Sword God

Vol 43 Chapter 18: Return to Taihao

(Brothers, new month, ask for a monthly pass)

Lord Mo Jianshan!

Black mark!

Eat God!

Chen Zong speculated that there was a connection, but could not know it because of lack of sufficient information. However, after returning to Taihao Mountain, he could look it up and maybe find out any clues.

As for now, it is to hurry and return to Taihao Mountain as soon as possible.

Thanks to the growth of the spirit of spirit, Chen Zong's repair, although not improved, has increased the flying speed, and the speed of the shuttle in the void is also a little faster, which is conducive to hurrying.

time flies.

Year after year passed, Chen Zong also finally reached the back end of the third Jiangyu, approaching Taihao Mountain.

Fortunately, it took less than a century.

Originally, Chen Zong estimated that it would take more than 100 years to cross three territories and reach Taihao Mountain, but because of continuous improvement, he also experienced a series of awakening by Xilong, etc. Enlightenment and improvement are amazing. Today's Taoist spirit has conceived to a perfect state.

Coupled with some unexpected circumstances, the overall efficiency of Chen Zong has been greatly improved. In this way, it took only sixty years to approach Taihao Mountain.

The faster the speed and the shorter the time, the better.

The chaos collar is ahead. When I was in the fourth level, I ventured through the chaos collar. Although I encountered many dangers, I still survived safely.

Now it's time to break through the chaos again.

Compared with the last time, his strength has been improved many times.

The environment of the chaotic collar is very special, and the space is relatively weak. Once the force is too strong, it will cause the space to break up, form space cracks, etc., which brings great danger. Therefore, there will not be too strong people in the chaotic collar.

To put it simply, for the strongest in the sixth and seventh realms, the chaos leader is like a grave that will bury them at any time. Even if they are on the road, under normal circumstances, they would rather bypass than directly cross .

Chen Zong is in the fifth state. As long as he is cautious, he can worry freely and without hesitation, Chen Zong directly breaks into the chaos.

Eighteen of the chaotic collars are bandit groups, but the most powerful is also the level of the fifth realm, which is on the list of gods, but it is not included in the top one hundred.

Chen Zong has no such fear.

As early as a few decades ago, Chen Zong had the top 100 strength. As the decades have passed, Chen Zong's strength has greatly improved a lot, reaching a very superb level, impacting the top 100 of the gods. ,easy.

It is just that Chen Zong has not challenged, and has maintained a place of one thousand.

The strong strength makes Chen Zong more calm.

Upon entering the chaos collar, Chen Zong immediately felt that the spatial fluctuations here were indeed different from other places, very clear, very active, and very chaotic, with a sense of aimlessness.

If you want to make a comparison, the space inside the chaotic collar fluctuates as if it was boiled water.

In such a place, it is easier to break the space, and it is easier to understand the practice of space.

However, in the way of space, Chen Zong has already cultivated to the perfect level of the pregnant Taoist spirit, but it is the ultimate level. He cannot continue to improve. Unless it is a breakthrough, the next breakthrough is the origin, condensing the origin, mastering the origin. The power, that is, beyond the level of the fifth realm, into the level of the sixth realm.

It's just that the breakthrough from the fifth to sixth level is very difficult. In a short time, Chen Zong didn't dare to think too much.

Now, I'm still laying the groundwork for peace of mind, and raising everything to the extreme of the fifth realm, and then consider the sixth realm.

With a flash of his body, Chen Zong silently moved forward within the chaotic collar, astonishingly fast.

The space here is weak, very unstable, and space cracks may occur at any time, but for Chen Zong, ordinary space cracks are actually not a threat. After all, Chen Zong's grasp of the way of space has reached the extreme of the fifth realm. .

Chen Zongruo strolled in the court, and when he stepped out, he appeared to be in a void and appeared in another place. Although it was easy, Chen Zong didn't get complacent because of this. After all, this place is a weak place, just in case Unfortunately, falling into a deep space crack, Chen Zongke was not sure of his life. Even if he could live, he didn't know where he would go.

"But how did this chaotic collar come into being?" Chen Zong was thinking.

In the universe, there are many strange places. For example, the planetary belt that I passed by before is unique in force field and amazing in space. However, it is because of Xilong's sleeping relationship. After Xilong wakes up and leaves, the planet The band disappeared completely.

This chaotic collar can also be regarded as a strange place. So how did it form?

The formation of the chaotic collar was caused by the war between two strong men and two holy powers, but the other way is that a holy power who has the mastery of space is left here The chance and so on.

Many people once entered the chaos to find opportunities left by the so-called strong, but unfortunately, they were not found. Of course, there are many treasures such as space crystals.

