

Can't escape, nor can it be blocked. For a moment, the 100-meter platinum figure was directly defeated by that one-eye light, and turned into countless white-gold lights that flew in all directions, disappearing in all directions.

At the next breath, the one-eye became blurred, gradually dispersed, and returned to calm.

After about a few dozen breaths, as if all the dust had settled down, a phantom of about two meters high emerged. Looking closely, it was very similar to the 100-meter platinum figure that had just been crushed.

"The heavenly response of the outer universe is indeed very fast. Thanks to my early defenses," the figure said to himself, with a faint smile: "Now, it is time for my divine power to come, I don't know Who in this outer universe can gain my favor, become my blade, and fight for this universe for me. "


A little bit of platinum light flew across the sky, looking like a firework explosion, and it hit all directions in a split second, sweeping far away.

Platinum light is as fine as rice grains, and its breath is weak and restrained. During the continuous flying, some white gold light points are gradually consumed and eventually disappear completely, but some white gold light meets the practitioner and is directly submerged in the practitioner ’s Within the body.

For a while, the practitioner who received platinum-gold light, or a few breaths or tens of breaths, had white-gold light radiating out of the body, instantly rendering the whole body up and down, gradually blurring, seems to blend in silently. Disappeared into the universe.

Void Shuttle!

Another 300,000 meters, Chen Zongzheng shuttled out of the void.

Well, a bit of platinum light is coming faster than lightning, it ’s too fast, and the white gold light seems to feel the breath of Chen Zong, and the direction is slightly adjusted instantly. It should have bypassed Chen Zong. , The result shot directly towards Chen Zongfei.

Very fast!

Chen Zong's response was also extremely fast. He shot directly, the sword finger shot through the gap, and Jianguang lased. The swordmang was condensed and extremely sharp.

At the moment when he hit the platinum light, Chen Zong was a little surprised, and it was lost.

The white-golden light, like a phantom, was instantaneous. The white-golden light directly hit Chen Zong's body, immersed in it. Chen Zong only felt a consciousness in his consciousness. At the same time, Chen Zong's body also appeared for a while. Bursts of white and golden light cover the whole body.

Chen Zong's body is blurring, as if disappearing, but it hasn't really disappeared, just hidden in a way that becomes transparent.

In front of me, there were countless white-gold lights shining suddenly, as if the sun burst into the sky, and then a large white-gold figure emerged. With that figure, there was an immense and magnificent divine power swept across the sea. Drive away, rushing across, it seems to be overwhelming Chen Zong.

"Spirit!" Chen Zong's eyes froze slightly, which was similar to the feeling of the eagle-headed statue before, but it was much more powerful than the thirty-meter-sized eagle-headed statue.

"I am the God of the Sky Blade." The sound of Qian Zhang's platinum body sounded, with a terrible fighting spirit and amazing blade meaning, which made Chen Zong's heart shake like a sword, originally intended to urge the black mark to This spirit consciousness devoured, but suddenly changed his attention, temporarily suppressing the black mark ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sky Blade Fighting God!

This self-proclaimed white body of the sky-blade **** looks different from the previous eagle god. The eagle-god is like the head of a eagle, but the sky-blade **** looks very close to the original or human race.

"Lucky man, pull out your sword and defeat all your opponents. Standing before me, I will grant you supreme power to sweep the universe." The voice of the sky-blade fighting God sounded again, and the mighty power of the mighty, Chen Zong from it He heard a deep confusion.

That kind of bewilderment, as if it would stir up the inner passion, ignite the blood, let people can not help but give birth to a supreme motivation.

When he died, the body of Qianzhang departed, and a path that seemed to be paved with swords stretched from endless distance to Chen Zong and his feet.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, he already felt his state at this moment, not the real body, but consciousness, but not like consciousness, but a projection of consciousness, just like projection.

Very strange.

So, try it.

As soon as his heart moved, Chen Zong immediately stepped forward, and the body of the conscious projection stepped forward directly, embarking on the path of the white gold blade.

The body projected by consciousness does not have such powerful power. It is very ordinary. It does not have the super power of the magic sword and the power of the five avenues. In short, it is just ordinary power. Under normal circumstances, it suddenly loses one's body. Powerful cultivation and strength will feel panic and anxiety, but Chen Zong is very calm. One such thing has gone through many times. It can be considered a light road. Two Chen Zong can feel the black mark. Existence can be urged instantly, which gives Chen Zongmo great reliance and confidence.

So, just look at this sky-blade fighting god, what exactly are you going to do?

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