The inheritance left by the so-called strong can not be found, and gradually, fewer people enter the chaotic collar to look for opportunities. In addition, it is also because the eighteen-collar bandits are trapped here. It is very cruel and not provocative.

Chen Zong kept flying, time passed, and he had flown half way to the chaos leader, and then was intercepted.

The people who blocked Chen Zong were bandits, three bandits with the fifth strength.

The three bandits didn't hesitate and hesitate, they just shot to kill and showed their fierceness to the fullest.

Since he was going to kill himself, of course, Chen Zong would not be merciless under the sword, the sword came out of the scabbard in an instant and directly beheaded.

The three bandits were in a stature, as if they had been fixed, and in the next breath, their spirits were pulled straight out, and their vitality also passed away and they were swallowed up.

The spirit is flying away, and the body is dead.

Today, with Chen Zong's strength, most of the kings are no longer Chen Zong's opponents.

Killing the three bandits in the Fifth Realm in hand, Chen Zong's speed did not slow down at all, but on the one hand he thought about it. Perhaps the bandits in the chaotic collar could clear it up later.

As for now, it is better to return to Taihao Mountain first and ask the elders to take Yu Nianxin from Xinfenglou.

Decades have passed, and it is not known whether the trade wind tower on Ten Thousand Island is safe and sound.

Just hope so.

However, it was unsuccessful, and after Chen Zong killed the three bandits in the fifth realm, other bandits gradually learned that someone was coming and killed their people.


The strong men in one of the three leaders in the chaos eighteen collar immediately acted, looking for the killer.

The chaos leader is their natural protection. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The strongmen in the sixth and seventh realms cannot yet invade. As for the fourth and fifth realms, the threat to them is not great. , On the contrary, they will be killed.

Because of this, gradually, no one was willing to enter the chaotic collar to perform tasks. I didn't expect that this time, someone would kill them again.

In order to get on the road as soon as possible, Chen Zong did not deliberately conceal his whereabouts. Of course, he does not need to deliberately conceal his whereabouts, because he has 100% confidence in his own strength. Level, when there is no fear of anyone, not to mention, even if it is a strong man in the sixth state, he also has a hole card to fight against and even kill him.

Whether it is the two emperor levels of the Eagle God religion or the Emperor's split sky sword emperor on Wanyuan Island, their deaths are enough to illustrate this point.

When the two sides met, the fight broke out.


It was a one-sided massacre.

Not long after, dozens of bandits in the Fifth Realm were all killed by Chen Zong, and all his spirits and vitality were swallowed up. Unfortunately, Chen Zong's feedback power was very weak, and he could not bring his own spirit Any improvement, but Chen Zong has not been abandoned because of this, the accumulation is less and more, when the quantity reaches a certain level, it will cause qualitative change and then increase.

In addition, this is the collection of bandits, all of which have become the trophies of Chen Zong.

Killing all the way, no matter what level of Fifth Level came, no matter how many Fifth Level came, they were not Chen Zong's opponents, all killed.

Finally, Chen Zong crossed the chaos collar ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and flew away to the sword city outside Taihao Mountain, entered the sword city, and then headed towards Taihao Mountain, returning to Tianguang Peak.

The first thing to go back to Tianguangfeng is to meet the owner.

"You are finally back." Seeing Chen Zong's return, Master Tian Guangfeng suddenly smiled.

It has been more than 100 years since Chen Zong's departure, and nearly 200 years have passed. This time is actually not too long, but not short, for the life course of the emperor class.

When Chen Zong left, Master Tian Guangfeng was actually very worried. He was worried that Chen Zong was killed. With Chen Zong's talents, he can practice well. It is difficult to say whether he can achieve the Holy Level in the future. He is an imperial power who is more arrogant than himself.

If it wasn't for decades ago that Chen Zong's name appeared on the list of gods, then Master Tian Guangfeng was relieved, which means that Chen Zong is still alive and stronger.

Good thing!

Now, Chen Zong finally returns, and he also gives Tian Guangfeng the owner a sense of impenetrability. Although he can be sure that Chen Zong is still in the fifth state, he has a profound feeling, which is very strange. He does n’t know. But it is an impact brought about by a single-minded breakthrough to return to the true state.

"Come back." Chen Zong laughed. Fortunately, there was the power of the sword mark that Master Tian Guangfeng gave himself to the origin of Kendo and the sword master of Tai Hao. Otherwise, it is really unknown whether he can come back alive this time.

Even if it can, we can't come back in such a short time.

"Master Feng, I have something to ask for," Chen Zong said again.

"You said." Although Master Tian Guangfeng could not meet Chen Zong's requirements, but Chen Zong had any request. He could do it if he could do it. Without him, only because Chen Zong was good enough to deserve him. do.

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